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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 8, 69 - 85, 19.07.2013


Since 7th century BC, Amphorae was a form that was extensively produced in the west coast of Anatolia. It’s name (Amphiphoreus or Amphoreus), with double meaning, is derived from a combination of the words amphi and phoros produced by the verb pherein. These forms were produced and sold for transporting liquid (water, oil, wine, etc.) or dry (cereal, etc.) substances as well as for storage purposes. The amphorae, in this study, were found excavations in Foça/İZMİR Atatürk Street, Akkaya Location, 8 Plot, Studies carried out in this area, belonging to the ancient city of Phokaia, a ceramics dump site from the Roman period was uncovered. A group of amphorae allocated within these works, were dated between the centuries 1st - 5th AD.


  • Almeida, M. J. & Carvalho, A. (1998). Ánforas da villa romana da Quinta das Longas (S. Vincente e Ventosa, Elvas): resultados de 1990 - 1998. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, V. 1(2), 137 - 163.
  • Anderson Stojanovic, (1992). Stobi: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery. Princeton.
  • Arruda, A. M. & Viegas, C. (1999). The Roman Temple of Scallabis (Santrĕm, Portugal). Journal of Iberian Archaeology, 185 - 224.
  • Bass, G. F. & Van Dorninck, F. H. Jr. (1971). A Fourth-Century Shipwreck at Yassı Ada. AJA(75), 27 - 37.
  • Baylan, S. (2008). 2006-2007 Tralleis Kazılarında Ele Geçen Amphoralar. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, AMÜ, Aydın.
  • Bezeczky, T. (1998). Amphora Types of Magdalensberg. Arh. Vest.(49), 225 - 242.
  • Bonet, M. L. A. P. (1988). La economia tardoromana del suretse peninsular: el ejemplo del puerto de Mazarron (Murci). Antig. Crist. (Murci) V, 471 - 501.
  • Bouzek, J. & Kordac, F. (1963). Excamination of Amphorae Fragments fron an Early Mediaval Ship- wreck form the Black Sea. Listy Filologické (86), 256 - 258.
  • Carredano, F. A. vd. (2007). Ánforas tardoantiguas en Hispalis (Sevilla, Espaňa) y el comercio mediterráneo. LRCW 2, (Eds. Bonifay, M. & Tréglia, J. C.), (s. 133 - 146), Oxford.
  • Casasola, D. B. vd. (2008). Un taler alfarero en el barrio industrial urbano de Gades. A propósito del horno cerámico de la C/Solano 3 (Cádiz). SPAL(17), 317 - 322.
  • Cocchiaro vd., (2005). Laricerca archeologica nell’ager Brundisinus: lo scavo della villa di Giancola. Paesaggi e insediamenti rurali in Italia Meridionale fra aardoantico e altomedioevo. Atti del Primo Seminario sul Tardoantico e l’Altomedioevo in Italia Meridionale (Foggia 12-14 febbraio 2004), (Eds. Volpe, G. & Turchiano, M.), (s. 1 - 37).
  • Congès, G. & Leguilloux, M. (1991). Un dépotoir de l’Antiquite tardive dans le quartier de l’Esplanade à Arles. Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise(24), 201 - 234.
  • Costantini, A. 2011. Le anfore. Archeologia in Piazza dei Miracoli. Gli scavi 2003-2009, (Eds. Aberti A. & Paribeni E.), (s. 393 - 430),Pisa.
  • De Nicolas, J. C. (1980). Epigrafia anforaria en Menorca. Mahon.
  • Dimitris, G. (2005). After Sulla: study in the settlement and material culture of the Piraeus peninsula in the Roman and Late Roman period. Doktora Tezi. University of Durham.
  • Doğer, E. (1991). Antik Çağda Amphoralar. İzmir.
  • Doksanaltı, E. M. (2006), Knidos Kap - Krio Kazı Alanı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, SÜ, Konya.
  • Fırat, M. (2011). Phokaia Geç Roma Dönemi Mutfak Kapları. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, EÜ, İzmir.
  • Fulford, M. & Peacock, D. (1984). Excavation at Carthage: the British Mission 1.2, the Avenue du Président Bourgiba, Salambô The Pottery and Other Ceramic Objects from the Site. Londes.
  • Golofast, L. (2001). Steklo rannevizantiiskogo Chersonesa. Materialy po Arheologii, Istorii i Etnografii Tavrii, VIII, (s. 97 - 260). Simféropol.
  • Gomez, M. A. & Uriel, M. P. F. (2008). Economia de Rusaddir (Melilla) a traves de los ultimos hallazgos arqueologicos. L’Africa romana XVII, Sevilla 2006. (Eds. González, J., Ruggeri, P., Vismara, C. & Zucca, R), (s. 571 - 594). Roma.
  • Grey, A. D. (1994). The Pottery of the Later Periods from Tel Jezreel: an Interim Report. Levant (XXVI), 51 - 62.
  • Hartley, K. F. (1993). Part IX: The Mortaria. The Roman Pottery, Report on the Excavations at USK 1965 - 1976. (Ed. W. H. Manning), (s. 389 - 423). Cardiff.
  • Hayes, J. W. (1992). Excavations at Saraçhane in İstanbul, Vol. II. Princeton.
  • Hayes, J. W. (2003). Pottery Deposits from 'Sranda Kolones' Castle Site, Paphos. BSA(98), 447 - 516.
  • Ivantchik, A. I. (2002). Un puits d’époque paléochrétienne sur l’agora d’Argos. BCH(126), 331 - 404.
  • Karagiorgou, O. (2001). LR2: a Container for the Military annona on the Danubian Border?. Economy and Exchange in the east Mediterranean during late antiquity. (Eds. Kingsley, S & Decker, M.), (s. 129 - 166).
  • Kassab Tezgör, D. vd. (2003). La colleciton d’amphores D’İsmail Karakan a Sinop. Anatolia Antiqua(XI), 169 - 200.
  • Keay, S. J. (1984). Late Roman Amphorae in the Westearn Mediterranean, A Typolgy and Economic Study:The Catalan Evidence Part I - II, BAR 196. Oxford.
  • Korkut, T. (2007). Die späntantike und frühbyzantinische Keramik aus Patara. (Eds. B. Böhlendorf Arslan, A. O. Uysal & J. Witte Orr). Byzas, 7, (s. 147 - 168). İstanbul.
  • Kuzmanov, G. (1985). Rannovizantiska keramika ot Trakia i Dakia (La céramique paléobyzantine provenant de la Thrace et de la Dacie). Sofia.
  • López Rosendo, E. (2008). El alfar romano altoimperial Del Jardin De Cano (El Puerto De santa Maria, Cádiz, Espaňa). En el contexto económico, Gades. Revista de Historia de El Puerto(41, 2º semestre), 39 - 74.
  • Macias Solé, J. M. - Remolà, J. A. (2005). La cultura a material de Tarraco - Tarracona (Hispania Tarraconensis - Regnum Visigothorum): ceramica comşn y ánforas. LRCW, 1, (Eds. Esparraguera, J. M. G. vd.), (s. 1 - 11). London.
  • Marksteiner, T. & Yener Marksteiner, B., 2009. Die Grabungen in Sondage 30/36/37 in der Weststadt von Limyra: Der archäologische Befund und die Keramik. ÖJh(78), 221 - 252.
  • Martin Kilcher, S. (1987). Die römischen amphoren aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Basel.
  • Mayerson, M. (1992). The Gaza 'Wine' Jar (Gazition) and the 'Lost' Ashkelon Jar (Askalônion). Israel Exploration Journal(42), 76 - 80.
  • Monfort, C. C. & Williams, D. F. (2002). Carrot Amphoras: a Syrian or Palestinian Connection?. The Roman Byzantine Near East(3/49), 133 - 144.
  • Montero Fernández, R. & Sáez Romero, A.M. & Montero Fernández, A. I. & Mata Almonte, E. (2008).El alfar romano de El Palomar (El Puerto de Santa Mari, Cádiz). Estudio reliminar. Actas del IV Congreso Peninsular de Arqueología (Faro, septiembre de 2004). Hispania Romana, (s. 89 - 102). Braga.
  • Okan, E. (2011). Foça Açıklarında Denizden Ele Geçen Ticari Amphoralar. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, DEÜ, İzmir.
  • Oren Paskal, M. (2008). Excavation in Bat Galim: The Pottery. Contract Archaeology Reports III: Reports and Studies of the Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies Excavations. (Eds. M. Artzy vd.), (s. 32 - 53).
  • Özbütev, G. (1994). M. S. 3. Yüzyıl Phokaia Kaba Mutfak Kabı Keramiği. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, EÜ, İzmir.
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  • Patterson, H., Bousquet, A., Fontana, S., Witcher, R. & Zampini, S. (2009). Late Roman Comman Wares and Amphorae in the Middle Tiber Valley, the Preliminary Results of the Tiber Valley Project. DRO, 1 - 21.
  • Peacock, D & Willims, D. (1986). Amphorae and the Roman Economy. Londres.
  • Peña, J. T. (2007). Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record, New York.
  • Pickersgill, C. & Roberts, P. (2003). New Light on Roman Sparta: Roman Pottery from the Sparta Theatre and Stoa. BSA(98), 549 - 597.
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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 8, 69 - 85, 19.07.2013


B. Anadolu’da yer alan antik kentlerde, M. Ö. 7. yüzyıldan itibaren yoğun biçimde üretilen bir form olan amphoranın ismi (Amphiphoreus ya da Amphoreus), iki taraflı anlamına sahip amphi ve pherein fiilinden üretilen phoros sözcüklerinin birleşiminden türetilmiştir. Sıvı (su, zeytinyağı, şarap vb.) veya kuru (tahıl vb.) maddelerin taşıma işleri için üretilen ve satılan bu formlar, aynı zamanda depolama faaliyetleri içinde kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada yer verilen amphoralar ise İzmir İli Foça İlçesi Atatürk Mahallesi, Akkaya Mevkii, 8 Pafta, 13 Ada 106. Parsel’de yürütülen kazılar sonucunda tespit edilmişlerdir. Bu alanda gerçekleştirilen çalışmalar da, Phokaia antik kentine ait olan Roma Dönemi’ne ait bir seramik çöplüğü ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Alanda yürütülen çalışmalar sonucunda Phokaia üretimi olan kaba mutfak kapları, amphoralar ve kırmızı astarlı kap grupları birlikte ele geçmiştir. Bu eserler içerisinden ayrılan amphora grubunun, M. S. 1. - 5. yüzyıllar arasına tarihlendiği belirlenmiştir. 


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  • Anderson Stojanovic, (1992). Stobi: The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery. Princeton.
  • Arruda, A. M. & Viegas, C. (1999). The Roman Temple of Scallabis (Santrĕm, Portugal). Journal of Iberian Archaeology, 185 - 224.
  • Bass, G. F. & Van Dorninck, F. H. Jr. (1971). A Fourth-Century Shipwreck at Yassı Ada. AJA(75), 27 - 37.
  • Baylan, S. (2008). 2006-2007 Tralleis Kazılarında Ele Geçen Amphoralar. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, AMÜ, Aydın.
  • Bezeczky, T. (1998). Amphora Types of Magdalensberg. Arh. Vest.(49), 225 - 242.
  • Bonet, M. L. A. P. (1988). La economia tardoromana del suretse peninsular: el ejemplo del puerto de Mazarron (Murci). Antig. Crist. (Murci) V, 471 - 501.
  • Bouzek, J. & Kordac, F. (1963). Excamination of Amphorae Fragments fron an Early Mediaval Ship- wreck form the Black Sea. Listy Filologické (86), 256 - 258.
  • Carredano, F. A. vd. (2007). Ánforas tardoantiguas en Hispalis (Sevilla, Espaňa) y el comercio mediterráneo. LRCW 2, (Eds. Bonifay, M. & Tréglia, J. C.), (s. 133 - 146), Oxford.
  • Casasola, D. B. vd. (2008). Un taler alfarero en el barrio industrial urbano de Gades. A propósito del horno cerámico de la C/Solano 3 (Cádiz). SPAL(17), 317 - 322.
  • Cocchiaro vd., (2005). Laricerca archeologica nell’ager Brundisinus: lo scavo della villa di Giancola. Paesaggi e insediamenti rurali in Italia Meridionale fra aardoantico e altomedioevo. Atti del Primo Seminario sul Tardoantico e l’Altomedioevo in Italia Meridionale (Foggia 12-14 febbraio 2004), (Eds. Volpe, G. & Turchiano, M.), (s. 1 - 37).
  • Congès, G. & Leguilloux, M. (1991). Un dépotoir de l’Antiquite tardive dans le quartier de l’Esplanade à Arles. Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise(24), 201 - 234.
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  • Dimitris, G. (2005). After Sulla: study in the settlement and material culture of the Piraeus peninsula in the Roman and Late Roman period. Doktora Tezi. University of Durham.
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  • Doksanaltı, E. M. (2006), Knidos Kap - Krio Kazı Alanı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, SÜ, Konya.
  • Fırat, M. (2011). Phokaia Geç Roma Dönemi Mutfak Kapları. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, EÜ, İzmir.
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  • Gomez, M. A. & Uriel, M. P. F. (2008). Economia de Rusaddir (Melilla) a traves de los ultimos hallazgos arqueologicos. L’Africa romana XVII, Sevilla 2006. (Eds. González, J., Ruggeri, P., Vismara, C. & Zucca, R), (s. 571 - 594). Roma.
  • Grey, A. D. (1994). The Pottery of the Later Periods from Tel Jezreel: an Interim Report. Levant (XXVI), 51 - 62.
  • Hartley, K. F. (1993). Part IX: The Mortaria. The Roman Pottery, Report on the Excavations at USK 1965 - 1976. (Ed. W. H. Manning), (s. 389 - 423). Cardiff.
  • Hayes, J. W. (1992). Excavations at Saraçhane in İstanbul, Vol. II. Princeton.
  • Hayes, J. W. (2003). Pottery Deposits from 'Sranda Kolones' Castle Site, Paphos. BSA(98), 447 - 516.
  • Ivantchik, A. I. (2002). Un puits d’époque paléochrétienne sur l’agora d’Argos. BCH(126), 331 - 404.
  • Karagiorgou, O. (2001). LR2: a Container for the Military annona on the Danubian Border?. Economy and Exchange in the east Mediterranean during late antiquity. (Eds. Kingsley, S & Decker, M.), (s. 129 - 166).
  • Kassab Tezgör, D. vd. (2003). La colleciton d’amphores D’İsmail Karakan a Sinop. Anatolia Antiqua(XI), 169 - 200.
  • Keay, S. J. (1984). Late Roman Amphorae in the Westearn Mediterranean, A Typolgy and Economic Study:The Catalan Evidence Part I - II, BAR 196. Oxford.
  • Korkut, T. (2007). Die späntantike und frühbyzantinische Keramik aus Patara. (Eds. B. Böhlendorf Arslan, A. O. Uysal & J. Witte Orr). Byzas, 7, (s. 147 - 168). İstanbul.
  • Kuzmanov, G. (1985). Rannovizantiska keramika ot Trakia i Dakia (La céramique paléobyzantine provenant de la Thrace et de la Dacie). Sofia.
  • López Rosendo, E. (2008). El alfar romano altoimperial Del Jardin De Cano (El Puerto De santa Maria, Cádiz, Espaňa). En el contexto económico, Gades. Revista de Historia de El Puerto(41, 2º semestre), 39 - 74.
  • Macias Solé, J. M. - Remolà, J. A. (2005). La cultura a material de Tarraco - Tarracona (Hispania Tarraconensis - Regnum Visigothorum): ceramica comşn y ánforas. LRCW, 1, (Eds. Esparraguera, J. M. G. vd.), (s. 1 - 11). London.
  • Marksteiner, T. & Yener Marksteiner, B., 2009. Die Grabungen in Sondage 30/36/37 in der Weststadt von Limyra: Der archäologische Befund und die Keramik. ÖJh(78), 221 - 252.
  • Martin Kilcher, S. (1987). Die römischen amphoren aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Basel.
  • Mayerson, M. (1992). The Gaza 'Wine' Jar (Gazition) and the 'Lost' Ashkelon Jar (Askalônion). Israel Exploration Journal(42), 76 - 80.
  • Monfort, C. C. & Williams, D. F. (2002). Carrot Amphoras: a Syrian or Palestinian Connection?. The Roman Byzantine Near East(3/49), 133 - 144.
  • Montero Fernández, R. & Sáez Romero, A.M. & Montero Fernández, A. I. & Mata Almonte, E. (2008).El alfar romano de El Palomar (El Puerto de Santa Mari, Cádiz). Estudio reliminar. Actas del IV Congreso Peninsular de Arqueología (Faro, septiembre de 2004). Hispania Romana, (s. 89 - 102). Braga.
  • Okan, E. (2011). Foça Açıklarında Denizden Ele Geçen Ticari Amphoralar. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, DEÜ, İzmir.
  • Oren Paskal, M. (2008). Excavation in Bat Galim: The Pottery. Contract Archaeology Reports III: Reports and Studies of the Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies Excavations. (Eds. M. Artzy vd.), (s. 32 - 53).
  • Özbütev, G. (1994). M. S. 3. Yüzyıl Phokaia Kaba Mutfak Kabı Keramiği. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, EÜ, İzmir.
  • Özyiğit, Ö. (1991). 1989 Yılı Phokaia Kazı Çalışmaları. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, XII - I, (s. 127 - 155), Ankara.
  • Patterson, H., Bousquet, A., Fontana, S., Witcher, R. & Zampini, S. (2009). Late Roman Comman Wares and Amphorae in the Middle Tiber Valley, the Preliminary Results of the Tiber Valley Project. DRO, 1 - 21.
  • Peacock, D & Willims, D. (1986). Amphorae and the Roman Economy. Londres.
  • Peña, J. T. (2007). Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record, New York.
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Toplam 77 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Murat Fırat

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Temmuz 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

APA Fırat, M. (2013). PHOKAIA SERAMIK ÇÖPLÜĞÜ ALANI’NDAN ELE GEÇEN AMPHORALAR. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 5(8), 69-85.