Research Article
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E-portfolyo Sistemlerinin Mimarlık Eğitimi İçin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 624 - 651, 30.12.2022


E-portfolyo yeni bir yazılım türüdür. Web 2.0 çıkmasıyla portfolyo kullanımından e-portfolyo sistemlerinin (EPS) kullanımına geçiş hızlanmaktadır. Bununla birlikte EPS’lerin seçimi ve kontrol edilmesi de zorlaşmaktadır. Bu yüzden mimarlık eğitimcilerinin hangi e-portfolyo sistemini seçeceği, ne amaçla ve nerede kullanacağını tam olarak bilinememektedir. Bu makaledeyse e-portfolyo yazılımlarını değerlendirecek ve mimarlık eğitimcilerine rehberlik edecek bir EPS değerlendirme modeli önerilmektedir. Çalışma e-portfolyo sistemlerinden beklentileri daha bilinçli düzeye çıkaracaktır. Önerilen model, EPS’nin hangi amaçla kullanılacağını ve hedefler doğrultusunda hangi e-portfolyo sisteminin tercih edileceği hakkında eğitimcileri bilinçlendirecektir. Ayrıca ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda tasarlanacak e-portfolyo sistemlerinin planlanması ve gelişmesine katkıda bulunacaktır. Bundan yola çıkarak makalede, (i) öncelikle portfolyo/e-portfolyo tanıtılmakta ve e-portfolyo sistenlerinin kullanım alanlarından bahsedilmekte, (ii) devamında EPS’lerin mimarlık eğitimindeki potansiyeli üzerine durulmakta ve bu doğrultuda EPS’lerin değerlendirileceği model oluşturulmakta, (iii) son olarak değerlendirilmek üzere seçilen EPS’ler önerilen model doğrultusunda sınanmakta ve alana katkıda bulunması amacıyla bir ön çalışma olmayı hedeflemektedir.

Supporting Institution

Mİmar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Project Number

BAP 2020-02


Makalede ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur. Çalışmada etik kurul izni gerekmemiştir.


  • Alan, S. & Sünbül, A. M. (2015). Experimental studies on electronic portfolios in Turkey: A literature review, International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 1(1), 89-94, DOI:10.21890/ijres.09416
  • Baird, D. (2003). Eportfolios: A pocket full of ambition, Syllabus: Technology for Higher Education.
  • Banks, B. (2004). E-Portfolios: their use and benefits. A White Paper. FD Learning Ltd. Tribal Technology, 1-13, Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022): disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DEportfolios_their_use_and_benefits.pdf&Expires=1648741610&Signature=WpMSPGrW~3WH0tGYt3q2o~n707JrSO9E1pHcqJJucGMlTacteWdiHUQvU2FV clBbxNy2EAqi-dDTcDKX~BLm2WuoWSNALCf~IqgELEeZem8NcXtKJDG5gxCqTRg7yo7k8HW- mYST7lAfIarIDWpZrCAfcAmV6CbID6hvQP6z~60T~JQqCkRENtrvVWzeZ11PCtiMLZ2CSvtSyKd19889oVKQdGIWcFEqY-PxRon~Jj2tCljv4Aq- MyHdKXh~M37CMrwoMtlVx74aKqcFNB74SQqwgBTzd8Q9cbK7frD-X2inQk6CEdkVr48ObSd5keOYD0tnihH3KI0GPFhxcmQVVg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
  • Bhattacharya, M. ve Hartnett, M. (2007). E-portfolio assessment in higher education. In 2007 37th annual frontiers in education conference-global engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports (19-24), Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022):
  • Butler, P. (2006). A review of the literature on portfolios and electronic portfolios, 1-23, Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022):
  • Buzzetto-More, N. (2010). The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California.
  • Buzzetto, N. (2010). Understanding E-Portfolios and their Applications, The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California, 1-17, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A. ve Alade, A. J. (2006). Best practices in e-assessment. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 5(1), 251-269, Erişim Adresi (15.01.2022):
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A. ve Alade, A. J. (2008). The pentagonal e-portfolio model for selecting, adopting, building, and implementing an e-portfolio. Journal of Information Technology Education. Innovations in Practice, 7, 44-70, Erişim Adresi (13.01.2022):
  • Cheal, C. (2010). Implications of Open Source E-portfolios. The E-Portfolio Paradigm: Informing, Educating, Assessing and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Buzetto-More, Informing Science Press, Santa Rosa, California, 35-62, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Cheung, T. C. ve Kwok, R. C. (2012). E-portfolio Service for Undergraduates Academic and Career Development, IEEE First International Conference on Services Economics, Honolulu, HI, 66-67, Erişim Adresi (10.01.2022):
  • Himpsl, K. ve Baumgartner, P. (2010). Evalotion of E-Portfolio System, The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California, 19-33, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Kuruçay, E. ve Karadağ, İ. (2022). Computational Approaches in 21st Century Architectural Design: Defining Digital Representation Methods. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 10 (3), 1201-1217. DOI: 10.29130/dubited.900770.
  • Lombardi, J. (2008). To Portfolio or not to Portfolio: Helpful or Hyped?, College Teaching, 56:1, 7-10. Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):
  • Lorenzo, G. ve Ittelson, J. (2005). An overview of e-portfolios. Educause learning initiative, 1(1), 1-27, Erişim Adresi (10.01.2022):
  • Mahara. (2021). Erişim Adresi (13.11.2021):
  • Marjanović, I., Ray, K. R., Rüedi, K., & Lokko, L. N. N. (2003). The portfolio: an architecture student's handbook. Routledge.
  • Masdeu, M. ve Fuses, J. (2017). Reconceptualizing the Design Studio in Architectural Education: Distance Learning and Blended Learning As Transformation Factors, International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 11(2): 6-23, Erişim Adresi (15.01.2022):
  • Moodle. (2021). Erişim Adresi (11.11.2021):
  • Ogunsote, O. O. (2008). Developing Workable Standards for Design Studio E‐Portfolios in Architectural Education in Nigeria, AARCHES Journal, 8.1: 39-55, Erişim Adresi (12.01.2022): Introduction%20to%20Computing%20in%20Architecture/Lecture%20Materials/Developing%20Workable%20Standards%20for%20Design%20Studio%20ePortfolios.pdf
  • Pebblepad. (2021). Erişim Adresi (06.11.2021):
  • Reese, M. ve Levy, R. (2009). Assessing the Future: E-portfolio Trends, Uses and Options in Higher Education, Educause Center for Applied Research (ECAR), 4, Erişim Adresi (11.01.2022):
  • Roco, B. ve Barbera, E. (2020). Integrating E-Portfolio Strategy in the Architectural Design Studio, The Design Journal, 23:4, 575-595, Erişim Adresi (11.01.2022):
  • Stiggins, R. (2002). Assessment crisis: The absence of assessment for learning, Phi Delta Kappan, (83), 758-765, Erişim Adresi (12.11.2021):
  • Watermark. (2021). Erişim Adresi (10.11.2021):

Evaluation of E-portfolio Systems for Architectural Education

Year 2022, , 624 - 651, 30.12.2022


E-portfolio is a new type of software. The transition from portfolios to the use of e-portfolio systems is accelerating with the Web 2.0 output. However, the selection and control of e-portfolio systems become more difficult. Therefore, architectural educators do not know exactly which e-portfolio system to choose, for what purpose, and where to use it. In this article, an e-portfolio system evaluation model is proposed to guide architectural educators who evaluate e-portfolio software. The article will raise expectations from e-portfolio systems to a more conscious level. As a result, it will raise awareness about the purpose of using the e-portfolio system and which e-portfolio system should be preferred in line with the objectives. In addition, it will contribute to the development of e-portfolio systems that will be redesigned in line with the needs. Based on this, in this article; (i) first of all, portfolio/e-portfolio is explained and the usage areas of e-portfolio systems are mentioned, (ii) in the continuation, the potential of e-portfolio systems in architectural education is emphasized and a model is created in which e-portfolio systems will be evaluated in this direction, (iii) finally, e-portfolio systems selected for evaluation are tested in line with the proposed model and aim to be a preliminary study in order to contribute to the field.

Project Number

BAP 2020-02


  • Alan, S. & Sünbül, A. M. (2015). Experimental studies on electronic portfolios in Turkey: A literature review, International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 1(1), 89-94, DOI:10.21890/ijres.09416
  • Baird, D. (2003). Eportfolios: A pocket full of ambition, Syllabus: Technology for Higher Education.
  • Banks, B. (2004). E-Portfolios: their use and benefits. A White Paper. FD Learning Ltd. Tribal Technology, 1-13, Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022): disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DEportfolios_their_use_and_benefits.pdf&Expires=1648741610&Signature=WpMSPGrW~3WH0tGYt3q2o~n707JrSO9E1pHcqJJucGMlTacteWdiHUQvU2FV clBbxNy2EAqi-dDTcDKX~BLm2WuoWSNALCf~IqgELEeZem8NcXtKJDG5gxCqTRg7yo7k8HW- mYST7lAfIarIDWpZrCAfcAmV6CbID6hvQP6z~60T~JQqCkRENtrvVWzeZ11PCtiMLZ2CSvtSyKd19889oVKQdGIWcFEqY-PxRon~Jj2tCljv4Aq- MyHdKXh~M37CMrwoMtlVx74aKqcFNB74SQqwgBTzd8Q9cbK7frD-X2inQk6CEdkVr48ObSd5keOYD0tnihH3KI0GPFhxcmQVVg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA
  • Bhattacharya, M. ve Hartnett, M. (2007). E-portfolio assessment in higher education. In 2007 37th annual frontiers in education conference-global engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports (19-24), Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022):
  • Butler, P. (2006). A review of the literature on portfolios and electronic portfolios, 1-23, Erişim Adresi (14.01.2022):
  • Buzzetto-More, N. (2010). The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California.
  • Buzzetto, N. (2010). Understanding E-Portfolios and their Applications, The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California, 1-17, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A. ve Alade, A. J. (2006). Best practices in e-assessment. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 5(1), 251-269, Erişim Adresi (15.01.2022):
  • Buzzetto-More, N. A. ve Alade, A. J. (2008). The pentagonal e-portfolio model for selecting, adopting, building, and implementing an e-portfolio. Journal of Information Technology Education. Innovations in Practice, 7, 44-70, Erişim Adresi (13.01.2022):
  • Cheal, C. (2010). Implications of Open Source E-portfolios. The E-Portfolio Paradigm: Informing, Educating, Assessing and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Buzetto-More, Informing Science Press, Santa Rosa, California, 35-62, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Cheung, T. C. ve Kwok, R. C. (2012). E-portfolio Service for Undergraduates Academic and Career Development, IEEE First International Conference on Services Economics, Honolulu, HI, 66-67, Erişim Adresi (10.01.2022):
  • Himpsl, K. ve Baumgartner, P. (2010). Evalotion of E-Portfolio System, The E-portfolio Paradigma: Informing, Educating Assessing, and Managing with E-Portfolios, Der. Nicole Buzetto, Informing Science Press, California, 19-33, Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):,+N.+ (2010).+Understanding+E-Portfolios+and+their+Applications,+The+E-portfolio+Paradigma:+Informing,+Educating+Assessing,+and+Managing+with+E- Portfolios,+Der.+Nicole+Buzetto,+Informing+Science+Press,+California&ots=VEfZpijh64&sig=bX9BRn56f9qh74OJIJYCsb5VRZE&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  • Kuruçay, E. ve Karadağ, İ. (2022). Computational Approaches in 21st Century Architectural Design: Defining Digital Representation Methods. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 10 (3), 1201-1217. DOI: 10.29130/dubited.900770.
  • Lombardi, J. (2008). To Portfolio or not to Portfolio: Helpful or Hyped?, College Teaching, 56:1, 7-10. Erişim Adresi (05.04.2021):
  • Lorenzo, G. ve Ittelson, J. (2005). An overview of e-portfolios. Educause learning initiative, 1(1), 1-27, Erişim Adresi (10.01.2022):
  • Mahara. (2021). Erişim Adresi (13.11.2021):
  • Marjanović, I., Ray, K. R., Rüedi, K., & Lokko, L. N. N. (2003). The portfolio: an architecture student's handbook. Routledge.
  • Masdeu, M. ve Fuses, J. (2017). Reconceptualizing the Design Studio in Architectural Education: Distance Learning and Blended Learning As Transformation Factors, International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 11(2): 6-23, Erişim Adresi (15.01.2022):
  • Moodle. (2021). Erişim Adresi (11.11.2021):
  • Ogunsote, O. O. (2008). Developing Workable Standards for Design Studio E‐Portfolios in Architectural Education in Nigeria, AARCHES Journal, 8.1: 39-55, Erişim Adresi (12.01.2022): Introduction%20to%20Computing%20in%20Architecture/Lecture%20Materials/Developing%20Workable%20Standards%20for%20Design%20Studio%20ePortfolios.pdf
  • Pebblepad. (2021). Erişim Adresi (06.11.2021):
  • Reese, M. ve Levy, R. (2009). Assessing the Future: E-portfolio Trends, Uses and Options in Higher Education, Educause Center for Applied Research (ECAR), 4, Erişim Adresi (11.01.2022):
  • Roco, B. ve Barbera, E. (2020). Integrating E-Portfolio Strategy in the Architectural Design Studio, The Design Journal, 23:4, 575-595, Erişim Adresi (11.01.2022):
  • Stiggins, R. (2002). Assessment crisis: The absence of assessment for learning, Phi Delta Kappan, (83), 758-765, Erişim Adresi (12.11.2021):
  • Watermark. (2021). Erişim Adresi (10.11.2021):
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Articles

Abdullatif Yılmaz 0000-0002-1826-5838

Rıfat Koçyiğit 0000-0002-9748-7913

Ümit Arpacıoğlu 0000-0001-8858-7499

Project Number BAP 2020-02
Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date April 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yılmaz, A., Koçyiğit, R., & Arpacıoğlu, Ü. (2022). E-portfolyo Sistemlerinin Mimarlık Eğitimi İçin Değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(2), 624-651.