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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 17 - 43, 15.09.2014


Humor and laughter are among the reactions people give in their daily lives. All people naturally participate in humorous speech and behavior. Therefore, humor represents one of the main aspects of everyday interactions. Consequently, the issues like the reasons of laughter and what constitutes humor have been questioned since Plato and Aristotle and humor has become a field that has been developing continuously ever since. One of the reasons that humor has come out as a theatrical form is the pleasure people take in laughing. Punning is one of the categories which are the source for laughter. Puns can be defined shortly as the use of words in a way that suggests two or more meanings which are usually incompatible and thus the creation of humorous effect. In this study, the puns collected from the specialized authentic corpus which is built from the transcriptions of the video recordings of the television show Komedi Dükkanı ‘Comedy Shop’ are analyzed. The instances used in Komedi Dükkanı ‘Comedy Shop’, which has a different structure from other humor genres like stand-up and sitcoms and thereby is defined as a new humor genre, are categorized and the differences in terms of genre are presented.


  • Adamczyk, M. (2011). Context-sensitive aspects of Shakespeare's use of puns in comedies: An enquiry into clowns' and pages' punning practices. M. Dynel (Haz.) içinde The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains (105-123). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
  • Aksoy, C. (1992). Context in h umour. C. Aksoy, G. Doğan, A. Kocaman (Haz.) içinde, Yıl Yazıları, (1-10). Ankara: Karaca Dil Kursu.
  • Anthony, L. (2012). AntConc (version 3.3.5w) [Computer software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University.
  • Attardo, S. & Chabanne, J. C. (1992). Jokes as a text type. Humor 5 (1/2), 165-176.
  • Attardo, S. & Raskin, V. (1991). Script theory revis(it)ed: Joke similarity and joke representation model. Humor 4 (3/4), 293-347.
  • Attardo, S. (1994). Linguistic theories of humor. New York: Mouton.
  • Attardo, S. (2008). A primer for the linguistics of humour. V. Raskin (Haz.) içinde, The primer of humour research (101-155). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Bergson, H. (1911). Laughter: An essay on the meaning of the comic. New York: The Macmillan Comp.
  • Bucaria, C. (2004). Lexical and syntactic ambiguity as a source of humor: The case of newspaper headlines. Humor, 17(3), 279-309.
  • Chiaro, D. (1992). The language of jokes: Analyzing verbal play. London: Routledge. Çolak, M. (2006). Humour in Turkish: A study on the basic linguistic features of humour l anguage. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin.
  • Cruse, D. A. (1986). Lexical semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crystal, D. (1998). Language play. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Delabastita, D. (1994). Focus on the pun: Wordplay as a special problem in translation studies. Target: International Journal on Translation Studies, 6 (2), 223-243.
  • Delabastita, D. (2005). Cross-language comedy in Shakespeare. Humor, 18 (2), 161-1
  • Díaz-Pérez, F. J. (2008). Wordplay in film titles: Translating English puns into Spanish. Babel, 54 (1), 36-58.
  • Dienhart, J. M. (1999). A linguistic look at riddles. Journal of Pragmatics, 31 (1), 95-1
  • Dynel, M. (2009a). Humorous garden-paths: A pragmatic-cognitive study. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Dynel, M. (2009b). Beyond a joke: Types of conversational humour. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3 (5), 1284–1299.
  • Evans, V. & Green, M. (2006). Cognitive linguistics: An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Fairclough , N. (2003). Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
  • Freud, S. (1960). Jokes and their relation to the unconscious, çev. James Strachey. New York: Norton.
  • Freud, S. (1961). Beyond the pleasure principle, çev. James Strachey. New York: Norton.
  • Fried, D. (1988). Rhyming puns. J. Culler (Haz.) içinde, On puns: The foundation of letters, (83-99). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Fry, W. F. (1963). Sweet madness: A study of humor. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books.
  • Goatly, A. (2012). Meaning and humor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goldstein, J. H. (1976). Theoretical notes on humor. Journal of Communication 26 (3), 104–112.
  • Gruner, C. R. (1978). Understanding laughter. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
  • Güncel Türkçe Sözlük (2014). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Kempson, R. M. (1977). Semantic theory. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Klein, D. E. & Murphy, G. L. (2001). The representations of polysemous words. Journal of Memory and Language 45, 259-282.
  • Kotthoff, H. (2007). Oral genres of humor: On the dialectic of genre knowledge and creative authoring. Pragmatics, 17 (2), 263-296.
  • Lascarides, A., Copestake, A. ve Briscoe, T. (1996). Ambiguity and coherence. Journal of Semantics 13 (1), 41-65.
  • Lew, R. (1996). An ambiguity-based theory of the linguistic verbal joke in English, A Thesis submitted to the faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Lippman, L. G., Sucharski, I. L. ve Bennington, K. (2001). Contextual connections to puns in fables: Perceived humor. The Journal of General Psychology, 128 (2), 157-1
  • Lundmark, C. (2003). Puns and blending: The case of print advertisements. Paper presented at the 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Logroño: 20 25 July 2003. Available at
  • Lyons, J. (1977). Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • McGhee, P. (1977). A model of the origins and early development of incongruity-based humour. A. J. Chapman ve H. C. Foot (Haz.), It's a funny thing, humour, (27-36). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Meyer, J. C. (2000). Humor as a double-edged sword: Four functions of humor in communication. Communication Theory 10 (3), 310-331.
  • Nerlich, B. (2003). Polysemy: Past and present. B. Nerlich, Z. Todd, V. Herman ve D. D. Clarke (Haz.) içinde, Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language (49-76). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Nilsen, D. L. F. ve Nilsen, A. P. (1978). Language play: An introduction to linguistics. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1989). Intertextuality in humor. Humor 2 (2), 117-139.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1993a). Conversational joking. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1993b). Repetition in canned jokes and spontaneous conversational joking. Humor 6 (4), 385-402.
  • Norrick, N. R. (2003). Issues in conversational joking. Journal of Pragmatics 35, 1333-1359.
  • Norrick, N. R. (2004). Non-verbal humor and joke performance. Humor 17 (4), 401-40
  • Norrick, N.R. (2001). On the conversational performance of narrative jokes: Toward an account of timing. Humor 14 (3), 255-274.
  • Oring, E. (2003). Engaging humor. Illinois: Board of Trustees.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1991) . Türk gülmecesi’nde duvar ve kaldırım yazıları. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 1991, 122-132.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1992). Dil, gülm ece, deyiş. C. Aksoy, G. Doğan ve A. Kocaman (Haz.) içinde, Yıl Yazıları, (191-203). Ankara: Karaca Dil Kursu.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1999). Gülmecenin dilleri . Ankara: Doruk Yayımcılık.
  • Panman, O. (1982). Homonymy and polysemy. Lingua 58, 105-136.
  • Partington, A. (2006). The Linguistics of Laughter. A Corpus-Assisted Study of Laughter-Talk. London: Routledge.
  • Partington, A. S. (2009). A linguistic account of wordplay: The lexical grammar of punning. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1794–1809.
  • Raskin, V. (1985). Semantic mechanisms of humor. Dordrecht: Reidel.
  • Ravin, Y. & Leacock, C. (2000). Polysemy: An overview. Y. Ravin ve C. Leacock (Haz.) içinde, Polysemy: Theoretical and computational approaches (1-29). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Riemer, N. (2005). The semantics of polysemy: Reading meaning in English and Walpiri. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Ritchie, G. (2004). The linguistic analysis of jokes. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Sacks, H. (1974). An analysis of the course of a joke's telling in conversation. R. Bauman ve J. Sherzer (Haz.) içinde, Explorations in the ethnography of speaking (337-353). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sacks, H. (1978). Some technical considerations of a dirty joke. J. Schenkein (Haz.) içinde, Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (249-275). New York: Academic Press.
  • Seewoester, S. (2011). The role of syllables and morphemes as mechanisms in humorous pun formation. M. Dynel (Haz.) içinde, The pragmatics of humour across discourse domains (71-104). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Suls, J. M. (1972). A two-stage model for the appreciation of jokes and cartoons: an information-processing analysis. J. H. Goldstein ve P. E. McGhee (Haz.) içinde, The psychology of humor (81-100). New York: Academic Press.
  • Swales , J. (1990) . Genre analysis. English in academic and research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taylor, J. R. (1995). Linguistic categorization: Prototypes in linguistic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Tragesser, S. L. ve Lippman, L. G. (2005). Puns and near puns in fables. The Journal of General Psychology, 132 (3), 243-254.
  • Tsakona, V. (2013). Parliamentary punning: Is the opposition more humorous than the ruling party? European Journal of Humor Research, 1 (2), 101-111.
  • Uçar, A. (baskıda). Özel amaçlı derlemi çevriyazmak: Bir çevriyazı modeli. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 2014 (1).
  • Uçar, A. ve Koca, C. (2011). Gülme düzleminde Komedi Dükkânı ve ortaoyunu arasındaki bağ ve dilsel komik (söz komiği) açısından bir karşılaştırma. Mersin Üniversitesi Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi 8 (2), 39-63.
  • Uçar, A. ve Yıldız, İ. (hazırlanıyor). Humor and impoliteness in Turkish: A corpusbased analysis of the television show Komedi Dükkânı ‘Comedy Shop’. Ş. Ruhi ve Y. Aksan (Haz.) içinde, Exploring (im)politeness in specialized and general corpora: Converging methodologies and analytic procedures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Vardar, B., Güz, N., Huber, E., Senemoğlu, O. ve Öztokat, E. (1998). Açıklamalı dilbilim terimleri s özlüğü. İstanbul: ABC Kitabevi.
  • Veale, T. (2004). Incongruity in humor: Root cause or epiphenomenon. International Humor: Journal of Humor Research 17 (4), 419-428.
  • Zgusta, L. (1971). Manual of lexicography. The Hague: Mouton.
  • Zwicky, A. M. ve Sadock, J. M. (1975). Ambiguity tests and how to fail them. J. Kimball (Haz.) içinde, Syntax and Semantics (1-36). New York: Academic Press.

Gülmece ve Gülme Kaynağı Olarak Sözcük Oyunları

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 17 - 43, 15.09.2014


Gülmece ve gülme insanların günlük hayatta pek çok farklı duruma verdikleri tepkiler arasındadır. Bütün insanlar doğal olarak gülünç konuşma ve davranışa katılır. Dolayısıyla, gülmece günlük etkileşimlerin temel görünümlerinden birini temsil eder. Bu nedenle, gülmenin nedenleri ve neyin gülmeceyi oluşturduğu gibi konular Platon ve Aristoteles’ten beri merak edilmiş ve gülmece sürekli gelişen bir çalışma alanı olmuştur. Gülünçlüğün teatral bir form olarak ortaya çıkmasının nedenlerinden biri de insanların gülme yoluyla aldıkları hazdır. Gülmeye kaynak oluşturan gülmece ulamlarından bir tanesi de sözcük oyunlarıdır. Sözcük oyunları kısaca sözcüklerin genellikle birbiriyle bağdaşmayan iki ya da daha fazla anlam gösterecek şekilde kullanımı ve böylece komik etkinin yaratılması şeklinde tanımlanabilir. Bu çalışmada, sözcük oyunları Komedi Dükkanı adlı televizyon programının video kayıtlarının çevriyazıya aktarılmasıyla oluşturulan özel amaçlı özgün derlemden elde edilen örnekler üzerinden incelenmiştir. Stand-up ve durum komedisi gibi diğer gülmece türlerinden farklı bir yapıya sahip olan ve bu nedenle yeni bir gülmece türü olarak tanımlanan Komedi Dükkanı’nda kullanılan sözcük oyunu örnekleri ele 

alınarak sınıflandırılmış ve tür açısından farklılıkları ortaya konmuştur.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Sözel gülmece, gülme, sözcük oyunları, özel amaçlı
derlem, tür


  • Adamczyk, M. (2011). Context-sensitive aspects of Shakespeare's use of puns in comedies: An enquiry into clowns' and pages' punning practices. M. Dynel (Haz.) içinde The Pragmatics of Humour across Discourse Domains (105-123). John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia.
  • Aksoy, C. (1992). Context in h umour. C. Aksoy, G. Doğan, A. Kocaman (Haz.) içinde, Yıl Yazıları, (1-10). Ankara: Karaca Dil Kursu.
  • Anthony, L. (2012). AntConc (version 3.3.5w) [Computer software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University.
  • Attardo, S. & Chabanne, J. C. (1992). Jokes as a text type. Humor 5 (1/2), 165-176.
  • Attardo, S. & Raskin, V. (1991). Script theory revis(it)ed: Joke similarity and joke representation model. Humor 4 (3/4), 293-347.
  • Attardo, S. (1994). Linguistic theories of humor. New York: Mouton.
  • Attardo, S. (2008). A primer for the linguistics of humour. V. Raskin (Haz.) içinde, The primer of humour research (101-155). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Bergson, H. (1911). Laughter: An essay on the meaning of the comic. New York: The Macmillan Comp.
  • Bucaria, C. (2004). Lexical and syntactic ambiguity as a source of humor: The case of newspaper headlines. Humor, 17(3), 279-309.
  • Chiaro, D. (1992). The language of jokes: Analyzing verbal play. London: Routledge. Çolak, M. (2006). Humour in Turkish: A study on the basic linguistic features of humour l anguage. Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin.
  • Cruse, D. A. (1986). Lexical semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crystal, D. (1998). Language play. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Delabastita, D. (1994). Focus on the pun: Wordplay as a special problem in translation studies. Target: International Journal on Translation Studies, 6 (2), 223-243.
  • Delabastita, D. (2005). Cross-language comedy in Shakespeare. Humor, 18 (2), 161-1
  • Díaz-Pérez, F. J. (2008). Wordplay in film titles: Translating English puns into Spanish. Babel, 54 (1), 36-58.
  • Dienhart, J. M. (1999). A linguistic look at riddles. Journal of Pragmatics, 31 (1), 95-1
  • Dynel, M. (2009a). Humorous garden-paths: A pragmatic-cognitive study. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Dynel, M. (2009b). Beyond a joke: Types of conversational humour. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3 (5), 1284–1299.
  • Evans, V. & Green, M. (2006). Cognitive linguistics: An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Fairclough , N. (2003). Analysing discourse: Textual analysis for social research. London: Routledge.
  • Freud, S. (1960). Jokes and their relation to the unconscious, çev. James Strachey. New York: Norton.
  • Freud, S. (1961). Beyond the pleasure principle, çev. James Strachey. New York: Norton.
  • Fried, D. (1988). Rhyming puns. J. Culler (Haz.) içinde, On puns: The foundation of letters, (83-99). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Fry, W. F. (1963). Sweet madness: A study of humor. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books.
  • Goatly, A. (2012). Meaning and humor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Goldstein, J. H. (1976). Theoretical notes on humor. Journal of Communication 26 (3), 104–112.
  • Gruner, C. R. (1978). Understanding laughter. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
  • Güncel Türkçe Sözlük (2014). Türk Dil Kurumu.
  • Kempson, R. M. (1977). Semantic theory. London: Cambridge University Press.
  • Klein, D. E. & Murphy, G. L. (2001). The representations of polysemous words. Journal of Memory and Language 45, 259-282.
  • Kotthoff, H. (2007). Oral genres of humor: On the dialectic of genre knowledge and creative authoring. Pragmatics, 17 (2), 263-296.
  • Lascarides, A., Copestake, A. ve Briscoe, T. (1996). Ambiguity and coherence. Journal of Semantics 13 (1), 41-65.
  • Lew, R. (1996). An ambiguity-based theory of the linguistic verbal joke in English, A Thesis submitted to the faculty of Adam Mickiewicz University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
  • Lippman, L. G., Sucharski, I. L. ve Bennington, K. (2001). Contextual connections to puns in fables: Perceived humor. The Journal of General Psychology, 128 (2), 157-1
  • Lundmark, C. (2003). Puns and blending: The case of print advertisements. Paper presented at the 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Logroño: 20 25 July 2003. Available at
  • Lyons, J. (1977). Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • McGhee, P. (1977). A model of the origins and early development of incongruity-based humour. A. J. Chapman ve H. C. Foot (Haz.), It's a funny thing, humour, (27-36). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Meyer, J. C. (2000). Humor as a double-edged sword: Four functions of humor in communication. Communication Theory 10 (3), 310-331.
  • Nerlich, B. (2003). Polysemy: Past and present. B. Nerlich, Z. Todd, V. Herman ve D. D. Clarke (Haz.) içinde, Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language (49-76). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Nilsen, D. L. F. ve Nilsen, A. P. (1978). Language play: An introduction to linguistics. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1989). Intertextuality in humor. Humor 2 (2), 117-139.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1993a). Conversational joking. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Norrick, N. R. (1993b). Repetition in canned jokes and spontaneous conversational joking. Humor 6 (4), 385-402.
  • Norrick, N. R. (2003). Issues in conversational joking. Journal of Pragmatics 35, 1333-1359.
  • Norrick, N. R. (2004). Non-verbal humor and joke performance. Humor 17 (4), 401-40
  • Norrick, N.R. (2001). On the conversational performance of narrative jokes: Toward an account of timing. Humor 14 (3), 255-274.
  • Oring, E. (2003). Engaging humor. Illinois: Board of Trustees.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1991) . Türk gülmecesi’nde duvar ve kaldırım yazıları. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 1991, 122-132.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1992). Dil, gülm ece, deyiş. C. Aksoy, G. Doğan ve A. Kocaman (Haz.) içinde, Yıl Yazıları, (191-203). Ankara: Karaca Dil Kursu.
  • Özünlü, Ü. (1999). Gülmecenin dilleri . Ankara: Doruk Yayımcılık.
  • Panman, O. (1982). Homonymy and polysemy. Lingua 58, 105-136.
  • Partington, A. (2006). The Linguistics of Laughter. A Corpus-Assisted Study of Laughter-Talk. London: Routledge.
  • Partington, A. S. (2009). A linguistic account of wordplay: The lexical grammar of punning. Journal of Pragmatics, 41, 1794–1809.
  • Raskin, V. (1985). Semantic mechanisms of humor. Dordrecht: Reidel.
  • Ravin, Y. & Leacock, C. (2000). Polysemy: An overview. Y. Ravin ve C. Leacock (Haz.) içinde, Polysemy: Theoretical and computational approaches (1-29). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Riemer, N. (2005). The semantics of polysemy: Reading meaning in English and Walpiri. New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Ritchie, G. (2004). The linguistic analysis of jokes. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Sacks, H. (1974). An analysis of the course of a joke's telling in conversation. R. Bauman ve J. Sherzer (Haz.) içinde, Explorations in the ethnography of speaking (337-353). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sacks, H. (1978). Some technical considerations of a dirty joke. J. Schenkein (Haz.) içinde, Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (249-275). New York: Academic Press.
  • Seewoester, S. (2011). The role of syllables and morphemes as mechanisms in humorous pun formation. M. Dynel (Haz.) içinde, The pragmatics of humour across discourse domains (71-104). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Suls, J. M. (1972). A two-stage model for the appreciation of jokes and cartoons: an information-processing analysis. J. H. Goldstein ve P. E. McGhee (Haz.) içinde, The psychology of humor (81-100). New York: Academic Press.
  • Swales , J. (1990) . Genre analysis. English in academic and research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Taylor, J. R. (1995). Linguistic categorization: Prototypes in linguistic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Tragesser, S. L. ve Lippman, L. G. (2005). Puns and near puns in fables. The Journal of General Psychology, 132 (3), 243-254.
  • Tsakona, V. (2013). Parliamentary punning: Is the opposition more humorous than the ruling party? European Journal of Humor Research, 1 (2), 101-111.
  • Uçar, A. (baskıda). Özel amaçlı derlemi çevriyazmak: Bir çevriyazı modeli. Dilbilim Araştırmaları 2014 (1).
  • Uçar, A. ve Koca, C. (2011). Gülme düzleminde Komedi Dükkânı ve ortaoyunu arasındaki bağ ve dilsel komik (söz komiği) açısından bir karşılaştırma. Mersin Üniversitesi Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi 8 (2), 39-63.
  • Uçar, A. ve Yıldız, İ. (hazırlanıyor). Humor and impoliteness in Turkish: A corpusbased analysis of the television show Komedi Dükkânı ‘Comedy Shop’. Ş. Ruhi ve Y. Aksan (Haz.) içinde, Exploring (im)politeness in specialized and general corpora: Converging methodologies and analytic procedures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Vardar, B., Güz, N., Huber, E., Senemoğlu, O. ve Öztokat, E. (1998). Açıklamalı dilbilim terimleri s özlüğü. İstanbul: ABC Kitabevi.
  • Veale, T. (2004). Incongruity in humor: Root cause or epiphenomenon. International Humor: Journal of Humor Research 17 (4), 419-428.
  • Zgusta, L. (1971). Manual of lexicography. The Hague: Mouton.
  • Zwicky, A. M. ve Sadock, J. M. (1975). Ambiguity tests and how to fail them. J. Kimball (Haz.) içinde, Syntax and Semantics (1-36). New York: Academic Press.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Aygül Uçar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Uçar, A. (2014). Gülmece ve Gülme Kaynağı Olarak Sözcük Oyunları. Dil Ve Edebiyat Dergisi, 11(1), 17-43.