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Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 328 - 340, 30.08.2019


Amaç: Altın nanoparçacık (AuNP) modifikasyonlarının sinir sistemi
fonksiyonunu nasıl etkileyebileceği tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada, AuNp’lerin
glikoz (GlikozAuNp), oligonükleotid (15 baz, d(A)15AuNP) veya peptid (negatif amino asit
içeren, AspAuNp) ile işlevselleştirilmiş formlarının fare hipokampal
nöronları üzerindeki biyoelektriksel etkisinin ex vivo olarak araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: AuNP modifikasyonları UV/Vis spektroskopi, Dinamik Işık
Saçılması (DLS) ve Geçirimli Elektron Mikroskobu (TEM) ile karakterize edildi
ve ex vivo olarak 4-6 haftalık Balb-c
erkek farelerin beyin hipokampüs bölgelerinden alınan kesitlere eklendi,
spontan ve uyarılmış aksiyon potansiyelleri (AP) yama kıskacı, tüm hücre
tekniği ile kaydedildi. Spontan AP’lerinin en büyük genlik değeri, yükselen
eğimi, yarı genişliği, iki pik arasında geçen süre ve ateşleme hızı analiz
edildi. Bulgular: Karakterizasyon
sonuçları AuNP’lerin yüzey modifikasyonlarının 5-7 nm çapında ve koloidal
olduğunu gösterdi. Spontan AP’lerin ateşleme hızı GlikozAuNp (n=9) gurubunda,
kontrol (n=9), AspAuNp (n=6) ve d(A)15AuNP (n=9) eklenen gruplara göre en fazla
olarak ölçüldü (sırasıyla 10.1±5.5 4.4±3.2 9.5±3.8 ve 6.2±3.0 pik/s, p>0.05). 

Ek olarak, uyarılmış AP’lerin özelliklerini
yansıtan akım voltaj (I-V) analizinde, GlikozAuNp (n=8) gurubunun akım
uyarılarına ((-150)–(+150 pA)) cevaben oluşturdukları membran potansiyelleri
kontrol (n=8) ve d(A)15AuNP (n=9) gruplarının cevabına göre negatif akım
bölgesinde negatife, pozitif akım uyarısı bölgesinde pozitife kaydı.
Sonuç: Medikal uygulamalarda
kullanılacak AuNP’lerin yüzey modifikasyonlarının hipokampal nöronların
AP’lerinin ateşleme hızını arttırarak, patolojik koşulları tetikleyebilecekleri
ve daha biyouyumlu formların belirlenmesi gerektiği önerilebilir.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



Arastırmacılar TUBITAK'a destekleri icin tesekkur eder


  • 1) Jung S, Bang M, Kim BS, Lee S, Kotov NA, Kim B, Jeon D.”Intracellular gold nanoparticles increase neuronal excitability and aggravate seizure activity in the mouse brain”, PLoS One. 2014.13;9(3):e91360.
  • 2) Salinas K, Kereselidze Z, DeLuna F, Peralta XG, Santamaria F. “Transient extracellular application of gold nanostars increases hippocampal neuronal activity”, J Nanobiotechnology. 2014. 20;12(1):31.
  • 3) Ghosh P, Han G, De M, Kim CK, Rotello VM. “Gold nanoparticles in delivery applications”, Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2008.;60:1307e15.
  • 4) Feng G, Kong B, Xing J, Chen J. “Enhancing multimodality functional and molecular imaging using glucose-coated gold nanoparticles”, Clin Radiol. 2014. 69(11):1105-11.
  • 5) Sperling, R. A., Gil, P. R., Zhang, F., Zanella, M. ve Parak, W. J. “Biological Applications of Gold Nanoparticles”, Chemical Society. 24 Nisan 2008.
  • 6) Polak P, Shefi O. “Nanometric agents in the service of neuroscience: Manipulation of neuronal growth and activity using nanoparticles” Nanomedicine. 2015 Aug;11(6):1467-79.
  • 7) Chithrani BD, Chan WC.”Elucidating the mechanism of cellular uptake and removal of protein-coated gold nanoparticles of different sizes and shapes”, Nano Lett. 2007.Jun;7(6):1542-50.
  • 8) Conner SD, Schmid SL. “Regulated portals of entry into the cell”, Nature. 2003. 422:37–44.
  • 9) Shukla R, Bansal V, Chaudhary M, Basu A, Bhonde RR. “Biocompatibility of gold nanoparticles and their endocytotic fate inside the cellular compartment: A microscopic overview”, Langmuir . 2005. 21: 10644–10654.
  • 10) Boisselier E, Astruc D. “Gold nanoparticles in nanomedicine: preparations, imaging, diagnostics, therapies and toxicity”, Chem Soc Rev. 2009. 38: 1759–1782.
  • 11) Sonavane G, Tomoda K, Makino K.”Biodistribution of colloidal gold nanoparticles after intravenous administration: Effect of particle size”, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2008. 66:274–280.
  • 12) Chen YS, Hung YC, Liau I, Huang GS. “Assessment of the In Vivo Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles”, Nanoscale Res Lett. 2009. 8;4(8):858-864.
  • 13) Chen YS, Hung YC, Lin LW, Liau I, Hong MY, Huang GS. “Size-dependent impairment of cognition in mice caused by the injection of gold nanoparticles”, Nanotechnology. 2010.3;21(48):485102.
  • 14) Kim JH, Kim KW, Kim MH, Yu YS. “Intravenously administered gold nanoparticles pass through the blood-retinal barrier depending on the particle size, and induce no retinal toxicity”, Nanotechnology. 2009. 20:505101.
  • 15) Sur, I., Cam, D., Kahraman, M., Baysal, A., Culha, M. "Interaction of multi-functional silver nanoparticles with living cells", Nanotechnology. 2010. 21, 175104.
  • 16) Chen J, Hessler JA, Putchakayala K, Panama BK, Khan DP, Hong S, Mullen DG, Dimaggio SC, Som A, Tew GN. “Cationic nanoparticles induce nanoscale disruption in living cell plasma membranes”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B..2009. 113:11179–11185.
  • 17) Goodman CM, McCusker CD, Yilmaz T, Rotello VM. ”Toxicity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with cationic and anionic side chains”, Bioconjug Chem. 2004. ; 15:897e900.
  • 18) Gromnicova R, Davies HA, Sreekanthreddy P, Romero IA, Lund T, Roitt IM, Phillips JB, Male DK. “Glucose-coated gold nanoparticles transfer across human brain endothelium and enter astrocytes in vitro.” PLoS One. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e81043.
  • 19) Stampfl A, Maier M, Radykewicz R, Reitmeir P, Göttlicher M, Niessner R. Langendorff. “Heart: a model system to study cardiovascular effects of engineered nanoparticles”, ACS Nano. 2011.;5:5345–5353.
  • 20) Piella J,Bastus NG,Puntes V. Size-Controlled Synthesis of Sub-10-nanometer Citrate-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles and Related Optical Properties. Chem. Mater. January 20, 2016. 20162841066-1075.
  • 21) Bernardes, G.J.L., Davis, B.G. “Direct thionation of reducing sugars”, Protocol Exchange. 2007.
  • 22) Hurst SJ, Hill HD, Mirkin CA. "Three-dimensional hybridization" with polyvalent DNA-gold nanoparticle conjugates. J Am Chem Soc. 2008 Sep 10;130(36):12192-200.
  • 23) Spadavecchia, J., Movia, D., Moore, C., Maguire, C.M., Moustaoui, H., Casale, S.. “Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studies”, Int J Nanomedicine. 2016. 11, 791–822.
  • 24) Haiss W1, Thanh NT, Aveyard J, Fernig DG. Determination of size and concentration of gold nanoparticles from UV-vis spectra. Anal Chem. 2007 Jun 1;79(11):4215-21.
  • 25) Guo, F., Yu, N., Cai, J. Q., Quinn, T., Zong, Z. H., Zeng, Y. J. & Hao, L. Y. “Voltage-gated sodium channels Nav1.1, Nav1.3 and b1 subunit were up-regulated in the hippocampus of spontaneously epileptic rat” Brain Res. Bull. 2008. 75, 179–187.
  • 26) Meisler, M. H. ve Kearney, J. A. “Sodium channel mutations in epilepsy and other neurological disorders”, J. Clin. Invest. 2005.115, 2010–2017.

The effect of modified gold nanoparticles on the function of neurons of mice hipocampal brain slices

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2, 328 - 340, 30.08.2019


Aim: It
is still unclear whether modifications of gold nanoparticles (AuNp) affect the
function of the nervous system. Aim of this study was to investigate the bioelectrical
effect of glucose (GlucoseAuNp), oligonükleotite (d(A)15AuNP) or peptide
(AspAuNp) modified AuNp, on hippocampal mouse neurons after ex vivo
administration. Methods: AuNP
modifications were characterized by UV/Vis spectroscopy, Dynamic Light
Scattering (DLS) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Subsequently, AuNp
modifications were added ex vivo to sections of hippocampal regions obtained
from the brains of 4-6 week old male Balb-c mice, and then spontaneous and
stimulated action potentials (AP) were recorded by patch clamp with whole-cell
technique. The Peak amplitude, rising slope, half with and firing rate of Aps
were analyzed. Results:
Characterization results showed that AuNp modifications have 5-7 nm size and
colloidal shape. The firing rate of the APs measured in the GlucoseAuNp (n=9)
group was higher compared to the AspAuNp (n=7), d(A)15AuNP (n=9), and control
(n=9) groups (respectively 10.1±5.5 9.5±3.8, 6.2±3.0 pic/s, and 4.4±3.2, pic/s,
p>0.05). In addition, current voltage (I-V) analysis showed that the
membrane potential in response to current stimuli ((-150)–(150 pA)) of the
GlucoseAuNp (n=8) shifted negative for negative current stimulations and
positive for positive current stimulations compared to the control (n=8) and
d(A)15AuNP (n=9) groups. Conclusion:
The surface AuNp modifications will be used in medical applications might
increase the firing rate of Aps and stimulate neurological patholojies in
hippocampal neurons and it may be suggested that more biocompatible AuNp forms
should be identified. 

Proje Numarası



  • 1) Jung S, Bang M, Kim BS, Lee S, Kotov NA, Kim B, Jeon D.”Intracellular gold nanoparticles increase neuronal excitability and aggravate seizure activity in the mouse brain”, PLoS One. 2014.13;9(3):e91360.
  • 2) Salinas K, Kereselidze Z, DeLuna F, Peralta XG, Santamaria F. “Transient extracellular application of gold nanostars increases hippocampal neuronal activity”, J Nanobiotechnology. 2014. 20;12(1):31.
  • 3) Ghosh P, Han G, De M, Kim CK, Rotello VM. “Gold nanoparticles in delivery applications”, Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2008.;60:1307e15.
  • 4) Feng G, Kong B, Xing J, Chen J. “Enhancing multimodality functional and molecular imaging using glucose-coated gold nanoparticles”, Clin Radiol. 2014. 69(11):1105-11.
  • 5) Sperling, R. A., Gil, P. R., Zhang, F., Zanella, M. ve Parak, W. J. “Biological Applications of Gold Nanoparticles”, Chemical Society. 24 Nisan 2008.
  • 6) Polak P, Shefi O. “Nanometric agents in the service of neuroscience: Manipulation of neuronal growth and activity using nanoparticles” Nanomedicine. 2015 Aug;11(6):1467-79.
  • 7) Chithrani BD, Chan WC.”Elucidating the mechanism of cellular uptake and removal of protein-coated gold nanoparticles of different sizes and shapes”, Nano Lett. 2007.Jun;7(6):1542-50.
  • 8) Conner SD, Schmid SL. “Regulated portals of entry into the cell”, Nature. 2003. 422:37–44.
  • 9) Shukla R, Bansal V, Chaudhary M, Basu A, Bhonde RR. “Biocompatibility of gold nanoparticles and their endocytotic fate inside the cellular compartment: A microscopic overview”, Langmuir . 2005. 21: 10644–10654.
  • 10) Boisselier E, Astruc D. “Gold nanoparticles in nanomedicine: preparations, imaging, diagnostics, therapies and toxicity”, Chem Soc Rev. 2009. 38: 1759–1782.
  • 11) Sonavane G, Tomoda K, Makino K.”Biodistribution of colloidal gold nanoparticles after intravenous administration: Effect of particle size”, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2008. 66:274–280.
  • 12) Chen YS, Hung YC, Liau I, Huang GS. “Assessment of the In Vivo Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles”, Nanoscale Res Lett. 2009. 8;4(8):858-864.
  • 13) Chen YS, Hung YC, Lin LW, Liau I, Hong MY, Huang GS. “Size-dependent impairment of cognition in mice caused by the injection of gold nanoparticles”, Nanotechnology. 2010.3;21(48):485102.
  • 14) Kim JH, Kim KW, Kim MH, Yu YS. “Intravenously administered gold nanoparticles pass through the blood-retinal barrier depending on the particle size, and induce no retinal toxicity”, Nanotechnology. 2009. 20:505101.
  • 15) Sur, I., Cam, D., Kahraman, M., Baysal, A., Culha, M. "Interaction of multi-functional silver nanoparticles with living cells", Nanotechnology. 2010. 21, 175104.
  • 16) Chen J, Hessler JA, Putchakayala K, Panama BK, Khan DP, Hong S, Mullen DG, Dimaggio SC, Som A, Tew GN. “Cationic nanoparticles induce nanoscale disruption in living cell plasma membranes”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B..2009. 113:11179–11185.
  • 17) Goodman CM, McCusker CD, Yilmaz T, Rotello VM. ”Toxicity of gold nanoparticles functionalized with cationic and anionic side chains”, Bioconjug Chem. 2004. ; 15:897e900.
  • 18) Gromnicova R, Davies HA, Sreekanthreddy P, Romero IA, Lund T, Roitt IM, Phillips JB, Male DK. “Glucose-coated gold nanoparticles transfer across human brain endothelium and enter astrocytes in vitro.” PLoS One. 2013 Dec 5;8(12):e81043.
  • 19) Stampfl A, Maier M, Radykewicz R, Reitmeir P, Göttlicher M, Niessner R. Langendorff. “Heart: a model system to study cardiovascular effects of engineered nanoparticles”, ACS Nano. 2011.;5:5345–5353.
  • 20) Piella J,Bastus NG,Puntes V. Size-Controlled Synthesis of Sub-10-nanometer Citrate-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles and Related Optical Properties. Chem. Mater. January 20, 2016. 20162841066-1075.
  • 21) Bernardes, G.J.L., Davis, B.G. “Direct thionation of reducing sugars”, Protocol Exchange. 2007.
  • 22) Hurst SJ, Hill HD, Mirkin CA. "Three-dimensional hybridization" with polyvalent DNA-gold nanoparticle conjugates. J Am Chem Soc. 2008 Sep 10;130(36):12192-200.
  • 23) Spadavecchia, J., Movia, D., Moore, C., Maguire, C.M., Moustaoui, H., Casale, S.. “Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studies”, Int J Nanomedicine. 2016. 11, 791–822.
  • 24) Haiss W1, Thanh NT, Aveyard J, Fernig DG. Determination of size and concentration of gold nanoparticles from UV-vis spectra. Anal Chem. 2007 Jun 1;79(11):4215-21.
  • 25) Guo, F., Yu, N., Cai, J. Q., Quinn, T., Zong, Z. H., Zeng, Y. J. & Hao, L. Y. “Voltage-gated sodium channels Nav1.1, Nav1.3 and b1 subunit were up-regulated in the hippocampus of spontaneously epileptic rat” Brain Res. Bull. 2008. 75, 179–187.
  • 26) Meisler, M. H. ve Kearney, J. A. “Sodium channel mutations in epilepsy and other neurological disorders”, J. Clin. Invest. 2005.115, 2010–2017.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Bilge Güvenç Tuna 0000-0003-1348-1336

Yavuz Yavuz 0000-0002-2211-9665

Gamze Kuku 0000-0002-3375-8956

Akif Maharramov 0000-0002-1212-1550

Bayram Yilmaz 0000-0002-2674-6535

Melike Saricam Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1952-9495

Merve Ercan Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5231-4659

Mustafa Culha Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3844-5190

Soner Dogan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7762-8109

Proje Numarası 215S052
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2019
Kabul Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuna, B. G., Yavuz, Y., Kuku, G., Maharramov, A., vd. (2019). Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(2), 328-340.
AMA Tuna BG, Yavuz Y, Kuku G, Maharramov A, Yilmaz B, Saricam M, Ercan M, Culha M, Dogan S. Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg. Ağustos 2019;12(2):328-340. doi:10.26559/mersinsbd.594531
Chicago Tuna, Bilge Güvenç, Yavuz Yavuz, Gamze Kuku, Akif Maharramov, Bayram Yilmaz, Melike Saricam, Merve Ercan, Mustafa Culha, ve Soner Dogan. “Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların Fare Hipokampal Kesitlerindeki nöronal Fonksiyonlar üzerine Etkileri”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2019): 328-40.
EndNote Tuna BG, Yavuz Y, Kuku G, Maharramov A, Yilmaz B, Saricam M, Ercan M, Culha M, Dogan S (01 Ağustos 2019) Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12 2 328–340.
IEEE B. G. Tuna, Y. Yavuz, G. Kuku, A. Maharramov, B. Yilmaz, M. Saricam, M. Ercan, M. Culha, ve S. Dogan, “Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri”, Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg, c. 12, sy. 2, ss. 328–340, 2019, doi: 10.26559/mersinsbd.594531.
ISNAD Tuna, Bilge Güvenç vd. “Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların Fare Hipokampal Kesitlerindeki nöronal Fonksiyonlar üzerine Etkileri”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 12/2 (Ağustos 2019), 328-340.
JAMA Tuna BG, Yavuz Y, Kuku G, Maharramov A, Yilmaz B, Saricam M, Ercan M, Culha M, Dogan S. Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg. 2019;12:328–340.
MLA Tuna, Bilge Güvenç vd. “Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların Fare Hipokampal Kesitlerindeki nöronal Fonksiyonlar üzerine Etkileri”. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 2, 2019, ss. 328-40, doi:10.26559/mersinsbd.594531.
Vancouver Tuna BG, Yavuz Y, Kuku G, Maharramov A, Yilmaz B, Saricam M, Ercan M, Culha M, Dogan S. Modifiye altın nanoparçacıkların fare hipokampal kesitlerindeki nöronal fonksiyonlar üzerine etkileri. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg. 2019;12(2):328-40.

MEÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi Doç.Dr. Gönül Aslan'ın Editörlüğünde Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsüne bağlı olarak 2008 yılında yayımlanmaya başlanmıştır. Prof.Dr. Gönül Aslan Mart 2015 tarihinde Başeditörlük görevine Prof.Dr. Caferi Tayyar Şaşmaz'a devretmiştir. 01 Ocak 2023 tarihinde Prof.Dr. C. Tayyar Şaşmaz Başeditörlük görevini Prof.Dr. Özlem İzci Ay'a devretmiştir. 

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