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Yıl 2003, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 20, 191 - 203, 29.06.2003


Artan globalleşme ve hızlı teknolojik ilerlemeler, telekomünikasyon sektöründe radikal değişimleri gerektirmiş olup, telekomünikasyon hizmetlerini klasik kalıpların dışına çıkarmıştır. 1980’ lerle birlikte birçok ülkede bu sektöre yönelik reformlar başlatılmıştır. Telekomünikasyon reformları; ticarileşme, şirketleşme, özelleştirme ve liberalizasyon denilen süreçlerden oluşmaktadır. Özelleştirme temel bir araç olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı genel olarak; a) Telekomünikasyonun hizmetlerinin özelliklerini, telekomünikasyon sektöründe reformların nedenleri ve bu reformlar içinde özel bir öneme sahip olan özelleştirmeyi açıklamaktır. b) Spesifik olarak da, Türk telekomünikasyon sektöründeki özelleştirme incelenmektedir. Bu çalışma; ülke riski, sektör riski ve. global yatırımcılar için yatırımları değerlendirme fırsatlarında kullanılan şirket riski açılarından Türk telekomünikasyon sektörünün özelleştirme potansiyeli değerlendirilecektir. Bu çalışma sonucunda telekomünikasyon sektöründe başarılı bir reformun sadece özelleştirmeye bağlı olmadığı görülmektedir. Telekomünikasyonda reform bir süreci gerektirir. Bunların tümü telekomünikasyon sektörünün niteliğinden dolayı uygulanmalıdır.


  • [1] SAUNDERS, R.J.; WARFORD, J.J.; WELLENIUS, B., Telecommunications and Economic Development, Second Edition, The John HOpkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996, ss.3,9,281,282,304,305,308.
  • [2] ÇAKAL, R., Doğal Tekellerde özelleştirme ve Regülasyon, DPT Yayın No:2455, Ankara, 1996, s.40.
  • [3] WILLEMS, J.R., KETLER, K., "Telecommunications Issues: the Information Systems Managers’ Viewpoint", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1999 (2), s.7, (ttp://
  • [4] FENNA, A., Introduction to Australia Public Policy, Longman, Melbourne, 1998, s.54.
  • [5] NOAM, E., Telecommunications in Europe, Oxford University Press Inc., Oxford, 1992, ss.55-61.
  • [6] HEALEY, N.; COOK, M., Supply Side Economics, Third Edition, Heinemann Educational, Oxford, 1996, s.68.
  • [7] TULLOCK, G., Private Wants, Public Means, Basic Books Inc., New York, 1970, s.92.
  • [8] Telecommunications Economics and Policy Issue, 1997, ss.23,53.
  • [9] MILLWARD, R.; PARKER, D.M., "Public and Public Enterprise: Comparative Behavior and Relative Efiiciency", Public Sector Economics, Longman Inc., New York, 1983, ss.199-264.
  • [10] SINGER, N., Public Microeconomics, Little Brown and Company, Boston. 1972, s.71.
  • [11] HERBER, B.P., Modern Public Finance the Study of Public Sector Economics, Richard D. Irwin Inc., Illinois, 1971, s.32.
  • [12] WINFREY, J.C., Public Finance Public Choice and the Public Economy, Harper & Row Inc., New York, 1973, ss.51-57.
  • [13] TROTMAN-DICKENSON, D.T., Economics of the Public Sector, Macmillan Press Ltd., Londra, 1996, ss.60,61,376.
  • [14] CULLIS, J.; JONES, P., Public Finance and Public Choice, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988, s.115.
  • [15] McCONNEL, C.R.; BRUE, S.L., Economics, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1993, s.477.
  • [16] SPICER, B.; EMANUEL, M.; POWELL, Transforming Government Enterprises, NSW, The Center for Independent Studies, St Leonards, 1996, s.1.
  • [17] O’FAIRCHEALLAIGH, C.; WANNA J.; WELLER, P., Public Sector Management ın Australia, Second Edition, Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd., Brisbane, 1999, s.68.
  • [18] CORBETT, D., Australian Public Sector Management, Second Edition, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards, 1996, s.79.
  • [19] OECD, OECD Global Conference on Telecommunications Policy For the Digital Economy, Dubai, 21-22 January 2002.
  • [20] STEINFIELD, C.; BAUER, J.M.; CABY, L., Telecommunications in Transition-Policies, Services and Technologies in the European Community, 1994, ss.275,279.
  • [21] BROWN, A., "Should Telstra be Privatized?", Working Paper, Brisbane, 1996, s.3.
  • [22] PIRIE, M., Privatization: The British Experience and Its Application to Australia, Adam Smith Institute, Sidney, 1985, ss.6-11.
  • [23] HARTLEY, K.; PARKER,D., "Privatization: A Conceptual Framework", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, ss.108-125.
  • [24] HEALD, D., "The Relevance of UK Privatization for LDCs", Privatization in Less Developed Countries, Privatization in Less Developed Countries, in COOK, P.; PATRICK, C.K. (Ed.), Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Worcester, 1988, s.76.
  • [25] HUTCHINSON, G., "Effeciency Gains Through Privatization of UK Industries", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, s.88.
  • [26] PIRIE, M., Privatization, Wildwood House Ltd, Londra, 1988, ss.20-21.
  • [27] ZANK, N.S., "Perpectives on Privatization in LDCs: Encouraging Economic Growth and Efficiency", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, s.173.
  • [28] CRAIG, J., "Privatization in Malasia: Present Trends and Future Prospects", Privatization in Less Developed Countries, in COOK, P.; PATRICK, C.K. (Ed.), Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Worcester, 1988, s.248.
  • [29] REED, S.; PONCE, C.F.; LTDA, A.C., "Privatization of Latin America Telecommunications Firms", Interlaw, Ecuador, 2001, s.1, (
  • [30] DEANE, J.; OPOKA-MENSAH, A., "Development and the Market: The Promises and the Problems", Telecommunications, Robert Lamb (Ed.) Panos Media Briefing, Nisan 1997, s.25.
  • [31] OFTEL, Proposal for Network Charge and Retail Price Controls from 2001, s.4.
  • [32] BOUIN, O.; MICHALET, Ch.A., Rebalancing the Public and Private Sector: Developing Country Experience, OECD, 1991, s.115-116.
  • [33] The World Bank, Turkey: Informatics and Economic Modernization, Washington, 1993, s.124.
  • [34] AŞÇILI, H.; SÜEL H.; BALABAN E., Global Trends in the Telecommunications Sector and the Direction of Turkey’s Sector Policy, (Not Published), Prime Ministry Privatization Administration, Ankara, 2000, ss.17-31.
  • [35] IDC, "Turkey:Inpending Recovery of the Telecoms Market in 2002 will be Driven by the Mobile Sector",İD=64.
  • [36] Turkish Republic, Prime Ministry Privatization Administration, Overview of Turk Telecom Privatization, 2001, ss.1-5.
  • [37] OECD, Inetrnet Traffic Exchange and the Development of End-to-End Competition, 1992, s.5.
  • [38] SINGH, J.P., "The Institutional Environment and Effects of Telecommunications Privatization and Market Liberalization in Asia", Telecommunication Policy, (24), 2000, ss.887-888.
  • [39] RAMANADHAM, V.V., "The Impact of Privatization on Distribution Equity", Privatization and Equity, V.V. Ramanadham (Ed), Routledge, Londra, 1995, s.15.
  • [40] Telstra: To Sell or Not to Sell?, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996.


Yıl 2003, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 20, 191 - 203, 29.06.2003



  • [1] SAUNDERS, R.J.; WARFORD, J.J.; WELLENIUS, B., Telecommunications and Economic Development, Second Edition, The John HOpkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996, ss.3,9,281,282,304,305,308.
  • [2] ÇAKAL, R., Doğal Tekellerde özelleştirme ve Regülasyon, DPT Yayın No:2455, Ankara, 1996, s.40.
  • [3] WILLEMS, J.R., KETLER, K., "Telecommunications Issues: the Information Systems Managers’ Viewpoint", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 1999 (2), s.7, (ttp://
  • [4] FENNA, A., Introduction to Australia Public Policy, Longman, Melbourne, 1998, s.54.
  • [5] NOAM, E., Telecommunications in Europe, Oxford University Press Inc., Oxford, 1992, ss.55-61.
  • [6] HEALEY, N.; COOK, M., Supply Side Economics, Third Edition, Heinemann Educational, Oxford, 1996, s.68.
  • [7] TULLOCK, G., Private Wants, Public Means, Basic Books Inc., New York, 1970, s.92.
  • [8] Telecommunications Economics and Policy Issue, 1997, ss.23,53.
  • [9] MILLWARD, R.; PARKER, D.M., "Public and Public Enterprise: Comparative Behavior and Relative Efiiciency", Public Sector Economics, Longman Inc., New York, 1983, ss.199-264.
  • [10] SINGER, N., Public Microeconomics, Little Brown and Company, Boston. 1972, s.71.
  • [11] HERBER, B.P., Modern Public Finance the Study of Public Sector Economics, Richard D. Irwin Inc., Illinois, 1971, s.32.
  • [12] WINFREY, J.C., Public Finance Public Choice and the Public Economy, Harper & Row Inc., New York, 1973, ss.51-57.
  • [13] TROTMAN-DICKENSON, D.T., Economics of the Public Sector, Macmillan Press Ltd., Londra, 1996, ss.60,61,376.
  • [14] CULLIS, J.; JONES, P., Public Finance and Public Choice, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988, s.115.
  • [15] McCONNEL, C.R.; BRUE, S.L., Economics, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1993, s.477.
  • [16] SPICER, B.; EMANUEL, M.; POWELL, Transforming Government Enterprises, NSW, The Center for Independent Studies, St Leonards, 1996, s.1.
  • [17] O’FAIRCHEALLAIGH, C.; WANNA J.; WELLER, P., Public Sector Management ın Australia, Second Edition, Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd., Brisbane, 1999, s.68.
  • [18] CORBETT, D., Australian Public Sector Management, Second Edition, Allen & Unwin, St. Leonards, 1996, s.79.
  • [19] OECD, OECD Global Conference on Telecommunications Policy For the Digital Economy, Dubai, 21-22 January 2002.
  • [20] STEINFIELD, C.; BAUER, J.M.; CABY, L., Telecommunications in Transition-Policies, Services and Technologies in the European Community, 1994, ss.275,279.
  • [21] BROWN, A., "Should Telstra be Privatized?", Working Paper, Brisbane, 1996, s.3.
  • [22] PIRIE, M., Privatization: The British Experience and Its Application to Australia, Adam Smith Institute, Sidney, 1985, ss.6-11.
  • [23] HARTLEY, K.; PARKER,D., "Privatization: A Conceptual Framework", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, ss.108-125.
  • [24] HEALD, D., "The Relevance of UK Privatization for LDCs", Privatization in Less Developed Countries, Privatization in Less Developed Countries, in COOK, P.; PATRICK, C.K. (Ed.), Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Worcester, 1988, s.76.
  • [25] HUTCHINSON, G., "Effeciency Gains Through Privatization of UK Industries", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, s.88.
  • [26] PIRIE, M., Privatization, Wildwood House Ltd, Londra, 1988, ss.20-21.
  • [27] ZANK, N.S., "Perpectives on Privatization in LDCs: Encouraging Economic Growth and Efficiency", Privatization and Economic Efficiency A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries, in OTT, A.F.; HARTLEY, K. (Ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., England, 1991, s.173.
  • [28] CRAIG, J., "Privatization in Malasia: Present Trends and Future Prospects", Privatization in Less Developed Countries, in COOK, P.; PATRICK, C.K. (Ed.), Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Worcester, 1988, s.248.
  • [29] REED, S.; PONCE, C.F.; LTDA, A.C., "Privatization of Latin America Telecommunications Firms", Interlaw, Ecuador, 2001, s.1, (
  • [30] DEANE, J.; OPOKA-MENSAH, A., "Development and the Market: The Promises and the Problems", Telecommunications, Robert Lamb (Ed.) Panos Media Briefing, Nisan 1997, s.25.
  • [31] OFTEL, Proposal for Network Charge and Retail Price Controls from 2001, s.4.
  • [32] BOUIN, O.; MICHALET, Ch.A., Rebalancing the Public and Private Sector: Developing Country Experience, OECD, 1991, s.115-116.
  • [33] The World Bank, Turkey: Informatics and Economic Modernization, Washington, 1993, s.124.
  • [34] AŞÇILI, H.; SÜEL H.; BALABAN E., Global Trends in the Telecommunications Sector and the Direction of Turkey’s Sector Policy, (Not Published), Prime Ministry Privatization Administration, Ankara, 2000, ss.17-31.
  • [35] IDC, "Turkey:Inpending Recovery of the Telecoms Market in 2002 will be Driven by the Mobile Sector",İD=64.
  • [36] Turkish Republic, Prime Ministry Privatization Administration, Overview of Turk Telecom Privatization, 2001, ss.1-5.
  • [37] OECD, Inetrnet Traffic Exchange and the Development of End-to-End Competition, 1992, s.5.
  • [38] SINGH, J.P., "The Institutional Environment and Effects of Telecommunications Privatization and Market Liberalization in Asia", Telecommunication Policy, (24), 2000, ss.887-888.
  • [39] RAMANADHAM, V.V., "The Impact of Privatization on Distribution Equity", Privatization and Equity, V.V. Ramanadham (Ed), Routledge, Londra, 1995, s.15.
  • [40] Telstra: To Sell or Not to Sell?, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 1996.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Haziran 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 20

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