Saliva from the salivary glands or ducts infiltrating into mucosa or subcutaneous soft tissue and forming a cystic structure surrounded by into a granulation tissue the salivary gland or tissue is called mucocele or sialocele. It has been reported that more than 70% of mucoceles are localized in minor salivary gland and lower lip localization. In this study, we described a parotid mass which preoperatively considered as a pleomorphic adenoma and diagnosed as mucocele after histopathological examination.
Harrison JD. Salivary mucoceles. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1975; 39: 268-78
Kaya, S. Tükürük Bezi Hastalıkları. Güneş Tıp Ki- tabevi. Ankara. 1997.
Ong CA, Loganathan A, Prepageran N, Rahmat O, Lingham OR. Parotid duct mucocele. Med J Malay- sia. 2005;60(5):644-6.
Karasalihoğlu AR. Kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları vebaş boyun cerrahisi. 3.baskı. Ankara: Güneş Kitabevi; 2003. s. 175-180.
Taş A, Giran S, Yağız R ve ark. Evaluation of Surgical and Histopathologic Results of Patients Operated for Parotid Gland Tumor. Balkan Med J 2009; 26: 43-48.
Maia DM, Merly F, Castro WH, Gomez RS. A survey of oral biopsies in Brazilian pediatric patients. ASDC J Dent Child. 2000; 67: 128-31.
Campana F, Sibaud V, Chauvel A, Boiron JM, Taieb A, Fricain JC. Recurrent superficial mucoceles associated with lichenoid disorders. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006; 64: 1830-3.
Garcia D, Molina R, Gonzalez J. Graft-Versus-Host Disease, an eight case report and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006; 11: 486-92.
Katayama I, Yamazaki S, Nishioka K. Giant mucocele of oral cavity as a mucocutaneous manifestation of Sjogren syndrome. J Dermatol 1993; 20: 238-244.
Ak G, Hay_rl_o_lu A, Ergun S, Güllüoglu MG, Batu D, Saruhano_lu A, Tanyeri H. Acinic cell carci- noma of the lower lip: A case report. Acta Stamatol Croat 2007; 41: 159-65.
Nuntanaranont T, Thuaksuban N. The use of CO2 laser for treatment of salivary gland disease in seven cases. Int Cong Ser 2003; 1248: 393-398.
McCaul JA, Lamey PJ. Multiple oral mucoceles treat- ed with gamma-linolenic acid: Report of a case. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994; 32: 392-393.
Tükrük salgısının, tükrük bezleri ya da salgı kanallarından sızarak mukoza veya deri altı yumuşak doku aralıklarında toplanması ve granulasyon dokusu ile çevrili kistik yapı oluşturmasına tükürük bezi mukoseli ya da sialosel adı verilir. Mukosellerin %70'inden fazlasınınn minör tükürük bezlerinden kaynaklandığı ve alt dudakta lokalizasyon gösterdiği bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, sağ parotis lojunda pleomorfik adenoma ön tanısı ile operasyonla alınan kitlenin histopatolojik olarak incelenmesi sonucunda mukosel olduğu belirlenen bir olgu sunulmuştur.
Harrison JD. Salivary mucoceles. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1975; 39: 268-78
Kaya, S. Tükürük Bezi Hastalıkları. Güneş Tıp Ki- tabevi. Ankara. 1997.
Ong CA, Loganathan A, Prepageran N, Rahmat O, Lingham OR. Parotid duct mucocele. Med J Malay- sia. 2005;60(5):644-6.
Karasalihoğlu AR. Kulak burun boğaz hastalıkları vebaş boyun cerrahisi. 3.baskı. Ankara: Güneş Kitabevi; 2003. s. 175-180.
Taş A, Giran S, Yağız R ve ark. Evaluation of Surgical and Histopathologic Results of Patients Operated for Parotid Gland Tumor. Balkan Med J 2009; 26: 43-48.
Maia DM, Merly F, Castro WH, Gomez RS. A survey of oral biopsies in Brazilian pediatric patients. ASDC J Dent Child. 2000; 67: 128-31.
Campana F, Sibaud V, Chauvel A, Boiron JM, Taieb A, Fricain JC. Recurrent superficial mucoceles associated with lichenoid disorders. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006; 64: 1830-3.
Garcia D, Molina R, Gonzalez J. Graft-Versus-Host Disease, an eight case report and literature review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006; 11: 486-92.
Katayama I, Yamazaki S, Nishioka K. Giant mucocele of oral cavity as a mucocutaneous manifestation of Sjogren syndrome. J Dermatol 1993; 20: 238-244.
Ak G, Hay_rl_o_lu A, Ergun S, Güllüoglu MG, Batu D, Saruhano_lu A, Tanyeri H. Acinic cell carci- noma of the lower lip: A case report. Acta Stamatol Croat 2007; 41: 159-65.
Nuntanaranont T, Thuaksuban N. The use of CO2 laser for treatment of salivary gland disease in seven cases. Int Cong Ser 2003; 1248: 393-398.
McCaul JA, Lamey PJ. Multiple oral mucoceles treat- ed with gamma-linolenic acid: Report of a case. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1994; 32: 392-393.