Karakteristik Radyolojik Bulgularla Prezente Olan Bir Wernicke Ensefalopatisi: Olgu Sunumu
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 26 - 28, 30.04.2023
Cemrenur Uygun
Serdar Özdemir
Serkan Emre Eroğlu
Wernicke ensefalopatisi, tiamin eksikliğinin neden olduğu ve klinik olarak ani başlayan mental durum değişiklikleri, oküler anormallikler ve ataksi ile karakterize ciddi bir nörolojik sendromdur. Biz bu olgu sunumunda olan tüm vücutta gerilme tarzında kasılma, ağızdan su gelmesi, bu sırada gözlerinde yukarı doğru bakma şikâyeti ile başvuran genç erkek olguyu literatür eşliğinde sunmayı amaçladık.
- 1. Wernicke C. Lehrbuch der Gehirnkrankheiten fur Aerzte und Studirende. Vol. 2. Kassel, Germany: Fisher; 1881. Die akute haemorrhagische polioencephalitis superior; pp. 229-242.
- 2. Zuccoli G, Gallucci M, Capellades J, L Regnicolo, B Tumiati, T Cabada Giadás, et al. Wernicke encephalopathy: MR findings at clinical presentation in twenty-six alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2007;28(7):1328-1331.
- 3. Zuccoli G, Pipitone N. Neuroimaging Findings in Acute Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: Review of the Literature. AJR 2009;192:501-508.
- 4. Thomson AD. Mechanisms of vitamin deficiency in chronic alcohol misusers and the development of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Alcohol and Alcoholism Supplement. 2000;35(1):2-7.
- 5. Manzo G, Gennaro AD, Cozzolino A, Serino A, Fenza G, Manto A. MR Imaging Findings in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Acute Wernicke's Encephalopathy: A Review. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:503596.
- 6. Caine D, Halliday GM, Kril JJ, Harper CG. Operational criteria for the classification of chronic alcoholics: identification of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 1997;62(1):51-60.
- 7. Chu K, Kang DW, Kim HJ, Lee YS, Park SH. Diffusion-weighted imaging abnormalities in Wernicke encephalopathy: reversible cytotoxic edema? Arch Neurol. 2002;59:123-127.
- 8. Zhong C, Jin L, Fei G. MR Imaging of Nonalcoholic Wernicke Encephalopathy: A Follow-Up Study. Am J Neuroradiol. 2005; 26:2301-2305.
- 9. Kohnke S, Meek CL. Don’t seek, don’t find: The diagnostic challenge of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Ann Clin Biochem. 2021;58(1):38-46.
- 10. Thomson AD, Cook CCH, Touquet R, Henry JA; Royal College of Physicians, London. The Royal College of Physicians report on alcohol: guidelines for managing Wernicke’s encephalopathy in the accident and emergency department. Alcohol Alcohol. 2002;37:513-521.
- 11. Lingford-Hughes AR, Welch S, Peters L; British Association for Psychopharmacology, Expert Reviewers Group. BAP updated guidelines: evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological management of substance abuse, harmful use, addiction and comorbidity: recommendations from BAP. J Psychopharmacol. 2012;26:899-952.
- 12. Smith H, McCoy M, Varughese K, Reinert JP, PharmD, BCCCP. Thiamine Dosing for the Treatment of Alcohol-Induced Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: A Review of the Literature. J Pharm Technol. 2021;37(2):107-113.
A Wernicke Encephalopathy Presenting with Characteristic Radiological Findings: A Case Report
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 26 - 28, 30.04.2023
Cemrenur Uygun
Serdar Özdemir
Serkan Emre Eroğlu
Wernicke's encephalopathy is a serious neurological syndrome caused by thiamine deficiency and characterized clinically by sudden onset mental status changes, ocular abnormalities and ataxia. In this case report, we aimed to present a young male patient who presented with the complaints of stretching in the whole body, water coming from the mouth, and looking upwards in his eyes, in the light of the literature.
- 1. Wernicke C. Lehrbuch der Gehirnkrankheiten fur Aerzte und Studirende. Vol. 2. Kassel, Germany: Fisher; 1881. Die akute haemorrhagische polioencephalitis superior; pp. 229-242.
- 2. Zuccoli G, Gallucci M, Capellades J, L Regnicolo, B Tumiati, T Cabada Giadás, et al. Wernicke encephalopathy: MR findings at clinical presentation in twenty-six alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2007;28(7):1328-1331.
- 3. Zuccoli G, Pipitone N. Neuroimaging Findings in Acute Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: Review of the Literature. AJR 2009;192:501-508.
- 4. Thomson AD. Mechanisms of vitamin deficiency in chronic alcohol misusers and the development of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Alcohol and Alcoholism Supplement. 2000;35(1):2-7.
- 5. Manzo G, Gennaro AD, Cozzolino A, Serino A, Fenza G, Manto A. MR Imaging Findings in Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Acute Wernicke's Encephalopathy: A Review. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:503596.
- 6. Caine D, Halliday GM, Kril JJ, Harper CG. Operational criteria for the classification of chronic alcoholics: identification of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 1997;62(1):51-60.
- 7. Chu K, Kang DW, Kim HJ, Lee YS, Park SH. Diffusion-weighted imaging abnormalities in Wernicke encephalopathy: reversible cytotoxic edema? Arch Neurol. 2002;59:123-127.
- 8. Zhong C, Jin L, Fei G. MR Imaging of Nonalcoholic Wernicke Encephalopathy: A Follow-Up Study. Am J Neuroradiol. 2005; 26:2301-2305.
- 9. Kohnke S, Meek CL. Don’t seek, don’t find: The diagnostic challenge of Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Ann Clin Biochem. 2021;58(1):38-46.
- 10. Thomson AD, Cook CCH, Touquet R, Henry JA; Royal College of Physicians, London. The Royal College of Physicians report on alcohol: guidelines for managing Wernicke’s encephalopathy in the accident and emergency department. Alcohol Alcohol. 2002;37:513-521.
- 11. Lingford-Hughes AR, Welch S, Peters L; British Association for Psychopharmacology, Expert Reviewers Group. BAP updated guidelines: evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological management of substance abuse, harmful use, addiction and comorbidity: recommendations from BAP. J Psychopharmacol. 2012;26:899-952.
- 12. Smith H, McCoy M, Varughese K, Reinert JP, PharmD, BCCCP. Thiamine Dosing for the Treatment of Alcohol-Induced Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: A Review of the Literature. J Pharm Technol. 2021;37(2):107-113.