Araştırma Makalesi
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Prevalence of perioperative hypothermia and predisposing factors in a children's hospital

Yıl 2022, , 173 - 178, 20.08.2022


Aim: Perioperative hypothermia is more common in pediatric patients than in adult patients due to increased body surface area/weight ratio and limited subcutaneous fat deposits. Therefore, active and passive warming techniques are used more frequently in the surgeries applied to pediatric patients. This study presents the prevalence of perioperative hypothermia and the predisposing conditions for perioperative hypothermia in pediatric orthopedic surgeries in which active and passive warming techniques are applied.

Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive, and observational study included 102 children admitted to the pediatric orthopedic clinic of a children’s hospital. Temperature measurements were made with a calibrated infrared tympanic thermometer in all cases while they were waiting in the service room, when they entered the operation theater, when they left the operation theater and when they left the postoperative care unit. Their demographic data, hemogram and thyroid hormone parameters, preoperative fasting times related to the procedure and temperature were recorded. Also, the humidity and temperature values of the operating theater, the operation type performed, the duration of the operation, the time spent in the operating theater and the recovery time from anesthesia, were all recorded in their follow-up forms. Data analysis was done using the SPSS V21.0 and was conducted at a 95% confidence interval.

Results: Hypothermia was observed in 20.58% of 102 patients included in the study. Predisposing factors for perioperative hypothermia included the fact that the patient had a diagnosis of concomitant cerebral palsy, the patient's body temperature was low in the service area, low temperature and humidity values in the operating theatre and staying in the operating theatre for a prolonged period of time.

Conclusion: Although active and passive warming techniques are applied during the operation, perioperative hypothermia was observed in 20.58% of pediatric patients who underwent the orthopedic operation. Consideration of predisposing factors together with active and passive warming techniques may reduce the incidence of perioperative hypothermia.


  • 1. Jung KT, Kim SH, Lee HY, Jung JD, Yu BS, Lim KJ, et al. Effect on thermoregulatory responses in patients undergoing a tympanoplasty in accordance to the anesthetic techniques during PEEP: a comparison between inhalation anesthesia with desflurane and TIVA. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2014;67(1):32-7. DOI: 10.4097/kjae.2014.67.1.32.
  • 2. Sessler DI. Perioperative thermoregulation and heat balance. Lancet. 2016;387(10038):2655-64. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00981-2.
  • 3. Freundlich RE, Nelson SE, Qiu Y, Ehrenfeld JM, Sandberg WS, Wanderer JP. A retrospective evaluation of the risk of bias in perioperative temperature metrics. J Clin Monit Comput. 2019;33(5):911-6. DOI: 10.1007/s10877-018-0233-1.
  • 4. Sahutoglu C, Bor C, Dokumcu Z, Balcioglu T. Is temperature monitoring necessary in pediatric circumcision? Eurasian J Med. 2022;54(1):41-4. DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2022.21071.
  • 5. Lai LL, See MH, Rampal S, Ng KS, Chan L. Significant factors influencing inadvertent hypothermia in pediatric anesthesia. J Clin Monit Comput. 2019;33(6):1105-12. DOI 10.1007/s10877-019-00259-2.
  • 6. Solmaz FA, Kırdemir P. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and anesthesia. Acta Medica Alanya 2020;4(1):95-101. DOI 10.30565/medalanya.587027.
  • 7. Bilgin H. Inadverdent perioperative hypothermia. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2017;45(3):124-6. DOI 10.5152/TJAR.2017.200501.
  • 8. Scott AV, Stonemetz JL, Wasey JO, Johnson DJ, Rivers RJ, Koch CG, et al. Compliance with surgical care improvement project for body temperature management (SCIP Inf-10) is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Anesthesiology 2015;123(1):116-25. DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000681.
  • 9. Yi J, Lei Y, Xu S, Si Y, Li S, Xia Z, et al. Intraoperative hypothermia and its clinical outcomes in patients undergoing general anesthesia: National study in China. PloS one 2017;12(6):e0177221. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0177221.
  • 10. Hooper VD, Chard R, Clifford T, Fetzer S, Fossum S, Godden B, et al. ASPAN's evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the promotion of perioperative normothermia. Journal of perianesthesia nursing 2009;24(5):271-87. DOI 10.1016/j.jopan.2009.09.001.
  • 11. ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: New York, NY, USA, 2017.
  • 12. Cubi ME, Salom Tormo J, Garrido Soriano N. Indoor environmental quality and infection control in surgery rooms: Code requirements vs. performance motivation. A critical review. HVAC&R Research. 2014;20(6):643-54. DOI 10.1080/10789669.2014.929423.
  • 13. Pit M, Tegelaar R, Venema P. Isothermic irrigation during transurethral resection of the prostate: effects on peri‐operative hypothermia, blood loss, resection time and patient satisfaction. Brit J Urol. 1996;78(1):99-103. DOI 10.1046/j.1464-410X.1996.04819.x.
  • 14. Kang S, Park S. Effect of the ASPAN Guideline on Perioperative Hypothermia among Patients with upper Extremity Surgery under General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J PeriAnesth Nurs. 2020;35(3):298-306. DOI 10.1016/j.jopan.2019.11.004.
  • 15. Darcey M. Hypothermia in cerebral palsy. Anaesthetic management of patients with cerebral palsy. ATOTW 2010;196:1-7.
  • 16. Tander B, Baris S, Karakaya D, Ariturk E, Rızalar R, Bernay F. Risk factors influencing inadvertent hypothermia in infants and neonates during anesthesia. Pediatr Anesth. 2005;15(7):574-9. DOI 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2005.01504.x.
  • 17. Yi J, Xiang Z, Deng X, Fan T, Fu R, Geng W, et al. Incidence of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia and its risk factors in patients undergoing general anesthesia in Beijing: a prospective regional survey. PloS one 2015;10(9):e0136136. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136136.

Bir Çocuk Hastanesinde Perioperatif Hipotermi Prevalansı ve Predispozan Faktörler

Yıl 2022, , 173 - 178, 20.08.2022


Amaç: Perioperatif hipotermi, artmış vücut yüzey alanı/ağırlık oranı ve sınırlı cilt altı yağ depoları nedeniyle pediatrik hastalarda yetişkin hastalara göre daha sık görülür. Bu nedenle pediatrik hastalara uygulanan cerrahilerde aktif ve pasif ısıtma teknikleri daha sık kullanılır. Bu çalışmada aktif ve pasif ısıtma tekniklerinin uygulandığı pediatrik ortopedik cerrahilerde perioperatif hipotermi sıklığının ve perioperatif hipotermi için predispozan durumların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Yöntemler: Bu kesitsel, tanımlayıcı ve gözlemsel çalışmaya bir çocuk hastanesinin pediatrik ortopedi kliniğine başvuran 102 çocuk dahil edildi. Tüm olguların servis odasında beklerken, operasyon odasına girerken, operasyon odasından çıkarken, postoperatif bakım ünitesinden ayrılırken kalibrasyonu yapılmış infrared timpanik termometre ile ateş ölçümleri yapıldı. Hastaların demografik verileri, hemogram ve tiroid hormon parametreleri, prosedürle ilgili olarak operasyon öncesi açlık süreleri ve ateşleri kaydedildi. Ayıca operasyon odasının ısı ve nem değerleri, yapılan operasyon, operasyon süresi, operasyon odasında geçirdiği süre, anesteziden derlenme süresi gibi veriler olgu takip formlarına kaydedildi. Verilerin analizi SPSS 21.0 ile yapıldı ve %95 güven aralığında çalışıldı.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 102 hastanın %20,58'inde hipotermi gözlendi. Perioperatif hipotermi için predispozan faktörler; hastanın eşlik eden serebral palsi tanısının olması, hastanın serviste vücut ısısının düşük olması, operasyon salonunun ısı ve nem değerlerinin düşük olması, operasyon salonunda uzun süre kalınması olarak belirlendi.

Sonuç: Operasyon sırasında aktif ve pasif ısıtma teknikleri uygulanmasına rağmen ortopedik cerrahi uygulanan pediatrik hastaların %20,58’inde perioperatif hipotermi izlendi. Aktif ve pasif ısıtma teknikleri ile birlikte predispozan faktörlerin dikkate alınması perioperatif hipotermi sıklığını azaltabilir.


  • 1. Jung KT, Kim SH, Lee HY, Jung JD, Yu BS, Lim KJ, et al. Effect on thermoregulatory responses in patients undergoing a tympanoplasty in accordance to the anesthetic techniques during PEEP: a comparison between inhalation anesthesia with desflurane and TIVA. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2014;67(1):32-7. DOI: 10.4097/kjae.2014.67.1.32.
  • 2. Sessler DI. Perioperative thermoregulation and heat balance. Lancet. 2016;387(10038):2655-64. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00981-2.
  • 3. Freundlich RE, Nelson SE, Qiu Y, Ehrenfeld JM, Sandberg WS, Wanderer JP. A retrospective evaluation of the risk of bias in perioperative temperature metrics. J Clin Monit Comput. 2019;33(5):911-6. DOI: 10.1007/s10877-018-0233-1.
  • 4. Sahutoglu C, Bor C, Dokumcu Z, Balcioglu T. Is temperature monitoring necessary in pediatric circumcision? Eurasian J Med. 2022;54(1):41-4. DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2022.21071.
  • 5. Lai LL, See MH, Rampal S, Ng KS, Chan L. Significant factors influencing inadvertent hypothermia in pediatric anesthesia. J Clin Monit Comput. 2019;33(6):1105-12. DOI 10.1007/s10877-019-00259-2.
  • 6. Solmaz FA, Kırdemir P. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and anesthesia. Acta Medica Alanya 2020;4(1):95-101. DOI 10.30565/medalanya.587027.
  • 7. Bilgin H. Inadverdent perioperative hypothermia. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim. 2017;45(3):124-6. DOI 10.5152/TJAR.2017.200501.
  • 8. Scott AV, Stonemetz JL, Wasey JO, Johnson DJ, Rivers RJ, Koch CG, et al. Compliance with surgical care improvement project for body temperature management (SCIP Inf-10) is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Anesthesiology 2015;123(1):116-25. DOI 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000681.
  • 9. Yi J, Lei Y, Xu S, Si Y, Li S, Xia Z, et al. Intraoperative hypothermia and its clinical outcomes in patients undergoing general anesthesia: National study in China. PloS one 2017;12(6):e0177221. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0177221.
  • 10. Hooper VD, Chard R, Clifford T, Fetzer S, Fossum S, Godden B, et al. ASPAN's evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the promotion of perioperative normothermia. Journal of perianesthesia nursing 2009;24(5):271-87. DOI 10.1016/j.jopan.2009.09.001.
  • 11. ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2017 Ventilation of Health Care Facilities; American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers: New York, NY, USA, 2017.
  • 12. Cubi ME, Salom Tormo J, Garrido Soriano N. Indoor environmental quality and infection control in surgery rooms: Code requirements vs. performance motivation. A critical review. HVAC&R Research. 2014;20(6):643-54. DOI 10.1080/10789669.2014.929423.
  • 13. Pit M, Tegelaar R, Venema P. Isothermic irrigation during transurethral resection of the prostate: effects on peri‐operative hypothermia, blood loss, resection time and patient satisfaction. Brit J Urol. 1996;78(1):99-103. DOI 10.1046/j.1464-410X.1996.04819.x.
  • 14. Kang S, Park S. Effect of the ASPAN Guideline on Perioperative Hypothermia among Patients with upper Extremity Surgery under General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J PeriAnesth Nurs. 2020;35(3):298-306. DOI 10.1016/j.jopan.2019.11.004.
  • 15. Darcey M. Hypothermia in cerebral palsy. Anaesthetic management of patients with cerebral palsy. ATOTW 2010;196:1-7.
  • 16. Tander B, Baris S, Karakaya D, Ariturk E, Rızalar R, Bernay F. Risk factors influencing inadvertent hypothermia in infants and neonates during anesthesia. Pediatr Anesth. 2005;15(7):574-9. DOI 10.1111/j.1460-9592.2005.01504.x.
  • 17. Yi J, Xiang Z, Deng X, Fan T, Fu R, Geng W, et al. Incidence of inadvertent intraoperative hypothermia and its risk factors in patients undergoing general anesthesia in Beijing: a prospective regional survey. PloS one 2015;10(9):e0136136. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136136.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İç Hastalıkları
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Kübra Evren Şahin 0000-0003-0284-0241

Murat Celal Sözbilen 0000-0001-7128-6227

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Mayıs 2022
Kabul Tarihi 2 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Evren Şahin K, Sözbilen MC. Prevalence of perioperative hypothermia and predisposing factors in a children’s hospital. Acta Med. Alanya. 2022;6(2):173-8.


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