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Investigation for Prostate Specific Antigene Expression of Endometrial Pathologies

Yıl 2018, , 188 - 192, 13.11.2018


The objective of study is to immunuhistochemically investigate and compare the
expression of Prostate Specific Antigene (PSA) in proliferative endometrium,
endometrial hyperplasia and endometrioid type endometrial carcinoma.

Patients and Methods:
88 immunuhistochemical staining method performed hysterectomy specimen,
diagnosed as proliferative endometrium (n:29), endometrial
  and endometrioid type
of endometrial carcinoma(n:31) were included in the study. A paraffin block
showing the best pathology in each case was used for immunohistochemical
staining with a prostate-specific antigen. The number of cells stained
positively and the intensity of staining was determined semiquantitatively. For
each case, the values of the two parameters (the number of positive cells and
intensity of the staining) were multiplied, resulting in possible scores from 0
to 12.

PSA immunoreactivity was positive for 79,5% of all study hysterectomy
specimens. Mean immunhistochemical staining score was 3,4±3 for proliferative
endometrium group,
  4,1±3 for endometrial
hyperplasia group and 2,2±3 for endometrial carcinoma group. The difference for
PSA expression score was not significant for groups. PSA expression was not
significant for grade and stage of endometrial carcinoma.

The results demonstrated the presence of PSA in most of the endometrial
tissues. The expression is not significant for endometrial pathologies and
suggests that it is not associated with endometrial carcinoma.


  • 1. Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, Rebelo M, et al. Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012. Int J Cancer. 2015;136(5):E359–86.
  • 2. Bokhman JV. Two pathogenetic types of endometrial carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 1983 Feb;15(1):10-7 .
  • 3. Lax SF. Molecular genetic pathways in various types of endometrial carcinoma: from a phenotypical to a molecular-based classification. Virchows Arch. 2004 Mar;444(3):213-23 .
  • 4. Brinton LA, Berman ML, Mortel R, Twiggs LB, Barrett RJ, Wilbanks GD, et al.Reproductive, menstrual, and medical risk factors for endometrial cancer: results from a case-control study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992 Nov;167(5):1317-25.
  • 5. Lee KR, Scully RE. Compleks endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma in adolescent and young women 15 to 20 years of age: a report of 10 cases. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1989;8:201–13.
  • 6. Chamlian DL, Taylor HB. Endometrial hyperplasia in young women. Obstet Gynecol. 1970;36:659–66.
  • 7. Rutanen EM. Insulin-like growth factors in endometrial function.Gynecol Endocrinol, 1998;12:399 – 406.
  • 8. Rutanen EM, Pekonen F, Nyman T, Wahlstrom T. Insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in benign and malignant uterine diseases. Growth Regul 1993;3:74-7.
  • 9. Hana V, Murphy LJ. Expression of insulin-like growth factors andtheir binding proteins in the estrogen responsive Ishikawa human endometrial cancer cell line. Endocrinology 1994;135:2511-6.
  • 10. Lacey JV Jr, Potischman N, Madigan MP, Berman ML, Mortel R, Twiggs LB et al. Insulin-like growth factors, insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins, and endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women: results from a U.S. case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Apr;13(4):607-12.
  • 11. Oh JC, Wu W, Tortolero-Luna G, Broaddus R, et al. Increased plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor 2 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 are associated with endometrial cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 May;13(5):748-52.
  • 12. Gribben L, Baxter RC, Marsh DJ.Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 inhibits migration of endometrial cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2012 Apr 1;317(1):41-8. 13. Jogie-Brahim S, Feldman D, Oh Y. Unraveling insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 actions in human disease. Endocr Rev. 2009 Aug;30(5):417-37.
  • 14. Cohen P, Peehl DM, Graves HC, Rosenfeld RG. Biological effects of prostate specific antigen as an insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 protease. J Endocrinol. 1994 Sep;142(3):407-15.
  • 15. Peiro G, Diebold J, Baretton GB, Kimmig R, Löhrs U. Cellular apoptosis susceptibility gene expression in endometrial carcinoma: correlation with bcl-2, bax, and caspase-3 expression and outcome. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2001;20:359– 67.
  • 16. Brustmann H. Expression of cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein in serous ovarian carcinoma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study. Gynecol Oncol 2004;92:268– 76.
  • 17. Kumar V,Abbas A. Robbins and Cotran Patologic Basis of Disease 8th Edition Philadelphia Saunders Elsevier 2010 pg1005-1065.
  • 18. Xu WH, Xiang YB, Ruan ZX, Zheng W, Cheng JR, Dai Q et al.Menstrual and reproductive factors and endometrial cancer risk: Results from a population-based case-control study in urban Shanghai. Int J Cancer. 2004 Feb 10;108(4):613-9.
  • 19. Göksedef BPC, Akbayir Ö, Çorbacıoğlu A. Comparison of preoperative endometrial biopsy grade and final pathologic diagnosis in patients with endometrioid endometrial cancerJ Turkish German Gynecol Assoc. Yıl: 2012 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2 106-110.
  • 20. Parazzini F, Negri E, La Vecchia C, Benzi G, Chiaffarino F, Polatti A et al Role of reproductive factors on the risk of endometrial cancer. Int J Cancer. 1998 Jun 10;76(6):784-6.
  • 21. McPherson CP, Sellers TA, Potter JD, Bostick RM, Folsom AR. Reproductive factors and risk of endometrial cancer. The Iowa Women's Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Jun 15;143(12):1195-202.
  • 22. Gerber J, Sozański L, Suchocki S. The risk factors of endometrial cancer.Ginekol Pol. 2001 Dec;72(12A):1418-22.
  • 23. Noto H, Osame K, Sasazuki T, Noda M. Substantially increased risk of cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic evidence in Japan. J Diabetes Complications. 2010 Sep-Oct;24(5):345-53. Epub 2010 Jul 24. Review.
  • 24. Friberg E, Orsini N, Mantzoros CS, Wolk A. Diabetes mellitus and risk of endometrial cancer: a meta-analysis. Diabetologia. 2007 Jul;50(7):1365-74.
  • 25. Nicholas Z, Hu N, Ying J, Soisson P, Dodson M, Gaffney DK. Impact of comorbid conditions on survival in endometrial cancer. Am J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr;37(2):131-4.
  • 26. Sorosky JI. Endometrial cancer. Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Aug;120(2 Pt 1):383-97.
  • 27. Frick HC 2nd. Management of noninvasive cancer of the endometrium. Surg Clin North Am. 1978 Feb;58(1):61-5.
  • 28. Scott JR, Disaia PJ, Hammond CB, Spellacy WN. ‘Corpus Uteri’nin kotu huylu lezyonları. Danforth Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji, yedinci baskı, Yuce eklam/Yayım/Dağıtım/A.Ş., İstanbul, 1997, 941-955.
  • 29. Brinton LA, Lacey JV Jr, Devesa SS: Epidemiology of uterine corpus cancer. In Gershenson DM, McGuire WP, Gore M, et al (eds): Gynecologic Cancer: Controversies in Management. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 2004, p 190.
  • 30. Viswanathan AN, Feskanich D, De Vivo I, Hunter DJ, Barbieri RL, Rosner B,et al. Smoking and the risk of endometrial cancer: results from the Nurses' Health Study. Int J Cancer. 2005 May 10;114(6):996-1001.
  • 31. Stamey TA, Yang N, Hay AR, McNeal JE, Freiha FS, Redwine E. Prostate-specific antigen as a serum marker for adenocarcinoma of the prostate. N Engl J Med. 1987 Oct 8;317(15):909-16.
  • 32. Paliouras M, Borgono C, Diamandis EP 2007 Human tissue kallikreins: the cancer biomarker family. Cancer Lett 249:61–79 Paliouras M 2007.
  • 33. Radowicki S, Kunicki M. Prostate specific antigen in women with menstrual disturbances and fibrocystic mastopathy. J Endocrinol Invest. 2009 Nov;32(10):821-4.
  • 34. Kamoshida S, Tsutsumi Y. Extraprostatic localization of prostatic acid phosphatase and prostate-specific antigen: distribution in cloacogenic glandular epithelium and sex-dependent expression in human anal gland. Hum Pathol. 1990 Nov;21(11):1108-11.
  • 35. Shaw JL, Diamandis EP. Distribution of 15 human kallikreins in tissues and biological fluids. Clin Chem. 2007 Aug;53(8):1423-32.
  • 36. Yıldırım B, Bayramoglu H, Duzcan E. Detection of Prostate-Specific Antigen In Endometrium Using Immunohistochemical Methods: Is It Possible? Gynecology Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine 2002,8(2):105-107.
  • 37. Clements J, Mukhtar A. Glandular kallikreins and prostate-specific antigen are expressed in the human endometrium. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1994 Jun;78(6):1536-9.
  • 38. Seliger E, Kaltwasser P, Röpke F. Determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in cytosol of breast tumors and human endometrium--new diagnostic approaches. Zentralbl Gynakol. 1998;120(4):172-5.

Endometriyal Patolojilerde Prostat Spesifik Antijen Ekspresyonunun İncelenmesi

Yıl 2018, , 188 - 192, 13.11.2018


Bu çalışmanın amacı Prostat Spesifik Antijen ekspresyonunu proliferatif
endometriyum, endometriyal hiperplazi ve endometriyum kanseri dokularında
immünhistokimyasal olarak araştırmak ve kıyaslamaktır.

Hastalar ve Yöntemler:
Endometrioid tip Endometrial Karsinom tanısı almış 31, Endometriyal Hiperplazi
tanısı almış 29 ve Proliferatif Endometriyum tanısı almış 28 olmak üzere toplam
88 olguya ait histerektomi materyali araştırma kapsamına alınmıştır. Her olguda
patolojiyi en iyi gösteren bir parafin blok prostat spesifik antijen ile
immünhistokimyasal boyama için kullanılmıştır. Pozitif boyanan hücre sayısı ve
boyanma yoğunluğu semikantitatif olarak belirlenmiştir. Her bir vaka için iki
parametre çarpılarak 0 ile 12 arası nihai puan elde edilmiştir.

Çalışmaya alınan toplam 88 histerektomi materyalinin 70’inde (%79.5) PSA
ekspresyonu olduğu görülmüştür.
İmmünhistokimyasal boyanma puanlarına bakıldığında proliferatif
endometriyum ortalama puanın
  3,4±3,  Endometriyal hiperplazi grubunda
4,1±3,Endometriyum kanseri grubunda
2,2±3 olduğu görülmüştür. Grupların boyanma puanları arasındaki fark
istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Karsinom grubunda hastalığın evresi
ve grade’i PSA ekspresyonu açısından farklılık göstermemektedir.

Çalışmamız Prostat spesifik antijenin endometriyum dokusunda yüksek oranda eksprese
olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu ekspresyon endometriyal patolojiler arasında
istatistiksek olarak anlamlı fark kazanmamaktadır ve PSA’nın endometriyal
karsinom ile ilişkili olmadığını işaret etmektedir.


  • 1. Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, Rebelo M, et al. Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012. Int J Cancer. 2015;136(5):E359–86.
  • 2. Bokhman JV. Two pathogenetic types of endometrial carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 1983 Feb;15(1):10-7 .
  • 3. Lax SF. Molecular genetic pathways in various types of endometrial carcinoma: from a phenotypical to a molecular-based classification. Virchows Arch. 2004 Mar;444(3):213-23 .
  • 4. Brinton LA, Berman ML, Mortel R, Twiggs LB, Barrett RJ, Wilbanks GD, et al.Reproductive, menstrual, and medical risk factors for endometrial cancer: results from a case-control study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1992 Nov;167(5):1317-25.
  • 5. Lee KR, Scully RE. Compleks endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma in adolescent and young women 15 to 20 years of age: a report of 10 cases. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1989;8:201–13.
  • 6. Chamlian DL, Taylor HB. Endometrial hyperplasia in young women. Obstet Gynecol. 1970;36:659–66.
  • 7. Rutanen EM. Insulin-like growth factors in endometrial function.Gynecol Endocrinol, 1998;12:399 – 406.
  • 8. Rutanen EM, Pekonen F, Nyman T, Wahlstrom T. Insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in benign and malignant uterine diseases. Growth Regul 1993;3:74-7.
  • 9. Hana V, Murphy LJ. Expression of insulin-like growth factors andtheir binding proteins in the estrogen responsive Ishikawa human endometrial cancer cell line. Endocrinology 1994;135:2511-6.
  • 10. Lacey JV Jr, Potischman N, Madigan MP, Berman ML, Mortel R, Twiggs LB et al. Insulin-like growth factors, insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins, and endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women: results from a U.S. case-control study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Apr;13(4):607-12.
  • 11. Oh JC, Wu W, Tortolero-Luna G, Broaddus R, et al. Increased plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor 2 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 are associated with endometrial cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 May;13(5):748-52.
  • 12. Gribben L, Baxter RC, Marsh DJ.Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 inhibits migration of endometrial cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 2012 Apr 1;317(1):41-8. 13. Jogie-Brahim S, Feldman D, Oh Y. Unraveling insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 actions in human disease. Endocr Rev. 2009 Aug;30(5):417-37.
  • 14. Cohen P, Peehl DM, Graves HC, Rosenfeld RG. Biological effects of prostate specific antigen as an insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 protease. J Endocrinol. 1994 Sep;142(3):407-15.
  • 15. Peiro G, Diebold J, Baretton GB, Kimmig R, Löhrs U. Cellular apoptosis susceptibility gene expression in endometrial carcinoma: correlation with bcl-2, bax, and caspase-3 expression and outcome. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2001;20:359– 67.
  • 16. Brustmann H. Expression of cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein in serous ovarian carcinoma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study. Gynecol Oncol 2004;92:268– 76.
  • 17. Kumar V,Abbas A. Robbins and Cotran Patologic Basis of Disease 8th Edition Philadelphia Saunders Elsevier 2010 pg1005-1065.
  • 18. Xu WH, Xiang YB, Ruan ZX, Zheng W, Cheng JR, Dai Q et al.Menstrual and reproductive factors and endometrial cancer risk: Results from a population-based case-control study in urban Shanghai. Int J Cancer. 2004 Feb 10;108(4):613-9.
  • 19. Göksedef BPC, Akbayir Ö, Çorbacıoğlu A. Comparison of preoperative endometrial biopsy grade and final pathologic diagnosis in patients with endometrioid endometrial cancerJ Turkish German Gynecol Assoc. Yıl: 2012 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 2 106-110.
  • 20. Parazzini F, Negri E, La Vecchia C, Benzi G, Chiaffarino F, Polatti A et al Role of reproductive factors on the risk of endometrial cancer. Int J Cancer. 1998 Jun 10;76(6):784-6.
  • 21. McPherson CP, Sellers TA, Potter JD, Bostick RM, Folsom AR. Reproductive factors and risk of endometrial cancer. The Iowa Women's Health Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 Jun 15;143(12):1195-202.
  • 22. Gerber J, Sozański L, Suchocki S. The risk factors of endometrial cancer.Ginekol Pol. 2001 Dec;72(12A):1418-22.
  • 23. Noto H, Osame K, Sasazuki T, Noda M. Substantially increased risk of cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic evidence in Japan. J Diabetes Complications. 2010 Sep-Oct;24(5):345-53. Epub 2010 Jul 24. Review.
  • 24. Friberg E, Orsini N, Mantzoros CS, Wolk A. Diabetes mellitus and risk of endometrial cancer: a meta-analysis. Diabetologia. 2007 Jul;50(7):1365-74.
  • 25. Nicholas Z, Hu N, Ying J, Soisson P, Dodson M, Gaffney DK. Impact of comorbid conditions on survival in endometrial cancer. Am J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr;37(2):131-4.
  • 26. Sorosky JI. Endometrial cancer. Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Aug;120(2 Pt 1):383-97.
  • 27. Frick HC 2nd. Management of noninvasive cancer of the endometrium. Surg Clin North Am. 1978 Feb;58(1):61-5.
  • 28. Scott JR, Disaia PJ, Hammond CB, Spellacy WN. ‘Corpus Uteri’nin kotu huylu lezyonları. Danforth Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji, yedinci baskı, Yuce eklam/Yayım/Dağıtım/A.Ş., İstanbul, 1997, 941-955.
  • 29. Brinton LA, Lacey JV Jr, Devesa SS: Epidemiology of uterine corpus cancer. In Gershenson DM, McGuire WP, Gore M, et al (eds): Gynecologic Cancer: Controversies in Management. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 2004, p 190.
  • 30. Viswanathan AN, Feskanich D, De Vivo I, Hunter DJ, Barbieri RL, Rosner B,et al. Smoking and the risk of endometrial cancer: results from the Nurses' Health Study. Int J Cancer. 2005 May 10;114(6):996-1001.
  • 31. Stamey TA, Yang N, Hay AR, McNeal JE, Freiha FS, Redwine E. Prostate-specific antigen as a serum marker for adenocarcinoma of the prostate. N Engl J Med. 1987 Oct 8;317(15):909-16.
  • 32. Paliouras M, Borgono C, Diamandis EP 2007 Human tissue kallikreins: the cancer biomarker family. Cancer Lett 249:61–79 Paliouras M 2007.
  • 33. Radowicki S, Kunicki M. Prostate specific antigen in women with menstrual disturbances and fibrocystic mastopathy. J Endocrinol Invest. 2009 Nov;32(10):821-4.
  • 34. Kamoshida S, Tsutsumi Y. Extraprostatic localization of prostatic acid phosphatase and prostate-specific antigen: distribution in cloacogenic glandular epithelium and sex-dependent expression in human anal gland. Hum Pathol. 1990 Nov;21(11):1108-11.
  • 35. Shaw JL, Diamandis EP. Distribution of 15 human kallikreins in tissues and biological fluids. Clin Chem. 2007 Aug;53(8):1423-32.
  • 36. Yıldırım B, Bayramoglu H, Duzcan E. Detection of Prostate-Specific Antigen In Endometrium Using Immunohistochemical Methods: Is It Possible? Gynecology Obstetrics and Reproduction Medicine 2002,8(2):105-107.
  • 37. Clements J, Mukhtar A. Glandular kallikreins and prostate-specific antigen are expressed in the human endometrium. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1994 Jun;78(6):1536-9.
  • 38. Seliger E, Kaltwasser P, Röpke F. Determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in cytosol of breast tumors and human endometrium--new diagnostic approaches. Zentralbl Gynakol. 1998;120(4):172-5.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Dinçer Sümer 0000-0002-7034-6811

Abdullah Boztosun 0000-0003-2341-1040

Hatice Özer Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6479-3626

Ayşe Gonca Yenicesu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7865-1466

Handan Aker 0000-0003-3237-9660

Ali Yanık 0000-0001-9634-2117

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Kasım 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2018
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Sümer D, Boztosun A, Özer H, Yenicesu AG, Aker H, Yanık A. Endometriyal Patolojilerde Prostat Spesifik Antijen Ekspresyonunun İncelenmesi. Acta Med. Alanya. 2018;2(3):188-92.


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