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Akıllı Kentlerde Çevresel, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Sürdürülebilirlik, Kopenhag Örneği

Yıl 2021, , 317 - 333, 01.07.2021


Akıllı kent teknolojilerinin amaç değil, kentsel sürdürülebilirliği sağlamada faydalı bir araç olarak değerlendirildiği şehirler, diğer kentler için yol gösterici niteliktedir. Bu çalışmada akıllı kentlerdeki çevresel, sosyal ve ekonomik sürdürülebilirliğin akıllı kent endekslerinde üst sıralarda yer alan Kopenhag örneğinde incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın bulgularına göre, Kopenhag’da uygulanan entegre ulaşım sistemi, rüzgar enerjisi, atık yönetimi gibi akıllı kent çözümleri bir yandan hava kirliliğinin, sel riskinin, gürültünün ve yenilenemeyen kaynaklar üzerindeki baskının azalması; diğer yandan daha hızlı, daha güvenli, daha sağlıklı, daha ucuz ve daha az stresli ulaşım imkanlarının gelişmesi, yeşil ekonominin güçlenmesi, iş dünyası ve pazarın canlanması gibi pek çok sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel fayda sağlamıştır. Ortaya koyduğu yenilikçi, bütüncül ve uzun vadeli uygulamalar ile Kopenhag sosyo-ekonomik ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik arasında denge kurmaya çalışan diğer kentler için iyi bir örnek teşkil etmektedir.


Makalede, ulusal ve uluslararası araştırma ve yayın etiğine uyulmuştur. Çalışmada etik kurul izni gerekmemiştir.


  • Ahvenniemi, H., Huovila, A., Pinto-Seppa, I. ve Airaksinen, M. (2017). What are the Differences between Sustainable and Smart cities? Cities, 60, 234-245.
  • Albino, V., Berardi, U. ve Dangelico, R. (2015). Smart Cities: Definitions, Dimensions, Performance, and Initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 3-21.
  • Anagnostopoulos, T., Zaslavsky, A., Kolomvatsos, K., Medvedev, A., Amirian, P., Morley, J. Ve Hadjieftymiades, S. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of Waste Management in IoT-enabled Smart Cities: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2(3), 275-289.
  • Anthopoulos, L. G. (2017). Understanding Smart Cities: A Tool for Smart Government or an Industrial Trick? Springer International Publishing.
  • Bernardo, M. R. M. (2017). Smart City Governance: From E-government to Smart Governance. Carvalho LC (ed.) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation within Smart Cities (290-326). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Calvillo, C., Snchez-Miralles, A. ve Villar, J. (2016). Energy Management and Planning in Smart Cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55(1), 273-287.
  • City of Copenhagen (2018). The Capital of Sustainable Development, The City of Copenhagen’s Action Plan for the Sustainable Development Goals. City of Copenhagen Department of Finance.
  • City of Copenhagen (2014). Copenhagen Solutions for Sustainable Cities. City of Copenhagen.
  • City of Copenhagen (2012). CPH 2025 Climate Plan. A Green, Smart and Carbon Neutral City. City of Copenhagen.
  • Cocchia, A. (2014). Smart and Digital City: A Systematic Literature Review. Dameri, R., Rosenthal-Sabroux C. (ed.) Smart City. Cham: Springer, 13-43.
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020a). Copenhagen Connecting. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020b). Copenhagen is the World’s Smartest City. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020c). Smart City in Greater Copenhagen. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Solutions Lab. (2020). Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Cömertler, S. (2020). Yaşanabilir Kentler İçin Yeşil Alanlar, Yeşil Başkent Kopenhag’dan Öğrenmek. Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Alanında Akademik Çalışmalar (Ed.: B. Manzak), Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, s. 267-285.
  • Dameri, R. P. (2013) Searching for Smart City Definition: A Comprehensive Proposal. International Journal of Computers & Technology, 11(5), 2544-2551.
  • Danish Ministry of the Environment (2012). Spatial Planning in Denmark. Danish Ministry of the Environment, Denmark.
  • Deloitte-Vodafone (2016). Akıllı Şehir Yol Haritası. ( Business/iot/pdf/akilli-sehir-yol-haritasi.pdf)
  • Djahel, S., Doolan, R., Muntean, G. M. ve Murphy, J. (2015). A Communications-oriented Perspective on Traffic Management Systems for Smart Cities: Challenges and Innovative Approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17, 125-151.
  • Emaldi, M., Aguilera, U., López-de-Ipiña, D. ve Pérez-Velasco, J. (2017). Towards Citizen Co-Created Public Service Apps. Sensors, 17(6), 1265.
  • Erbay, E. R. ve Özden M. (2018). Kentler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedeflerini Gerçekleştirmeye Nasıl Yardımcı Olabilirler? Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 255-268.
  • Eremia, M., Toma, L. ve Sanduleac, M. (2017). The Smart City Concept in the 21st Century. Procedia Engineering, 181, 12-19.
  • European Parliament (2014). Mapping Smart Cities in the EU. Directorate General for Internal Policies Policy Department, 28-30.
  • Farhangi, H. (2010). The Path of the Smart Grid. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 8(1), 18-28.
  • Finn, R. L. ve Wadhwa, K. (2014). The Ethics of Smart Advertising and Regulatory Initiatives in the Consumer Intelligence Industry. INFO, 16(3), 22-39.
  • Giffinger, R. ve Gudrun, H. (2010). Smart Cities Ranking: An Effective Instrument for The Positioning of the Cities. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, 12, 7-26.
  • Goyal, S., Mundra, U. ve Shetty, S. (2019). Smart Agriculture Using IoT. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 8(5), 143-148.
  • Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z. ve Koo, C. (2015). Smart Tourism: Foundations and Developments. Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188.
  • Gürsoy, O. (2019). Akıllı Kent Yaklaşımı ve Türkiye’deki Büyükşehirler İçin Uygulama İmkânları. Yayınlanmamaış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Harris, J. M. (2000). Basic Principles of Sustainable Development. Global Development and Environment Institute Working Paper:00-04, Tufts University, USA.
  • Hollands, R. (2008). Will the Real Smart City Please Stand Up? City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 12(3), 303-320.
  • IMD (2019). Smart City Index. IMD World Competitiveness Center.
  • Johannessen, M. R. ve Berntzen, L. (2018). The Transparent Smart City. Rodríguez Bolívar, M.P. (ed.) Smart Technologies for Smart Governments (67-94)., Cham: Springer.
  • Johnston, P., Everard, M., Santillo, D. ve Robèrt, K. (2007). Reclaiming the Definition of Sustainability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 14(1) 60-66.
  • Karakurt Tosun, E. (2019). Sürdürülebilir Kentleşme. Bursa: Dora Basım-Yayın.
  • Kondepudi, S. (2014). Smart Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of Definitions. The ITU-T Focus Group for Smart Sustainable Cities.
  • Kunzmann, K. R. (2014). Smart Cities: A New Paradigm of Urban Development. Crios, 1, 17.
  • Kylili, A. ve Fokaides, P. (2015). European Smart Cities: The Role of Zero Energy Buildings. Sustainable Cities Society, 15, 86-95.
  • Lau, B. P. L., Wijerathne, N., Ng, B. K. K. ve Yuen, C. (2018). Sensor Fusion for Public Space Utilization Monitoring in a Smart City. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(2), 473-481.
  • Lazaroiu, G. C. ve Roscia, M. (2012). Definition Methodology for the Smart Cities Model. Energy, 47(1), 326-332.
  • Mora, L. ve Bolici, R. (2017). How to Become a Smart City: Learning from Amsterdam. (Ed. Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Stephens, R., Elisei, P.). Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, Springer Publishing, Switzerland, 251-266.
  • Mortensen, J., Rohde, F., Kristiansen, K., Kanstrup-Clausen, M. ve Lubanski, M. (2012). Danish Smart Cities: Sustainable Living in an Urban World an Overview of Danish Smart City Competencies. Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster.
  • Mulligan, C. E. ve Olsson, M. (2013). Architectural Implications of Smart City Business Models: An Evolutionary Perspective. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(6), 80-85.
  • Nijholt, A. (2017). Mischief Humor in Smart and Playable Cities. Nijholt, A. (ed.) Playable Cities (235-253). Singapore: Springer.
  • Nowicka, K. (2014). Smart City Logistics on Cloud Computing Model. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 151, 266-281.
  • Özgen, N. (2019). Sürdürülebilirlik Kavramı ve Kullanım Alanları. Özgen, N. E., Kahyaoğlu, M. (Ed.) Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma, Ankara: Pegem Akademi. 2-37.
  • Parra, L., Sendra, S., Lloret, J. ve Bosch, I. (2015). Development of a Conductivity Sensor for Monitoring Groundwater Resources to Optimize Water Management in Smart City Environments. Sensors, 15(9), 20990-21015.
  • Pelletier, M.P., Tre´panier, M. ve Morency, C. (2011). Smart Card Data Use in Public Transit: A Literature Review. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(4), 557-568.
  • Peng, H., Bohong, Z. ve Qinpei, K. (2017). Smart City Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Design Based on Internet of Things. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 94(1), 012174.
  • Sanchez-Corcuera, R., Nunez-Marcos, A., Sesma-Solance, J., Bilboa-Jayo, A., Mulero, R., Zulaika, U., Azkune, G. ve Almeida, A. (2019). Smart Cities Survey: Technologies, Application Domains and Challenges for the Cities of the Future. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(6), 1-36.
  • Serrenho, T. ve Bertoldi, P. (2019). Smart Home and Appliances: State of the Art - Energy, Communications, Protocols, Standards. European Union, Luxembourg.
  • Sınmaz, S. (2013). Yeni Gelişen Planlama Yaklaşımları Çerçevesinde Akıllı Yerleşme Kavramı ve Temel İlkeleri. Megaron, 8(2), 76-86.
  • Silva, B. N., Khan, M. ve Han, K. (2018). Towards Sustainable Smart Cities: A Review of Trends, Architectures, Components, and Open Challenges in Smart Cities. Sustainable Cities Society, 38, 697-713.
  • Solanas, A., Patsakis, C., Conti, M., Vlachos, I.S., Ramos, V., Falcone, F., Postolache, O., Pérez-Martínez, P.A., Di Pietro, R., Perrea, D. N., Martínez-Ballesté, A. (2014). Smart Health: A Context-aware Health Paradigm within Smart Cities. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(8), 74-81.
  • Ssekatawa, S. (2016). Towards More Socially Inclusive Smart Sustainable Cities, A Study of Smart City Districts in the Greater Copenhagen Region. MSc Thesis, The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund, Sweden.
  • The City of Copenhagen. (2020a). Copenhagen Facts. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • The City of Copenhagen. (2020b). Smart City. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Topal, A. S. ve Arpacıoğlu, Ü. (2020). Mimarlıkta Akıllı Malzeme. Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 5(2), 241-254.
  • Ulusoy, M. (2017). Akıllı Şehirler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • United Nations (2019a). World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (ST/ESA/SER.A/423).
  • United Nations (2019b). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (ST/ESA/SER.A/420). New York: United Nations.
  • United Nations (2017). New Urban Agenda. United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).
  • United Nations (2015). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 (A/RES/70/1).
  • United Nations (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. United Nations.
  • Uskov, V., Howlett, R. J., Jain, L. C. (Ed.) (2015). Smart Education and Smart e-Learning, Springer.
  • Voytenko, Y., McCormick, K., Evans, J., ve Schliwa, G. (2016). Urban Living Labs for Sustainability and Low Carbon Cities in Europe: Towards a Research Agenda. Journal for Cleaner Pro., 45-54.
  • Yaylı, H. ve Gönültaş, Y.C. (2018). Habitat Konferanslarına Tarihsel Bir Bakış. H. Yaylı (Ed.) KAYSEM 12 e-bildiriler Kitabı, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi. 870-893.
  • Yin, C. T., Xiong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, J. Y., Cooper, D. ve David, B. (2015). A Literature Survey on Smart Cities. Science, China Information Sciences, 58(10), 1-18.

Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainability in Smart Cities, the Case of Copenhagen

Yıl 2021, , 317 - 333, 01.07.2021


Cities, where smart city technologies are not a goal, but are evaluated as a useful tool to ensure urban sustainability, are guides for other cities. This study aims to examine the environmental, social and economic sustainability in smart cities in the case of Copenhagen, which is at the top of the smart city indexes. According to the findings, in Copenhagen, smart solutions such as integrated transportation system, wind energy and waste management has provided many socio-economic and environmental benefits such as decrease in air pollution, decrease in flood risk, decrease in noise, less pressure on non-renewable sources, development of faster, safer, healthier, cheaper and less stressful transportation opportunities, strengthening green economy, revival of the business world and the market. Copenhagen with its innovative, holistic and long-term practices, is a good example for other cities, which seeks to balance socio-economic and environmental sustainability.


  • Ahvenniemi, H., Huovila, A., Pinto-Seppa, I. ve Airaksinen, M. (2017). What are the Differences between Sustainable and Smart cities? Cities, 60, 234-245.
  • Albino, V., Berardi, U. ve Dangelico, R. (2015). Smart Cities: Definitions, Dimensions, Performance, and Initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 3-21.
  • Anagnostopoulos, T., Zaslavsky, A., Kolomvatsos, K., Medvedev, A., Amirian, P., Morley, J. Ve Hadjieftymiades, S. (2017). Challenges and Opportunities of Waste Management in IoT-enabled Smart Cities: A Survey. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2(3), 275-289.
  • Anthopoulos, L. G. (2017). Understanding Smart Cities: A Tool for Smart Government or an Industrial Trick? Springer International Publishing.
  • Bernardo, M. R. M. (2017). Smart City Governance: From E-government to Smart Governance. Carvalho LC (ed.) Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation within Smart Cities (290-326). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Calvillo, C., Snchez-Miralles, A. ve Villar, J. (2016). Energy Management and Planning in Smart Cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55(1), 273-287.
  • City of Copenhagen (2018). The Capital of Sustainable Development, The City of Copenhagen’s Action Plan for the Sustainable Development Goals. City of Copenhagen Department of Finance.
  • City of Copenhagen (2014). Copenhagen Solutions for Sustainable Cities. City of Copenhagen.
  • City of Copenhagen (2012). CPH 2025 Climate Plan. A Green, Smart and Carbon Neutral City. City of Copenhagen.
  • Cocchia, A. (2014). Smart and Digital City: A Systematic Literature Review. Dameri, R., Rosenthal-Sabroux C. (ed.) Smart City. Cham: Springer, 13-43.
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020a). Copenhagen Connecting. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020b). Copenhagen is the World’s Smartest City. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Capacity. (2020c). Smart City in Greater Copenhagen. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Copenhagen Solutions Lab. (2020). Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Cömertler, S. (2020). Yaşanabilir Kentler İçin Yeşil Alanlar, Yeşil Başkent Kopenhag’dan Öğrenmek. Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Alanında Akademik Çalışmalar (Ed.: B. Manzak), Gece Kitaplığı, Ankara, s. 267-285.
  • Dameri, R. P. (2013) Searching for Smart City Definition: A Comprehensive Proposal. International Journal of Computers & Technology, 11(5), 2544-2551.
  • Danish Ministry of the Environment (2012). Spatial Planning in Denmark. Danish Ministry of the Environment, Denmark.
  • Deloitte-Vodafone (2016). Akıllı Şehir Yol Haritası. ( Business/iot/pdf/akilli-sehir-yol-haritasi.pdf)
  • Djahel, S., Doolan, R., Muntean, G. M. ve Murphy, J. (2015). A Communications-oriented Perspective on Traffic Management Systems for Smart Cities: Challenges and Innovative Approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17, 125-151.
  • Emaldi, M., Aguilera, U., López-de-Ipiña, D. ve Pérez-Velasco, J. (2017). Towards Citizen Co-Created Public Service Apps. Sensors, 17(6), 1265.
  • Erbay, E. R. ve Özden M. (2018). Kentler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedeflerini Gerçekleştirmeye Nasıl Yardımcı Olabilirler? Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 255-268.
  • Eremia, M., Toma, L. ve Sanduleac, M. (2017). The Smart City Concept in the 21st Century. Procedia Engineering, 181, 12-19.
  • European Parliament (2014). Mapping Smart Cities in the EU. Directorate General for Internal Policies Policy Department, 28-30.
  • Farhangi, H. (2010). The Path of the Smart Grid. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 8(1), 18-28.
  • Finn, R. L. ve Wadhwa, K. (2014). The Ethics of Smart Advertising and Regulatory Initiatives in the Consumer Intelligence Industry. INFO, 16(3), 22-39.
  • Giffinger, R. ve Gudrun, H. (2010). Smart Cities Ranking: An Effective Instrument for The Positioning of the Cities. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, 12, 7-26.
  • Goyal, S., Mundra, U. ve Shetty, S. (2019). Smart Agriculture Using IoT. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, 8(5), 143-148.
  • Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z. ve Koo, C. (2015). Smart Tourism: Foundations and Developments. Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188.
  • Gürsoy, O. (2019). Akıllı Kent Yaklaşımı ve Türkiye’deki Büyükşehirler İçin Uygulama İmkânları. Yayınlanmamaış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Harris, J. M. (2000). Basic Principles of Sustainable Development. Global Development and Environment Institute Working Paper:00-04, Tufts University, USA.
  • Hollands, R. (2008). Will the Real Smart City Please Stand Up? City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 12(3), 303-320.
  • IMD (2019). Smart City Index. IMD World Competitiveness Center.
  • Johannessen, M. R. ve Berntzen, L. (2018). The Transparent Smart City. Rodríguez Bolívar, M.P. (ed.) Smart Technologies for Smart Governments (67-94)., Cham: Springer.
  • Johnston, P., Everard, M., Santillo, D. ve Robèrt, K. (2007). Reclaiming the Definition of Sustainability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 14(1) 60-66.
  • Karakurt Tosun, E. (2019). Sürdürülebilir Kentleşme. Bursa: Dora Basım-Yayın.
  • Kondepudi, S. (2014). Smart Sustainable Cities: An Analysis of Definitions. The ITU-T Focus Group for Smart Sustainable Cities.
  • Kunzmann, K. R. (2014). Smart Cities: A New Paradigm of Urban Development. Crios, 1, 17.
  • Kylili, A. ve Fokaides, P. (2015). European Smart Cities: The Role of Zero Energy Buildings. Sustainable Cities Society, 15, 86-95.
  • Lau, B. P. L., Wijerathne, N., Ng, B. K. K. ve Yuen, C. (2018). Sensor Fusion for Public Space Utilization Monitoring in a Smart City. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(2), 473-481.
  • Lazaroiu, G. C. ve Roscia, M. (2012). Definition Methodology for the Smart Cities Model. Energy, 47(1), 326-332.
  • Mora, L. ve Bolici, R. (2017). How to Become a Smart City: Learning from Amsterdam. (Ed. Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Stephens, R., Elisei, P.). Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions, Springer Publishing, Switzerland, 251-266.
  • Mortensen, J., Rohde, F., Kristiansen, K., Kanstrup-Clausen, M. ve Lubanski, M. (2012). Danish Smart Cities: Sustainable Living in an Urban World an Overview of Danish Smart City Competencies. Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster.
  • Mulligan, C. E. ve Olsson, M. (2013). Architectural Implications of Smart City Business Models: An Evolutionary Perspective. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(6), 80-85.
  • Nijholt, A. (2017). Mischief Humor in Smart and Playable Cities. Nijholt, A. (ed.) Playable Cities (235-253). Singapore: Springer.
  • Nowicka, K. (2014). Smart City Logistics on Cloud Computing Model. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 151, 266-281.
  • Özgen, N. (2019). Sürdürülebilirlik Kavramı ve Kullanım Alanları. Özgen, N. E., Kahyaoğlu, M. (Ed.) Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma, Ankara: Pegem Akademi. 2-37.
  • Parra, L., Sendra, S., Lloret, J. ve Bosch, I. (2015). Development of a Conductivity Sensor for Monitoring Groundwater Resources to Optimize Water Management in Smart City Environments. Sensors, 15(9), 20990-21015.
  • Pelletier, M.P., Tre´panier, M. ve Morency, C. (2011). Smart Card Data Use in Public Transit: A Literature Review. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 19(4), 557-568.
  • Peng, H., Bohong, Z. ve Qinpei, K. (2017). Smart City Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Design Based on Internet of Things. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 94(1), 012174.
  • Sanchez-Corcuera, R., Nunez-Marcos, A., Sesma-Solance, J., Bilboa-Jayo, A., Mulero, R., Zulaika, U., Azkune, G. ve Almeida, A. (2019). Smart Cities Survey: Technologies, Application Domains and Challenges for the Cities of the Future. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(6), 1-36.
  • Serrenho, T. ve Bertoldi, P. (2019). Smart Home and Appliances: State of the Art - Energy, Communications, Protocols, Standards. European Union, Luxembourg.
  • Sınmaz, S. (2013). Yeni Gelişen Planlama Yaklaşımları Çerçevesinde Akıllı Yerleşme Kavramı ve Temel İlkeleri. Megaron, 8(2), 76-86.
  • Silva, B. N., Khan, M. ve Han, K. (2018). Towards Sustainable Smart Cities: A Review of Trends, Architectures, Components, and Open Challenges in Smart Cities. Sustainable Cities Society, 38, 697-713.
  • Solanas, A., Patsakis, C., Conti, M., Vlachos, I.S., Ramos, V., Falcone, F., Postolache, O., Pérez-Martínez, P.A., Di Pietro, R., Perrea, D. N., Martínez-Ballesté, A. (2014). Smart Health: A Context-aware Health Paradigm within Smart Cities. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(8), 74-81.
  • Ssekatawa, S. (2016). Towards More Socially Inclusive Smart Sustainable Cities, A Study of Smart City Districts in the Greater Copenhagen Region. MSc Thesis, The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund, Sweden.
  • The City of Copenhagen. (2020a). Copenhagen Facts. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • The City of Copenhagen. (2020b). Smart City. Erişim Adresi (09.08.2020):
  • Topal, A. S. ve Arpacıoğlu, Ü. (2020). Mimarlıkta Akıllı Malzeme. Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 5(2), 241-254.
  • Ulusoy, M. (2017). Akıllı Şehirler. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • United Nations (2019a). World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (ST/ESA/SER.A/423).
  • United Nations (2019b). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (ST/ESA/SER.A/420). New York: United Nations.
  • United Nations (2017). New Urban Agenda. United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III).
  • United Nations (2015). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Resolution Adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 (A/RES/70/1).
  • United Nations (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. United Nations.
  • Uskov, V., Howlett, R. J., Jain, L. C. (Ed.) (2015). Smart Education and Smart e-Learning, Springer.
  • Voytenko, Y., McCormick, K., Evans, J., ve Schliwa, G. (2016). Urban Living Labs for Sustainability and Low Carbon Cities in Europe: Towards a Research Agenda. Journal for Cleaner Pro., 45-54.
  • Yaylı, H. ve Gönültaş, Y.C. (2018). Habitat Konferanslarına Tarihsel Bir Bakış. H. Yaylı (Ed.) KAYSEM 12 e-bildiriler Kitabı, Kırıkkale Üniversitesi. 870-893.
  • Yin, C. T., Xiong, Z., Chen, H., Wang, J. Y., Cooper, D. ve David, B. (2015). A Literature Survey on Smart Cities. Science, China Information Sciences, 58(10), 1-18.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kentsel Politika
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Seval Cömertler 0000-0001-9823-1509

Necmiye Cömertler 0000-0002-0370-843X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Cömertler, S., & Cömertler, N. (2021). Akıllı Kentlerde Çevresel, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Sürdürülebilirlik, Kopenhag Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(1), 317-333.