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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 23, 239 - 247, 10.01.2005


This paper examiııes the causal relationships betweeıı foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth using Turkish annual data for the period 1976-2002, by means of coiııtegration and error-correction models. The (Augmented) Dickey-Fuller (A) DF and Phillips- Perron (PP) unit root tests are performed and all-time series become stationary after first differencing. Since all time series data are stationary in the first difference, cointegration tests are necessary. Engle-Graııger bivariate cointegration test results indicate these two variables are cointegrated. The results from Granger causality tests based on error-correction models slıow that there exists bidirectional Granger causality between FDI and economic growth, supporting the feedback hypothesis for Turkey. The diagnostic tests for adequacy of the model also performed and passed.


  • [1] Cheng, L.K., & Kvvan, Y.K. (2000). The location of foreign direct investment in Chinese regions, further analysis of labor quality. The Role of foreign direct investment in East Asian economic developmeııt, NBER, pp.213-238.
  • [2] Mallampally, P.,& Sauvant, K.P. (1999). Foreign direct investment in developing countries. Finance &Development, 36(1), pp.35-37.
  • [3] Witherell, W. (2002). OECD Global forum on international investment. New Horizons For Foreign Direct Investment, OECD, pp.4-6.
  • [4] De Mello, L.R.Jr. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: a selective survey. Journal of Developmeııt Studies, 34, pp. 1 -34.
  • [5] Asiedu, E. (2002). On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: is Africa different? World Developmeııt, 30(1), pp.107-119.
  • [6] Chakraborty, C., & Basu, P. (2002). Foreign direct investment and growth in India: a cointegration approach. Applied Economics, 34, pp. 1061-1073.
  • [7] Sun, Q., Tong, W., & Yu, Q. (2002). Determinants of foreign direct investment across China. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, pp.79-113.
  • [8] Tseng, W., & Zebregs, H. (2002). Foreign direct investment in China: Some lessons for other countries. IMF Policy Discussion Paper, IMF, pp. 1 -25.
  • [9] Zhang, K.H. (2000). Why is U.S. direct investment in China so small? Contemporary Economic Policy, 18(1), pp.82-94.
  • [10] Gastanaga, V.M., Nugent, J.B., & Pashamova, B. (1998). Hoşt country Reforms and FDI inflows: How much difference do they make? Woıid Development, 26(7), pp.1299-1314.
  • [11] OECD. (2002). New Horizons for foreign direct investment.
  • [12] World Investment Report. (2001). World investment report 2001: Promoting linkages, Overview.
  • [13] World Investment Report. (2002). Transnational Corporations and Export Conıpetitiveness, Overview.
  • [14] Fabry, N., & Zeghni, S. (2002). Foreign direct investment in Russia: how the investment climate matters. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 35, pp.289-303.
  • [15] Urata, S., & Kawai, H. (2000). Intrafırm technology transfer by Japanese manufacturing fırms in Asia. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.49-74.
  • [16] Zhang, K.H. (2001). Does foreign direct investment promote economic growth? Evidence from East Asia and Latin America. Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(2), pp.175-185.
  • [17] Kravis, I., & Lipsey, R. (1982). The location of overseas production and production for export s by U.S. multinational fırms. Journal of International Economics, 12(3/4), pp.201-223.
  • [18] Blomström, M., & Libsey, R.E. (1991). Firm size and foreign operations of multinationals. Scandinaviaıı Journal of Economics, 93(1), pp. 101-107.
  • [19] Shan, J. (2002). A VAR approach to the economics of FDI in China. Applied Economics, 34, pp.885-893.
  • [20] Zhang, K.H. (1999). How does FDI interact with economic growth in a large developing country? The case of China. Economic Systems, 23(4), pp.291-303.
  • [21] Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J.De, & Lee, J-W.(1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of International Economics, 45, pp.l 15-135.
  • [22] Chan, V.L. (2000). FDI and economic growth in Taiwan’s manufacturing industries. The Role of Foreign Direct İnvestment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.349-366.
  • [23] Zhang, K.H. (1995). International trade and foreign investment: further evidence from China. Asian Economic Journal, 23, pp.23-56.
  • [24] Tsai, P.L. (1991). Determinants of direct foreign investment in Taiwan: An alternative approach with time-series data. World Development, 19(2-3), pp.275-285.
  • [25] Wheeler, D. & Mody, A. (1993) International investment location decisions: The case of U.S. firms, Journal of International Economics, 33, 57-76.
  • [26] Gyapong, A.O, & Karikari, S.A. (1999). Direct foreign investment strategies and economic performance in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Journal of Economic Development, 24(1), pp.133-146.
  • [27] Merlevede, B. (2000) Growth in transition economies. A review of the literatüre. Working Paper, University of Antwerp, Department of Economics.
  • [28] Chowdhury, A., & Mavrotas, G. (2003) FDI & growth: What causes what? WIDER Conference on “Sharing Global Prosperity" WIDER, Helsinki, 6-7 September, pp.1-18.
  • [29] Blomström, M., Libsey, R.E. & Zejan, M. (1992). What explains developing country growth? NBER Working Paper 4132.
  • [30] De Gregorio, J. (1992). Economic grovvth in Latin America. Journal of Development Economics, 39, pp.58- 84.
  • [31] Lee, J.W. (1994). Capital goods imports and long-run growth. NBER Working Paper, 4725, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • [32] Wei, S.J. (1995). The öpen door policy and China’srapid growth: evidence from city-level data. I; Growth Theories in Light of the East Asian Experience. London and Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • [33] Rodriguez-C., A. (1996) Multinationals, linkages and economic development. American Economic Review, 86(4), pp.852-73.
  • [34] Balasubramanyam, V.N., Salisu, M, & Sapsford, D. (1996). Foreign direct investment and growth in EP and IS countries. Economic Journal, 106, pp.92-105.
  • [35] Dees, S. (1998). Foreign direct investment in China: Determinants and effects. Economics of Planning, 31, pp.175-194.
  • [36] Sun, H. (1998). Macroeconomic impacts of direct foreign investment in China: 1979-96. The Work Economy, 21, pp.675-94.
  • [37] Thomsen, S. (1999) Southeast Asia: The role of foreign direct investment policies in development. Working Papers on International investment. Paris: OECD.
  • [38] De Mello, L.R.Jr. (1999). Foreign direct investment-led growth: evidence from time series and panel data. Oxford Economic Papers, 51(1).
  • [39] Markusen, J.R., & Venables, A. (1999). Foreign direct investment as a catalyst for industrial development. European Economic Review, 43, pp.335-356.
  • [40] Shatz, H.J. & Venables, A.J. (2000) The geography of international investment. (Eds.: Clark, G.L., Feldman, M., & Gertler, M.S.)- The Oxford Haııdbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • [41] Kim, J.D., & Hwang, S.I. (2000). The Role of FDI in Korea’s Economic Development. The Role of Foreign Direct Iııvestment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.267- 294.
  • [42] Wei, Y„ Liu, X, Song, H„ & Ramilly, P. (2001). Endogenous innovation growth theory and regional income convergence in China. Journal of International Development, 13, pp. 153-168.
  • [43] Zhang, K.H. (2001b) How does a foreign direct investment affect economic growth in China? Economics of Transition, 9(3), pp.679-693.
  • [44] Bengoa, M. & Sanchez-Robles, B. (2003) Does foreign direct investment promote growth? Recent evidence from Latin America, Universidad de Cantabria, pp.1-19.
  • [45] Liu, X., Song, H., Wei, Y. & Romilly, P. (1997). Country characteristics and foreign direct investment in China: a panel data analysis. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 133, pp.313-329.
  • [46] OECD. (1983). Foreign investment in Turkey.
  • [47] Mercül, A.K. (2001). Foreign direct investment in Turkey in the framework of candidacy to the EU. Marmara Journal of European Studies, 9(2), pp.155-173.
  • [48] Undersecretariat of Treasury, General Directorate of Foreign investment. (2001). Foreign investment Report, February.
  • [49] Engle, R.F., & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Co-integration and error-correction representation, estimation and testing,. Econometrica, 55, pp.251-276.
  • [50] Tano, D.K. (1993). The added worker effect: a causality test. Economic Letters, 43, pp. 111 -117.
  • [51] Ovveye, O. (1995). The causal relationship between taxes and expenditures in the G7 countries: cointegration and error-correction models. Applied Economics Letters, 2, pp. 19-22.
  • [57] Cheng, B.S. (1999). Cointegration and causality between fınancial development and economic growth in South Korea and Taiwan. Journal of Economic Development, 24(1), pp.23-38.
  • [58] Chang, T., Fang, W., Wen, L.F., & Liu, C. (2001) Defence spending, economic growth and temporal causality: evidence from Taiwan and mainland China, 1952-1995. Applied Economics, 33, pp.1289-1299.
  • [59] Rubio, O.B., & Munoz, M.M. (2001). Foreign direct investment and trade: A causality analysis. Öpen Economic Review, 12, pp.305-323.
  • [60] Thornton, D.L., & Batten, D.S. (1985). Lag-length selection and tests of Granger causality between money and income. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 17, pp.164-177.
  • [61] Darrat, A.F. (2002). Budget balance through spending cuts or tax adjustments? Comtemporaıy Economic Policy, 20(3), pp.221-233.
  • [62] Banarjee, A., Dolado, J., Galbraith, J.W., & Hendry, D.F. (1993). Co-integration, Error-Correction, and the Ecoııometric Analysis of Noıı-Stationary Data: Advanced Texts in Econometrics. New York: Oxford University Press.


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 23, 239 - 247, 10.01.2005


This paper examiııes the causal relationships betweeıı foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth using Turkish annual data for the period 1976-2002, by means of coiııtegration and error-correction models. The (Augmented) Dickey-Fuller (A) DF and Phillips- Perron (PP) unit root tests are performed and all-time series become stationary after first differencing. Since all time series data are stationary in the first difference, cointegration tests are necessary. Engle-Graııger bivariate cointegration test results indicate these two variables are cointegrated. The results from Granger causality tests based on error-correction models slıow that there exists bidirectional Granger causality between FDI and economic growth, supporting the feedback hypothesis for Turkey. The diagnostic tests for adequacy of the model also performed and passed.


  • [1] Cheng, L.K., & Kvvan, Y.K. (2000). The location of foreign direct investment in Chinese regions, further analysis of labor quality. The Role of foreign direct investment in East Asian economic developmeııt, NBER, pp.213-238.
  • [2] Mallampally, P.,& Sauvant, K.P. (1999). Foreign direct investment in developing countries. Finance &Development, 36(1), pp.35-37.
  • [3] Witherell, W. (2002). OECD Global forum on international investment. New Horizons For Foreign Direct Investment, OECD, pp.4-6.
  • [4] De Mello, L.R.Jr. (1997). Foreign direct investment in developing countries and growth: a selective survey. Journal of Developmeııt Studies, 34, pp. 1 -34.
  • [5] Asiedu, E. (2002). On the determinants of foreign direct investment to developing countries: is Africa different? World Developmeııt, 30(1), pp.107-119.
  • [6] Chakraborty, C., & Basu, P. (2002). Foreign direct investment and growth in India: a cointegration approach. Applied Economics, 34, pp. 1061-1073.
  • [7] Sun, Q., Tong, W., & Yu, Q. (2002). Determinants of foreign direct investment across China. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, pp.79-113.
  • [8] Tseng, W., & Zebregs, H. (2002). Foreign direct investment in China: Some lessons for other countries. IMF Policy Discussion Paper, IMF, pp. 1 -25.
  • [9] Zhang, K.H. (2000). Why is U.S. direct investment in China so small? Contemporary Economic Policy, 18(1), pp.82-94.
  • [10] Gastanaga, V.M., Nugent, J.B., & Pashamova, B. (1998). Hoşt country Reforms and FDI inflows: How much difference do they make? Woıid Development, 26(7), pp.1299-1314.
  • [11] OECD. (2002). New Horizons for foreign direct investment.
  • [12] World Investment Report. (2001). World investment report 2001: Promoting linkages, Overview.
  • [13] World Investment Report. (2002). Transnational Corporations and Export Conıpetitiveness, Overview.
  • [14] Fabry, N., & Zeghni, S. (2002). Foreign direct investment in Russia: how the investment climate matters. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 35, pp.289-303.
  • [15] Urata, S., & Kawai, H. (2000). Intrafırm technology transfer by Japanese manufacturing fırms in Asia. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.49-74.
  • [16] Zhang, K.H. (2001). Does foreign direct investment promote economic growth? Evidence from East Asia and Latin America. Contemporary Economic Policy, 19(2), pp.175-185.
  • [17] Kravis, I., & Lipsey, R. (1982). The location of overseas production and production for export s by U.S. multinational fırms. Journal of International Economics, 12(3/4), pp.201-223.
  • [18] Blomström, M., & Libsey, R.E. (1991). Firm size and foreign operations of multinationals. Scandinaviaıı Journal of Economics, 93(1), pp. 101-107.
  • [19] Shan, J. (2002). A VAR approach to the economics of FDI in China. Applied Economics, 34, pp.885-893.
  • [20] Zhang, K.H. (1999). How does FDI interact with economic growth in a large developing country? The case of China. Economic Systems, 23(4), pp.291-303.
  • [21] Borensztein, E., Gregorio, J.De, & Lee, J-W.(1998). How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth? Journal of International Economics, 45, pp.l 15-135.
  • [22] Chan, V.L. (2000). FDI and economic growth in Taiwan’s manufacturing industries. The Role of Foreign Direct İnvestment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.349-366.
  • [23] Zhang, K.H. (1995). International trade and foreign investment: further evidence from China. Asian Economic Journal, 23, pp.23-56.
  • [24] Tsai, P.L. (1991). Determinants of direct foreign investment in Taiwan: An alternative approach with time-series data. World Development, 19(2-3), pp.275-285.
  • [25] Wheeler, D. & Mody, A. (1993) International investment location decisions: The case of U.S. firms, Journal of International Economics, 33, 57-76.
  • [26] Gyapong, A.O, & Karikari, S.A. (1999). Direct foreign investment strategies and economic performance in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Journal of Economic Development, 24(1), pp.133-146.
  • [27] Merlevede, B. (2000) Growth in transition economies. A review of the literatüre. Working Paper, University of Antwerp, Department of Economics.
  • [28] Chowdhury, A., & Mavrotas, G. (2003) FDI & growth: What causes what? WIDER Conference on “Sharing Global Prosperity" WIDER, Helsinki, 6-7 September, pp.1-18.
  • [29] Blomström, M., Libsey, R.E. & Zejan, M. (1992). What explains developing country growth? NBER Working Paper 4132.
  • [30] De Gregorio, J. (1992). Economic grovvth in Latin America. Journal of Development Economics, 39, pp.58- 84.
  • [31] Lee, J.W. (1994). Capital goods imports and long-run growth. NBER Working Paper, 4725, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • [32] Wei, S.J. (1995). The öpen door policy and China’srapid growth: evidence from city-level data. I; Growth Theories in Light of the East Asian Experience. London and Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • [33] Rodriguez-C., A. (1996) Multinationals, linkages and economic development. American Economic Review, 86(4), pp.852-73.
  • [34] Balasubramanyam, V.N., Salisu, M, & Sapsford, D. (1996). Foreign direct investment and growth in EP and IS countries. Economic Journal, 106, pp.92-105.
  • [35] Dees, S. (1998). Foreign direct investment in China: Determinants and effects. Economics of Planning, 31, pp.175-194.
  • [36] Sun, H. (1998). Macroeconomic impacts of direct foreign investment in China: 1979-96. The Work Economy, 21, pp.675-94.
  • [37] Thomsen, S. (1999) Southeast Asia: The role of foreign direct investment policies in development. Working Papers on International investment. Paris: OECD.
  • [38] De Mello, L.R.Jr. (1999). Foreign direct investment-led growth: evidence from time series and panel data. Oxford Economic Papers, 51(1).
  • [39] Markusen, J.R., & Venables, A. (1999). Foreign direct investment as a catalyst for industrial development. European Economic Review, 43, pp.335-356.
  • [40] Shatz, H.J. & Venables, A.J. (2000) The geography of international investment. (Eds.: Clark, G.L., Feldman, M., & Gertler, M.S.)- The Oxford Haııdbook of Economic Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • [41] Kim, J.D., & Hwang, S.I. (2000). The Role of FDI in Korea’s Economic Development. The Role of Foreign Direct Iııvestment in East Asian Economic Development, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, pp.267- 294.
  • [42] Wei, Y„ Liu, X, Song, H„ & Ramilly, P. (2001). Endogenous innovation growth theory and regional income convergence in China. Journal of International Development, 13, pp. 153-168.
  • [43] Zhang, K.H. (2001b) How does a foreign direct investment affect economic growth in China? Economics of Transition, 9(3), pp.679-693.
  • [44] Bengoa, M. & Sanchez-Robles, B. (2003) Does foreign direct investment promote growth? Recent evidence from Latin America, Universidad de Cantabria, pp.1-19.
  • [45] Liu, X., Song, H., Wei, Y. & Romilly, P. (1997). Country characteristics and foreign direct investment in China: a panel data analysis. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 133, pp.313-329.
  • [46] OECD. (1983). Foreign investment in Turkey.
  • [47] Mercül, A.K. (2001). Foreign direct investment in Turkey in the framework of candidacy to the EU. Marmara Journal of European Studies, 9(2), pp.155-173.
  • [48] Undersecretariat of Treasury, General Directorate of Foreign investment. (2001). Foreign investment Report, February.
  • [49] Engle, R.F., & Granger, C.W.J. (1987). Co-integration and error-correction representation, estimation and testing,. Econometrica, 55, pp.251-276.
  • [50] Tano, D.K. (1993). The added worker effect: a causality test. Economic Letters, 43, pp. 111 -117.
  • [51] Ovveye, O. (1995). The causal relationship between taxes and expenditures in the G7 countries: cointegration and error-correction models. Applied Economics Letters, 2, pp. 19-22.
  • [57] Cheng, B.S. (1999). Cointegration and causality between fınancial development and economic growth in South Korea and Taiwan. Journal of Economic Development, 24(1), pp.23-38.
  • [58] Chang, T., Fang, W., Wen, L.F., & Liu, C. (2001) Defence spending, economic growth and temporal causality: evidence from Taiwan and mainland China, 1952-1995. Applied Economics, 33, pp.1289-1299.
  • [59] Rubio, O.B., & Munoz, M.M. (2001). Foreign direct investment and trade: A causality analysis. Öpen Economic Review, 12, pp.305-323.
  • [60] Thornton, D.L., & Batten, D.S. (1985). Lag-length selection and tests of Granger causality between money and income. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 17, pp.164-177.
  • [61] Darrat, A.F. (2002). Budget balance through spending cuts or tax adjustments? Comtemporaıy Economic Policy, 20(3), pp.221-233.
  • [62] Banarjee, A., Dolado, J., Galbraith, J.W., & Hendry, D.F. (1993). Co-integration, Error-Correction, and the Ecoııometric Analysis of Noıı-Stationary Data: Advanced Texts in Econometrics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


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İhsan Günaydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ocak 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 23

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e-ISSN: 2147-5377