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Küresel Yönetişimde 'Orta Ölçekli Güç Dönemi'ni Yeniden Düşünmek: Pandemi Sonrası Dünyada MIKTA'nın Meşruiyet Krizi için Bir Fırsat mı?

Yıl 2020, , 22 - 39, 08.12.2020


2008 Krizi sonrası değişen dünya düzeninde azalan Amerikan hegemonyası ve orta ölçekli güçlerin
yükseliş anı üzerine tartışmaların sürdüğü bir dönemde Meksika, Endonezya, Türkiye, Güney Kore
ve Avustralya’nın birlikteliğinden doğan MIKTA, küresel düzlemdeki G-20 ve BRICS gibi informal
örgütlerden biridir. Fakat MIKTA’nın kuruluşunun 7. yılında örgütün küresel yönetişime ortak
deklarasyonlar yayımlamak ve toplantılar düzenlemek dışında ne kadar katkı sağladığı sorgulanmaya
başlanmıştır. Bu makale Covid-19 pandemisinin MIKTA’nın meşruiyet krizini aşmak için ne türden
risk ve fırsatlar getirdiğini araştırarak üye ülkeler açısından sosyo-ekonomik meydan okumalar yaratsa
da pandeminin MIKTA’nın küresel yönetişimdeki görünürlüğünü artırmak için bir şans yarattığını
iddia etmektedir. Bunun için öncelikle pandemi döneminde küresel yönetişimde orta ölçekli güçlerin
yükselişi üzerine yapılan tartışmaları ele alacak ve sonrasında MIKTA’nın meşruiyet krizini bu
çerçevede değerlendirecektir.


  • Acharya, Amitav. (2017). After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order. Ethics and International Affairs, 31, No:3.
  • Alexandroff, Alan S. and Donald Brean. (2015). Global Summitry: Its Meaning and Scope Part One’. Global Summitry, 1, 1, pp.1-26.
  • Alliance for Multilateralism. (2019). What is the ‘Alliance for Multilateralism’’? Available at:
  • Binder, Martin and Monika Heupel. (2015). The Legitimacy of the UN Security Council: Evidence from Recent General Assembly Debates. International Studies Quarterly, 59, pp.238-250.
  • Buchanan, Allen and Robert O. Keohane. (2006). The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions. Ethics and International Affairs, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp.405-437.
  • Buzan Barry. (2011). The Inaugural Kenneth Waltz Annual Lecture A World Order Without Superpowers : Decentred Globalism. International Relations, 25, 3. pp. 3-25.
  • Campero, Mariana and Linnea Sandin. (2020). The Covid -19 pandemic threatens Mexican economy. CSIS, June 17. Available at:,percent%2C%20and%20inequality%20is%20rampant.
  • Canik, Muhammed Emin. (2020). Turkish Agency delivers aid in Mexico over the pandemic. Anadolu Agency, April 30. Available at:
  • Carr, A. (2014). Is Australia a Middle Power? A Systemic Impact Approach. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 68 ,1, pp.70–84.
  • Carr, Andrew.(2020). The Illusion of a Middle Power Moment. East Asia Forum, Vol. 12 No:1, January-March, pp.9-10. Available at:
  • Chang-won, Lim. (2020). Turkish company Ilko joins Genexine’s Covid- 19 vaccine development. Aju Businness Daily, July 1. Available at:
  • Chapnick, Adam. (1999). The Middle Power. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 7 (2), pp. 73–82.
  • Christensen, Steen Fryba and Li Xing. (2016). Emerging Powers and the Emerging World Order: Back to the Future? Steen Fryba Christensen and Li Xing (ed.) in Emerging Powers, Emerging Markets, Emerging Societies Global Responses (3-30). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Cooper, Andrew F.and Emel Parlar Dal. (2017). Positioning the third wave of middle power diplomacy: institutional elevation, practice and limitations. International Journal, 71, 4, pp.516-528.
  • Cooper, Andrew F.(2015). MIKTA and the Global Projection of Middle Powers: Toward a Summit of Their Own? Global Summitry, Vol.1, No.1, pp.95-114.
  • Çolakoğlu, Selçuk. 2018. ‘Has MIKTA augmented the global governance role of middle powers? The Global. Available at:
  • Dal, Emel Parlar and Ali Murat Kurşun. (2016). Assessing Turkey’s Middle Power Foreign Policy in MIKTA: Goals, Means and Impact. International Journal, Vol. 71(4), pp. 608–62.
  • Dellmuth, Lisa Maria, Jan Aart Scholte and Tonas Tallberg. (2019). Institutional sources of legitimacy for international organizations: beyond procedure versus performance. Review of International Studies, 45, 4, pp. 627-646.
  • Demiralp, Selva. (2020). The Economic impact of Covid-19 on Turkey. Middle East Institute Publications, May 26. Available at:
  • Evans, Gareth. (2011). Middle Power Diplomacy. Lecture in Chile Pacific Foundation, Santiago, 29 June. Available at:
  • Falk, Richard. (2020). Global Governance in the Post-Covid-19 Era. The World after Covid-19: Cooperation or Competition? June. Ankara: Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Center For Strategic Research, pp.57-63.
  • Financial Times. (2020). Emerging countries lift lockdowns despite Covid-19 cases surge. May 20. Available at:
  • Global Health Security Index. (2019).
  • Gök, Gonca Oğuz and Radiye Funda Karadeniz. (2020). Emerging Middle Powers (MIKTA) in Global Political Economy: Preferences, Capabilities, and Their Limitations, Emel Parlar Dal (ed.) in Turkey’s Political Economy in the 21st Century (163-195), NewYork: Palgrave.
  • Gök, Gonca Oğuz and Radiye Funda Karadeniz. (2018). Analysing ‘T’ in MIKTA: Turkey’s Changing Middle Power Role in the United Nations, Emel Parlar Dal (ed.) in Middle Powers in Global Governance (133-161), New York: Palgrave.
  • Guehenno, Jean-Marie. (2020). Multilateralism After the Coronavirus. Valdai Discussion Club, Expert Opinions, May 6. Available at: Accessed on May21, 2020.
  • Gutner, Tamar and Alexander Thompson. (2010). The Politics of IO Performance: A Framework. Review of International Organizations, 5, pp.227-248.
  • Haas, Richard. (2010). The Case for Messy Multilateralism. Financial Times, January 5.
  • Hammond, Andrew. (2017). Why Donald Trump’s America First Rhetoric is a Threat to the World. Newsweek, 20 May, Available at:
  • Hurrell, Andrew. (2019). Rising Powers and the Emerging World Order. John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens(ed.), in The Globalization of World Politics, An Introduction to International Relations (8th Edn), Oxford Uni. Press. Online Publish. DOI: 10.1093/hepl/9780198825548.003.0005 Retrieved From Oxford Politics Trove Available at:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2020). World Economic Outlook A Crisis Like No Other, An Uncertain Recovery, June, Washington.Available at : Accessed on August 25,2020.
  • International Monetary Fund. (2020). World Economic Outlook: The Great Lockdown. April, Washington, Available at:
  • Jones, Bruce. Can Middle Powers Lead the World Out of the Pandemic? Foreign Affairs, June 18. Available at:
  • Kim, Sung-Mi, Sebastian Haug, and Susan Harris Rimmer. (2018). Minilateralism Revisited:MIKTA as Slender Diplomacy in a Multiplex World. Global Governance, 24, pp.475-489.
  • Kuo, Mercy A. (2016). The End of American World Order, Insights from Amitav Acharya. The Diplomat, 10 November. Available at:
  • Mariska Diana. (2020). Indonesia and Turkey in talks for infrastructure cooperation. Jakarta Globe, June 25. Available at:
  • MIKTA. 2020. Foreign Ministers’ Joint Statement on the Covid-19 Pandemic and Global Health, 9 April. Available at:
  • MIKTA.2020. Foreign Ministers’ Joint Statement on the Elections held at the United Nations General Assembly, July 17. Available at:
  • MIKTA Booklet.2020. Available at:
  • MIKTA Vision Statement. 2015. May 22. Available at:
  • MIKTA Guidelines. 2017. 13 December. Available at:
  • Naim, Moises. (2009). ‘Minilateralism’. Foreign Policy. Available at http://
  • Narlikar, Amrita and Rajur Kumar.(2012). From Pax Americana to Pax Mosaica: Bargaining Over a New Economic Order. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 83, No:2.
  • Narlikar, Amrita. (2020). The Politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic. Gian Luca Gardini (ed.) in The World Before and After Covid-19, Intellectual Reflections on Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations (28-32). European Institute of International Studies.
  • Narlikar, Amrita. (2017). Can the G-20 Save the Globalization? GIGA Focus Global , Number 1 , March, ISSN 1862-3581. Available at:
  • Nagy, Stephen. (2020). It’s time for the middle powers to step in. The Japan Times, July 16, Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık.(2020). The Challenge facing middle powers in the new Cold War, Daily Sabah, May 28. Available at:
  • O’Sullivan, Dominic, Mubarak Rahamathulla and Manohar Pawar. (2020). The Impact and Implications of Covid-19: An Australian Perspective. International Journal of Community and Social Development, 2, 2, pp. 124-151.
  • Öniş, Ziya. (2017). The Age of Anxiety: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy in a Post-Hegemonic Global Order. The International Spectator, Volume 52, 2017, Issue3, pp. 18-35.
  • Öniş, Ziya and Mustafa Kutlay. (2020). The Age of Hybridity and Clash of Norms: China, BRICS, and Challenges of Global Governance in a Postliberal International Order. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Published Online: May 6.
  • Pant, Harsh V. (2020). Covid19 and the middle power moment in global politics. Observer Research Foundation, May 6. Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Rajah, Roland and Stephen Grenville.(2020). Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. Lowy Institute Policy Brief, 3 July. Available at :
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2020 a). Where Next for MIKTA? The Interpreter, 26 August. Available at: Access Date: 27 August 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2020 b). Middle Powers after the Middle-Power Moment. East Asia Forum, June 6, Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2018). South Korea’s quandary: What to do about MIKTA? The Interpreter, 29 November. Available at: Access Date: 20 August 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2017). Middle-power definitions: confusion reigns supreme. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71, 4, pp.355-370.
  • Schweller, Randall. (2011). Emerging Powers in an Age of Disorder. Global Governance, 17,pp. 285-297.
  • Schiavon, Jorge A. and Diego Dominguez. (2016). Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA): Middle, Regional, and Constructive Powers Providing Global Governance. Asia&the Pacific Policy Studies, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.495-504.
  • Septriari, Dian. (2020). Indonesia , South Korea join hands in Covid-19 response. The Jakarta Post, May 7. Available at :
  • Singh, Bhubhindar and Sarah Teo. (2020) . Introduction: Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific., Bhubhindar Singh and Sarah Teo (ed.), in Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific (1-13).New York: Routledge.
  • Stuenkel, Oliver. (2016). The Post-Western World and the Rise of a Parallel Order. The Diplomat, 26 September. Available at:
  • Stangarone, Troy. (2020). The Covid-19 Pushes South Korea into Recession. The Diplomat, August 3. Available at:
  • Vabulas, Felicity and Duncan Snidal.(2013).Organization without delegation: Informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs) and the spectrum of intergovernmental arrangements. The Review of International Organizations,8, pp.193–220.
  • West John. (2020). Time for middle power global leadership? Unravel, July 22. Available at: Accessed on August 1,2020.
  • Xing, Li. (2016). The Nexus between the Emerging Powers and the Existing World Order: Interdependent Hegemony. Op-Ed, Rising Powers in Global Governance, October 4. Available at:
  • Worldometer Info, Coronavirus Update. August 28,2020
  • Zakaria Fareed. (2008). The Post-American World. The NewYork Times, May 6. Available at:

‘The Middle Power Moment’ Revisited in Global Governance: A Chance for MIKTA’s Legitimacy Crisis in Post-Pandemic World?

Yıl 2020, , 22 - 39, 08.12.2020


MIKTA – Mexico, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Australia – emerged in the context of post – 2008 crisis
as an informal political grouping such as G20 and BRICS when the world witnessed the discussions on
the declining US hegemony and the rise of ‘middle power’ moment in the changing world order. It is
argued that despite the joint declarations, its existence brought no contribution for global governance
and after seven years of its emergence, its relevance and resilience has started to be questioned.
This article asks whether the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic brings risks or opportunities for
MIKTA to overcome this crisis of legitimacy. It is argued that the Covid-19 crisis may be regarded as a
chance for MIKTA to strengthen its presence in global governance although it presents economic and
political challenges for member countries. In order to do this, firstly the discussions on ‘the middle
power moment’ for global governance in the Covid-19 world will be analysed and secondly, MIKTA’s
legitimacy crisis will be evaluated within this context.


  • Acharya, Amitav. (2017). After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order. Ethics and International Affairs, 31, No:3.
  • Alexandroff, Alan S. and Donald Brean. (2015). Global Summitry: Its Meaning and Scope Part One’. Global Summitry, 1, 1, pp.1-26.
  • Alliance for Multilateralism. (2019). What is the ‘Alliance for Multilateralism’’? Available at:
  • Binder, Martin and Monika Heupel. (2015). The Legitimacy of the UN Security Council: Evidence from Recent General Assembly Debates. International Studies Quarterly, 59, pp.238-250.
  • Buchanan, Allen and Robert O. Keohane. (2006). The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions. Ethics and International Affairs, Volume 20, Issue 4, pp.405-437.
  • Buzan Barry. (2011). The Inaugural Kenneth Waltz Annual Lecture A World Order Without Superpowers : Decentred Globalism. International Relations, 25, 3. pp. 3-25.
  • Campero, Mariana and Linnea Sandin. (2020). The Covid -19 pandemic threatens Mexican economy. CSIS, June 17. Available at:,percent%2C%20and%20inequality%20is%20rampant.
  • Canik, Muhammed Emin. (2020). Turkish Agency delivers aid in Mexico over the pandemic. Anadolu Agency, April 30. Available at:
  • Carr, A. (2014). Is Australia a Middle Power? A Systemic Impact Approach. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 68 ,1, pp.70–84.
  • Carr, Andrew.(2020). The Illusion of a Middle Power Moment. East Asia Forum, Vol. 12 No:1, January-March, pp.9-10. Available at:
  • Chang-won, Lim. (2020). Turkish company Ilko joins Genexine’s Covid- 19 vaccine development. Aju Businness Daily, July 1. Available at:
  • Chapnick, Adam. (1999). The Middle Power. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 7 (2), pp. 73–82.
  • Christensen, Steen Fryba and Li Xing. (2016). Emerging Powers and the Emerging World Order: Back to the Future? Steen Fryba Christensen and Li Xing (ed.) in Emerging Powers, Emerging Markets, Emerging Societies Global Responses (3-30). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Cooper, Andrew F.and Emel Parlar Dal. (2017). Positioning the third wave of middle power diplomacy: institutional elevation, practice and limitations. International Journal, 71, 4, pp.516-528.
  • Cooper, Andrew F.(2015). MIKTA and the Global Projection of Middle Powers: Toward a Summit of Their Own? Global Summitry, Vol.1, No.1, pp.95-114.
  • Çolakoğlu, Selçuk. 2018. ‘Has MIKTA augmented the global governance role of middle powers? The Global. Available at:
  • Dal, Emel Parlar and Ali Murat Kurşun. (2016). Assessing Turkey’s Middle Power Foreign Policy in MIKTA: Goals, Means and Impact. International Journal, Vol. 71(4), pp. 608–62.
  • Dellmuth, Lisa Maria, Jan Aart Scholte and Tonas Tallberg. (2019). Institutional sources of legitimacy for international organizations: beyond procedure versus performance. Review of International Studies, 45, 4, pp. 627-646.
  • Demiralp, Selva. (2020). The Economic impact of Covid-19 on Turkey. Middle East Institute Publications, May 26. Available at:
  • Evans, Gareth. (2011). Middle Power Diplomacy. Lecture in Chile Pacific Foundation, Santiago, 29 June. Available at:
  • Falk, Richard. (2020). Global Governance in the Post-Covid-19 Era. The World after Covid-19: Cooperation or Competition? June. Ankara: Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Center For Strategic Research, pp.57-63.
  • Financial Times. (2020). Emerging countries lift lockdowns despite Covid-19 cases surge. May 20. Available at:
  • Global Health Security Index. (2019).
  • Gök, Gonca Oğuz and Radiye Funda Karadeniz. (2020). Emerging Middle Powers (MIKTA) in Global Political Economy: Preferences, Capabilities, and Their Limitations, Emel Parlar Dal (ed.) in Turkey’s Political Economy in the 21st Century (163-195), NewYork: Palgrave.
  • Gök, Gonca Oğuz and Radiye Funda Karadeniz. (2018). Analysing ‘T’ in MIKTA: Turkey’s Changing Middle Power Role in the United Nations, Emel Parlar Dal (ed.) in Middle Powers in Global Governance (133-161), New York: Palgrave.
  • Guehenno, Jean-Marie. (2020). Multilateralism After the Coronavirus. Valdai Discussion Club, Expert Opinions, May 6. Available at: Accessed on May21, 2020.
  • Gutner, Tamar and Alexander Thompson. (2010). The Politics of IO Performance: A Framework. Review of International Organizations, 5, pp.227-248.
  • Haas, Richard. (2010). The Case for Messy Multilateralism. Financial Times, January 5.
  • Hammond, Andrew. (2017). Why Donald Trump’s America First Rhetoric is a Threat to the World. Newsweek, 20 May, Available at:
  • Hurrell, Andrew. (2019). Rising Powers and the Emerging World Order. John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens(ed.), in The Globalization of World Politics, An Introduction to International Relations (8th Edn), Oxford Uni. Press. Online Publish. DOI: 10.1093/hepl/9780198825548.003.0005 Retrieved From Oxford Politics Trove Available at:
  • International Monetary Fund. (2020). World Economic Outlook A Crisis Like No Other, An Uncertain Recovery, June, Washington.Available at : Accessed on August 25,2020.
  • International Monetary Fund. (2020). World Economic Outlook: The Great Lockdown. April, Washington, Available at:
  • Jones, Bruce. Can Middle Powers Lead the World Out of the Pandemic? Foreign Affairs, June 18. Available at:
  • Kim, Sung-Mi, Sebastian Haug, and Susan Harris Rimmer. (2018). Minilateralism Revisited:MIKTA as Slender Diplomacy in a Multiplex World. Global Governance, 24, pp.475-489.
  • Kuo, Mercy A. (2016). The End of American World Order, Insights from Amitav Acharya. The Diplomat, 10 November. Available at:
  • Mariska Diana. (2020). Indonesia and Turkey in talks for infrastructure cooperation. Jakarta Globe, June 25. Available at:
  • MIKTA. 2020. Foreign Ministers’ Joint Statement on the Covid-19 Pandemic and Global Health, 9 April. Available at:
  • MIKTA.2020. Foreign Ministers’ Joint Statement on the Elections held at the United Nations General Assembly, July 17. Available at:
  • MIKTA Booklet.2020. Available at:
  • MIKTA Vision Statement. 2015. May 22. Available at:
  • MIKTA Guidelines. 2017. 13 December. Available at:
  • Naim, Moises. (2009). ‘Minilateralism’. Foreign Policy. Available at http://
  • Narlikar, Amrita and Rajur Kumar.(2012). From Pax Americana to Pax Mosaica: Bargaining Over a New Economic Order. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 83, No:2.
  • Narlikar, Amrita. (2020). The Politics of the BRICS amidst the pandemic. Gian Luca Gardini (ed.) in The World Before and After Covid-19, Intellectual Reflections on Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations (28-32). European Institute of International Studies.
  • Narlikar, Amrita. (2017). Can the G-20 Save the Globalization? GIGA Focus Global , Number 1 , March, ISSN 1862-3581. Available at:
  • Nagy, Stephen. (2020). It’s time for the middle powers to step in. The Japan Times, July 16, Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık.(2020). The Challenge facing middle powers in the new Cold War, Daily Sabah, May 28. Available at:
  • O’Sullivan, Dominic, Mubarak Rahamathulla and Manohar Pawar. (2020). The Impact and Implications of Covid-19: An Australian Perspective. International Journal of Community and Social Development, 2, 2, pp. 124-151.
  • Öniş, Ziya. (2017). The Age of Anxiety: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy in a Post-Hegemonic Global Order. The International Spectator, Volume 52, 2017, Issue3, pp. 18-35.
  • Öniş, Ziya and Mustafa Kutlay. (2020). The Age of Hybridity and Clash of Norms: China, BRICS, and Challenges of Global Governance in a Postliberal International Order. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Published Online: May 6.
  • Pant, Harsh V. (2020). Covid19 and the middle power moment in global politics. Observer Research Foundation, May 6. Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Rajah, Roland and Stephen Grenville.(2020). Keeping Indonesia’s Economy Afloat Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. Lowy Institute Policy Brief, 3 July. Available at :
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2020 a). Where Next for MIKTA? The Interpreter, 26 August. Available at: Access Date: 27 August 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2020 b). Middle Powers after the Middle-Power Moment. East Asia Forum, June 6, Available at: Accessed on June 25, 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2018). South Korea’s quandary: What to do about MIKTA? The Interpreter, 29 November. Available at: Access Date: 20 August 2020.
  • Robertson, Jeffrey. (2017). Middle-power definitions: confusion reigns supreme. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71, 4, pp.355-370.
  • Schweller, Randall. (2011). Emerging Powers in an Age of Disorder. Global Governance, 17,pp. 285-297.
  • Schiavon, Jorge A. and Diego Dominguez. (2016). Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA): Middle, Regional, and Constructive Powers Providing Global Governance. Asia&the Pacific Policy Studies, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp.495-504.
  • Septriari, Dian. (2020). Indonesia , South Korea join hands in Covid-19 response. The Jakarta Post, May 7. Available at :
  • Singh, Bhubhindar and Sarah Teo. (2020) . Introduction: Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific., Bhubhindar Singh and Sarah Teo (ed.), in Minilateralism in the Indo-Pacific (1-13).New York: Routledge.
  • Stuenkel, Oliver. (2016). The Post-Western World and the Rise of a Parallel Order. The Diplomat, 26 September. Available at:
  • Stangarone, Troy. (2020). The Covid-19 Pushes South Korea into Recession. The Diplomat, August 3. Available at:
  • Vabulas, Felicity and Duncan Snidal.(2013).Organization without delegation: Informal intergovernmental organizations (IIGOs) and the spectrum of intergovernmental arrangements. The Review of International Organizations,8, pp.193–220.
  • West John. (2020). Time for middle power global leadership? Unravel, July 22. Available at: Accessed on August 1,2020.
  • Xing, Li. (2016). The Nexus between the Emerging Powers and the Existing World Order: Interdependent Hegemony. Op-Ed, Rising Powers in Global Governance, October 4. Available at:
  • Worldometer Info, Coronavirus Update. August 28,2020
  • Zakaria Fareed. (2008). The Post-American World. The NewYork Times, May 6. Available at:
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Radiye Funda Karadeniz 0000-0001-7407-8124

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Karadeniz, R. F. (2020). ‘The Middle Power Moment’ Revisited in Global Governance: A Chance for MIKTA’s Legitimacy Crisis in Post-Pandemic World?. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(Özel Sayı), 22-39.