The concept of modern mamagemenl shows that business and operation syslems can not be isolated from the environment, and organizations have to monitor the directions and dimensions of the variations to prevail on one haıul, and adopt the ııecessary advantages to emerge from highly competitive environments on the other lıand, by adapting to the balances deteriorated by environmental factors which continuously experience a total disorder, wıth the minimum goal of survivai.
Starting from this point of view, tlıis article justifies the fact that a pack of goals such as “leaving traditional persoıınel management types ıvhiclı have adaptation difficulties to environment - organization - hunıan (working) co-reiation and dynamism rupidly, and leading a successful and uninterrupted life, being influenced by change and the negativisnı of conditions at minimum, realizing a rational adaptation to the environment”, can otıly be achieved granting the human resources management of the orgaııization, a strategic depth.
As a continuation of this thinking it can be said that strategies organized in parallel to the possible benefıts of risks and opportunities which determine deptlıs and directions of compulsory changes e.vtending from the course of traditional persoıınel management to the course of strategic hıınıan resources management, directed at employees oriented and prepared by providing participation, will turn into organizational success if applied in unity with organizatioıud strategies.