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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 12, 173 - 195, 20.04.2015


Recent statistics reveal that by 2050 a minimum 70% increase in agricultural production is to be achieved to feed the steadily growing world population. Climate change, frequent natural disasters, soil degradation and urbanisation reduce cultivable land areas and result in imbalance between supply and demand of food commodities. As a consequence, higher agricultural commodity prices and food shortages require more support to increase food production and to combat poverty. Lack of access to finance is a key impediment for the majority of farmers in improving the efficiency of their productions and adopting better technologies.With reference to agricultural financing field, we overviewed historical trends, issues, financing methods and policy preferences within a global perspective and a framework for Turkey. Based on the secondary data, utilizing time-series illustrative analysis, our research question focused on the adequacy and efficiency of formal credit resources allocated to agricultural sector in Turkey. We revealed that during the rewiev period, the relative size of formal credit resources allocated to agricultural area decreased gradually; recent inflantionary trend in Turkey is triggered by high food prices and; new adjustment policy measures that include selective credit policy tools are required


  • ACC, (2014). The web page of Central Union of Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperatives. Available at: Visited on: 14.09.2014
  • ADANACIOĞLU, H. (2011). “The Futures Market in Agricultural Products and an Evaluation of the Attitude of Farmers: A Case Study of Cotton Producers in Aydin Province in Turkey”. New Medit, No. 2011-II, pp. 58-64
  • AGRA, (2009). AGRA Stories from the. story/ detail/1002
  • ANDRADE, M. (2011). Correspondent Banking to Increase Outreach to Smallholder Farmers: The HDFC Bank Experience. Hyderabad.
  • BAYANER, A. And O. BOR. (2006). “Do the Policies Always Have the Same Consequences? The Impact of Direct Income Support on Wheat Production: The Case of Turkey”. New Medit, No. 2006-I, pp. 15-20
  • BECKMAN, Jayson, BORCHERS Allison, and Carol A. JONES. Agriculture’s Supply and Demand for Energy and Energy Products, EIB-112, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, May 2013.
  • BINSWANGER, Hans P., SHAHIDUR R. Khandker, and Mark R. ROSENZWEIG. (1993). “How Infrastructure and Financial Institutions Affect Agricultural Output and Investment in India.” Journal of Development Economics 41: 337–66
  • BURRELL, A. and M. KURZWEIL. (2007). “Distortions to Agricultural Distortions in Turkey“, Working Paper 10, Wageningen University and World Bank.
  • BUSSE S., BRUMMER B. and IHLE R. (2010) The Pattern of Integration between Fossil Fuel and Vegetable Oil Markets: The Case of Biodiesel in Germany. Paper presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association 2010 AAEA,CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010.
  • BYERLEE, D. de Janvry, A. and E. SADOULET. (2009), “Agriculture for Development: Toward a New Paradigm”, Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 1: 15-35, October 2009.
  • CBRT, (2014). Inflation Report 2014-III. Ankara. CHARLES, H. Gibson and Patricia A. FRISHKOFF. (1983). Financial Statement Analysis. 2´nd Edition. Kent Publishing Company. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • CERVANTES-GODOY, D. and J. BROOKS. (2008). “Smallholder Adjustment in Middle-Income Countries: Issues and Policy Responses”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 12, OECD, Paris.
  • CERVANTES-GODOY, D. and J. DEWBRE. (2010). “Economic Importance of Agriculture for Poverty Reduction”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 23, OECD Publishing.
  • CGAP, (2010). “How Is the Financial Crisis Impacting Our World and Our Work?” CGAP spreadsheet, Washington, DC.
  • CHEN, S. and M. RAVALLION. (2009). “The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the World’s Poorest.” http://tinyurl. com/ccagl8.
  • CHRISTEN, R. and D. PEARCE. (2005): Managing Risk and Designing Products for Agricultural Micro Finance – Features of an Emerging Model. CGAP Occasional Paper 11
  • ÇAKMAK, M. (2006). “Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in Turkey“, ECO-IDB-FAO-MOJA Workshop on Agricultural Sustainable Development. Tehran.
  • DELLAL, Đ., MCCARL, B.A., and T. BUTT. (2011). The Economic Assessment of Climate Change on Turkish Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol:12, No:1, 376-385
  • ERDEM, E., NAZLIOĞLU, Ş. (2008). “Tarımsal Destekleme Politikalarının Gelir Dağılımı Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türk Tarım Sektörü Örneği”.Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu 16. İstatistik Araştırma Sempozyumu, Sosyo–Ekonomik Gelişme ve İstatistik, 10 – 11 Mayıs 2007, Ankara-Türkiye. (Bildiriler Kitabında Basıldı: Mart 2008, ss. 118–132).
  • FAO and GTZ, (1998). Agricultural Finance Revisited: Why? FAO/GTZ AFR Series No 1, FAO: Rome.
  • FAO, (2004). Agricultural Finance Revisited No. 7 Financing Agricultural Term Investments. Available at:
  • FAO and OECD, (2009). Agricultural Outlook 2009-2018. FAO: Rome.
  • FAO, (2013). World Food and Agriculture. The 2013 FAO Statistical Yearbook. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2013
  • GELLINGS, C., and K.E. PARMENTER. 2004. “Energy Efficiency in Fertilizer Production and Use,” in Efficient Use and Conservation of Energy, C.W. Gellings and K. Blok (eds.).
  • GIRARDI, D. (2013). Financialization of food – The determinants of the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock market Dynamics Online at
  • HAMILTON, J. 2009. “Causes and Consequences of the Oil Shock of 2007-08.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1: 215-261. HOFF, Karla and Joseph E. STIGLITZ. (1990). “Introduction: Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets-Puzzles and Policy Perspectives.” World Bank Economic Review 4 (3): 235–50. HOLLINGER, F. (2011). Agricultural Finance –Trends, Issues and Challenges. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Bonn. Germany.
  • IFAD, (International Fund for Agricultural Development). (2009). “The Future of World Food Security: Investing in Smallholder Agriculture—An International Priority.” Rome: IFAD.
  • IFC, (2012). “Innovative Agricultural SME Finance Models”. Washington. USA
  • IFC, (2014). “Agriculture Finance“. Available at: EXT_Content/
  • IFC_External_Corporate_Site/Industries/Financial+Markets/Retail+Finance/ Agriculture+Finance/
  • IFPRI/Terrafrica/GTZ (International Food Policy Research Institute/Terrafrica/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), (2009). The World Food Crisis, Land Degradation, and Sustainable Land Management: Linkages, Opportunities, and Constraints. Washington, DC: IFPRI/Terrafrica/ GTZ.
  • IRZ, X., LIN, L., THIRTLE, C. and WIGGINS, S. (2001). “Agricultural Growth and Poverty Alleviation.” Development Policy Review 19 (4): 449–466.
  • KLEIN, B., MEYER, R., HANNIG, A., BURNETT, J. and M. FIEBIG, (1999). Better Practice in Agricultural Lending. FAO/GTZ Series No 3, FAO: Rome.
  • LEVINE, Ross. (1997). “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda.” Journal of Economic Literature 35 (2): 688–726.
  • LIPTON, M. (1977). Why poor people stay poor: urban bias in world development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • McCARL, B.A. and İ. DELLAL (2010). “The Economic Impact of Drought on Agri..”, 2nd Int Conf on Drought Management, Istanbul
  • McDONALD, P. Benjamin Jr., PIPREK, Gerda L., and YARON, Jacob. (1997). Rural Finance: Issues, Design, and Best Practices. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • MEYER, R. and G. NAGARAJAN. (2005). Rural Finance. Recent Advances and Emerging Lessons, Debates and Opportunities. Reformatted version of Working Paper No. (AEDE-WP-0041-05), Department of Agriculture, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • MIHCI, H. And Ş. MOLLAVELİOĞLU. (2011). “An Assessment of Sustainable Agriculture in the OECD Countries with Special Reference to Turkey”. New Medit, Vol 2, n. 1, (June 2011), pp. 4-17
  • MILLER, C. and l. JONES. ( 2010). Agricultural Value Chain Finance-Tools and Lessons. Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Practical Action Publishing.
  • OSKAM A., BURREL, A., TEMEL, T., VAN BERKUM, S., LONGWORTH, N., and VILCHEZ, I. M. (2004). Turkey in the European Union: Consequences for Agriculture, Food, Rural Areas and Structural Policy. Wageningen University, Netherland.
  • RILEY, J. M. and ANDERSON, J.D., 2009. Producer Perceptions of Corn, Soybean and Cotton Price Risk, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 31- February 3, 20p.
  • SCHNITKEY, G. 2011. “Relationship between Anhydrous Ammonia and Natural Gas Prices.” FEFO-18, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois.
  • SWINNEN, J. F. M. and H. R. GOW. (1997). Policy Research Group Working Paper No:6 “ Agricultural Credit Problems and Policies during the Transition to a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe”. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
  • TANRIVERMİŞ, H. and A. BAYANER. (2006). “Members’ Perception and the Role of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives in Agricultural Finance in Turkey”. New Medit, Vol 5, n. 3, (September 2006), pp. 23-28.
  • TIMMER, P. (1988). “The Agriculture Transformation”, Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 1,Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
  • TOKTAŞ, Y., SEVİNÇ, H., and Eda BOZKURT, (2013). ‘The evaluation of Development Agencies: Turkey Case’. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Vol 15(2), 2013. pp. 670-681
  • UNCTAD (2011). ‘Financialization of Commodity Price Formation’, UN Publication, UNCTAD/ GDS/2011/1
  • UN-DESA, (2008). “Don’t Forget the Food Crisis: New Policy Directions Needed.” Policy Brief 8, October, 2008. Available at: policy/policybriefs/policybrief8.pdf.
  • UNEP, (2011). “Agriculture-Investing in Natural Capital. Towards a Green Economy” Available at: www.
  • USAID, (2010). “Warehouse Receipts: Financing Agricultural Producers” Technical Note, No.5. Available at:
  • WORLD BANK, (2003). “Rural Financial Services: Implementing the Bank’s Strategy to Reach the Rural Poor.” Report No. 26030, World Bank, Washington DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2006). Meeting Development Challenges: Renewed Approaches to Rural Finance. World Bank: Washington, D.C.
  • WORLD BANK, (2007). World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development. World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2008). “The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development”, Commission on Growth and Development, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank.
  • WORLD BANK, (2009). “Protecting Progress: The Challenge Facing Low-Income Countries in the Global Recession.” Background paper prepared by World Bank Group staff for the G-20 Leaders’ Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, September 24–25.
  • WORLD BANK, (2011). Joint Discussion Payper 2011: Subsidies As An Instrument In Agriculture Finance: A Review World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2014). Turkey Overview. Available at: country/ turkey/ overview#1


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 12, 173 - 195, 20.04.2015


Yakın tarihli istatistikler, devamlı büyüyen Dünya nüfusunu beslemek için 2050 yılına kadar tarımsal
üretimde en az 70% büyüme gerektiğini göstermektedir. İklim değişikliği, sıkça yaşanan doğal felaketler, toprak dejenerasyonu ve şehirleşme ekilebilir alanları azaltarak gıda maddelerinde arz talep dengesizliğine
neden olmaktadır. Yükselen tarımsal madde fiyatları ve gıda kıtlıkları sonuçunda, tarımsal üretimi arttırmak
ve fakirlikle mücadele için daha fazla desteğe ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Finansman temininde yaşanan
engeller tarımsal işletmelerin çoğunluğunu etkileyerek tarımsal verimin arttırılması ve ileri teknolojilerin
kullanılmasını önlemektedir.
Çalışmamızda tarımsal finansman alanındaki tarihsel trendler, metodlar ve uygulama politikaları global
perspektif ve Türkiye kapsamında incelama konusu yapılmıştır. Araştırmamız ikinci kaynaktan sağlanan
zaman serisi verilerine dayalı grafiksel analiz kapsamında Türkiye’de bankacılık sektörünce tarımsal sektöre
tahsis edilen kredi kaynaklarının yeterli ve etkin olup olmadığını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. İnceleme
döneminde tarım sektörüne tahsis edilen tarımsal kredilerin nisbi büyüklüğünün tedricen düştüğü
anlaşılmıştır. Türkiye’de yakın geçmişte oluşan enflasyon trendinin gıda fiyatlarına bağlı olan yükselişi,
selektif kredi uygulamaları kapsamında oluşturulacak düzeltici bir kredi politikasına ihtiyaç göstermektedir.


  • ACC, (2014). The web page of Central Union of Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperatives. Available at: Visited on: 14.09.2014
  • ADANACIOĞLU, H. (2011). “The Futures Market in Agricultural Products and an Evaluation of the Attitude of Farmers: A Case Study of Cotton Producers in Aydin Province in Turkey”. New Medit, No. 2011-II, pp. 58-64
  • AGRA, (2009). AGRA Stories from the. story/ detail/1002
  • ANDRADE, M. (2011). Correspondent Banking to Increase Outreach to Smallholder Farmers: The HDFC Bank Experience. Hyderabad.
  • BAYANER, A. And O. BOR. (2006). “Do the Policies Always Have the Same Consequences? The Impact of Direct Income Support on Wheat Production: The Case of Turkey”. New Medit, No. 2006-I, pp. 15-20
  • BECKMAN, Jayson, BORCHERS Allison, and Carol A. JONES. Agriculture’s Supply and Demand for Energy and Energy Products, EIB-112, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, May 2013.
  • BINSWANGER, Hans P., SHAHIDUR R. Khandker, and Mark R. ROSENZWEIG. (1993). “How Infrastructure and Financial Institutions Affect Agricultural Output and Investment in India.” Journal of Development Economics 41: 337–66
  • BURRELL, A. and M. KURZWEIL. (2007). “Distortions to Agricultural Distortions in Turkey“, Working Paper 10, Wageningen University and World Bank.
  • BUSSE S., BRUMMER B. and IHLE R. (2010) The Pattern of Integration between Fossil Fuel and Vegetable Oil Markets: The Case of Biodiesel in Germany. Paper presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association 2010 AAEA,CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27, 2010.
  • BYERLEE, D. de Janvry, A. and E. SADOULET. (2009), “Agriculture for Development: Toward a New Paradigm”, Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 1: 15-35, October 2009.
  • CBRT, (2014). Inflation Report 2014-III. Ankara. CHARLES, H. Gibson and Patricia A. FRISHKOFF. (1983). Financial Statement Analysis. 2´nd Edition. Kent Publishing Company. Boston, Massachusetts.
  • CERVANTES-GODOY, D. and J. BROOKS. (2008). “Smallholder Adjustment in Middle-Income Countries: Issues and Policy Responses”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 12, OECD, Paris.
  • CERVANTES-GODOY, D. and J. DEWBRE. (2010). “Economic Importance of Agriculture for Poverty Reduction”, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Working Papers, No. 23, OECD Publishing.
  • CGAP, (2010). “How Is the Financial Crisis Impacting Our World and Our Work?” CGAP spreadsheet, Washington, DC.
  • CHEN, S. and M. RAVALLION. (2009). “The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the World’s Poorest.” http://tinyurl. com/ccagl8.
  • CHRISTEN, R. and D. PEARCE. (2005): Managing Risk and Designing Products for Agricultural Micro Finance – Features of an Emerging Model. CGAP Occasional Paper 11
  • ÇAKMAK, M. (2006). “Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development in Turkey“, ECO-IDB-FAO-MOJA Workshop on Agricultural Sustainable Development. Tehran.
  • DELLAL, Đ., MCCARL, B.A., and T. BUTT. (2011). The Economic Assessment of Climate Change on Turkish Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol:12, No:1, 376-385
  • ERDEM, E., NAZLIOĞLU, Ş. (2008). “Tarımsal Destekleme Politikalarının Gelir Dağılımı Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türk Tarım Sektörü Örneği”.Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu 16. İstatistik Araştırma Sempozyumu, Sosyo–Ekonomik Gelişme ve İstatistik, 10 – 11 Mayıs 2007, Ankara-Türkiye. (Bildiriler Kitabında Basıldı: Mart 2008, ss. 118–132).
  • FAO and GTZ, (1998). Agricultural Finance Revisited: Why? FAO/GTZ AFR Series No 1, FAO: Rome.
  • FAO, (2004). Agricultural Finance Revisited No. 7 Financing Agricultural Term Investments. Available at:
  • FAO and OECD, (2009). Agricultural Outlook 2009-2018. FAO: Rome.
  • FAO, (2013). World Food and Agriculture. The 2013 FAO Statistical Yearbook. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2013
  • GELLINGS, C., and K.E. PARMENTER. 2004. “Energy Efficiency in Fertilizer Production and Use,” in Efficient Use and Conservation of Energy, C.W. Gellings and K. Blok (eds.).
  • GIRARDI, D. (2013). Financialization of food – The determinants of the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock market Dynamics Online at
  • HAMILTON, J. 2009. “Causes and Consequences of the Oil Shock of 2007-08.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1: 215-261. HOFF, Karla and Joseph E. STIGLITZ. (1990). “Introduction: Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets-Puzzles and Policy Perspectives.” World Bank Economic Review 4 (3): 235–50. HOLLINGER, F. (2011). Agricultural Finance –Trends, Issues and Challenges. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Bonn. Germany.
  • IFAD, (International Fund for Agricultural Development). (2009). “The Future of World Food Security: Investing in Smallholder Agriculture—An International Priority.” Rome: IFAD.
  • IFC, (2012). “Innovative Agricultural SME Finance Models”. Washington. USA
  • IFC, (2014). “Agriculture Finance“. Available at: EXT_Content/
  • IFC_External_Corporate_Site/Industries/Financial+Markets/Retail+Finance/ Agriculture+Finance/
  • IFPRI/Terrafrica/GTZ (International Food Policy Research Institute/Terrafrica/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), (2009). The World Food Crisis, Land Degradation, and Sustainable Land Management: Linkages, Opportunities, and Constraints. Washington, DC: IFPRI/Terrafrica/ GTZ.
  • IRZ, X., LIN, L., THIRTLE, C. and WIGGINS, S. (2001). “Agricultural Growth and Poverty Alleviation.” Development Policy Review 19 (4): 449–466.
  • KLEIN, B., MEYER, R., HANNIG, A., BURNETT, J. and M. FIEBIG, (1999). Better Practice in Agricultural Lending. FAO/GTZ Series No 3, FAO: Rome.
  • LEVINE, Ross. (1997). “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda.” Journal of Economic Literature 35 (2): 688–726.
  • LIPTON, M. (1977). Why poor people stay poor: urban bias in world development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • McCARL, B.A. and İ. DELLAL (2010). “The Economic Impact of Drought on Agri..”, 2nd Int Conf on Drought Management, Istanbul
  • McDONALD, P. Benjamin Jr., PIPREK, Gerda L., and YARON, Jacob. (1997). Rural Finance: Issues, Design, and Best Practices. Washington, DC: World Bank.
  • MEYER, R. and G. NAGARAJAN. (2005). Rural Finance. Recent Advances and Emerging Lessons, Debates and Opportunities. Reformatted version of Working Paper No. (AEDE-WP-0041-05), Department of Agriculture, Environmental, and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • MIHCI, H. And Ş. MOLLAVELİOĞLU. (2011). “An Assessment of Sustainable Agriculture in the OECD Countries with Special Reference to Turkey”. New Medit, Vol 2, n. 1, (June 2011), pp. 4-17
  • MILLER, C. and l. JONES. ( 2010). Agricultural Value Chain Finance-Tools and Lessons. Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Practical Action Publishing.
  • OSKAM A., BURREL, A., TEMEL, T., VAN BERKUM, S., LONGWORTH, N., and VILCHEZ, I. M. (2004). Turkey in the European Union: Consequences for Agriculture, Food, Rural Areas and Structural Policy. Wageningen University, Netherland.
  • RILEY, J. M. and ANDERSON, J.D., 2009. Producer Perceptions of Corn, Soybean and Cotton Price Risk, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, January 31- February 3, 20p.
  • SCHNITKEY, G. 2011. “Relationship between Anhydrous Ammonia and Natural Gas Prices.” FEFO-18, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois.
  • SWINNEN, J. F. M. and H. R. GOW. (1997). Policy Research Group Working Paper No:6 “ Agricultural Credit Problems and Policies during the Transition to a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe”. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
  • TANRIVERMİŞ, H. and A. BAYANER. (2006). “Members’ Perception and the Role of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives in Agricultural Finance in Turkey”. New Medit, Vol 5, n. 3, (September 2006), pp. 23-28.
  • TIMMER, P. (1988). “The Agriculture Transformation”, Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 1,Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
  • TOKTAŞ, Y., SEVİNÇ, H., and Eda BOZKURT, (2013). ‘The evaluation of Development Agencies: Turkey Case’. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, Vol 15(2), 2013. pp. 670-681
  • UNCTAD (2011). ‘Financialization of Commodity Price Formation’, UN Publication, UNCTAD/ GDS/2011/1
  • UN-DESA, (2008). “Don’t Forget the Food Crisis: New Policy Directions Needed.” Policy Brief 8, October, 2008. Available at: policy/policybriefs/policybrief8.pdf.
  • UNEP, (2011). “Agriculture-Investing in Natural Capital. Towards a Green Economy” Available at: www.
  • USAID, (2010). “Warehouse Receipts: Financing Agricultural Producers” Technical Note, No.5. Available at:
  • WORLD BANK, (2003). “Rural Financial Services: Implementing the Bank’s Strategy to Reach the Rural Poor.” Report No. 26030, World Bank, Washington DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2006). Meeting Development Challenges: Renewed Approaches to Rural Finance. World Bank: Washington, D.C.
  • WORLD BANK, (2007). World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development. World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2008). “The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development”, Commission on Growth and Development, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank.
  • WORLD BANK, (2009). “Protecting Progress: The Challenge Facing Low-Income Countries in the Global Recession.” Background paper prepared by World Bank Group staff for the G-20 Leaders’ Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, September 24–25.
  • WORLD BANK, (2011). Joint Discussion Payper 2011: Subsidies As An Instrument In Agriculture Finance: A Review World Bank, Washington, DC.
  • WORLD BANK, (2014). Turkey Overview. Available at: country/ turkey/ overview#1
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Celal Taşçı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşçı, C. (2015). TARIMSAL FİNANSMANDA TRENDLER VE SORUNLAR: GLOBAL BİR BAKIŞ VE TÜRKİYE UYGULAMASI. Finansal Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 7(12), 173-195.