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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 27, 193 - 220, 04.10.2013


This study aimed at testing the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) at primary and secondary schools with the 6th and 9th grade students and understanding the attitudes of students towards GPS. The study was conducted in two primary and two secondary schools in Istanbul together with 98 students. In the study, a GPS activity was developed in two stages. In the first stage, the students were asked to locate the five chocolates hidden in their school yard by using the given coordinates with a GPS. In the second stage, the students determined the locations of different objects such as trees and waste baskets in and around their school yards with GPS and displayed their findings on GIS. A survey was conducted on students to receive their feedbacks about the exercise after its implementation. As seen in the study, the students were very interested in the GPS technologies and the overall exercise was found very entertaining, successful and useful by the majority of the students. As the study revealed, spatial technologies like GPS is a very important tool to make especially social science and geography lessons more student centered and activity based.


  • Abler, R.F. (1993). Everything in its place: GPS, GIS and Geography in the 1990s, Professional Geographer, 45(2), 131 – 139.
  • Audet, R. H., ve Paris, J. (1997). GIS implementation model for schools: Assessing the critical concerns, Journal of Geography, 96(6), 293 – 300.
  • Bednarz, S. W., ve Ludwig, G. (1997). Ten things higher education needs to know about GIS in primary and secondary education, Transactions in GIS, 2(2), 123 – 133.
  • Demirci, A. (2007). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin İlk ve Ortaöğretim Coğrafya Derslerinde Bir Öğretim Aracı Olarak Kullanılması: Önem, İlke ve Metotlar, Öneri Dergisi, 28, 377-388.
  • Demirci, A. (2008). Evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of GIS-Based application in secondary school geography lessons, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3), 169–178.
  • Demirci, A. (2011). Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at schools without a computer laboratory, Journal of Geography, 110(2), 49 – 59.
  • Demirci, A., Karaburun, A. (2011). CBS, GPS ve Google Earth teknolojilerinin coğrafya derslerinde kullanımı, Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, 24, 99-123.
  • Demirci, A., Karaburun, A., Ünlü, M., ve Özey, R. (2012). Okullarda CBS Tabanlı Projeler: Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin Eğitimde Kullanılmasına Örnekler, Ankara: Esri Türkiye.
  • Goodchild, M.F., ve Palladino, S.D. (1995). Geographic Information Systems as a tool in science and technology education, Speculations in Science and Technology, 18, 278-286.
  • Hagevik, R. A. (2011). Fostering 21st century learning with geospatial technologies. Middle grades students learn content through GPS adventures, Middle School Journal, 43(1), 15 – 23.
  • Huynh, N. (2009). The role of geospatial thinking and geographic skills in effective problem solving with GIS: K-16 education. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Wilfrid Laurier Universitesi, Kanada.
  • Jekel, T., Koller, A., ve Strobl, J. (2012). Austria: Links between research institutions and secondary schools for geoinformation research and practice. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, ed. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 27-36. New York: Springer.
  • Jenner, P. (2006). Engaging students through the use of GIS at Pimlico State High School. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(3), 278 – 282.
  • Johansson, T. (2003). GIS in teacher educationfacilitating GIS applications in secondary school geography. ScanGIS’2003 On-line Papers, 285-293.
  • Johansson, T. P. (2012). Finland: Diffusion of GIS in schools from local innovations to the implementation of a national curriculum. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, ed. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 89-96. New York: Springer.
  • Kaplan, E.D., Hegarty, C.J. (2006). Understanding GPS, Principles and Applications (ikinci baskı). Norwood: Artech House Inc.
  • Karabağ, S. (ed.) (2005). Coğrafya dersi öğretim programı. Ankara: Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Gazi kitabevi.
  • Kerski, J. J. (2003). The implementation and effectiveness of geographic information systems technology and methods in secondary education. Journal of Geography, 102(3), 128–137.
  • Kerski, J. J. (2008). The role of GIS in digital earth education, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1(4), 326 – 346.
  • Kinniburgh, J. C. (2012). Australia: Inquiry with GIS to simulate coastal storm inundation. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, eds. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 13-25. New York: Springer.
  • Landenberger, R.E., Warner, T.A., Ensign, T.I. ve Nellis, M.D. (2006). Using Remote Sensing and GIS to teach inquiry-based spatial thinking skills: An example using the GLOBE program's integrated Earth systems science, Geocarto International, 21(3), 61 – 71.
  • Lary, L.M. (2004). Hide and seek: GPS and geocaching in the classroom, Learning and Leading with Technology, 31(6), 14
  • Lee, J., ve Bednarz, R. (2009). Effect of GIS learning on spatial thinking, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(2), 183 – 198.
  • Mayben, R.E. (2010). Instructional geocaching: An analysis of GPS receivers as tools for technology integration into a middle school classroom. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Technology Studies, the Graduate School of The University of Alabama.
  • Milson, A. J., Demirci, A., ve Kerski, J. J. eds. (2012). International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools. New York: Springer.
  • Milson, A. J., ve Kerski, J. J. (2012). Around the world with geospatial technologies, Social Education, 76(2), 105 – 108.
  • Rush, J. (2000). Current issues in the use of the Global Positioning System Aboard Satellites, Acta Astronoutica, 47, 377-387. Rİd, J.K., Larsen, W., Nilsen, E. (2010). Learning geography with GIS: Integrating GIS into upper secondary school geography curricula, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 64(1), 21 – 35.
  • Shaunessy, E., ve Page, C. (2006). Promoting inquiry in the gifted classroom through GPS and GIS technologies, Gifted Child Today, 29(4), 42-53.
  • Theiss, A., Yen, D.C., ve Ku, C.Y. (2005). Global Positioning Systems: An analysis of applications, current development and future implementations, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 27, 89


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 27, 193 - 220, 04.10.2013


Bu çalışma, küresel konumlandırma sisteminin (GPS) ilk ve ortaöğretimde kullanımının 6 ve 9. sınıf öğrencileri ile birlikte test edilmesi ve öğrencilerin GPS’ye karşı olan tutumlarının belirlenmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışma İstanbul’da ikisi ilköğretim, ikisi de ortaöğretim olmak üzere dört farklı okulda 98 öğrenci ile birlikte yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada iki aşamadan oluşan bir GPS uygulaması geliştirilmiştir. Uygulamanın ilk aşamasında öğrencilerden okul bahçesinde farklı yerlere gizlenen beş çikolatayı kendilerine verilen koordinatları GPS yardımı ile tespit ederek bulmaları istenmiştir. Uygulamanın ikinci aşamasında ise öğrencilerden okul bahçesindeki ve çevresindeki çeşitli nesnelerin konumlarını GPS ile tespit etmeleri ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) ortamında haritalamaları istenmiştir. Uygulama sonrasında öğrencilerin uygulama hakkındaki fikirlerinin alınması açısından öğrenciler üzerinde bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada GPS uygulamasının öğrencilerin büyük bir çoğunlu tarafından eğlenceli, faydalı ve başarılı bulunduğu ve öğrencilerin GPS teknolojileri ile yakından ilgilendikleri görülmüştür. Çalışma, özellikle sosyal bilgiler ve coğrafya derslerinin daha öğrenci ve etkinlik merkezli hale getirilebilmesi için GPS gibi mekânsal teknolojilerin ne denli önemli bir araç olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Abler, R.F. (1993). Everything in its place: GPS, GIS and Geography in the 1990s, Professional Geographer, 45(2), 131 – 139.
  • Audet, R. H., ve Paris, J. (1997). GIS implementation model for schools: Assessing the critical concerns, Journal of Geography, 96(6), 293 – 300.
  • Bednarz, S. W., ve Ludwig, G. (1997). Ten things higher education needs to know about GIS in primary and secondary education, Transactions in GIS, 2(2), 123 – 133.
  • Demirci, A. (2007). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin İlk ve Ortaöğretim Coğrafya Derslerinde Bir Öğretim Aracı Olarak Kullanılması: Önem, İlke ve Metotlar, Öneri Dergisi, 28, 377-388.
  • Demirci, A. (2008). Evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of GIS-Based application in secondary school geography lessons, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(3), 169–178.
  • Demirci, A. (2011). Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at schools without a computer laboratory, Journal of Geography, 110(2), 49 – 59.
  • Demirci, A., Karaburun, A. (2011). CBS, GPS ve Google Earth teknolojilerinin coğrafya derslerinde kullanımı, Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, 24, 99-123.
  • Demirci, A., Karaburun, A., Ünlü, M., ve Özey, R. (2012). Okullarda CBS Tabanlı Projeler: Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin Eğitimde Kullanılmasına Örnekler, Ankara: Esri Türkiye.
  • Goodchild, M.F., ve Palladino, S.D. (1995). Geographic Information Systems as a tool in science and technology education, Speculations in Science and Technology, 18, 278-286.
  • Hagevik, R. A. (2011). Fostering 21st century learning with geospatial technologies. Middle grades students learn content through GPS adventures, Middle School Journal, 43(1), 15 – 23.
  • Huynh, N. (2009). The role of geospatial thinking and geographic skills in effective problem solving with GIS: K-16 education. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Wilfrid Laurier Universitesi, Kanada.
  • Jekel, T., Koller, A., ve Strobl, J. (2012). Austria: Links between research institutions and secondary schools for geoinformation research and practice. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, ed. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 27-36. New York: Springer.
  • Jenner, P. (2006). Engaging students through the use of GIS at Pimlico State High School. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(3), 278 – 282.
  • Johansson, T. (2003). GIS in teacher educationfacilitating GIS applications in secondary school geography. ScanGIS’2003 On-line Papers, 285-293.
  • Johansson, T. P. (2012). Finland: Diffusion of GIS in schools from local innovations to the implementation of a national curriculum. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, ed. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 89-96. New York: Springer.
  • Kaplan, E.D., Hegarty, C.J. (2006). Understanding GPS, Principles and Applications (ikinci baskı). Norwood: Artech House Inc.
  • Karabağ, S. (ed.) (2005). Coğrafya dersi öğretim programı. Ankara: Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Gazi kitabevi.
  • Kerski, J. J. (2003). The implementation and effectiveness of geographic information systems technology and methods in secondary education. Journal of Geography, 102(3), 128–137.
  • Kerski, J. J. (2008). The role of GIS in digital earth education, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1(4), 326 – 346.
  • Kinniburgh, J. C. (2012). Australia: Inquiry with GIS to simulate coastal storm inundation. In International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools, eds. A. J. Milson, A. Demirci, ve J. J. Kerski, s. 13-25. New York: Springer.
  • Landenberger, R.E., Warner, T.A., Ensign, T.I. ve Nellis, M.D. (2006). Using Remote Sensing and GIS to teach inquiry-based spatial thinking skills: An example using the GLOBE program's integrated Earth systems science, Geocarto International, 21(3), 61 – 71.
  • Lary, L.M. (2004). Hide and seek: GPS and geocaching in the classroom, Learning and Leading with Technology, 31(6), 14
  • Lee, J., ve Bednarz, R. (2009). Effect of GIS learning on spatial thinking, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33(2), 183 – 198.
  • Mayben, R.E. (2010). Instructional geocaching: An analysis of GPS receivers as tools for technology integration into a middle school classroom. Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Technology Studies, the Graduate School of The University of Alabama.
  • Milson, A. J., Demirci, A., ve Kerski, J. J. eds. (2012). International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools. New York: Springer.
  • Milson, A. J., ve Kerski, J. J. (2012). Around the world with geospatial technologies, Social Education, 76(2), 105 – 108.
  • Rush, J. (2000). Current issues in the use of the Global Positioning System Aboard Satellites, Acta Astronoutica, 47, 377-387. Rİd, J.K., Larsen, W., Nilsen, E. (2010). Learning geography with GIS: Integrating GIS into upper secondary school geography curricula, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 64(1), 21 – 35.
  • Shaunessy, E., ve Page, C. (2006). Promoting inquiry in the gifted classroom through GPS and GIS technologies, Gifted Child Today, 29(4), 42-53.
  • Theiss, A., Yen, D.C., ve Ku, C.Y. (2005). Global Positioning Systems: An analysis of applications, current development and future implementations, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 27, 89
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Demirci Bu kişi benim

Kerim Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Ekim 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 27

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Demirci, Ali, ve Kerim Yılmaz. “OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 Ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME”. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, sy. 27 (Ekim 2013): 193-220.
EndNote Demirci A, Yılmaz K (01 Ekim 2013) OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi 27 193–220.
IEEE A. Demirci ve K. Yılmaz, “OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME”, Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, sy. 27, ss. 193–220, Ekim 2013.
ISNAD Demirci, Ali - Yılmaz, Kerim. “OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 Ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME”. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi 27 (Ekim 2013), 193-220.
MLA Demirci, Ali ve Kerim Yılmaz. “OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 Ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME”. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, sy. 27, 2013, ss. 193-20.
Vancouver Demirci A, Yılmaz K. OKULLARDA KÜRESEL KONUMLANDIRMA SİSTEMİNDEN (GPS) YARARLANMA: 6 ve 9. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİ İLE BİR DENEME. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi. 2013(27):193-220.