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Focusing on the Growth of Entrepreneurship through Interventions and Supports Mechanism: A Case from Bhutan

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 251 - 263, 02.09.2021


The role of entrepreneurship is always regarded as an important pillar of a country’s socio-economic development. There is evidence that startups and entrepreneurs contribute a substantial share of the contribution to the national economy. There are situational challenges encountered by entrepreneurs which make entrepreneurs a not preferred option to venture into as well as forcing existing entrepreneurs to withdraw their active roles. This study makes use of secondary data from the published sources to underline the intervention measures as well as a support mechanism that a small country like Bhutan has been exercising in past decades to foster the growth of entrepreneurship in the country. The study found out the initiative and mechanisms provided by various agencies and stakeholders to make a vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem proved much successful and also creations of multiple incubation centers are proving out much successful in the case of Bhutan. Even in the era of the ongoing pandemic, Bhutan has identified entrepreneurs especially “cottage and small scales industries (CSI)” as a key element of its economy and prioritizes it as one of the flagship programs to be supported in the current five-year plan of the country.


  • ACS, Zoltan J. and NICOLA, Virgill (2010), "Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries”, Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research, S.6, pp.485-515.
  • ADLER, Alejandro (2009), "Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: A Living Example of an Alternative Approach to Progress", Social Impact Research Experience Journal (SIRE), pp.1-139, University of Pennsylvania, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BAOWE (2021), "Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs- Strategic Plan 2021 - 2031", Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BHONSALE, Mihir (2020), "Bhutan: Nurturing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem", ORF, 20 May 2020, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BRAJEVIĆ, Slađana, ANTONIJA, Babić and IVONA, Jukić (2015), "Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", Entrepreneurship, pp.156-166.
  • DCSI, MoEA, RGoB (2012-2020), "Annual Report (2012-2020)", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • DoEHR, MoLHR, RGoB (2019), “An Assessment of Entrepreneurship Support Services", National HRD Advisory 2019: The Human Resource and Skills Development Division (HRSDD), Department of Employment and Human Resource (DoEHR), MoLHR Publisher, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • FRONTIER, Incubators (2019), "Mapping and Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Incubators and Accelerators in the Asia-Pacific", Entrepreneruial Ecosystem Mapping Report 2019 (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GAWLIK, Remigiusz (2015), "Editorial: Social Entrepreneurship and Socio–Economic Development", Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, S.3(1), pp.7-8.
  • GERDSRI, Nathasit, LEWWONGCHAROEN, Boonkiart, RAJCHAMAHA, Kittichai, MANOTUNGVORAPUN, Nisit, PONGTHANAISAWAN, Jakapong and WITTHAYAWEERASAK, Watcharin (2021), “Capability Assessment toward Sustainable Development of Business Incubators: Framework and Experience Sharing”, Sustainability, S.13(9), pp.1-20.
  • GNHC, MoEA, RGoB (2020), "Startup and Cottage & Small Industry Development Flagship Program 2019-2023", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GNHC, RGoB (2016), GNHC Presentation – GNH Centre Bhutan, GNH Centre Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GNHC, RGoB (2021), 4 Pillars and 9 DOMAINS OF GNH – GNH Centre Bhutan, GNH Centre Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GURUNG, Ram Bahadur and TENZIN, Jigme (2018), "The Entrepreneurship Culture", The Druk Journal (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • KHAN, Shad Ahmad, SHARMA, Kavita, BANERJEE, Aditya ve SINGH, Wahengbam Jotin (2012), "Analysis of a SEZ establishment in Bhutan as a Potential Solution for the Promotion/Growth of MSMEs and Role of Micro Finance in Making it Effective", Conference (E-Article), pp.1-16, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • KHORSHEED, Mohammad S, AL-FAWZAN, Mohammad and AL-HARGAN, Abdulaziz (2014), "Promoting Techno-Entrepreneurship through Incubation: An Overview at BADIR Program for Technology Incubators", Innovation, S.16(2), pp.238-249.
  • KIPPER, Liane Mahlmann, RODRIGUES, Evandro, FERRARI, Aline Graziele ve MARIANI, Bruna Bueno (2018), "Universities and Incubators: Key Factors Driving Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Development”, Independent Journal of Management & Production, S.5(4), pp.947-965.
  • LI, Cai, AHMED, Naveed, QALATI, Sikandar Ali, KHAN, Asadullah and NAZ, Shumaile (2020), "Role of Business Incubators as a Tool for Entrepreneurship Development: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Business Start-Up and Government Regulations", Sustainability, S.12(5), pp.1-23.
  • MoEA, RGoB (2012), "Cottage, Small and Medium Industry Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • MoEA, RGoB (2019), "Cottage and Small Industry Policy 2019", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • MoLHR, RGoB (2021), “MoU on Integration of Entrepreneurship in School Education”, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • NDEBELE, Ntombifikile ve CHINJOVA, Fainos (2021), "Effectiveness of Incubation Centres in Creating Sustainable Businesses in Zimbabwe", South Asian Research Journal of Agriculture and Fisheries, S.3(2), pp,17-25.
  • OGBO, Ann and AGU CHIDIEBERE, Nwachuhwu (2012), "The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Nigerian Perspective", European Journal of Business and Management, S.4(8), pp.95-106.
  • OGUNDELE, Ogundeji Jolasinmi Kayode and JAMES, O. Abiola (2005), "Entrepreneurship and National Development: A Proposal for Evangelistic Agenda", European Scientific Journal, S.8(6), pp.134-148.
  • PHUNGWAYO, Louis Gabangani and TEBOGO, Mogashoa (2014), "The Role of Entrepreneurship on the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Women: A Case Study of Kwa-Mhlanga in the Mpumalanga Province (Republic of South Africa", International Journal of Business and Social Science, S.5(9), pp.71-77.
  • REC, MoE, RGoB (2020), "New Normal Curriculum Framework for Business and Entrepreneurship, Classes XI-XII", Ministry of Education, Royal Education Council, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • RINZIN, Yangchen C. (2019), "Startup and CSI Development Flagship to Help Youth", Kuensel Online (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • RUB (2018), Strategic Plab 2018-2030, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • SHABBIR, Muhammad Salman, SHARIFF, Mohd Noor Mohd, ALSHAIBANI, Yasameen Hamzah, FAISAL, Muhammad and SALMAN, Rabia (2018), "Entrepreneurship and Skills Development for Socioeconomic Growth; Present Landscape and Future Agenda for Pakistan”, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, S.24(3), pp.1-12.
  • SHARMA, Dhanapati and GAUTAM, Khem Prasad (2020), "Challenges and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in Bhutan from the Lens of Business Educators", Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, S.26(9), pp.63-71.
  • SINGH, Elangbam Haridev, WANGDA, Sonam, KHAN, Sadaf ve KHAN, Shad Ahmad (2020), "Exploring the Obstacles for Start-ups in Bhutan: From a Prevented Entrepreneurs Perspective”, International Journal of Innovation, S.11(4), pp.70-87.
  • TSYGANKOV, Nikita S., PETRUNINA, A. Elena, MOSKALEV, Alexander K. and VALKOVA, Y. E. (2020), "Business Incubator Assessment Model", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, S.986, pp.1-14.
  • URA, Karma, ALKIRE, Sabina and ZANGMO, Tshoki (2012), Bhutan: Gross National Happiness and the GNH index, pp. 1-65, Ophi Publisher, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • WORLD BANK (2020), Doing Business 2020, World Bank Group Publisher, Washington, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).

Müdahaleler ve Destek Mekanizması Yoluyla Girişimciliğin Büyümesine Odaklanmak: Bhutan'dan Bir Örnek

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 251 - 263, 02.09.2021


Girişimcilik, ülkelerin sosyo-ekonomik kalkınmasında çok önemli bir role sahiptir. Girişimlerin ve girişimcilerin ulusal ekonominin önemli bir payına katkı sağladığının önemli göstergeleri bulunmaktadır. Girişimcileri, mevcut girişimlerindeki aktif rollerini geri çekmeye zorlayan ve girişim yapmak için tercih edilmeyen yeni seçeneklere yönelten durumsal zorluklar vardır. Bu çalışma, küçük bir ülke olan Bhutan’ın son yıllarda ülkedeki girişimciliğin büyümesini teşvik etmek için uyguladığı bir destek mekanizmasının analizini kapsamaktadır. Makalenin haırlanmasında müdahale önlemlerinin altını çizmek için yayınlanmış kaynaklardan elde edilen ikincil verilerden yararlanmaktadır. Çalışma, canlı bir girişimcilik ekosistemi oluşturmak için çeşitli kurumlar ve paydaşlar tarafından sağlanan inisiyatif ve mekanizmaların çok başarılı olduğunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca Bhutan örneğinde birden fazla kuluçka merkezinin oluşturulması çok başarılı olmuştur. Devam eden pandemi döneminde bile Bhutan, girişimcileri özellikle 'yazlık ve küçük ölçekli sanayileri (CSI)' ekonomisinin kilit unsuru olarak belirlemiştir. Merkezi yönetim, girişimciliği ükenin mevcut beş yıllık kalkınma planında desteklenecek amiral gemisi programlarından birisi olarak önceliklendirmiştir.


  • ACS, Zoltan J. and NICOLA, Virgill (2010), "Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries”, Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research, S.6, pp.485-515.
  • ADLER, Alejandro (2009), "Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: A Living Example of an Alternative Approach to Progress", Social Impact Research Experience Journal (SIRE), pp.1-139, University of Pennsylvania, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BAOWE (2021), "Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs- Strategic Plan 2021 - 2031", Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneurs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BHONSALE, Mihir (2020), "Bhutan: Nurturing the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem", ORF, 20 May 2020, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • BRAJEVIĆ, Slađana, ANTONIJA, Babić and IVONA, Jukić (2015), "Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", Entrepreneurship, pp.156-166.
  • DCSI, MoEA, RGoB (2012-2020), "Annual Report (2012-2020)", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • DoEHR, MoLHR, RGoB (2019), “An Assessment of Entrepreneurship Support Services", National HRD Advisory 2019: The Human Resource and Skills Development Division (HRSDD), Department of Employment and Human Resource (DoEHR), MoLHR Publisher, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • FRONTIER, Incubators (2019), "Mapping and Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Incubators and Accelerators in the Asia-Pacific", Entrepreneruial Ecosystem Mapping Report 2019 (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GAWLIK, Remigiusz (2015), "Editorial: Social Entrepreneurship and Socio–Economic Development", Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, S.3(1), pp.7-8.
  • GERDSRI, Nathasit, LEWWONGCHAROEN, Boonkiart, RAJCHAMAHA, Kittichai, MANOTUNGVORAPUN, Nisit, PONGTHANAISAWAN, Jakapong and WITTHAYAWEERASAK, Watcharin (2021), “Capability Assessment toward Sustainable Development of Business Incubators: Framework and Experience Sharing”, Sustainability, S.13(9), pp.1-20.
  • GNHC, MoEA, RGoB (2020), "Startup and Cottage & Small Industry Development Flagship Program 2019-2023", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GNHC, RGoB (2016), GNHC Presentation – GNH Centre Bhutan, GNH Centre Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GNHC, RGoB (2021), 4 Pillars and 9 DOMAINS OF GNH – GNH Centre Bhutan, GNH Centre Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • GURUNG, Ram Bahadur and TENZIN, Jigme (2018), "The Entrepreneurship Culture", The Druk Journal (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • KHAN, Shad Ahmad, SHARMA, Kavita, BANERJEE, Aditya ve SINGH, Wahengbam Jotin (2012), "Analysis of a SEZ establishment in Bhutan as a Potential Solution for the Promotion/Growth of MSMEs and Role of Micro Finance in Making it Effective", Conference (E-Article), pp.1-16, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • KHORSHEED, Mohammad S, AL-FAWZAN, Mohammad and AL-HARGAN, Abdulaziz (2014), "Promoting Techno-Entrepreneurship through Incubation: An Overview at BADIR Program for Technology Incubators", Innovation, S.16(2), pp.238-249.
  • KIPPER, Liane Mahlmann, RODRIGUES, Evandro, FERRARI, Aline Graziele ve MARIANI, Bruna Bueno (2018), "Universities and Incubators: Key Factors Driving Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Development”, Independent Journal of Management & Production, S.5(4), pp.947-965.
  • LI, Cai, AHMED, Naveed, QALATI, Sikandar Ali, KHAN, Asadullah and NAZ, Shumaile (2020), "Role of Business Incubators as a Tool for Entrepreneurship Development: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Business Start-Up and Government Regulations", Sustainability, S.12(5), pp.1-23.
  • MoEA, RGoB (2012), "Cottage, Small and Medium Industry Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Book), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • MoEA, RGoB (2019), "Cottage and Small Industry Policy 2019", Ministry of Economic Affairs (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • MoLHR, RGoB (2021), “MoU on Integration of Entrepreneurship in School Education”, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • NDEBELE, Ntombifikile ve CHINJOVA, Fainos (2021), "Effectiveness of Incubation Centres in Creating Sustainable Businesses in Zimbabwe", South Asian Research Journal of Agriculture and Fisheries, S.3(2), pp,17-25.
  • OGBO, Ann and AGU CHIDIEBERE, Nwachuhwu (2012), "The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: The Nigerian Perspective", European Journal of Business and Management, S.4(8), pp.95-106.
  • OGUNDELE, Ogundeji Jolasinmi Kayode and JAMES, O. Abiola (2005), "Entrepreneurship and National Development: A Proposal for Evangelistic Agenda", European Scientific Journal, S.8(6), pp.134-148.
  • PHUNGWAYO, Louis Gabangani and TEBOGO, Mogashoa (2014), "The Role of Entrepreneurship on the Socio-Economic Development of Rural Women: A Case Study of Kwa-Mhlanga in the Mpumalanga Province (Republic of South Africa", International Journal of Business and Social Science, S.5(9), pp.71-77.
  • REC, MoE, RGoB (2020), "New Normal Curriculum Framework for Business and Entrepreneurship, Classes XI-XII", Ministry of Education, Royal Education Council, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • RINZIN, Yangchen C. (2019), "Startup and CSI Development Flagship to Help Youth", Kuensel Online (E-Article), (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • RUB (2018), Strategic Plab 2018-2030, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • SHABBIR, Muhammad Salman, SHARIFF, Mohd Noor Mohd, ALSHAIBANI, Yasameen Hamzah, FAISAL, Muhammad and SALMAN, Rabia (2018), "Entrepreneurship and Skills Development for Socioeconomic Growth; Present Landscape and Future Agenda for Pakistan”, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, S.24(3), pp.1-12.
  • SHARMA, Dhanapati and GAUTAM, Khem Prasad (2020), "Challenges and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in Bhutan from the Lens of Business Educators", Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, S.26(9), pp.63-71.
  • SINGH, Elangbam Haridev, WANGDA, Sonam, KHAN, Sadaf ve KHAN, Shad Ahmad (2020), "Exploring the Obstacles for Start-ups in Bhutan: From a Prevented Entrepreneurs Perspective”, International Journal of Innovation, S.11(4), pp.70-87.
  • TSYGANKOV, Nikita S., PETRUNINA, A. Elena, MOSKALEV, Alexander K. and VALKOVA, Y. E. (2020), "Business Incubator Assessment Model", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, S.986, pp.1-14.
  • URA, Karma, ALKIRE, Sabina and ZANGMO, Tshoki (2012), Bhutan: Gross National Happiness and the GNH index, pp. 1-65, Ophi Publisher, Bhutan, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
  • WORLD BANK (2020), Doing Business 2020, World Bank Group Publisher, Washington, (Date of Access: 03.08.2010).
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Hemlal Bhattarai 0000-0002-6512-1685

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Bhattarai, H. (2021). Focusing on the Growth of Entrepreneurship through Interventions and Supports Mechanism: A Case from Bhutan. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 4(2), 251-263.