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Lisans Öğrencilerinin İnsan Hakları Duyarlılığına İlişkin Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 53 Sayı: 53, 363 - 378, 24.01.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı (i) üniversite öğrencilerinin insan hakları hususuna ilişkin algılarını incelemek; (ii) ulusal ve uluslararası karşılaştırmalara olanak vermesi açısından “Taking the Human Rights Temperature Questionnaire” adlı ölçeği Türkçe’ye adapte etmektir. Örneklem alanı olarak, çalışmaya Marmara Üniversitesi’nde 10 farklı fakültede öğrenimlerine devam etmekte olan 1175 öğrenci dahil edilmiştir. Varyans analiz sonuçları, üniversite öğrencilerinin insan hakları hassasiyetine ilişkin cevaplarına dair fakülteler arasında anlamlı farklılıklar olduğunu göstermiştir; şöyle ki insan hakları hassasiyeti Teknik Eğitim ve İlahiyat Fakülteleri öğrencilerinde yükselme eğilimi göstermiştir. Cinsiyet değişkenine göre öğrenciler arasında insan hakları hassasiyetine ilişkin anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır. Fakat, beklenmeyen bir sonuç üniversite yılı değişkenin etkisine ilişkindir: üniversite yılı arttıkça insan hakları hassasiyeti azalma eğilimi göstermiştir. Bu sonuç, yükseköğretim kademesinde insan hakları eğitimine olan ihtiyacı içeren önceki araştırma bulgularının önemini işaret etmekte ve lisans öğrencilerinin duyarlılığın artırmaya yönelik daha sistematik çabalara ihtiyaç olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Akdemir, D.S. (2019). Türkiye’de yükseköğretimde insan hakları eğitimi: kamu yönetimi bölümleri örneği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 19-38.
  • Altan, S. (2012) The Global Youth LEAD Club: A study of civics and human rights education in Turkey. In P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.) Creating Communities: Local, National and Global (pp. 698-705). London: CiCe.
  • Andreopoulos, G.J., & Claude, R.P. (1997). Human rights education for the twenty-first century. USA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Arendt, H. (1962). The origins of totalitarianism. New York: Meridian Books.
  • Besson, S. (2011). Human rights and democracy in a global context: Decoupling and recoupling. Ethics & Global Politics, 4(1), 19-50.
  • Carter, C., & Osler, A. (2000) Human rights, identities and conflict management: a study of school culture as experienced through classroom relationships. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(3), 335-356,
  • Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education. New York: Macmillan.
  • Donnelly, J. (2003). Universal human rights in theory and practice. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Dudley, J., Robison, J., & Taylor, A. (1999). Educating for an inclusive democracy: Critical citizenship literacy. Studies in The Cultural Politics of Education, 20(3), 427-441.
  • Flowers, N., Bernbaum, M., Rudelius-Palmer, K., & Tolman, J. (2000). The human rights education handbook: effective practices for learning, action, and change. Minneapolis: The Human Rights Resource Center and The Stanley Foundation.
  • Gillespie, D., & Melching, M. (2010). The transformative power of democracy and human rights in nonformal education: the case of Tostan. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(5), 477-498.
  • Glaeser, E., Ponzetto, G., & Shleifer, A. (2007). Why does democracy need education? Journal of Economic Growth, 12(2), 77-99
  • Griffin, J. (2010). Human rights: Questions of aim and approach. Ethics, 120, 741-760.
  • Gündoğdu, K. (2011). Candidate teachers’ attitudes concerning human rights education in Turkey. Education and Science, 36(162), 182-195.
  • Heyneman, S.P (2004). On the international dimension of education and social justice. Journal of Education, 185(3), 83-102.
  • Hornberg, S. (2002). Human rights education as an integral part of general education. International Review of Education, 48(3/4), 187-198.
  • Kant, I. (2003). The metaphysics of morals (Eds. M. Gregor introduction by R.J. Sullivan). UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. (1999). Eğitimcilerin insan haklarına yönelik tutumları. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1-2), 213-227.
  • Karasar, N. (2011). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (1997). Uludağ konuşmaları. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (1999). Etik. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (2004). İnsan hakları eğitimi ve dayanışma için eğitim: eğiticilerin eğitimi. I. Kuçuradi, B. Peker (Ed.), Elli Yıllık Deneyimlerin Işığında Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İnsan Hakları (375-381). Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu.
  • Levin-Goldberg, J. (2008). The impact of human rights education on student attitudes and behaviours. Doctoral Dissertation, Northcentral University, Arizona, USA.
  • McLaughlin, T.H. (2000) The educative importance of ethos. British Journal of Educational Studies, 53(3), 306-325.
  • Moghaddam, F.M., & Vuksanovic, V. (1990). Attitudes and behavior toward human rights across different contexts: the role of right-wing authoritarianism, political ideology, and religiosity. International Journal of Psychology, 25, 455-474.
  • Nava, L.H., Mancao, M.C.T., Hermosisima, M.V.C., & Yeban, F.I. (2005). Human rights awareness of secondary school students in the Philippines: A sample survey. Osaka: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre.
  • Nickel, J. (2010). Human rights. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved in December 11, 2019, from
  • Plantilla, J.R. (2002). Consultation and training for human rights education. International Review of Education, 48(3-4), 281-282.
  • Postiglione, A. (2010). Human rights and the environment. The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(4), 524-541.
  • Rawls, J. (2000). A theory of justice. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Redondo, E.D. (2009). The millennium development goals and the human rights based approach: reflecting on structural chasms with the united nations system. The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(1), 29-43.
  • Sanders, D. (1991). Collective rights. Human Rights Quarterly, 13, 368-386.
  • Selvi, K. (2004). Human rights education in the world and in Turkey. Eğitim ve Bilim, 29(132), 72-77.
  • Sen, A., & Starkey, H.W. (2017). The rise and fall of citizenship and human rights education in Turkey. Journal of Social Science Education, 16 (4), 84-96.
  • Shiman, D.A. (1999). A human rights perspective. Retrieved in October, 2018, from
  • Stellmacher, J., & Sommer, G. (2008). Human rights education, an evaluation of university seminars. Social Psychology Special Issue: Social Psychology and Peace, 59(1), 70-80.
  • Şişman, M., Güleş, H. & Dönmez, A. (2010). Demokratik bir okul kültürü için yeterlilikler çerçevesi. Uşak Üniversi¬tesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 167-182.
  • Torney-Purta, J., Wilkenfeld, B., & Barber, C. (2008). How adolescents in 27 countries understand, support, and practices human rights. Journal of Social Issues, 64(4), 857-880.
  • Turan, R. (2019). Öğretmen adayları ve öğretmenler için insan hakları ve demokrasi eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Vašák, K. (1977). Human rights: A thirty-year struggle: The sustained efforts to give force of law to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UNESCO Courier, 11, 29–32.
  • Vincent, R.J. (2001). Human rights and international relations. UK: Cambridge Uni

A study on undergraduate students’ sensitivity to human rights

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 53 Sayı: 53, 363 - 378, 24.01.2021


The purpose of this study is to (i) survey undergraduate students’ perceptions of and sensitivity to human rights issues, and (ii) adapt the ‘Taking the Human Rights Temperature Questionnaire’ (THRTQ) into Turkish to facilitate further national and international comparisons. The data were collected from 1175 undergraduate students studying at different departments across 10 faculties at Marmara University in İstanbul, Turkey. The analyses showed that, as opposed to the sensitivity hypothesis, students’ sensitivity to human rights issues significantly differed across faculties, and furthermore the level of sensitivity decreased as the study years advanced. Gender did not have a significant influence on responses. The present research is a step towards clarifying the meaning of sensitivity to human rights among undergraduate students. The results showed expected and unexpected outcomes, and suggested that more systematic efforts are needed to facilitate better understanding, awareness, and sensitivity towards human rights, of which current higher education programs neglect.


  • Akdemir, D.S. (2019). Türkiye’de yükseköğretimde insan hakları eğitimi: kamu yönetimi bölümleri örneği. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(3), 19-38.
  • Altan, S. (2012) The Global Youth LEAD Club: A study of civics and human rights education in Turkey. In P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.) Creating Communities: Local, National and Global (pp. 698-705). London: CiCe.
  • Andreopoulos, G.J., & Claude, R.P. (1997). Human rights education for the twenty-first century. USA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Arendt, H. (1962). The origins of totalitarianism. New York: Meridian Books.
  • Besson, S. (2011). Human rights and democracy in a global context: Decoupling and recoupling. Ethics & Global Politics, 4(1), 19-50.
  • Carter, C., & Osler, A. (2000) Human rights, identities and conflict management: a study of school culture as experienced through classroom relationships. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(3), 335-356,
  • Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education. New York: Macmillan.
  • Donnelly, J. (2003). Universal human rights in theory and practice. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Dudley, J., Robison, J., & Taylor, A. (1999). Educating for an inclusive democracy: Critical citizenship literacy. Studies in The Cultural Politics of Education, 20(3), 427-441.
  • Flowers, N., Bernbaum, M., Rudelius-Palmer, K., & Tolman, J. (2000). The human rights education handbook: effective practices for learning, action, and change. Minneapolis: The Human Rights Resource Center and The Stanley Foundation.
  • Gillespie, D., & Melching, M. (2010). The transformative power of democracy and human rights in nonformal education: the case of Tostan. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(5), 477-498.
  • Glaeser, E., Ponzetto, G., & Shleifer, A. (2007). Why does democracy need education? Journal of Economic Growth, 12(2), 77-99
  • Griffin, J. (2010). Human rights: Questions of aim and approach. Ethics, 120, 741-760.
  • Gündoğdu, K. (2011). Candidate teachers’ attitudes concerning human rights education in Turkey. Education and Science, 36(162), 182-195.
  • Heyneman, S.P (2004). On the international dimension of education and social justice. Journal of Education, 185(3), 83-102.
  • Hornberg, S. (2002). Human rights education as an integral part of general education. International Review of Education, 48(3/4), 187-198.
  • Kant, I. (2003). The metaphysics of morals (Eds. M. Gregor introduction by R.J. Sullivan). UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. (1999). Eğitimcilerin insan haklarına yönelik tutumları. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1-2), 213-227.
  • Karasar, N. (2011). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (1997). Uludağ konuşmaları. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (1999). Etik. Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Kuçuradi, İ. (2004). İnsan hakları eğitimi ve dayanışma için eğitim: eğiticilerin eğitimi. I. Kuçuradi, B. Peker (Ed.), Elli Yıllık Deneyimlerin Işığında Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İnsan Hakları (375-381). Ankara: Türkiye Felsefe Kurumu.
  • Levin-Goldberg, J. (2008). The impact of human rights education on student attitudes and behaviours. Doctoral Dissertation, Northcentral University, Arizona, USA.
  • McLaughlin, T.H. (2000) The educative importance of ethos. British Journal of Educational Studies, 53(3), 306-325.
  • Moghaddam, F.M., & Vuksanovic, V. (1990). Attitudes and behavior toward human rights across different contexts: the role of right-wing authoritarianism, political ideology, and religiosity. International Journal of Psychology, 25, 455-474.
  • Nava, L.H., Mancao, M.C.T., Hermosisima, M.V.C., & Yeban, F.I. (2005). Human rights awareness of secondary school students in the Philippines: A sample survey. Osaka: Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Centre.
  • Nickel, J. (2010). Human rights. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved in December 11, 2019, from
  • Plantilla, J.R. (2002). Consultation and training for human rights education. International Review of Education, 48(3-4), 281-282.
  • Postiglione, A. (2010). Human rights and the environment. The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(4), 524-541.
  • Rawls, J. (2000). A theory of justice. UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Redondo, E.D. (2009). The millennium development goals and the human rights based approach: reflecting on structural chasms with the united nations system. The International Journal of Human Rights, 13(1), 29-43.
  • Sanders, D. (1991). Collective rights. Human Rights Quarterly, 13, 368-386.
  • Selvi, K. (2004). Human rights education in the world and in Turkey. Eğitim ve Bilim, 29(132), 72-77.
  • Sen, A., & Starkey, H.W. (2017). The rise and fall of citizenship and human rights education in Turkey. Journal of Social Science Education, 16 (4), 84-96.
  • Shiman, D.A. (1999). A human rights perspective. Retrieved in October, 2018, from
  • Stellmacher, J., & Sommer, G. (2008). Human rights education, an evaluation of university seminars. Social Psychology Special Issue: Social Psychology and Peace, 59(1), 70-80.
  • Şişman, M., Güleş, H. & Dönmez, A. (2010). Demokratik bir okul kültürü için yeterlilikler çerçevesi. Uşak Üniversi¬tesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(1), 167-182.
  • Torney-Purta, J., Wilkenfeld, B., & Barber, C. (2008). How adolescents in 27 countries understand, support, and practices human rights. Journal of Social Issues, 64(4), 857-880.
  • Turan, R. (2019). Öğretmen adayları ve öğretmenler için insan hakları ve demokrasi eğitimi. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Vašák, K. (1977). Human rights: A thirty-year struggle: The sustained efforts to give force of law to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UNESCO Courier, 11, 29–32.
  • Vincent, R.J. (2001). Human rights and international relations. UK: Cambridge Uni
Toplam 41 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Makaleler

Selma Dündar-coecke 0000-0003-2987-170X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ocak 2021
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 53 Sayı: 53

Kaynak Göster

APA Dündar-coecke, S. (2021). Lisans Öğrencilerinin İnsan Hakları Duyarlılığına İlişkin Bir Araştırma. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 53(53), 363-378.