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Yield and Fruit Body Properties of Pleurotus eryngii Isolates Grown on Poplar Sawdust Supplemented with Different Additive Materials

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 106 - 113, 26.12.2019


aim of this study was
to investigate the possibility of using sunflower
meal (SFM), grape pomace (GP) and green walnut husk (GWH) as new additive
materials for substrate preparation in cultivation
of Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) isolates collected from different regions of
Turkey. In addition, effect of these agro-wastes on fruit body size of P. eryngii isolates was also determined in the study.
Poplar sawdust (S) was used
as a base medium and additive materials were added to sawdust in a ratio of 8:2 to
prepare the substrates.
has been noticed that different additive
materials affects on spawn run time
(day), time of first harvest (day), total yield (g/kg), biological efficiency
(BE), average of mushroom weight (g), mushroom pileus diameter (mm) and stipe width (mm),
stipe length (mm) of P. eryngii isolates. Yield parameters and
fruit body size were greatly affected by the substrates and isolates. S:SFM showed higher yield, biological
efficiency and mushroom weight average than other
substrates in K-16 and M-18 isolates, whereas these parameters were height in K-20 isolate grown on S:GP. The results revealed that all the three P. eryngii
isolates can grow on poplar substrate
with the supplement of any kind of the
tested agricultural by-products. Although, an increase in spawn running time and cultivation period length of P. eryngii
isolates was observed for S:GWH compared with the other substrates,
utilization of green walnut husks for
Pleurotus eryngii cultivation is promising
and has potential commercial application in the mushroom industry.

Destekleyen Kurum

Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



This work was supported by the Ahi Evran University Research Council 2016 Grant No. ZRT.A3.16.011.


  • Akyüz, M., Yildiz, A. (2007). Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC ex FR) Quel on agricultural wastes. Philipp Agric Sci. 90(4) 346-350.
  • Atila, F., Tuzel, Y., Cano, A.F. and Fernandez, J.A. (2017). Effect of different lignocellulosic wastes on Hericium americanum yield and nutritional characteristics. J Sci Food Agric. 97 (2) 606-612.
  • Ayodele, S.M. and Akpaja, E.O. (2007). Yield evaluation of Lentinus squarosulus (Mont) sing on selected sawdust of economic tree species supplemented with 20% oil palm fruit fibers. Asian J Plant Sci. 6(7) 1098–1102
  • Carvalho, C.S.M., Sales-Campos, C. and De Andrade, M.C.N. (2010). Mushrooms of the Pleurotus Genus: A review of cultivation techniques. Interciencia. 35(3) 177−182.
  • Chang, S.T. and Miles, P.G. (2004). Mushrooms Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact. 2nd Ed. CRC Press LLC. USA, pp. 451.
  • Chang ST. (2005). Witnessing the development of the mushroom industry in China Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Acta Edulis Fungi. 12: 3–19.
  • Cosmulescu S, Trandafir I, Achim G, Baciu A. 2011. Juglone content in leaf and green husk of five walnut (Juglans regia L) cultivars. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj. 39(1) 237−240.
  • Fu, Z. , Liu Y. and Zhang, Q. Potent Pharmacological Mushroom: Pleurotus eryngii. Fungal Genom Biol 6(1) 1–5 doi: 10.4172/2165-8056.1000139.
  • Jeznabadi KE, Jafarpour M, Eghbalsaied S, Pessarakli M. 2016. Effects of various substrates and supplements on king oyster (Pleurotus eryngii). Compost Sci. Util. 25:sup1, S1-S10. http://dx.doi.org/101080/1065657X20161238787
  • Khare, K.B., Mutuku, J.M., Achwania, O.S.and Otaye, D.O. (2010). Production of two oyster mushrooms Pleurotus sajor-caju and P florida on supplemented and un-supplemented substrates. Bots J. Agric. Appl. Sci. (6) 4–11.
  • Kibar, B. (2016). Farklı yetiştirme ortamlarının Pleurotus eryngii mantarının gelişimi ve verimi üzerine etkileri. Int J Agr Wildl Sci. 2(1) 1-9.
  • Kirbag, S. and Akyuz, M. (2008). Evaluation of agricultural wastes for the cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.ex Fr.) Quel. var. ferulaeLanzi. Afr J Biotechnol. 7(20) 3660–3664.
  • Ko, H.G., Park, H.G., Park, S.H., Choi, C.W., Kim, S.H. and Park, W.M. (2005). Comparative study of mycelial growth and basidiomata formation in seven different species of the edible mushroom genus Hericium. Bioresour Technol. 96(13) 1439–1444.
  • Kocaçaliskan, I., Turan, E. and Terzi, I. 2008. Juglone effects on seedling growth in intact and coatless seeds of muskmelon. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 7(24) 4446–4449.
  • Lewinsohn, D., Wasser, S.P., Reshetnikov, S,V., Hadar, Y. and Nevo E. (2002). The Pleurotus eryngii species complex in Israel: distribution and morphological description of a new takson. Mycotaxon.( 81) 51–67.
  • Majeed, M., Khan, M.U., Owaid, M.N., Khan, M.R., Shariati, M.A., Igor, P. and Ntsefong, G.N. (2017). Development of oyster mushroom powder and its effects on physicochemical and rheological properties of Bakery products. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 6(5) 1221–1227.
  • Mane, V.J., Patil, S.S., Syed, A.A. and Baig, M.M.V. (2007). Bioconversion of low quality lignocellulosic agricultural wastes into edible protein Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B. 8(10) 745-751.
  • Moonmoon, M., Uddin, N., Ahmed, S., Shelly, N.J., Khan, A. (2010). Cultivation of different isolates of king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) on saw dust and rice straw in Bangladesh. Saudi J. Biol. Sci. 17: 341–345.
  • Nwanze, P.I., Ameh, J.B. and Umoh, V.J. (2005). The effect of the interaction of various oil types with different culture media on biomass production of Psathyrella atroumbonata Pegler. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 4(11) 1285-1289.
  • Obodai, M., Cleland-Okine, J. and Vowotor, K.A. (2003). Comparative study on the growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom on different lignocellulosic by-products. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(3) 146-149.
  • Onyango, B.O., Palapala, V.A., Arama, P.F., Wagai, S.O. and Gichumu, B.M. (2011). Sustainability of selected supplemented substrates for cultivation of Kenyan native wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia auricula). Am. J. Food Technol. 6(5) 395–403.
  • Oseni, T.O., Dube, S.S., Wahome, P.K., Masarirambi, M.T. and Earnshaw, D. (2012). Effect of wheat bran supplement on growth and yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on fermented pine sawdust substrate. Exp. Agr. Hort. Article ID:1929-0861-2012-12-4.
  • Owaid, M.N., Abed I.A. and Al-Saeedi S.S. (2015). Using of date palm fiber mixed with other lignocelluloses toward Pleurotus ostreatus (Higher Basidiomycetes) cultivation. Emir J Food Agric, 27(7) 556-61
  • Peng, J.T., Lee, C.M. and Tsai, Y.F. (2000). Effect of rice bran on the production of different king oyster mushroom isolates during bottle cultivation. J. Agr. Res. China. 49(3) 60–67.
  • Philippoussis, A., Diamantopoulou, P. and Zervakis, G. (2002). Monitoring of mycelium growth and fructification of Lentinula edodes on several lignocellulosic residues In: Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products UAEM Cuernavaca Mexico.
  • Puri, S. (2012). Vegetative growth and fruiting induction of Lentinula edodes isolates on different substrates. Bioscan. 7(1) 9-12.
  • Royse, D.J. and Bahler, C.C. (1986). Effects of genotype spawn run time and substrate formulation on biological efficiency of shiitake. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.. 52(2) 1425-1427.
  • Royse, D.J., Rhodes, T.W., Ohga, S. and Sánchez, J.E. (2004). Yield mushroom size and time to production of Pleurotus cornucopiae (oyster mushroom) grown on switch grass substrate spawned and supplemented at various rates. Bioresour. Technol. 91(1) 85-91.
  • Shah, Z.A., Ashray, M. and Ishtiod, M. (2004). Comparative study on cultivation and yield performance of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on different substrates. Pak. J. Nutr. 3(3) 158-160.
  • Stajic, M., Vukojevic, J. and Duletic-Lausevic, S. (2009). Biology of Pleurotus eryngii and role in biotechnological processes: a review. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 29(1) 55–66.
  • Sun, M., Song, Z. and Fang, G. (2006). Extraction and determination of total flavonoid and juglone in Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Chem. Ind. Forest. Prod. 26(2) 93-95.
  • Visscher, H.R. (1989). Supplementation of the substrate for Pleurotus species at filling. Mushroom Sci. 12(2) 229–240.
  • Zhang, H., Gao, J.M., Liu, W.T., Tang, J.C., Zhang, X.C., Jin, Z.G., Xu, Y.P. and Shao, M.A. (2008). Allelopathic substances from walnut (Juglans regia L) leaves. Allelopathy J. 21(2) 354-362.

Farklı Katkı Maddeleri ile Takviye Edilmiş Kavak Talaşında Yetiştirilen Pleurotus eryngii İzolatlarının Verim ve Şapka Özellikleri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 106 - 113, 26.12.2019


Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden izole edilen Pleurotus eryngii izolatlarının üretiminde, ayçiçeği küspesi (AK), üzüm posası (ÜP) ve yeşil ceviz kabuğu (YCK) gibi farklı katkı materyallerinin kullanım olanaklarının araştırılmasıdır. Yetiştirme ortamı hazırlığında, kavak talaşı ana materyal olarak kullanılır iken, bahsedilen katkı materyalleri yetiştirme ortamına 8:2 oranında eklenmiştir. Çalışma çerçevesinde, farklı katkı materyalleri kullanılarak hazırlanan bu yetiştirme ortamlarında üretilen P. eryngi izolatlarının misel gelişim süresi (gün), ilk hasada kadar geçen süre (gün), toplam verim (g/kg), biyolojik etkinlik (BE) ve bazı şapka özellikleri (şapka boyutları ve şapka rengi)  belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, üretim parametreleri ve şapka özelliklerinin yetiştirme ortamı ve izolatlardan önemli oranda etkilendiğini ve çalışmada test edilen üç katkı materyalinin her üç P. eryngii izolatının üretiminde kullanılabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. T:AK ortamında yetişen K-16 ve M-18 izolatları daha yüksek verim, BE ve şapka iriliği sergiler iken, K-20 izolatında ise T:ÜP ortamında daha yüksek değerler elde edilmiştir. Diğer ortamlara kıyasla T:YCK ortamında yetişen P. eryngii izolatlarının üretim sürelerinde bir artış görülmesine rağmen, P. eryngii yetiştiriciliğinde katkı materyali olarak yeşil ceviz kabuğu kullanımının ticari olarak uygulama potansiyeline sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Akyüz, M., Yildiz, A. (2007). Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC ex FR) Quel on agricultural wastes. Philipp Agric Sci. 90(4) 346-350.
  • Atila, F., Tuzel, Y., Cano, A.F. and Fernandez, J.A. (2017). Effect of different lignocellulosic wastes on Hericium americanum yield and nutritional characteristics. J Sci Food Agric. 97 (2) 606-612.
  • Ayodele, S.M. and Akpaja, E.O. (2007). Yield evaluation of Lentinus squarosulus (Mont) sing on selected sawdust of economic tree species supplemented with 20% oil palm fruit fibers. Asian J Plant Sci. 6(7) 1098–1102
  • Carvalho, C.S.M., Sales-Campos, C. and De Andrade, M.C.N. (2010). Mushrooms of the Pleurotus Genus: A review of cultivation techniques. Interciencia. 35(3) 177−182.
  • Chang, S.T. and Miles, P.G. (2004). Mushrooms Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact. 2nd Ed. CRC Press LLC. USA, pp. 451.
  • Chang ST. (2005). Witnessing the development of the mushroom industry in China Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. Acta Edulis Fungi. 12: 3–19.
  • Cosmulescu S, Trandafir I, Achim G, Baciu A. 2011. Juglone content in leaf and green husk of five walnut (Juglans regia L) cultivars. Not. Bot. Hort. Agrobot. Cluj. 39(1) 237−240.
  • Fu, Z. , Liu Y. and Zhang, Q. Potent Pharmacological Mushroom: Pleurotus eryngii. Fungal Genom Biol 6(1) 1–5 doi: 10.4172/2165-8056.1000139.
  • Jeznabadi KE, Jafarpour M, Eghbalsaied S, Pessarakli M. 2016. Effects of various substrates and supplements on king oyster (Pleurotus eryngii). Compost Sci. Util. 25:sup1, S1-S10. http://dx.doi.org/101080/1065657X20161238787
  • Khare, K.B., Mutuku, J.M., Achwania, O.S.and Otaye, D.O. (2010). Production of two oyster mushrooms Pleurotus sajor-caju and P florida on supplemented and un-supplemented substrates. Bots J. Agric. Appl. Sci. (6) 4–11.
  • Kibar, B. (2016). Farklı yetiştirme ortamlarının Pleurotus eryngii mantarının gelişimi ve verimi üzerine etkileri. Int J Agr Wildl Sci. 2(1) 1-9.
  • Kirbag, S. and Akyuz, M. (2008). Evaluation of agricultural wastes for the cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.ex Fr.) Quel. var. ferulaeLanzi. Afr J Biotechnol. 7(20) 3660–3664.
  • Ko, H.G., Park, H.G., Park, S.H., Choi, C.W., Kim, S.H. and Park, W.M. (2005). Comparative study of mycelial growth and basidiomata formation in seven different species of the edible mushroom genus Hericium. Bioresour Technol. 96(13) 1439–1444.
  • Kocaçaliskan, I., Turan, E. and Terzi, I. 2008. Juglone effects on seedling growth in intact and coatless seeds of muskmelon. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 7(24) 4446–4449.
  • Lewinsohn, D., Wasser, S.P., Reshetnikov, S,V., Hadar, Y. and Nevo E. (2002). The Pleurotus eryngii species complex in Israel: distribution and morphological description of a new takson. Mycotaxon.( 81) 51–67.
  • Majeed, M., Khan, M.U., Owaid, M.N., Khan, M.R., Shariati, M.A., Igor, P. and Ntsefong, G.N. (2017). Development of oyster mushroom powder and its effects on physicochemical and rheological properties of Bakery products. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Food Sci. 6(5) 1221–1227.
  • Mane, V.J., Patil, S.S., Syed, A.A. and Baig, M.M.V. (2007). Bioconversion of low quality lignocellulosic agricultural wastes into edible protein Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. B. 8(10) 745-751.
  • Moonmoon, M., Uddin, N., Ahmed, S., Shelly, N.J., Khan, A. (2010). Cultivation of different isolates of king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) on saw dust and rice straw in Bangladesh. Saudi J. Biol. Sci. 17: 341–345.
  • Nwanze, P.I., Ameh, J.B. and Umoh, V.J. (2005). The effect of the interaction of various oil types with different culture media on biomass production of Psathyrella atroumbonata Pegler. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 4(11) 1285-1289.
  • Obodai, M., Cleland-Okine, J. and Vowotor, K.A. (2003). Comparative study on the growth and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom on different lignocellulosic by-products. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(3) 146-149.
  • Onyango, B.O., Palapala, V.A., Arama, P.F., Wagai, S.O. and Gichumu, B.M. (2011). Sustainability of selected supplemented substrates for cultivation of Kenyan native wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia auricula). Am. J. Food Technol. 6(5) 395–403.
  • Oseni, T.O., Dube, S.S., Wahome, P.K., Masarirambi, M.T. and Earnshaw, D. (2012). Effect of wheat bran supplement on growth and yield of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on fermented pine sawdust substrate. Exp. Agr. Hort. Article ID:1929-0861-2012-12-4.
  • Owaid, M.N., Abed I.A. and Al-Saeedi S.S. (2015). Using of date palm fiber mixed with other lignocelluloses toward Pleurotus ostreatus (Higher Basidiomycetes) cultivation. Emir J Food Agric, 27(7) 556-61
  • Peng, J.T., Lee, C.M. and Tsai, Y.F. (2000). Effect of rice bran on the production of different king oyster mushroom isolates during bottle cultivation. J. Agr. Res. China. 49(3) 60–67.
  • Philippoussis, A., Diamantopoulou, P. and Zervakis, G. (2002). Monitoring of mycelium growth and fructification of Lentinula edodes on several lignocellulosic residues In: Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products UAEM Cuernavaca Mexico.
  • Puri, S. (2012). Vegetative growth and fruiting induction of Lentinula edodes isolates on different substrates. Bioscan. 7(1) 9-12.
  • Royse, D.J. and Bahler, C.C. (1986). Effects of genotype spawn run time and substrate formulation on biological efficiency of shiitake. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.. 52(2) 1425-1427.
  • Royse, D.J., Rhodes, T.W., Ohga, S. and Sánchez, J.E. (2004). Yield mushroom size and time to production of Pleurotus cornucopiae (oyster mushroom) grown on switch grass substrate spawned and supplemented at various rates. Bioresour. Technol. 91(1) 85-91.
  • Shah, Z.A., Ashray, M. and Ishtiod, M. (2004). Comparative study on cultivation and yield performance of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on different substrates. Pak. J. Nutr. 3(3) 158-160.
  • Stajic, M., Vukojevic, J. and Duletic-Lausevic, S. (2009). Biology of Pleurotus eryngii and role in biotechnological processes: a review. Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. 29(1) 55–66.
  • Sun, M., Song, Z. and Fang, G. (2006). Extraction and determination of total flavonoid and juglone in Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Chem. Ind. Forest. Prod. 26(2) 93-95.
  • Visscher, H.R. (1989). Supplementation of the substrate for Pleurotus species at filling. Mushroom Sci. 12(2) 229–240.
  • Zhang, H., Gao, J.M., Liu, W.T., Tang, J.C., Zhang, X.C., Jin, Z.G., Xu, Y.P. and Shao, M.A. (2008). Allelopathic substances from walnut (Juglans regia L) leaves. Allelopathy J. 21(2) 354-362.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm XI. Türkiye Yemeklik Mantar Kongresi

Funda Atila 0000-0003-1129-1045

Proje Numarası ZRT.A3.16.011
Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Atila, F. (2019). Yield and Fruit Body Properties of Pleurotus eryngii Isolates Grown on Poplar Sawdust Supplemented with Different Additive Materials. Mantar Dergisi, 10(3), 106-113. https://doi.org/10.30708/mantar.619151

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