Alexander G. Shchitova, Olga G. Shchitovaa, Daria A. Shchitovab, Polina Stasinskac, Doan T.C. Chieua. (2015). Features of the Learning Modular System Moodle Use in Teaching the Russian Language to Russian and Foreign Students at an Institution of Higher Education. (Electronic version). URL:
Cristobal M. Ambayon (2020). Modular-Based Approach and Students’ Achievement in Literature. (Electronic version) URL:
De Wit, Hans, and Altbach, P. (2021). Internationalization in higher education: Global trends andrecommendations for its future. Policy Reviews in Higher Education,5(1), 28–46.
Diaz-Maggioli, G. (2003). Professional development for language teachers. Eric Digest, 3(3), 1-4.
Jerry, W., Robinson, Jr., & Crittenden, W.B. (1972). Learning Modules: A Concept for Extension Educators? Journal of Extension: Winter. (Electronic version). URL:
Jones, Elspeth, and de Wit, H. (2012). Globalization of internationalization: Thematic and regional reflections on a traditional concept. AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy, 3, 35–54, 2012.
Orstein, A. C. (1992). Strategies for effective teaching. Manila, Philippines: Harper Collins Publisher, Inc.
Report of the 2nd Symposium of the Schools of Foreign Languages in the Aegean Region
It is just as vital to disseminate scientific knowledge to all parties involved in teaching foreign languages as it is to produce it methodically. Furthermore, disseminating successful methods for teaching English is just as important as publishing the theoretical conclusions of pertinent studies in the area. Consequently, in the current setting, scientific gatherings like symposiums are essential for identifying the advantages and disadvantages of teaching strategies used by each participating institution. The current symposium, one of the rare initiatives and the first in Türkiye’s Aegean Region, gathered together universities that share many standards but use distinct approaches to achieve the same or similar learning objectives. The symposium's concurrent sessions provided insight into best practices. Among the subjects covered in the concurrent sessions were internationalization, modular system, AI practices and online teaching, and professional development. In summary, it was determined that while every institution possessed examples of excellent English language teaching techniques, they also all had a great deal to learn from one another and implement for future growth.
Alexander G. Shchitova, Olga G. Shchitovaa, Daria A. Shchitovab, Polina Stasinskac, Doan T.C. Chieua. (2015). Features of the Learning Modular System Moodle Use in Teaching the Russian Language to Russian and Foreign Students at an Institution of Higher Education. (Electronic version). URL:
Cristobal M. Ambayon (2020). Modular-Based Approach and Students’ Achievement in Literature. (Electronic version) URL:
De Wit, Hans, and Altbach, P. (2021). Internationalization in higher education: Global trends andrecommendations for its future. Policy Reviews in Higher Education,5(1), 28–46.
Diaz-Maggioli, G. (2003). Professional development for language teachers. Eric Digest, 3(3), 1-4.
Jerry, W., Robinson, Jr., & Crittenden, W.B. (1972). Learning Modules: A Concept for Extension Educators? Journal of Extension: Winter. (Electronic version). URL:
Jones, Elspeth, and de Wit, H. (2012). Globalization of internationalization: Thematic and regional reflections on a traditional concept. AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy, 3, 35–54, 2012.
Orstein, A. C. (1992). Strategies for effective teaching. Manila, Philippines: Harper Collins Publisher, Inc.
Güzel Gürbüz, P., Ceylan, A., Herek, S., Dinçer, S., vd. (2023). Report of the 2nd Symposium of the Schools of Foreign Languages in the Aegean Region. Manisa Celal Bayar University International Journal of English Language Studies, 2(1), 1-9.