Retro and nostalgia marketing is one of the ways to interact and communicate with consumers in the field of marketing. This study aims to evaluate retro and nostalgia marketing studies published by academics bibliometrically. Bibliometric analysis was applied to 204 articles published in the Web of Science databases under the title of retro marketing and nostalgia marketing with document-archive scanning method. The results of the research were filtered in English and under the topic (title, abstract, author keywords, keywords plus). The universe of the research consists of 204 articles published between 1980-2021. The data were analyzed through the R program under five headings: publication information, citation analysis, vocabulary, author information, and cooperation between countries. The research results aim to present a bibliometric report on articles in English in the Web of Science database related to retro and nostalgia marketing between 1980-2021. It is predicted that the results of the research will form a general guide for research on retro and nostalgia marketing.
Baker, S. M., ve Kennedy, P. F. (1994). Death by nostalgia: A diagnosis of context-specific cases. Advances in Consumer. Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 169–174.
Chen, H.-B., Yeh, S.-S., ve Huan, T.-C. (2014). Nostalgic emotion, experiential value, brand image, and consumption intentions of customers of nostalgic-themed restaurants. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 354–360. (2018). KeyWords plus ggeneration, creation, and changes.
Cui, R. (2015). A Review of nostalgic marketing. Journal of Service Science and Management, 08(01), 125–131.
Duman, E. (2019). Nostalji pazarlama nedir? niye önemlidir? nasıl yapılır?
Fritz, K., Schoenmueller, V., ve Bruhn, M. (2017). Authenticity in branding – exploring antecedents and consequences of brand authenticity. European Journal of Marketing, 51(2), 324–348.
Gökaliler, E., ve Arslan, Z. (2015). Geçmişle bağ kuran bir pazarlama yaklaşımı: retro pazarlama perspektifinden tüketicilerin marka kimliği ve marka imajına bakış açıları üzerine bir araştırma. Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6(11), 240–260.
Goulding, C., ve Domic, D. (2009). Heritage, identity and ideological manipulation: the case of croatia. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(1), 85–102.
Hartmann, B. J., ve Brunk, K. H. (2019). Nostalgia marketing and (re-)enchantment. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(4), 669–686.
Havlena, W. J., ve Holak, S. L. (1991). “The good old days”: observations on nostalgia and its role in consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 18, 323–329.
Hofer, J. (1934). Medical dissertation on nostalgia. Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, 2(6), 376–391.
Holak, S., Havlena, W., ve Matveev, A. (2005). Exploring nostalgia in russia: testing the index of nostalgia-proneness. E - European Advances in Consumer, 7, 195–200.
Holak, S. L., ve Havlena, W. J. (1998). Feelings, fantasies, and memories. Journal of Business Research, 42(3), 217–226.
Holbrook, M. B. (1993). Nostalgia and consumption preferences: some emerging patterns of consumer tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(2), 245.
Holbrook, M. B., ve Schindler, R. M. (1996). Market segmentation based on age and attitude toward the past: concepts, methods, and findings concerning nostalgic influences on customer tastes. Journal of Business Research, 37(1), 27–39.
Imran, M., Haglind, F., Asim, M., ve Zeb Alvi, J. (2018). Recent research trends in organic rankine cycle technology: a bibliometric approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 552–562.
Keskin, D., ve Memiş, S. (2011). Retro pazarlama ve pazarlamada uygulanmasına yönelik bazı örnekler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 191–202.
Koçak, D. Ö. (2012). Sinemada postmodernizm. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(2), 65–86.
Ligorio, T. (2004). Postmodernism and fuzzy systems. Kybernetes, 33(8), 1312–1319.
Membiela-Pollán, M., Picatoste-Novo, X., ve Faustino, J. P. de J. (2021). Comportamiento del consumidor y nostalgia: revisión y análisis bibliométrico sobre retromarketing. Atlantic Review of Economics, 4(1), 1–20.
Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Postmodern pazarlama. MediaCat Kitapları.
Ozer Cizer, E., ve Kose, S. G. (2021). Deneyimsel pazarlamanın müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşteri sadakati ile ilişkisi: akıllı telefon sektörüne yönelik bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 12(1), 219–232.
Pinarbasi, F., ve Aysuna Türkyılmaz, C. (2017). Retro marka deneyiminin yeniden satın alma niyeti ve marka bağlılığı yaratmadaki rolü. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 6(2), 13.
Pretes, M. (1995). Postmodern tourism: the santa claus ındustry. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(1), 1–15.
Scola, Z., ve Gordon, B. (2018). A conceptual framework for retro marketing in sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(3).
Şekeroğlu, S., ve Baş, M. (2019). Post-modern pazarlamada retro pazarlamasının rolü. içinde Dijital Dönüşüm ve Kooperatifler (ss. 185–192).
Sierra, J. J., ve McQuitty, S. (2007). Attitudes and emotions as determinants of nostalgia purchases: an application of social identity theory. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15(2), 99–112.
Strangleman, T. (1999). The nostalgia of organisations and the organisation of nostalgia: past and present in the contemporary railway industry. Sociology, 33(4), 725–746.
Vojvodic, K. (2017). Retro brands in the retailing environment: a review and research propositions. International Review, 3–4, 130–136. (2020). Web of science core collection help.
Retro ve nostalji pazarlaması, pazarlama alanında tüketicilerle etkileşime geçerek iletişim kurmanın yollarından biridir. Bu çalışma retro ve nostalji pazarlaması hakkında akademisyenler tarafından yayımlanan çalışmaların bibliyometrik olarak değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Web of Science veri tabanları belge-arşiv tarama yöntemiyle retro pazarlama ve nostalji pazarlama konu başlığında (başlık, özet, yazarların anahtar kelimeleri, anahtar kelime bulutu-keywords plus-) yayımlanmış 204 İngilizce makaleye bibliyometrik analiz uygulanmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini 1980-2021 yılları arası yayımlanan 204 makale oluşturmaktadır. Veriler R programı üzerinden yayın bilgisi, atıf analizi, kelime bilgisi, yazar bilgisi, ülkeler arası iş birliği olmak üzere beş başlık altında incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları 1980-2021 yılları arasında retro ve nostalji pazarlaması ile ilgili Web of Science veri tabanındaki İngilizce makaleler hakkında bibliyometrik bir rapor sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarının retro ve nostalji pazarlaması hakkında yapılacak araştırmalara genel kapsamlı bir rehber oluşturacağı ön görülmektedir.
Baker, S. M., ve Kennedy, P. F. (1994). Death by nostalgia: A diagnosis of context-specific cases. Advances in Consumer. Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 169–174.
Chen, H.-B., Yeh, S.-S., ve Huan, T.-C. (2014). Nostalgic emotion, experiential value, brand image, and consumption intentions of customers of nostalgic-themed restaurants. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), 354–360. (2018). KeyWords plus ggeneration, creation, and changes.
Cui, R. (2015). A Review of nostalgic marketing. Journal of Service Science and Management, 08(01), 125–131.
Duman, E. (2019). Nostalji pazarlama nedir? niye önemlidir? nasıl yapılır?
Fritz, K., Schoenmueller, V., ve Bruhn, M. (2017). Authenticity in branding – exploring antecedents and consequences of brand authenticity. European Journal of Marketing, 51(2), 324–348.
Gökaliler, E., ve Arslan, Z. (2015). Geçmişle bağ kuran bir pazarlama yaklaşımı: retro pazarlama perspektifinden tüketicilerin marka kimliği ve marka imajına bakış açıları üzerine bir araştırma. Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6(11), 240–260.
Goulding, C., ve Domic, D. (2009). Heritage, identity and ideological manipulation: the case of croatia. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(1), 85–102.
Hartmann, B. J., ve Brunk, K. H. (2019). Nostalgia marketing and (re-)enchantment. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(4), 669–686.
Havlena, W. J., ve Holak, S. L. (1991). “The good old days”: observations on nostalgia and its role in consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research Volume, 18, 323–329.
Hofer, J. (1934). Medical dissertation on nostalgia. Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, 2(6), 376–391.
Holak, S., Havlena, W., ve Matveev, A. (2005). Exploring nostalgia in russia: testing the index of nostalgia-proneness. E - European Advances in Consumer, 7, 195–200.
Holak, S. L., ve Havlena, W. J. (1998). Feelings, fantasies, and memories. Journal of Business Research, 42(3), 217–226.
Holbrook, M. B. (1993). Nostalgia and consumption preferences: some emerging patterns of consumer tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, 20(2), 245.
Holbrook, M. B., ve Schindler, R. M. (1996). Market segmentation based on age and attitude toward the past: concepts, methods, and findings concerning nostalgic influences on customer tastes. Journal of Business Research, 37(1), 27–39.
Imran, M., Haglind, F., Asim, M., ve Zeb Alvi, J. (2018). Recent research trends in organic rankine cycle technology: a bibliometric approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 552–562.
Keskin, D., ve Memiş, S. (2011). Retro pazarlama ve pazarlamada uygulanmasına yönelik bazı örnekler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 191–202.
Koçak, D. Ö. (2012). Sinemada postmodernizm. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(2), 65–86.
Ligorio, T. (2004). Postmodernism and fuzzy systems. Kybernetes, 33(8), 1312–1319.
Membiela-Pollán, M., Picatoste-Novo, X., ve Faustino, J. P. de J. (2021). Comportamiento del consumidor y nostalgia: revisión y análisis bibliométrico sobre retromarketing. Atlantic Review of Economics, 4(1), 1–20.
Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Postmodern pazarlama. MediaCat Kitapları.
Ozer Cizer, E., ve Kose, S. G. (2021). Deneyimsel pazarlamanın müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşteri sadakati ile ilişkisi: akıllı telefon sektörüne yönelik bir araştırma. Business and Economics Research Journal, 12(1), 219–232.
Pinarbasi, F., ve Aysuna Türkyılmaz, C. (2017). Retro marka deneyiminin yeniden satın alma niyeti ve marka bağlılığı yaratmadaki rolü. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 6(2), 13.
Pretes, M. (1995). Postmodern tourism: the santa claus ındustry. Annals of Tourism Research, 22(1), 1–15.
Scola, Z., ve Gordon, B. (2018). A conceptual framework for retro marketing in sport. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(3).
Şekeroğlu, S., ve Baş, M. (2019). Post-modern pazarlamada retro pazarlamasının rolü. içinde Dijital Dönüşüm ve Kooperatifler (ss. 185–192).
Sierra, J. J., ve McQuitty, S. (2007). Attitudes and emotions as determinants of nostalgia purchases: an application of social identity theory. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15(2), 99–112.
Strangleman, T. (1999). The nostalgia of organisations and the organisation of nostalgia: past and present in the contemporary railway industry. Sociology, 33(4), 725–746.
Vojvodic, K. (2017). Retro brands in the retailing environment: a review and research propositions. International Review, 3–4, 130–136. (2020). Web of science core collection help.
Erdoğan, H. (2022). RETRO VE NOSTALJİ PAZARLAMA HAKKINDA BİBLİYOMETRİK BİR ÇALIŞMA. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute(36), 19-32.