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Avrupa Birliği’nin “Kadınlar, Barış ve Güvenlik” Gündemine Yönelik Yaklaşımı: Söylemler, Temsiller ve Oluşumlar

Yıl 2020, , 80 - 96, 08.12.2020


“Kadınlar, Barış ve Güvenlik” (KBG) Gündemi ilk olarak Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenik Konseyi’nin 1325
(2000) sayılı kararıyla oluşturulmuş ve onu takip eden başka kararlarla da desteklenmiştir. Gündemin
dört temel amacı bulunmaktadır: “önleme ve çatışma çözümü; kadınların ve kız çocuklarının toplumsal
cinsiyet temelli şiddetten korunması; kadınların çatışma çözümündeki tüm süreçlere karar-alma
aşamalarındaki katılımı; rahatlama ve iyileşme.” Avrupa Birliği de, KGB ile ilgili alınan BM kararlarına
uygun olarak 2000’li yılların ortalarından itibaren toplumsal cinsiyet ve güvenlik arasındaki ilişkiye
yönelik bir perspektif geliştirmektedir. Bu çalışma, AB’nin KBG Gündemi’ne yönelik perspektifinin,
küresel ve ataerkil sistemin söylemleri ve kadınları “kurban”, “korunmayı bekleyen” ve barışı destekleyen
“aktörler” olarak nitelendiren temsilleri yoluyla oluşturulduğunu ileri sürmektedir. Çalışma feminist ve
post-yapısalcı yaklaşımlara dayanarak AB’nin KBG’ye yönelik söylemlerini analiz etmektedir.


  • Aggestam, L. (2008) Ethical Power Europe? International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 84(1): 1-11.
  • BBC (2017). The UN’s peacekeeping nightmare in Africa. Tomi Oladipo, 5 January 2017.
  • Bellamy A. J. (2005). ‘The Next Stage” in Peace Operations Theory. A. J. Bellamy and P. Williams (Eds.), Peace Operations and Global Order in (pp.17-38): New York: Routledge.
  • Blanchard, E. H. (2003). Gender, International Relations and the Development of Feminist Security. Signs, 28(4): 1289-1312. doi:10.1086/368328.
  • Burke, A. (2013). Post-structural security studies. L. J. Shepherd (Ed.), Critical Approaches to Security in (ss. 76-99). New York and London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Butler, J. (1999). Gender Trouble, Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Campbell, D. (1992). Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and Politics of Identity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Cebeci M. (2012). European Foreign Policy Research reconsidered: Constructing an ‘Ideal Power Europe’ through Theory? Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(3): 563-583. D OI: 10.1177/0305829812442235
  • Chandler, D. (2005). Responsibility to Protect? Imposing the ‘Liberal Peace’. A. J. Bellamy and P. Williams (Eds.), Peace Operations and Global Order in (pp. 59-81): New York: Routledge.
  • Cockburn, C. (2012). Anti-militarism: Political and Gender Dynamics of Peace Movements. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Council of the European Union (2008). Comprehensive approach to the EU implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 on women, peace and security. 1 December 2008.
  • Council of the European Union, ‘A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy’, Brussels, 12 December 2003,
  • Council of the European Union. (2006). Check list to ensure gender mainstreaming and implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the planning and conduct of ESDP Operations. 27 July 2006.
  • Council of the European Union. (2018). Women, Peace and Security. Council Conclusions. 10 December 2018.
  • Derrida, J. (2016). Of Grammatology. G. C. Spivak, (Tranlation). United States of America: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Dillon, M. (1996). Politics of Security, Towards a Political Philosphy of Continental Thought. New York: Routledge.
  • Engle, K. (2014). The Grip of Sexual Violence: Reading UN Security Council Resolutions on Human Security. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 23-47). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Enloe, C. (2004). The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire. USA: University of California Press.
  • Enloe, C. (2014). Bananas, Beaches and Bases. Making Feminist Sense of International Relations. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press.
  • European Council. European Union Global Strategy (2016). “Shared Vision, A Common Action: A Stronger Union, A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy”, June
  • Fairclogh, N. (2005). Critical discourse analysis in transdisciplinary research. R. Wodak R. and P. (Ed.). A New Agenda In (Critical) Discourse Analysis in (pp. 53-71). Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. United States of America: Longman In.
  • Foucault, M. (1981). The Orders of Discourse. R. Young (Ed.), Untying the Text: A Post-structural Reader in (pp. 48-78). United States of America: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Gariup, M. (2009). European Security Culture, Language, Theory, Policy. England: Ashgate.
  • George, N. and Shepherd, L. J. (2016). Women, Peace and Security: Exploring the implementation and integration of UNSCR 1325. International Political Science Review. 37(3): 297-306.
  • Hansen L. (2006). Security as Practice: Disourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London and New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
  • Heathcote, G. (2014). Participation, Gender and Security. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 48-69). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Howarth D. and Stavrakakis, S. (2000). Introducing discourse theory and political analysis. D. Howarth, A. J. Norval and Y. Stavrakakis (Eds.), Discourse Theory and political analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change in (pp. 1-23). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Hudson, N. F. (2010). Gender, Human Security and the United Nations: Security language as a political framework for women. New York: Routledge.
  • Kennedy C. and Dingli S. (2016). Gender and Security. A. Collins (Ed.), Contemporary Security Studies in (ss. 154-165). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Khalid, M. (2015). Feminist Perspectives on Militarism and War: Critiques, Contradictions and Gender, Militarism, and Peace-Building: Projects of the Post-conflict Moment. R. Baksh and W. Harcourt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements in (pp. 632-650). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Klot, J. F. (2015). UN Security Council Resolution 1325. A Feminist Transformative Agenda?. R. Baksh and W. Harcourt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements in (pp. 723-744). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kunz, R. and Maisenbacher, J. (2017). Reinstating the European Union’s civilising missions on the back of gender equality promotion? European Journal of International Relations, 23(1):122-144. DOI: 10.1177/1354066115621120
  • Lazar, M. M. (2005). Policizing Gender in Discourse: Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis as Political perspective and Praxis. M. M. Lazar (Ed.), Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis, Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse in (pp. 1-28). New York: Palgrave, MacMillan.
  • Lynch, C. (2014). Interpreting International Politics. New York and London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Moran, M. H. (2010). Gender, Militarism, and Peace-building: Projects of the Postconsflict Moment. Annual Review of Anthropology, 39:261-274.
  • Muehlenhoff H. L. (2017). Victims, soldiers, peacemakers and caretakers: the neoliberal constitution of women in the EU’s security policy. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19(2): 153-167.
  • Official Journal of the European Union. (2010). 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women and peace and security. 25 November 2010.
  • Otto, D and Heathcote, G. (2014). Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security: An Introduction. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 1-22). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ruby, F. (2014). Security Council Resolution 1325: A Tool for Conflict Prevention? D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 173-184). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Shepherd, L. J. (2017). Gender, UN Peacebuilding, and the Politics of Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Smith, K.E. (2005). Beyond the civilian power EU debate. Politique Européenne, 3. 17: 63-82.
  • Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the European Parliament pleanary session on the reports on Common Foreign and Security Policy and on Common Security and Defence Policy. 11 December 2018.
  • Stavridis, S. (2001). “Militarising” the EU: The concept of civilian power Europe revisited. The International Spectator, 36(4): 43-50. DOI: 10.1080/03932720108456945
  • Stern, M. (2011). Gender and Race in the European Strategy: Europe as a “force for good”? Journal of International Relations and Development, 14(1): 28-59. DOI: 10.1057/jird.2010.7   Kurana, T. (2016). The Common Root of Meaning and Nonmeaning”: Derrida, Foucault and the Transformation of the Transcendental Question, O. Custer, P.Deutscher and S. Haddad (Eds.), Foucault/Derrida: Fifty Years Later in (pp. 80-104). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Thompson, M. (2006). Women, gender, and conflict: making the connections. Development in Practice, 16(3-4):342-353. DOI: 10.1080/09614520600694976
  • Tickner, J. A. (1992). Gender In International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Tickner, J. A. (2001). Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post Cold War Era. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Tocci, N. (2016). Framing the EU Global Strategy: A Stronger Europe in a Fragile World. The Making of the EU Global Strategy. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Torfing, J. (1999). New Theories of Discourse. Laclau, Mouffe and Zizek. UK and US: Blackwell Publishers.
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2493 (2019). 29 October 2019 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1820 (2008). 18 June 2008. S/RES/1820 (2008)
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1888 (2009). 30 September 2009. S/RES/1888 (2009).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1960 (2010). 16 December 2010. S/RES/1960 (2010).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2122 (2013). 18 October 2013. S/RES/2122 (1023).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2242 (2015). 13 October 2015. S/RES/2242. (2015). symbol=S/RES/2242%20%282015%29&referer=
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2272 (2016). 11 March 2016. S/RES/2272 (2016).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2331 (2016). 20 December 2016. S/RES/2331 (2016)..
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2467 (2019). 23 April 2019. S/RES/2467 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2492 (2019). 15 October 2019. S/RES/2492 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1325 (2000) “Women, Peace and Security”, 31 October 2000. S/RES/1325 (2000).
  • Whitman, R. G. and Wolff, S. (Eds). (2012). The EU as a Global Conflict Manager: London and New York: Routledge.

The European Union’s Approach to “Women, Peace and Security”: Discourses, Representations and Constructions

Yıl 2020, , 80 - 96, 08.12.2020


“Women, Peace and Security” (WPS) Agenda has been introduced by the United Nations Security
Council Resolution 1325 (2000) and advocated by its follow-up resolutions. It has four main objectives:
“prevention and conflict resolution; protection of women and girls from gender-based violence;
participation of women in all stages of decision-making in conflict resolution; and relief and recovery.”
The European Union has also developed a perspective on the relationship between gender and security
since the mid-2000s in line with the UNSC resolutions on WPS. This study argues that the EU’s
approach towards the WPS Agenda is constructed through discourses of the patriarchal global system
and representations of women as “victims”, “those to be protected”, and “agency” promoting peace.
The study utilises feminist and post-structural views and provides an analysis of the EU’s discourses
on WPS.


  • Aggestam, L. (2008) Ethical Power Europe? International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 84(1): 1-11.
  • BBC (2017). The UN’s peacekeeping nightmare in Africa. Tomi Oladipo, 5 January 2017.
  • Bellamy A. J. (2005). ‘The Next Stage” in Peace Operations Theory. A. J. Bellamy and P. Williams (Eds.), Peace Operations and Global Order in (pp.17-38): New York: Routledge.
  • Blanchard, E. H. (2003). Gender, International Relations and the Development of Feminist Security. Signs, 28(4): 1289-1312. doi:10.1086/368328.
  • Burke, A. (2013). Post-structural security studies. L. J. Shepherd (Ed.), Critical Approaches to Security in (ss. 76-99). New York and London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Butler, J. (1999). Gender Trouble, Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Campbell, D. (1992). Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and Politics of Identity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Cebeci M. (2012). European Foreign Policy Research reconsidered: Constructing an ‘Ideal Power Europe’ through Theory? Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 40(3): 563-583. D OI: 10.1177/0305829812442235
  • Chandler, D. (2005). Responsibility to Protect? Imposing the ‘Liberal Peace’. A. J. Bellamy and P. Williams (Eds.), Peace Operations and Global Order in (pp. 59-81): New York: Routledge.
  • Cockburn, C. (2012). Anti-militarism: Political and Gender Dynamics of Peace Movements. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Council of the European Union (2008). Comprehensive approach to the EU implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 on women, peace and security. 1 December 2008.
  • Council of the European Union, ‘A Secure Europe in a Better World – European Security Strategy’, Brussels, 12 December 2003,
  • Council of the European Union. (2006). Check list to ensure gender mainstreaming and implementation of UNSCR 1325 in the planning and conduct of ESDP Operations. 27 July 2006.
  • Council of the European Union. (2018). Women, Peace and Security. Council Conclusions. 10 December 2018.
  • Derrida, J. (2016). Of Grammatology. G. C. Spivak, (Tranlation). United States of America: John Hopkins University Press.
  • Dillon, M. (1996). Politics of Security, Towards a Political Philosphy of Continental Thought. New York: Routledge.
  • Engle, K. (2014). The Grip of Sexual Violence: Reading UN Security Council Resolutions on Human Security. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 23-47). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Enloe, C. (2004). The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire. USA: University of California Press.
  • Enloe, C. (2014). Bananas, Beaches and Bases. Making Feminist Sense of International Relations. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press.
  • European Council. European Union Global Strategy (2016). “Shared Vision, A Common Action: A Stronger Union, A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy”, June
  • Fairclogh, N. (2005). Critical discourse analysis in transdisciplinary research. R. Wodak R. and P. (Ed.). A New Agenda In (Critical) Discourse Analysis in (pp. 53-71). Amsterdam and Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Fairclough, N. (1989). Language and Power. United States of America: Longman In.
  • Foucault, M. (1981). The Orders of Discourse. R. Young (Ed.), Untying the Text: A Post-structural Reader in (pp. 48-78). United States of America: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Gariup, M. (2009). European Security Culture, Language, Theory, Policy. England: Ashgate.
  • George, N. and Shepherd, L. J. (2016). Women, Peace and Security: Exploring the implementation and integration of UNSCR 1325. International Political Science Review. 37(3): 297-306.
  • Hansen L. (2006). Security as Practice: Disourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London and New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
  • Heathcote, G. (2014). Participation, Gender and Security. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 48-69). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Howarth D. and Stavrakakis, S. (2000). Introducing discourse theory and political analysis. D. Howarth, A. J. Norval and Y. Stavrakakis (Eds.), Discourse Theory and political analysis: Identities, Hegemonies and Social Change in (pp. 1-23). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Hudson, N. F. (2010). Gender, Human Security and the United Nations: Security language as a political framework for women. New York: Routledge.
  • Kennedy C. and Dingli S. (2016). Gender and Security. A. Collins (Ed.), Contemporary Security Studies in (ss. 154-165). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Khalid, M. (2015). Feminist Perspectives on Militarism and War: Critiques, Contradictions and Gender, Militarism, and Peace-Building: Projects of the Post-conflict Moment. R. Baksh and W. Harcourt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements in (pp. 632-650). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Klot, J. F. (2015). UN Security Council Resolution 1325. A Feminist Transformative Agenda?. R. Baksh and W. Harcourt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements in (pp. 723-744). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kunz, R. and Maisenbacher, J. (2017). Reinstating the European Union’s civilising missions on the back of gender equality promotion? European Journal of International Relations, 23(1):122-144. DOI: 10.1177/1354066115621120
  • Lazar, M. M. (2005). Policizing Gender in Discourse: Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis as Political perspective and Praxis. M. M. Lazar (Ed.), Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis, Gender, Power and Ideology in Discourse in (pp. 1-28). New York: Palgrave, MacMillan.
  • Lynch, C. (2014). Interpreting International Politics. New York and London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Moran, M. H. (2010). Gender, Militarism, and Peace-building: Projects of the Postconsflict Moment. Annual Review of Anthropology, 39:261-274.
  • Muehlenhoff H. L. (2017). Victims, soldiers, peacemakers and caretakers: the neoliberal constitution of women in the EU’s security policy. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19(2): 153-167.
  • Official Journal of the European Union. (2010). 10th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on women and peace and security. 25 November 2010.
  • Otto, D and Heathcote, G. (2014). Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security: An Introduction. D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 1-22). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ruby, F. (2014). Security Council Resolution 1325: A Tool for Conflict Prevention? D. Otto and G. Heathcote (Eds.), Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security in (pp. 173-184). UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Shepherd, L. J. (2017). Gender, UN Peacebuilding, and the Politics of Space. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Smith, K.E. (2005). Beyond the civilian power EU debate. Politique Européenne, 3. 17: 63-82.
  • Speech by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini at the European Parliament pleanary session on the reports on Common Foreign and Security Policy and on Common Security and Defence Policy. 11 December 2018.
  • Stavridis, S. (2001). “Militarising” the EU: The concept of civilian power Europe revisited. The International Spectator, 36(4): 43-50. DOI: 10.1080/03932720108456945
  • Stern, M. (2011). Gender and Race in the European Strategy: Europe as a “force for good”? Journal of International Relations and Development, 14(1): 28-59. DOI: 10.1057/jird.2010.7   Kurana, T. (2016). The Common Root of Meaning and Nonmeaning”: Derrida, Foucault and the Transformation of the Transcendental Question, O. Custer, P.Deutscher and S. Haddad (Eds.), Foucault/Derrida: Fifty Years Later in (pp. 80-104). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Thompson, M. (2006). Women, gender, and conflict: making the connections. Development in Practice, 16(3-4):342-353. DOI: 10.1080/09614520600694976
  • Tickner, J. A. (1992). Gender In International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Tickner, J. A. (2001). Gendering World Politics: Issues and Approaches in the Post Cold War Era. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Tocci, N. (2016). Framing the EU Global Strategy: A Stronger Europe in a Fragile World. The Making of the EU Global Strategy. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Torfing, J. (1999). New Theories of Discourse. Laclau, Mouffe and Zizek. UK and US: Blackwell Publishers.
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2493 (2019). 29 October 2019 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1820 (2008). 18 June 2008. S/RES/1820 (2008)
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1888 (2009). 30 September 2009. S/RES/1888 (2009).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1960 (2010). 16 December 2010. S/RES/1960 (2010).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2122 (2013). 18 October 2013. S/RES/2122 (1023).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2242 (2015). 13 October 2015. S/RES/2242. (2015). symbol=S/RES/2242%20%282015%29&referer=
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2272 (2016). 11 March 2016. S/RES/2272 (2016).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2331 (2016). 20 December 2016. S/RES/2331 (2016)..
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2467 (2019). 23 April 2019. S/RES/2467 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 2492 (2019). 15 October 2019. S/RES/2492 (2019).
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 1325 (2000) “Women, Peace and Security”, 31 October 2000. S/RES/1325 (2000).
  • Whitman, R. G. and Wolff, S. (Eds). (2012). The EU as a Global Conflict Manager: London and New York: Routledge.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Gökçen Yavaş 0000-0001-6776-5639

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Yavaş, G. (2020). The European Union’s Approach to “Women, Peace and Security”: Discourses, Representations and Constructions. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(Özel Sayı), 80-96.