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Brexit Süreci ve AB ile İngiltere’nin Geleceği İçin Olası Modeller

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 478 - 487, 31.12.2019


The Brexit or Brexit crisis is the same term for
the UK exit beginner project of the European Union (known as the code name for
the meaning as British exit from the European Union).  As is known, this process was started
officially started via following the referendum of 23th June in 2016 which
presented the victory of the supporters who had been wishing to leave the EU at
the near value as %52. Nowadays, the exist process gained a different meaning,
hence it refers today to realizing the withdrawal agreements negotiated with
the long withdrawal procedure started on 29th  March in 2017. The new Brexit agreement was
scheduled to be voted as a motion at the extraordinary session of the House of
Commons on 14TH October in 2019, but upon the adoption of the
proposed amendment by Oliver Letwin, the moderate Conservative MP of the ruling
Conservative Party, the government withdrew the motion. Letwin's amendment
proposal aims to prevent Britain from "accidentally" leaving the EU
unintentionally before the Brexit agreement is enacted. In this paper the
possible process of Brexit will be discussed, and its effects on UK’s foreign
policy and available EU member and candidate countries are going to be paid


  • ARNORSSON, Agust ve ZOEGA, Gylfi (2018), "On the Causes of Brexit", European Journal of Political Economy, S.55, ss.301-323.
  • BAAS, Timo ve BRUCKER, Herbert (2011), "EU Eastern Enlargement: The Benefits from Integration and Free Labour Movement", CESifo DICE Report, S. 9(2), ss.44-51.
  • BALE, Tim (2003), "Cinderella and Her Ugly Sisters: The Mainstream and Extreme Right in Europe's Bipolarising Party Systems", West European Politics, S. 26(3), ss.67-90.
  • BLICK, Andrew (2018), "The 2016 European Union Referendum, Consociationalism and The Territorial Constitution of The UK", Consociationalism And Power-Sharing in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, ss.129-153.
  • BUDGE, Ian ve LAVER, M. J. (2016), Party Policy and Government Coalitions, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • CAMPOS, Nauro F. (2019), B for Brexit: A Survey of the Economics Academic Literature, IZA Institute of Labor Economics Press, Bonn.
  • CARRERA, Sergio, GUILD, Elspeth ve LUK, Ngo Chun (2016), What Does Brexit Mean for The EU's Area of Freedom, Security And Justice?, CEPS Commentary Publications, Brussels.
  • CHEPTEA, Angela ve HUCHET, Marilyne (2019), "Will a No‐deal Brexit Disturb the EU‐UK Agri‐food Trade?", EuroChoices, S.18(2), ss.28-36.
  • CLEGG, Nick (2017), How to Stop Brexit (and Make Britain Great Again), Random House Publishing, New York.
  • DOYLE, John and CONNOLLY, Eileen (2019), "The Effects of Brexit on The Good Friday Agreement And The Northern Ireland Peace Process", In: Baciu CA., Doyle J. (eds), Peace, Security and Defence Cooperation in Post-Brexit Europe, Springer, Cham, ss.79-95.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2016), "Borderless Debate: After Brexit, What Will Happen? Article 50: How to Leave the European Union", The Federalist Debate, S. 29(3), ss.51-55.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2019), “Brexit: How the Political Declaration can rescue the Withdrawal Agreement”. EPC Discussion Paper, 3 January 2019.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2018), "Brexit: Half In, Half out or Right Out? EPC Discussion Paper", European Policy Centre, 06.03.2018, ss.1-8, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.08.2019).
  • EUOBSERVER Online Newspaper (2016), “EU and Switzerland agree on free movement”, Access from: (Erişim Tarihi: 22.12. 2016.
  • EXPRESS Newspaper (2016), “REVEALED: Brexit debate has BLURRED party lines as shocking map shows a Britain
  • DIVIDED”,: (Erişim Tarihi: 03.06. 2016).
  • FABBRINI, Federico (2019), “the Brexit negotiations and the May government” European Journal of Legal Studies, Special Issue, S. 1 (1), ss.1-22
  • FOSSUM, John Erik ve GRAVER, Hans Petter (2018), Squaring the circle on Brexit: Could the Norway model work?, Bristol University Press and Policy Press, Bristol, UK.
  • FROSINI, Justin Orlando (2019), “Is Brexit ripping up the unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom?”, Italian Journal of Public Law, S. 11(1), ss. 1-8
  • GRYNBERG, Charlotte, WALTER, Stefanie ve WASSERFALLEN, Fabio (2019), “Expectations, Vote Choice, and Opinion Stability Since the 2016 Brexit Referendum.”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.01. 2019)
  • GUARDIAN Newspaper (2019), “Leavers are discovering the difficult truth about trade deals ed. Phillip Inman”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2019)
  • KRUMM, Thomas (2019), “Reluctant Multilateralists? How Brexit Can Affect German-Turkish Relations”, In Ebru Tarhan (Ed.).German-Turkish Relations Revisited, Baden-Baden, Nomos, Germany, ss. 91-110.
  • KUCHARCZYK, Jacek ve ŁADA, Agnieszka (2017), “Poland and the EU: two-speed Europe would undermine the achievements of enlargement”. flashlight europe 04/2017: Policy Brief 4/2017,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2019)
  • LYTVYNCHENKO, Ganna (2016), “Financial mechanism as a part of programme management”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.230, ss. 198-203.
  • MATTHIJS, Matthias, PARSONS, Craig ve TOENSHOFF, Christina (2019), “Ever tighter union? Brexit, Grexit, and frustrated differentiation in the single market and Eurozone”, Comparative European Politics, S.17(2), ss.209-230.
  • SAXI, Håkon Lunde (2019), “British-German defence and security relations after Brexit: Quo vadis,‘silent alliance’?”, The United Kingdom’s Defence After Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, ss. 127-158.
  • SCHEWE, Christoph ve LIPSENS, Davids (2018), “From EFTA to EC/EU and Back to EFTA? The European Economic Area (EEA) As a Possible Scenario for the UK-EU Relations After Brexit”, Brexit, Springer, Cham, ss.215-235.
  • SNBCHF Online Newspaper ( 2016) “Switzerland Withdraws Application To Join EU: Only ‘Lunatics May Want To Join Now’”, (Erişim Tarihi 17.06.2016).
  • STANSFIELD, Gareth, STOKES, Doug ve KELLY, Saul (2018), “UK Strategy in the Gulf and Middle East after American Retrenchment”, Insight Turkey,S.20(4), ss.231-248.
  • STOKSTAD, Erik (2019), “Brexit backer Boris Johnson stokes fears for UK scientists”, Science, S.365(6452), ss. 418
  • TANNAM, Etain (2019), “Brexit and The Future of UK-Irish Relations”, Forthcoming in Federico Fabbrini (ed), The Law & Politics of Brexit Volume Two: The Terms of Withdrawal, Oxford University Press, DCU Brexit Institute - Working Paper, London, UK, ss.1-16
  • VAHL, Marius ve GROLIMUND, Nina (2006), Integration without membership: Switzerland's bilateral agreements with the European Union. Ceps, Brussels, Belgium.
  • VAN DER MEI, Anne Pieter (2003), Free movement of persons within the European Community: cross-border access to public benefits, Hart Publishing, Oregon, USA
  • VAN KESSEL, Stijn (2015), Populist Parties across Europe. In Populist Parties in Europe: Agents of Discont, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.
  • WALTER, Stefanie (2019), “EU-27 Public Opinion about Brexit Political Behaviour Working Group: Sophia Hunger and Vicente Valentim”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2019)
  • WARD, Matthew (2019), “Statistics on UK-EU trade”, House of Commans Library, London, UK, file:///C:/Users/Personel_/Downloads/CBP-7851%20(1).pdf, (Erişim Tarihi 14.08.2019).

The Process of Brexit and Possible Models for EU & UK’s Future

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3, 478 - 487, 31.12.2019


Brexit veya Brexit krizi, Avrupa Birliği'nden
İngiltere çıkışına başlayan sürece verilen (Avrupa Birliği'nden İngiltere’nin
çıkışının kısa kod adı olarak) isimdir. Bilindiği gibi, bu süreç, AB’yi % 52
oranına yakın değerde bırakmak isteyen destekçilerin 23 Haziran 2016’daki
referandumun ardından zaferiyle resmiyet kazanmıştır. Günümüzde, mevcut süreç
farklı bir anlam daha kazanmıştır, bu nedenle bugün, 29 Mart 2017'de başlayan
ayrılık müzakerelerini erteleme anlaşmalarının gerçekleştirilmesine de atıfta
bulunmaktadır. İngiltere’de Avam Kamarası 14 Ekim'de 2019'da, iktidardaki
Muhafazakar Partinin ılımlı Muhafazakar Milletvekili Oliver Letwin tarafından
önerilen değişikliğin kabul edilmesi üzerine gecikmeli olarak harekete
geçebilmiştir. Letwin'in değişiklik önerisi, Brexit anlaşması yürürlüğe
girmeden önce İngiltere'nin ihiç antlaşma yapmadan AB’yi terk etmesini
engellemeyi hedeflemiştir. Bu çalışmada, Brexit'in olası süreci ele alınacak ve
İngiltere’nin beklenen yeni dış politikası ve mevcut AB üyesi ve aday ülkeleri
üzerindeki etkileri farklı modeler üzerinden incelenektir.


  • ARNORSSON, Agust ve ZOEGA, Gylfi (2018), "On the Causes of Brexit", European Journal of Political Economy, S.55, ss.301-323.
  • BAAS, Timo ve BRUCKER, Herbert (2011), "EU Eastern Enlargement: The Benefits from Integration and Free Labour Movement", CESifo DICE Report, S. 9(2), ss.44-51.
  • BALE, Tim (2003), "Cinderella and Her Ugly Sisters: The Mainstream and Extreme Right in Europe's Bipolarising Party Systems", West European Politics, S. 26(3), ss.67-90.
  • BLICK, Andrew (2018), "The 2016 European Union Referendum, Consociationalism and The Territorial Constitution of The UK", Consociationalism And Power-Sharing in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, ss.129-153.
  • BUDGE, Ian ve LAVER, M. J. (2016), Party Policy and Government Coalitions, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • CAMPOS, Nauro F. (2019), B for Brexit: A Survey of the Economics Academic Literature, IZA Institute of Labor Economics Press, Bonn.
  • CARRERA, Sergio, GUILD, Elspeth ve LUK, Ngo Chun (2016), What Does Brexit Mean for The EU's Area of Freedom, Security And Justice?, CEPS Commentary Publications, Brussels.
  • CHEPTEA, Angela ve HUCHET, Marilyne (2019), "Will a No‐deal Brexit Disturb the EU‐UK Agri‐food Trade?", EuroChoices, S.18(2), ss.28-36.
  • CLEGG, Nick (2017), How to Stop Brexit (and Make Britain Great Again), Random House Publishing, New York.
  • DOYLE, John and CONNOLLY, Eileen (2019), "The Effects of Brexit on The Good Friday Agreement And The Northern Ireland Peace Process", In: Baciu CA., Doyle J. (eds), Peace, Security and Defence Cooperation in Post-Brexit Europe, Springer, Cham, ss.79-95.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2016), "Borderless Debate: After Brexit, What Will Happen? Article 50: How to Leave the European Union", The Federalist Debate, S. 29(3), ss.51-55.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2019), “Brexit: How the Political Declaration can rescue the Withdrawal Agreement”. EPC Discussion Paper, 3 January 2019.
  • DUFF, Andrew (2018), "Brexit: Half In, Half out or Right Out? EPC Discussion Paper", European Policy Centre, 06.03.2018, ss.1-8, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.08.2019).
  • EUOBSERVER Online Newspaper (2016), “EU and Switzerland agree on free movement”, Access from: (Erişim Tarihi: 22.12. 2016.
  • EXPRESS Newspaper (2016), “REVEALED: Brexit debate has BLURRED party lines as shocking map shows a Britain
  • DIVIDED”,: (Erişim Tarihi: 03.06. 2016).
  • FABBRINI, Federico (2019), “the Brexit negotiations and the May government” European Journal of Legal Studies, Special Issue, S. 1 (1), ss.1-22
  • FOSSUM, John Erik ve GRAVER, Hans Petter (2018), Squaring the circle on Brexit: Could the Norway model work?, Bristol University Press and Policy Press, Bristol, UK.
  • FROSINI, Justin Orlando (2019), “Is Brexit ripping up the unwritten constitution of the United Kingdom?”, Italian Journal of Public Law, S. 11(1), ss. 1-8
  • GRYNBERG, Charlotte, WALTER, Stefanie ve WASSERFALLEN, Fabio (2019), “Expectations, Vote Choice, and Opinion Stability Since the 2016 Brexit Referendum.”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.01. 2019)
  • GUARDIAN Newspaper (2019), “Leavers are discovering the difficult truth about trade deals ed. Phillip Inman”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 16.02.2019)
  • KRUMM, Thomas (2019), “Reluctant Multilateralists? How Brexit Can Affect German-Turkish Relations”, In Ebru Tarhan (Ed.).German-Turkish Relations Revisited, Baden-Baden, Nomos, Germany, ss. 91-110.
  • KUCHARCZYK, Jacek ve ŁADA, Agnieszka (2017), “Poland and the EU: two-speed Europe would undermine the achievements of enlargement”. flashlight europe 04/2017: Policy Brief 4/2017,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2019)
  • LYTVYNCHENKO, Ganna (2016), “Financial mechanism as a part of programme management”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.230, ss. 198-203.
  • MATTHIJS, Matthias, PARSONS, Craig ve TOENSHOFF, Christina (2019), “Ever tighter union? Brexit, Grexit, and frustrated differentiation in the single market and Eurozone”, Comparative European Politics, S.17(2), ss.209-230.
  • SAXI, Håkon Lunde (2019), “British-German defence and security relations after Brexit: Quo vadis,‘silent alliance’?”, The United Kingdom’s Defence After Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, ss. 127-158.
  • SCHEWE, Christoph ve LIPSENS, Davids (2018), “From EFTA to EC/EU and Back to EFTA? The European Economic Area (EEA) As a Possible Scenario for the UK-EU Relations After Brexit”, Brexit, Springer, Cham, ss.215-235.
  • SNBCHF Online Newspaper ( 2016) “Switzerland Withdraws Application To Join EU: Only ‘Lunatics May Want To Join Now’”, (Erişim Tarihi 17.06.2016).
  • STANSFIELD, Gareth, STOKES, Doug ve KELLY, Saul (2018), “UK Strategy in the Gulf and Middle East after American Retrenchment”, Insight Turkey,S.20(4), ss.231-248.
  • STOKSTAD, Erik (2019), “Brexit backer Boris Johnson stokes fears for UK scientists”, Science, S.365(6452), ss. 418
  • TANNAM, Etain (2019), “Brexit and The Future of UK-Irish Relations”, Forthcoming in Federico Fabbrini (ed), The Law & Politics of Brexit Volume Two: The Terms of Withdrawal, Oxford University Press, DCU Brexit Institute - Working Paper, London, UK, ss.1-16
  • VAHL, Marius ve GROLIMUND, Nina (2006), Integration without membership: Switzerland's bilateral agreements with the European Union. Ceps, Brussels, Belgium.
  • VAN DER MEI, Anne Pieter (2003), Free movement of persons within the European Community: cross-border access to public benefits, Hart Publishing, Oregon, USA
  • VAN KESSEL, Stijn (2015), Populist Parties across Europe. In Populist Parties in Europe: Agents of Discont, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.
  • WALTER, Stefanie (2019), “EU-27 Public Opinion about Brexit Political Behaviour Working Group: Sophia Hunger and Vicente Valentim”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.09.2019)
  • WARD, Matthew (2019), “Statistics on UK-EU trade”, House of Commans Library, London, UK, file:///C:/Users/Personel_/Downloads/CBP-7851%20(1).pdf, (Erişim Tarihi 14.08.2019).
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Soner Akın 0000-0002-2403-8041

Yakup Bulut 0000-0002-0838-4200

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Akın, S., & Bulut, Y. (2019). Brexit Süreci ve AB ile İngiltere’nin Geleceği İçin Olası Modeller. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 2(3), 478-487.