Since its advent in international affairs in the 1990s the concept of human security has been subject to a great interest within the academia and political milieus. Various conceptions of it were advanced and received concrete forms. This paper is a contribution both to the understanding of human security and the sense of its satisfaction related to political society. Precisely from an essentialist perspective, it advances a naturalistic conception of human security, which enables to account of it as the human natural order, inescapably implying conservation. That way, it stands as the final cause of political society, that is to say, its foundation and its finality. It tests that by rereading Aristotelian essentialism and contractualist philosophies in a way that they inform human security as a natural law, evidenced in the Man’s political animality.
ABEL (D.), Theories of human nature: Classical and contemporary readings. McgrawHill, New York, 1992
ACHARYA, (A.) “Human Security: East versus West”, International Journal, Vol. 56, n°3, 2001, pp. 442–460
ALFORD, (C. F.) Narrative, Nature, and the Natural Law. From Aquinas to International Human Rights, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010
ATKINS, (Ph.) « Essential vs. Accidental Properties », Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy First published Tuesday April 29, 2008; substantive revision Monday April 18, 2016,
AXWORTHY (L.), « Human Security and Global Governance: Putting People First », Global Governance, vol. 22, 1, 2001
BARTH, (H.), The Idea of Order, Contributions to a Philosophy of Politics, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1960
BAUER, (S.) GERBIER (L.), « Famille », in CNRS (éd.), Grand Dictionnaire de la Philosophie, Larousse, Paris, 2003, pp. 1236-1237
CHENET (F. X.), KANT, Philosophie pratique, Métaphysique des mœurs, Critique de la raison pratique, Philopsis éditions numériques, 2008
Commission on Human Security, Human Security Now, New York, Commission on Human Security, 2003
COURNARI, L. Aristote, Commentaire du livre IV des Politiques, Philopsis: Revue numérique,
ELLIS, (B), The Philosophy of Nature, A Guide to the New Essentialism, Acumen Publishing Limited, Chesham, 2002
ESTRADA-TANCK (E.D.), Human Security and Human Rights under International Law: Crossroads and Possibilities, European University Institute, 2010
Dictionnaire sur PC Ortolang du CNRTL (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), comprenant les dictionnaires de l'Académie française jusqu'à la 9ème édition.
FRIEDRICH (C. J.) (ed.), The Philosophy of Kant: Moral and Political Writings, New York: The Modem Library, 1949
FUKUDA-PARR, (S.) MESSINEO, (C.) Human Security: A critical review of the literature, Centre for Research on Peace and Development, Working Paper n° 11, KU Leuven, January, 2012
HOBBES, (Th.) Leviathan, 1651, R. TUCK (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991
HOBBES, (Th.) Leviathan or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiastical and Civil, printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard London, 1651
KANT, (I.), The Doctrine of Virtue, transl. of M. J. GREGOR New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1964
KHONG (Y.F.), « Human Security: A Shotgun Approach to Alleviating Human Misery?» Global Governance, Vol. 7, 3 July–September 2001LIOTTA (P.H.), OWEN (T.). « Why Human Security?» in The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. Vol 7, 1, Winter/Spring 2006, 37-54
LEANING (J.), ARIE (S.), Human Security: A Framework for Assessment in Conflict and Transition. Prepared for US AID, Tulane Complex Emergency Response and Transition Initiative (CERTI), Tulane University. December 2000
LEVI-STRAUSS, (Cl.) Les structures élémentaires de la parenté, PUF, Paris, 1949
LOCKE, (J.), Two Treatises of Government, 1698, P. LASLETT (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988
NEF, (J.) “Human Security, Mutual Vulnerability and Sustainable Development: A Critical View”, The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. 7, n° 1 Winter-Spring 2006
NIETZSCHE, (F.), La volonté de puissance, 2 tomes, coll. «tel», Gallimard, Paris, 1995
OURLIAC, (P.) GAZZANIGA, (J.-L.), Histoire du droit privé français, II, 4, Albin Michel, Paris, 1985
OWEN, (T.) “Human security. Conflict and Consensus: Colloquium Remarks and Proposal for a Threshold-Based definition”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 35, n°3, September 2004, , pp. 373-387
RIMBOUX, (E.) “Politique”, Grand Dictionnaire de la Philosophie, Edition numérique, Larousse, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, pour la bibliothèque numérique Gallica, 2003
ROBERTSON, (D.) The Routledge Dictionary of Politics, 3rd Ed. Taylor and Francis Group , Routledge USA and Canada, New Fetter Lane, London, New York, 2004
ROUSSEAU, (J-J.) The Social Contract, “6. The Social Compact”, eBooks@Adelaide, The University of Adelaide Library, 2012,
- RUSSELL, (B.), A History of Western Philosophy and its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1945
SAINT-HILAIRE, (J. B.) La Politique d'Aristote, Traduite en Français d'après le Texte Collationné sur Les Manuscrits et les Éditions Principales, Troisième Édition, Revue et Corrigée, Paris, Librairie Philosophique de Ladrange, 1874
SCRUTON, (R.), “Politics”, The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007
TANZELLA-NITTI (G.), « The Aristotelian-Thomistic Concept of Nature and the Contemporary Debate on the Meaning of Natural Laws », Acta Philosophica, n°6, 1997
TRICAUD, (F.) “Hobbes et Locke : convergences et divergences”, in: XVII-XVIII. Bulletin de la société d'études angloaméricaines, des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle, n°25, 1987
United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 1994, Published for the, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994
United Nations, General Assembly, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 10 September 2012 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/66/L.55/Rev.1 and Add.1)], Follow-up to paragraph 143 on human security of the 2005 World Summit Outcome, A/RES/66/290 66/290, 25 October 2012
VLIETINCK, (E.), « La philosophie de l'histoire », in Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie, 25ᵉ année, n°97, 1923, p. 85-95 ;
1990'larda uluslararası ilişkilerde ortaya çıkışından bu yana insan güvenliği kavramı, akademi ve siyasi çevrede büyük ilgi görmüştür. Bunun çeşitli kavramları geliştirildi ve somut biçimler aldı. Bu makale hem insan güvenliği anlayışına hem de politik toplumla ilgili memnuniyet duygusuna bir katkıdır. Kesin olarak özcü bir bakış açısıyla, kaçınılmaz bir şekilde korumayı ima eden, onu insan doğal düzeni olarak açıklamayı mümkün kılan, insan güvenliğinin doğalcı bir anlayışını geliştirir. Bu şekilde, siyasi toplumun nihai nedeni, yani onun temeli ve kesinliği olarak durur. Bunu, Aristotelesçi özcülük ve sözleşmeci felsefeleri, İnsanın politik hayvanlığında kanıtlandığı gibi, insan güvenliğini doğal bir yasa olarak bilgilendirecek şekilde yeniden okuyarak test eder.
ABEL (D.), Theories of human nature: Classical and contemporary readings. McgrawHill, New York, 1992
ACHARYA, (A.) “Human Security: East versus West”, International Journal, Vol. 56, n°3, 2001, pp. 442–460
ALFORD, (C. F.) Narrative, Nature, and the Natural Law. From Aquinas to International Human Rights, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010
ATKINS, (Ph.) « Essential vs. Accidental Properties », Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy First published Tuesday April 29, 2008; substantive revision Monday April 18, 2016,
AXWORTHY (L.), « Human Security and Global Governance: Putting People First », Global Governance, vol. 22, 1, 2001
BARTH, (H.), The Idea of Order, Contributions to a Philosophy of Politics, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland, 1960
BAUER, (S.) GERBIER (L.), « Famille », in CNRS (éd.), Grand Dictionnaire de la Philosophie, Larousse, Paris, 2003, pp. 1236-1237
CHENET (F. X.), KANT, Philosophie pratique, Métaphysique des mœurs, Critique de la raison pratique, Philopsis éditions numériques, 2008
Commission on Human Security, Human Security Now, New York, Commission on Human Security, 2003
COURNARI, L. Aristote, Commentaire du livre IV des Politiques, Philopsis: Revue numérique,
ELLIS, (B), The Philosophy of Nature, A Guide to the New Essentialism, Acumen Publishing Limited, Chesham, 2002
ESTRADA-TANCK (E.D.), Human Security and Human Rights under International Law: Crossroads and Possibilities, European University Institute, 2010
Dictionnaire sur PC Ortolang du CNRTL (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), comprenant les dictionnaires de l'Académie française jusqu'à la 9ème édition.
FRIEDRICH (C. J.) (ed.), The Philosophy of Kant: Moral and Political Writings, New York: The Modem Library, 1949
FUKUDA-PARR, (S.) MESSINEO, (C.) Human Security: A critical review of the literature, Centre for Research on Peace and Development, Working Paper n° 11, KU Leuven, January, 2012
HOBBES, (Th.) Leviathan, 1651, R. TUCK (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991
HOBBES, (Th.) Leviathan or the Matter, Form, and Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiastical and Civil, printed for Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard London, 1651
KANT, (I.), The Doctrine of Virtue, transl. of M. J. GREGOR New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1964
KHONG (Y.F.), « Human Security: A Shotgun Approach to Alleviating Human Misery?» Global Governance, Vol. 7, 3 July–September 2001LIOTTA (P.H.), OWEN (T.). « Why Human Security?» in The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. Vol 7, 1, Winter/Spring 2006, 37-54
LEANING (J.), ARIE (S.), Human Security: A Framework for Assessment in Conflict and Transition. Prepared for US AID, Tulane Complex Emergency Response and Transition Initiative (CERTI), Tulane University. December 2000
LEVI-STRAUSS, (Cl.) Les structures élémentaires de la parenté, PUF, Paris, 1949
LOCKE, (J.), Two Treatises of Government, 1698, P. LASLETT (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988
NEF, (J.) “Human Security, Mutual Vulnerability and Sustainable Development: A Critical View”, The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. 7, n° 1 Winter-Spring 2006
NIETZSCHE, (F.), La volonté de puissance, 2 tomes, coll. «tel», Gallimard, Paris, 1995
OURLIAC, (P.) GAZZANIGA, (J.-L.), Histoire du droit privé français, II, 4, Albin Michel, Paris, 1985
OWEN, (T.) “Human security. Conflict and Consensus: Colloquium Remarks and Proposal for a Threshold-Based definition”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 35, n°3, September 2004, , pp. 373-387
RIMBOUX, (E.) “Politique”, Grand Dictionnaire de la Philosophie, Edition numérique, Larousse, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, pour la bibliothèque numérique Gallica, 2003
ROBERTSON, (D.) The Routledge Dictionary of Politics, 3rd Ed. Taylor and Francis Group , Routledge USA and Canada, New Fetter Lane, London, New York, 2004
ROUSSEAU, (J-J.) The Social Contract, “6. The Social Compact”, eBooks@Adelaide, The University of Adelaide Library, 2012,
- RUSSELL, (B.), A History of Western Philosophy and its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1945
SAINT-HILAIRE, (J. B.) La Politique d'Aristote, Traduite en Français d'après le Texte Collationné sur Les Manuscrits et les Éditions Principales, Troisième Édition, Revue et Corrigée, Paris, Librairie Philosophique de Ladrange, 1874
SCRUTON, (R.), “Politics”, The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought, 3rd edition, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007
TANZELLA-NITTI (G.), « The Aristotelian-Thomistic Concept of Nature and the Contemporary Debate on the Meaning of Natural Laws », Acta Philosophica, n°6, 1997
TRICAUD, (F.) “Hobbes et Locke : convergences et divergences”, in: XVII-XVIII. Bulletin de la société d'études angloaméricaines, des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle, n°25, 1987
United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 1994, Published for the, New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994
United Nations, General Assembly, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 10 September 2012 [without reference to a Main Committee (A/66/L.55/Rev.1 and Add.1)], Follow-up to paragraph 143 on human security of the 2005 World Summit Outcome, A/RES/66/290 66/290, 25 October 2012
VLIETINCK, (E.), « La philosophie de l'histoire », in Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie, 25ᵉ année, n°97, 1923, p. 85-95 ;
Emerant Yves Omgba Akoudou
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