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Türk Dış Politikasında Parti Rekabeti: Rakip Partilerin Politika Revizyonlarını Anlamak

Yıl 2020, , 97 - 116, 30.03.2020


Siyasi partiler politikalarını niçin değiştirirler? Parti rekabeti teorileri bu soruyu analiz ederken, partilerin seçmenlerine, rakiplerine, lobi gruplarına veya bir önceki seçim sonuçlarına nasıl cevap verdiklerine bakmaktadır. Türk dış politikasındaki (TDP) değişimin nedenlerini inceleyen çalışmalar bu tarz ulusal alt sistem düzeyinden faktörlerin etkisine kısmi olarak açıklama getirmektedir. Bu makale parti rekabetinin TDP üzerindeki görece etkisi ile ilgilenmektedir. Bu amaçla, Türkiye’deki ana akım siyasi partilerin birbirini takip eden seçim manifestoları analiz edilecek ve bu manifestolarda sunulan dış politika pozisyonları hem birbiriyle hem de dönemsel olarak karşılaştırılacaktır. Analiz, iktidar partisi olan Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi ile Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi ve Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi’nin 2002-2018 dönemindeki seçim öncesi parti programlarına dayanmaktadır. Makale bu partilerin parti programlarının yalnızca dış politikaya ayrılan kısımlarına odaklanmaktadır. Öncelikle partilerin genel TDP vizyonlarındaki dönüşümler incelenecek, daha sonra partilerin Türkiye’nin Batı, Orta Doğu ve diğer bölgeler ile ilişkileri üzerine geliştirdikleri politikalar ve yeni düzenlemeler analiz edilecektir. Makale ayrıca partilerin seçim manifestolarındaki dış politika önerilerinin rakip partilerin bir önceki seçim döneminde sundukları önerilerle benzeşme boyutunu da inceleyecektir. Makalenin bulgularının partilerin dış politika tercihlerini anlamaya yardımcı olması ve TDP’deki dönüşümün boyutu ve açıklayıcıları ile ilgili mevcut tartışmaya katkı sunması beklenmektedir.


  • Adams, J., and Somer-Topcu, Z. (2009). Policy adjustment by parties in response to rival parties’ policy shifts: Spatial theory and the dynamics of party competition in twenty-five post-war democracies, British Journal of Political Science, 39(4), 825-846. doi:
  • Adams, J, Clark, M., Ezrow, L., and Glasgow, G. (2004). Understanding Change and Stability in Party Ideologies: Do Parties Respond to Public Opinion or to Past Election Results? British Journal of Political Science, 34(4), 589– 610. doi:
  • AKP (2002). 2002 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from xmlui/bitstream/handle/11543/954/200304063.pdf sequence=1,andisAllowed=y
  • AKP (2011). 2011 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from media/272799/secim-beyannamesi-2011.pdf
  • AKP (2015a). 2007 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi, Ak Parti Tanıtım ve Medya Başkanlığı.
  • AKP (2015b). 7 Haziran 2015 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from
  • AKP (2018). Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri ve Genel Seçimler Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from
  • Aydın-Çakır, A., and Arıkan-Akdağ, G. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of the Change in Turkish Foreign Policy Under the AKP Government, Turkish Studies, 18(2), 334–357. doi:
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2016). De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches, South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 45-58. doi:
  • Aygül, C. (2014). Locating Change in Turkish Foreign Policy: Visa Policies of the Justice and Development Party in the 2000s, Turkish Studies, 15(3), 402–418. doi: 6424
  • Başer, E. T. (2015). Shift-of-axis in Turkish Foreign Policy: Turkish National role conceptions before and during AKP rule, Turkish Studies, 16 (3), 291-309. doi: 50958
  • Budge, I. (1994). A New Spatial Theory of Party Competition: Uncertainty, Ideology and Policy Equilibria Viewed Comparatively and Temporally, British Journal of Political Science, 24(4), 443–67. doi:
  • Budge, I., Klingemann, H. D., Volkens, A., Bara, J., and Tanenbaum, E. (2001). Mapping policy preferences: estimates for parties, electors, and governments, 1945-1998 (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.
  • Budge, I., Ezrow, L., and McDonald, M. (2010). Ideology, Party Factionalism and Policy Change: An Integrated Dynamic Theory, British Journal of Political Science, 40(4), 781–804. doi: https://doi. org/10.1017/S000.712.3409990184
  • CHP (2002). 2002 Seçim Bildirgesi. Retrieved from b6bdceb40e6f4f4d8fe40f11ce4cbd30.pdf
  • CHP (2007). Pusula ’07. Retrieved from pdf
  • CHP (2011). 2011 Seçim Bildirgesi. Retrieved from Bildirgesi.pdf
  • CHP (2015). Seçim Bildirgesi 2015. Retrieved from CHP-SECIM-BILDIRGESI-2015.pdf
  • CHP (2018). Seçim Bildirgesi 2018. Retrieved from 2018-icerik.pdf
  • Çağaptay, S. (2009). Is Turkey Leaving the West? Foreign Affairs Online. Retrieved from https://www.
  • Dolezal, M., Ennser-Jedenastik, L., Müller, W. C., Praprotnik, K., and Winkler, A. K. (2018). Beyond salience and position-taking: How political parties communicate through their manifestos, Party Politics, 24(3), 240–252. doi:
  • Fagerholm, A. (2016). Why do political parties change their policy positions? A review, Political Studies Review, 14(4), 501-511. doi:
  • Harmel, R., and Janda, K. (1994). An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 6(3), 259–87. doi:
  • İpek, P. (2015). Ideas and change in foreign policy instruments: soft power and the case of the Turkish international cooperation and development agency, Foreign Policy Analysis, 11(2), 173-193. doi:
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2013). Turkey: A regional power facing a changing international system, Turkish Studies, 14(4), 637-660. doi:
  • Kennedy, R., and Dickenson, M. (2013). Turkish foreign policy and public opinion in the AKP era, Foreign Policy Analysis, 9(2), 171-188. doi:
  • Kirişçi, K. (2009). The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State, New Perspectives on Turkey, (40), 29-56. doi:
  • Klingemann, H. D., Volkens, A., McDonald, M. D., Budge, I., and Bara, J. (2006). Mapping Policy Preferences II. Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments in Eastern Europe, European Union and OECD 1990–2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kuşku-Sönmez, E. (2019). Dynamics of Change in Turkish Foreign Policy: Evidence from High-level Meetings of the AKP Government, Turkish Studies, 20(3), 377-402. doi: 4683.849.2018.1495078
  • Larrabee, S. F. (2010). Turkey’s New Geopolitics, Survival, 52, 157–180. doi: https://doi. org/10.1080/003.963.31003764686
  • Laver, M. (2005). Policy and the Dynamics of Party Competition, American Political Science Review, 99(2), 263–81. doi:
  • McLean, W. (2015). Understanding Divergence between Public Discourse and Turkish Foreign Policy Practice: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis, Turkish Studies, 16(4), 449-464. doi: 80/14683.849.2015.1096205
  • Meral, Z., and Paris, J. (2010). Decoding Turkish Foreign Policy Hyperactivity, The Washington Quarterly, 33(4), 75-86. doi:
  • Meyer, T. M. (2013). Constraints on Party Policy Change. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  • Merz, N., Regel, S., and Lewandowski, J. (2016). The Manifesto Corpus: A new resource for research on political parties and quantitative text analysis, Research, and Politics, 3(2). doi:
  • MHP(2002).3Kasım2002SeçimBeyannamesi:Türkiye’ninOnurluGeleceği.Retrievedfrom ?sequence=1,andisAllowed=y MHP (2007). 22 Temmuz 2007 Seçim Beyannamesi: Milli Duruş ve Kararlılık Belgesi. Retrieved from ?sequence=1,andisAllowed=y
  • MHP (2011). 2011 Seçim Beyannamesi: 2023’e Doğru Yükselen Ülke Türkiye Sözleşmesi. Retrieved from
  • MHP (2015). 1 Kasım 2015 Seçim Beyannamesi: Huzurlu ve Güvenli Gelecek. Retrieved from https://www.
  • MHP (2018). Milli Diriliş, Kutlu Yükseliş. Retrieved from
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2008). Middle Easternization of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3–20. doi:
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2016). Turkish foreign policy at the nexus of changing international and regional dynamics, Turkish Studies, 17(1), 58-67. doi:
  • Öniş, Z. (2011). Multiple faces of the ‘new’ Turkish foreign policy: underlying dynamics and a critique, Insight Turkey, 13(1), 47-65. Retrieved from
  • Öniş, Z., and Ş. Yılmaz (2009). Between Europeanization and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy Activism in Turkey During the AKP Era, Turkish Studies, 10(1), 7–24. doi:
  • Örmeci, O. (2011). Ismail Cem’s Foreign Policy (1997-2002), Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, (23), 223-245.
  • Tezcür, M. G., and A. Grigorescu (2014). Activism in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing European andRegional Interests, International Studies Perspectives, 15(3), 257-276. doi:
  • Volkens A, Bara J, Budge I, et al. (2013). Mapping Policy Preferences from Texts III: Statistical Solutions for Manifesto Analysts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Winslett, G. (2012). Party Competition as a Driver of Foreign Policy: Explaining Changes in the British Labour Party’s Immigration Policies and the Turkish AKP’s Approach to Cyprus, Josef Korbel Journal of Advanced International Studies, (4), 127-153. Retrieved from viewcontent.cgi?article=1013,andcontext=advancedintlstudies

Party Competition Over Turkish Foreign Policy: Understanding Policy Revisions of the Rival Parties

Yıl 2020, , 97 - 116, 30.03.2020


Why do parties change policy positions? Theories of party competition analyze this question by looking at how parties respond to their voters, to their rivals, to the lobbying groups, or to the results of the past elections. The research on the motives of change in Turkish foreign policy (TFP) partially accounts for such factors from the domestic level. This article is interested in the relative impact of party competition over TFP. To this end, it analyses and compares foreign policy positions as presented in the successive election manifestos of the mainstream Turkish political parties. The analysis rests on all the pre-election party programs of the ruling Justice and Development Party, the Republican Peoples Party and the Nationalist Action Party in the period from 2002 to 2018. The article solely concentrates on sections of these parties’ election programs that are devoted to foreign policy. First, it examines transformations regarding parties’ general framings about TFP visions and then analyses party policies and adjustments regarding Turkey’s relations with the West, Middle East, and other regions. The article also examines the level of the resemblance of parties’ foreign policy proposals with their rivals’ proposals from the previous electoral period. The findings of this article are expected to help understand parties’ choices for particular foreign policy positions, as well as, contribute to the existing discussions on the magnitude and determinants of change in TFP.


  • Adams, J., and Somer-Topcu, Z. (2009). Policy adjustment by parties in response to rival parties’ policy shifts: Spatial theory and the dynamics of party competition in twenty-five post-war democracies, British Journal of Political Science, 39(4), 825-846. doi:
  • Adams, J, Clark, M., Ezrow, L., and Glasgow, G. (2004). Understanding Change and Stability in Party Ideologies: Do Parties Respond to Public Opinion or to Past Election Results? British Journal of Political Science, 34(4), 589– 610. doi:
  • AKP (2002). 2002 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from xmlui/bitstream/handle/11543/954/200304063.pdf sequence=1,andisAllowed=y
  • AKP (2011). 2011 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from media/272799/secim-beyannamesi-2011.pdf
  • AKP (2015a). 2007 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi, Ak Parti Tanıtım ve Medya Başkanlığı.
  • AKP (2015b). 7 Haziran 2015 Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from
  • AKP (2018). Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri ve Genel Seçimler Seçim Beyannamesi. Retrieved from
  • Aydın-Çakır, A., and Arıkan-Akdağ, G. (2017). An Empirical Analysis of the Change in Turkish Foreign Policy Under the AKP Government, Turkish Studies, 18(2), 334–357. doi:
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. (2016). De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches, South European Society and Politics, 21(1), 45-58. doi:
  • Aygül, C. (2014). Locating Change in Turkish Foreign Policy: Visa Policies of the Justice and Development Party in the 2000s, Turkish Studies, 15(3), 402–418. doi: 6424
  • Başer, E. T. (2015). Shift-of-axis in Turkish Foreign Policy: Turkish National role conceptions before and during AKP rule, Turkish Studies, 16 (3), 291-309. doi: 50958
  • Budge, I. (1994). A New Spatial Theory of Party Competition: Uncertainty, Ideology and Policy Equilibria Viewed Comparatively and Temporally, British Journal of Political Science, 24(4), 443–67. doi:
  • Budge, I., Klingemann, H. D., Volkens, A., Bara, J., and Tanenbaum, E. (2001). Mapping policy preferences: estimates for parties, electors, and governments, 1945-1998 (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.
  • Budge, I., Ezrow, L., and McDonald, M. (2010). Ideology, Party Factionalism and Policy Change: An Integrated Dynamic Theory, British Journal of Political Science, 40(4), 781–804. doi: https://doi. org/10.1017/S000.712.3409990184
  • CHP (2002). 2002 Seçim Bildirgesi. Retrieved from b6bdceb40e6f4f4d8fe40f11ce4cbd30.pdf
  • CHP (2007). Pusula ’07. Retrieved from pdf
  • CHP (2011). 2011 Seçim Bildirgesi. Retrieved from Bildirgesi.pdf
  • CHP (2015). Seçim Bildirgesi 2015. Retrieved from CHP-SECIM-BILDIRGESI-2015.pdf
  • CHP (2018). Seçim Bildirgesi 2018. Retrieved from 2018-icerik.pdf
  • Çağaptay, S. (2009). Is Turkey Leaving the West? Foreign Affairs Online. Retrieved from https://www.
  • Dolezal, M., Ennser-Jedenastik, L., Müller, W. C., Praprotnik, K., and Winkler, A. K. (2018). Beyond salience and position-taking: How political parties communicate through their manifestos, Party Politics, 24(3), 240–252. doi:
  • Fagerholm, A. (2016). Why do political parties change their policy positions? A review, Political Studies Review, 14(4), 501-511. doi:
  • Harmel, R., and Janda, K. (1994). An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 6(3), 259–87. doi:
  • İpek, P. (2015). Ideas and change in foreign policy instruments: soft power and the case of the Turkish international cooperation and development agency, Foreign Policy Analysis, 11(2), 173-193. doi:
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2013). Turkey: A regional power facing a changing international system, Turkish Studies, 14(4), 637-660. doi:
  • Kennedy, R., and Dickenson, M. (2013). Turkish foreign policy and public opinion in the AKP era, Foreign Policy Analysis, 9(2), 171-188. doi:
  • Kirişçi, K. (2009). The Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy: The Rise of the Trading State, New Perspectives on Turkey, (40), 29-56. doi:
  • Klingemann, H. D., Volkens, A., McDonald, M. D., Budge, I., and Bara, J. (2006). Mapping Policy Preferences II. Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments in Eastern Europe, European Union and OECD 1990–2003. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kuşku-Sönmez, E. (2019). Dynamics of Change in Turkish Foreign Policy: Evidence from High-level Meetings of the AKP Government, Turkish Studies, 20(3), 377-402. doi: 4683.849.2018.1495078
  • Larrabee, S. F. (2010). Turkey’s New Geopolitics, Survival, 52, 157–180. doi: https://doi. org/10.1080/003.963.31003764686
  • Laver, M. (2005). Policy and the Dynamics of Party Competition, American Political Science Review, 99(2), 263–81. doi:
  • McLean, W. (2015). Understanding Divergence between Public Discourse and Turkish Foreign Policy Practice: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis, Turkish Studies, 16(4), 449-464. doi: 80/14683.849.2015.1096205
  • Meral, Z., and Paris, J. (2010). Decoding Turkish Foreign Policy Hyperactivity, The Washington Quarterly, 33(4), 75-86. doi:
  • Meyer, T. M. (2013). Constraints on Party Policy Change. Colchester: ECPR Press.
  • Merz, N., Regel, S., and Lewandowski, J. (2016). The Manifesto Corpus: A new resource for research on political parties and quantitative text analysis, Research, and Politics, 3(2). doi:
  • MHP(2002).3Kasım2002SeçimBeyannamesi:Türkiye’ninOnurluGeleceği.Retrievedfrom ?sequence=1,andisAllowed=y MHP (2007). 22 Temmuz 2007 Seçim Beyannamesi: Milli Duruş ve Kararlılık Belgesi. Retrieved from ?sequence=1,andisAllowed=y
  • MHP (2011). 2011 Seçim Beyannamesi: 2023’e Doğru Yükselen Ülke Türkiye Sözleşmesi. Retrieved from
  • MHP (2015). 1 Kasım 2015 Seçim Beyannamesi: Huzurlu ve Güvenli Gelecek. Retrieved from https://www.
  • MHP (2018). Milli Diriliş, Kutlu Yükseliş. Retrieved from
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2008). Middle Easternization of Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Does Turkey Disassociate from the West, Turkish Studies, 9(1), 3–20. doi:
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2016). Turkish foreign policy at the nexus of changing international and regional dynamics, Turkish Studies, 17(1), 58-67. doi:
  • Öniş, Z. (2011). Multiple faces of the ‘new’ Turkish foreign policy: underlying dynamics and a critique, Insight Turkey, 13(1), 47-65. Retrieved from
  • Öniş, Z., and Ş. Yılmaz (2009). Between Europeanization and Euro-Asianism: Foreign Policy Activism in Turkey During the AKP Era, Turkish Studies, 10(1), 7–24. doi:
  • Örmeci, O. (2011). Ismail Cem’s Foreign Policy (1997-2002), Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, (23), 223-245.
  • Tezcür, M. G., and A. Grigorescu (2014). Activism in Turkish Foreign Policy: Balancing European andRegional Interests, International Studies Perspectives, 15(3), 257-276. doi:
  • Volkens A, Bara J, Budge I, et al. (2013). Mapping Policy Preferences from Texts III: Statistical Solutions for Manifesto Analysts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Winslett, G. (2012). Party Competition as a Driver of Foreign Policy: Explaining Changes in the British Labour Party’s Immigration Policies and the Turkish AKP’s Approach to Cyprus, Josef Korbel Journal of Advanced International Studies, (4), 127-153. Retrieved from viewcontent.cgi?article=1013,andcontext=advancedintlstudies
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Eda Kuşku Sönmez Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2689-3500

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Kuşku Sönmez, E. (2020). Party Competition Over Turkish Foreign Policy: Understanding Policy Revisions of the Rival Parties. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 97-116.