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19. Yüzyıl Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Devleti Uluslararası Ticaret Politikaları

Yıl 2022, , 271 - 306, 21.10.2022


Osmanlı Devleti’nin uluslararası ticaret yollarının merkezinde, kurulmuş, hızla topraklarını genişletmiş; bu süreçte dönemin güçlü devletleri ile uluslararası ticaret ilişkilerine önem vermişlerdir. Geçmişte, çok sayıda araştırmada ele alınmış olmasına rağmen, Osmanlı’ da uygulanan dış ticaret politikaları bugüne kadar elde edilmiş veriler ışığında yeniden derlenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Bu politikalar ve sonuçları, dönemin dünyanın ekonomisinde önde gelen ülkelerin uyguladıkları dış ticaret politikaları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Osmanlı ekonomisinin sahip olduğu üstünlükler ve kısıtlamalar ortaya konmuştur. Araştırma, temel olarak, tarihsel açıdan gümrük tarifelerinin karşılaştırılmasına ile ilgili literatür taramasına ve vaka çalışmasına dayanmaktadır.


  • Acartürk, E. ve R. Kılıç (2011).Osmanlı Devleti̇nde Kapi̇tülasyonların İkti̇sadi̇ Ve Si̇yasi̇ Perspekti̇ftenAnali̇zi̇. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi.Cilt 29. Sayı 2 ss.1-21
  • Accominotti, O. and M. Flandreau (2008). Bilateral Treaties and the Most Favored Nation Clause: the Myth of Trade Liberalization in the Nineteenth Century. World Politics.Vol. 60.No. 2.pp. 147-188.
  • Agoston, Gabor(200 )Merces Prohibitae: The Anglo-Ottoman Trade In war Material Dependence Theory.Oriente Moderno. Nuova Serie. Anno 20. pp.177-192.
  • Ay, Ahmet (2007) Türkiye'de Dış Ticaret ve Kur Politikaları Uygulamaları. Çizgi Kitabevi.İstanbul.
  • Bailey,M.,A,Goldstein J. and B. R.Weingast (1997).The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy: Politics, Coalitions, and International Trade World Politics. Vol.49. No.3. pp.309-338 /stable/25054005
  • Bairoch, P.(1973)European Foreign Trade in the XIX Century: The Development of the Value and Volume of Exports Preliminary Results.Journal of European Economic History.Vol.,Issue.1, p:5 Bairoch, P. (1989).The paradoxes of economic history: economic laws and history. European Economic Review, Vol.33, pp.225–249. -249
  • Barlett, Bruce (1997) The Truth about Trade in History. Edward, L. Hudgins, ed. Freedom to Trade: Refuting New Protectionism. Cato Institute.
  • Bulbeck, D.,Reid, A.,Cheng, T.L. and W. Yiqi (1998) Southeast Asian Exports Since the 14th Century: Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and Sugar.KITLV Press, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, p.5.
  • Brander, James A. and Barbara J.Spencer.(1985).Export Subsidies and International Market Share Rivalry. Journal of International Economics.Vol.18.No.1-2.pp.83-100.http://.w1464.pdf (
  • Brock, Philip (2000) Trade Liberalization and the Lender of Last Resort by Philip Brock. Stanford University Center For Research On Economic Development And Policy Reform Working Paper No. 74 . /viewdoc/download?doi=
  • Chalmers, Henry (1931) American Foreign Trade, 1830-1930. Current History (1916-1940).Vol.33. No.5. pp. 661-666.
  • Chin-Keong, Ng.(2017).Chapter Title: Commodity and Market: Structure of the Long-distance Trade in the East Asian Seas and Beyond Prior to the Early Nineteenth Century.Boundaries and Beyond Book China's Maritime Southeast in Late Imperial Times Book .
  • Chin, Tamara (2013). The Invention of the Silk Road, 1877. Critical Inquiry.Vol. 40.No.1.pp.194-219.
  • Clemens, M.and J. G.Williamson (1950) Why Did the Tariff Correlation Change After 1950. Journal of Economic Growth.Vol.9. No1.pp.5-46.
  • Cole, Arthur H.(1922).The Textile Schedules in the Tariff of 1922. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol.37.No.1.pp.29-51.Stable URL:
  • Crowley, John. E. (1990) Neo-Mercantilism and the Wealth of Nations: British Commercial Policy after the American Revolution.The Historical Journal .Vol. 33, No. 2
  • Dale, St.F. (2009). Silk Road, Cotton Road or Indo-Chinese Trade in Pre-European Times.Modern Asian Studies.Vol. 43.No.1.pp. 79-88.
  • Duncan,Bingham(1949).Diplomatic Support of the American Rice Trade, 1835-1845.Agricultural History, Vol.23.No.2.pp.92-96.
  • Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (2021 ) _09feb 18 _e.htm).
  • Ecchia, Stefania ( 2010) Economic Policy at the End of the Ottoman Empire(1876-1922). MPRA PaperNo. 42603.
  • Eckets, Alfred E.(1999 ) Opening America’s Market: U.S: Foreign Trade Policy Since 1776. University of North Carolina Press.
  • Esiyok,A.(2010) Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Dünya Ekonomisine Eklemlenmesinde Bir Dönüm Noktası: 1838 Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması.Mülkiye Dergisi.Cilt.34. Sayı.266 ss.67-10. /article -file /494
  • Frederico, G. and A.Tena-Junguito (2016) World Trade, 1800-1938, a New Data Set.Working Paper from the European Historical Economics Society. No.93.
  • Geyikdağı, N.(2011). The Economic Views of a Nineteenth Century Ottoman Intellectual: The Relationship between International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Middle Eastern Studies. Vol.47.No.3.pp.529-542
  • Giurgiu, A.(1940) Historical Arguments Favoring the Increase of Economic Competitiveness of A State By Promoting Free Trade. History Review.
  • Gürsoy,Özge (2020) 1823-1830 Yılları Arasında Osmanlı Rus Ticari Münasebetleri, (90/8 NumaralıRusya Ahkam Defter’ne Göre. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Ferns, H.S.(1950) .Investment and Trade between Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. The Economic History Review New Series, Vol. 3, No. 2. pp. 203- 218.
  • Fernandes, Tamega, Felipe(2010). How Much Trade Liberalization was There in the World Before and After Cobden-Chevalier?.Conference Paper presented in Tariff in History Madrid May 13 and 14th 2010.
  • Güran,T.(2017)Resmi İstatistiklere Göre Osmanlı Toplum ve Ekonomisi.Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Hagggvist,H.(2018).Foreign Trade As Fiscal Policy:Tariff Setting and Customs Revenue in Sweden 1830-1913. Scandinavian Economic History Review. Vol.66. Issue:3, pp.298-316. /03585522.2 018.1511468
  • Hamashita, Takeshi (2009) Tribute and treaties Maritime Asia and treaty port networks in the era of negotiation,1800–1900. /2009/02/hama shita-asia-ports.pdf
  • Hansen, M.,J.(1990).Taxation and the Political Economy of the Tariff.International Organization.Vol.44. No.4. pp.527-551.
  • Irwin, Douglas (1992) Strategic Trade Policy and Mercantilist Trade Rivalries. The American Economic Review. Vol.82. No.,pp.134-139.
  • Inalcık, Halil (1969) Capital Formation in the Ottoman Empire.The Journal of Economic History.Vol. 29. No.1.pp. 97-140.
  • Kaplan, R.(2015).Traveling the Silk Road. The National Interest.No.139 Vol.3.pp.72-76. Interviews Henry Kissinger:What Is America's Purpose?https://www.jstor.or g/stable /44028496
  • Karaman, K.K. and Şevket Pamuk ( 2010). Ottoman State Finances in European Perspectives, 1500-1914. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.70.No.3.pp.593-629.
  • Kazgan, Gülten (2012) Dünden Bugüne Küreselleşmenin Ekonomik Temelleri. Tartışma Metni. Türk Ekonomi Kurumu. Tartışma Metni. http ://
  • Keller, W. Shiue (2014).Endogenous Formation of Free Trade Agreements: Evidence from the Zollverein’s Impact on Market Integration. The Journal of Economic History,
  • Krugman, P.(1979). Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade.Journal of International Economics, pp.469-479.
  • Lalithan, V.(1991).The Silk Route.Proceedings of The Indian History Congress.Vol.52 pp. 894-902. https://www.Jstor.Org/Stable/44142723
  • Lampe, M. (2009). Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, 1860–1875. The Journal of Economic History.Vol. 69, No. 4 .pp. 1012-1040
  • Lampe, M. (2008). Bilateral Trade Flows in Europe, 1857-1875: A New Dataset Research in Economic History.Vol.26.pp.81-155.
  • Lyber, A.H. (1915)The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade. The English Historical Review.Vol. 30. No.120.pp.577-588.
  • Maddison, Angus (2003).The World Economy. Historical Statistics ,OECD Development Center.
  • Ma, Debin (1996).The Modern Silk Road:The Global Raw-Silk Market, 1850-1930.The Journal of Economic History. Vol.56.No.2.pp. 330-355.
  • McKeown, T.J.(1983). Hegemonic Stability Theory and the 19th century Tariff Levels in Europe. International Organization.
  • McGee, Robert and Yeomin Yoon (2016) A Close Look at the US Steel Industry: Protective Tariffs and Their Effect on the Economies of East Working Paper. /sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2858439
  • Meadwell, Hudson (2002). The Political Economy of Tariffs in Late Nineteenth Century Europe: Theory and Society. Vol.31.No.5.pp.623-651.Stable URL:
  • Moeller, Robert G.(1981)Peasants and Tariffs in the Kaiserreich: How Backward Were the Bauern? Agricultural History. Vol. 55, No. 4 .pp. 370-384
  • Mork , Gordon,R.(1971).Bismarck and the "Capitulation" of German Liberalism. The Journal of Modern History.Vol. 43, No. 1.pp. 59- 75
  • Nanking Sözleşmesi Treaty (1842 ) (
  • Newland , Carlos(1998).Exports and Terms of Trade in Argentina, 1811-1870.Bulletin of Latin America Research.Vol. 17.No.3.pp.409-416.Stable URL:
  • Nolan, Peter (2015).The Silk Road by Land and Sea Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development.No.4. Special Double Issue: A Tale Of Two Planets.pp.142-153.
  • Nettles, Curtis P.(1952). British Mercantilism and the Economic Development of the Thirteen Colonies. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.12.No.2.pp.105-114. /2113218
  • Nye, J. V.(1991)The Myth of Free-Trade Britain and Fortress France: Tariffs and Trade in the Nineteenth Century. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.51.No.1.pp.23-46
  • O’ Brien, P. and G.A. Pigman(1992).Free Trade, British Hegemony and the International Economic Order in the Nineteenth Century.Review of International Studies. Vol.18.No.2.pp.89-113. /20097288
  • O’Rourke, K. and J. G.Williamson (1999). Globalization and History. The Evolution of a Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. MIT Press.
  • Pamuk, Ş.(1984) The Ottoman Empire in the "Great Depression" of 1873-1896. The Journal of Economic History. Vol. 44, No. 1. pp. 107-118.
  • Pereira, Zamberlan, T.(2021).Taxation and the Stagnation of Cotton Exports in Brazil, 1800-The Economic History Review. Vol.74.No.2.pp.522-545.
  • Salvucci , Richard (1997). The Origins and Progress of the U.S. Mexican Trade, 1825-1884”Hoc opus, hic labor est”. Hisponic American Historical Review, Vol.71: Issue.4.
  • Sharp,P.(2007).On the Origins of the Atlantic Economy: Five Stylized Facts About the American Grain Invasion of Britain,1829-1929 doi= &rep=rep1&type= pdf#pag e= 179
  • Shaw,Standard, J.(1975) The Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Tax Reforms and Revenue System International Journal of Middle East Studies.Vol. 6.No. 4.pp. 421-45
  • Smith, Adam(1776). An Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations. Scotland, The U.K.
  • Siriwardana, Mahinda, A.(1991). The impact of tariff protection in the colony of Victoria in the late nineteenth century: a general equilibrium analysis.Australian Economic History Review. Vol.31, Issue2, pp.45-65
  • Ricardo, David (1817).On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. London.
  • Tahıl Kanunu, Corn Law. (1815)
  • Turgay, Üner, A. (1982 ) Ottoman-American Trade During the Nineteenth Century. Osmanlı Araştırmaları III.The Journal of Ottoman Studies. Edited By.Halil Inalcık, Nejat Göyünç and Heath W. Lowry. İstanbul.
  • Tena-Junguito, A.Lampe, M. and Felipe Tamega Fernandes (2012) How Much Trade Liberalization Was There in the World Before and After Cobden Chevalier?Journal of Economic History. Vol.72.No.3 .pp.708-740 .
  • Tena-Junguito, A. (2010). Bairoch revisited: Tariff structure and growth in the late nineteenth century. European Review of Economic History, 14(1), 111-143. doi:10.1017/S1361491609990062
  • Tena-Junguito,A.(2006).Assessing the protectionist intensity of tariffs in nineteenth-century European Trade policy in Classical Trade Protectionism 1815-1914.Edited by J.-P.Dorrmios, P.Lains. London.Routledge.pp.99 -120.
  • Vernon,R.(1966) International investment and international trade in the product cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.80.pp. 190–207.
  • Williams, U.S.(2001).Ti Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith.Bulletin of the Asia Institute Vol.15. pp.163-170.

The Ottoman International Trade Policies in the 19th Century World Economy

Yıl 2022, , 271 - 306, 21.10.2022


The Ottoman State was established at the center of international trade routes. In the expansion of its land period, the Ottoman State followed aggressive international trade relations with the powerful states. Although it has been discussed in the past, the foreign trade policies implemented in the Ottoman have been recompiled and evaluated in the light of the data obtained recents decades. These policies and their effects were analyzed in comparison with the trade policies implemented by the leading countries in the world economy. The advantages and limitations of the Ottoman economy have been revealed. The research is based on a historical event analysis of case study on the customs tariffs applied in the 19th century.


  • Acartürk, E. ve R. Kılıç (2011).Osmanlı Devleti̇nde Kapi̇tülasyonların İkti̇sadi̇ Ve Si̇yasi̇ Perspekti̇ftenAnali̇zi̇. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi.Cilt 29. Sayı 2 ss.1-21
  • Accominotti, O. and M. Flandreau (2008). Bilateral Treaties and the Most Favored Nation Clause: the Myth of Trade Liberalization in the Nineteenth Century. World Politics.Vol. 60.No. 2.pp. 147-188.
  • Agoston, Gabor(200 )Merces Prohibitae: The Anglo-Ottoman Trade In war Material Dependence Theory.Oriente Moderno. Nuova Serie. Anno 20. pp.177-192.
  • Ay, Ahmet (2007) Türkiye'de Dış Ticaret ve Kur Politikaları Uygulamaları. Çizgi Kitabevi.İstanbul.
  • Bailey,M.,A,Goldstein J. and B. R.Weingast (1997).The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy: Politics, Coalitions, and International Trade World Politics. Vol.49. No.3. pp.309-338 /stable/25054005
  • Bairoch, P.(1973)European Foreign Trade in the XIX Century: The Development of the Value and Volume of Exports Preliminary Results.Journal of European Economic History.Vol.,Issue.1, p:5 Bairoch, P. (1989).The paradoxes of economic history: economic laws and history. European Economic Review, Vol.33, pp.225–249. -249
  • Barlett, Bruce (1997) The Truth about Trade in History. Edward, L. Hudgins, ed. Freedom to Trade: Refuting New Protectionism. Cato Institute.
  • Bulbeck, D.,Reid, A.,Cheng, T.L. and W. Yiqi (1998) Southeast Asian Exports Since the 14th Century: Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and Sugar.KITLV Press, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, p.5.
  • Brander, James A. and Barbara J.Spencer.(1985).Export Subsidies and International Market Share Rivalry. Journal of International Economics.Vol.18.No.1-2.pp.83-100.http://.w1464.pdf (
  • Brock, Philip (2000) Trade Liberalization and the Lender of Last Resort by Philip Brock. Stanford University Center For Research On Economic Development And Policy Reform Working Paper No. 74 . /viewdoc/download?doi=
  • Chalmers, Henry (1931) American Foreign Trade, 1830-1930. Current History (1916-1940).Vol.33. No.5. pp. 661-666.
  • Chin-Keong, Ng.(2017).Chapter Title: Commodity and Market: Structure of the Long-distance Trade in the East Asian Seas and Beyond Prior to the Early Nineteenth Century.Boundaries and Beyond Book China's Maritime Southeast in Late Imperial Times Book .
  • Chin, Tamara (2013). The Invention of the Silk Road, 1877. Critical Inquiry.Vol. 40.No.1.pp.194-219.
  • Clemens, M.and J. G.Williamson (1950) Why Did the Tariff Correlation Change After 1950. Journal of Economic Growth.Vol.9. No1.pp.5-46.
  • Cole, Arthur H.(1922).The Textile Schedules in the Tariff of 1922. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol.37.No.1.pp.29-51.Stable URL:
  • Crowley, John. E. (1990) Neo-Mercantilism and the Wealth of Nations: British Commercial Policy after the American Revolution.The Historical Journal .Vol. 33, No. 2
  • Dale, St.F. (2009). Silk Road, Cotton Road or Indo-Chinese Trade in Pre-European Times.Modern Asian Studies.Vol. 43.No.1.pp. 79-88.
  • Duncan,Bingham(1949).Diplomatic Support of the American Rice Trade, 1835-1845.Agricultural History, Vol.23.No.2.pp.92-96.
  • Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (2021 ) _09feb 18 _e.htm).
  • Ecchia, Stefania ( 2010) Economic Policy at the End of the Ottoman Empire(1876-1922). MPRA PaperNo. 42603.
  • Eckets, Alfred E.(1999 ) Opening America’s Market: U.S: Foreign Trade Policy Since 1776. University of North Carolina Press.
  • Esiyok,A.(2010) Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Dünya Ekonomisine Eklemlenmesinde Bir Dönüm Noktası: 1838 Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması.Mülkiye Dergisi.Cilt.34. Sayı.266 ss.67-10. /article -file /494
  • Frederico, G. and A.Tena-Junguito (2016) World Trade, 1800-1938, a New Data Set.Working Paper from the European Historical Economics Society. No.93.
  • Geyikdağı, N.(2011). The Economic Views of a Nineteenth Century Ottoman Intellectual: The Relationship between International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment. Middle Eastern Studies. Vol.47.No.3.pp.529-542
  • Giurgiu, A.(1940) Historical Arguments Favoring the Increase of Economic Competitiveness of A State By Promoting Free Trade. History Review.
  • Gürsoy,Özge (2020) 1823-1830 Yılları Arasında Osmanlı Rus Ticari Münasebetleri, (90/8 NumaralıRusya Ahkam Defter’ne Göre. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Ferns, H.S.(1950) .Investment and Trade between Britain and Argentina in the Nineteenth Century. The Economic History Review New Series, Vol. 3, No. 2. pp. 203- 218.
  • Fernandes, Tamega, Felipe(2010). How Much Trade Liberalization was There in the World Before and After Cobden-Chevalier?.Conference Paper presented in Tariff in History Madrid May 13 and 14th 2010.
  • Güran,T.(2017)Resmi İstatistiklere Göre Osmanlı Toplum ve Ekonomisi.Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Hagggvist,H.(2018).Foreign Trade As Fiscal Policy:Tariff Setting and Customs Revenue in Sweden 1830-1913. Scandinavian Economic History Review. Vol.66. Issue:3, pp.298-316. /03585522.2 018.1511468
  • Hamashita, Takeshi (2009) Tribute and treaties Maritime Asia and treaty port networks in the era of negotiation,1800–1900. /2009/02/hama shita-asia-ports.pdf
  • Hansen, M.,J.(1990).Taxation and the Political Economy of the Tariff.International Organization.Vol.44. No.4. pp.527-551.
  • Irwin, Douglas (1992) Strategic Trade Policy and Mercantilist Trade Rivalries. The American Economic Review. Vol.82. No.,pp.134-139.
  • Inalcık, Halil (1969) Capital Formation in the Ottoman Empire.The Journal of Economic History.Vol. 29. No.1.pp. 97-140.
  • Kaplan, R.(2015).Traveling the Silk Road. The National Interest.No.139 Vol.3.pp.72-76. Interviews Henry Kissinger:What Is America's Purpose?https://www.jstor.or g/stable /44028496
  • Karaman, K.K. and Şevket Pamuk ( 2010). Ottoman State Finances in European Perspectives, 1500-1914. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.70.No.3.pp.593-629.
  • Kazgan, Gülten (2012) Dünden Bugüne Küreselleşmenin Ekonomik Temelleri. Tartışma Metni. Türk Ekonomi Kurumu. Tartışma Metni. http ://
  • Keller, W. Shiue (2014).Endogenous Formation of Free Trade Agreements: Evidence from the Zollverein’s Impact on Market Integration. The Journal of Economic History,
  • Krugman, P.(1979). Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade.Journal of International Economics, pp.469-479.
  • Lalithan, V.(1991).The Silk Route.Proceedings of The Indian History Congress.Vol.52 pp. 894-902. https://www.Jstor.Org/Stable/44142723
  • Lampe, M. (2009). Effects of Bilateralism and the MFN Clause on International Trade: Evidence for the Cobden-Chevalier Network, 1860–1875. The Journal of Economic History.Vol. 69, No. 4 .pp. 1012-1040
  • Lampe, M. (2008). Bilateral Trade Flows in Europe, 1857-1875: A New Dataset Research in Economic History.Vol.26.pp.81-155.
  • Lyber, A.H. (1915)The Ottoman Turks and the Routes of Oriental Trade. The English Historical Review.Vol. 30. No.120.pp.577-588.
  • Maddison, Angus (2003).The World Economy. Historical Statistics ,OECD Development Center.
  • Ma, Debin (1996).The Modern Silk Road:The Global Raw-Silk Market, 1850-1930.The Journal of Economic History. Vol.56.No.2.pp. 330-355.
  • McKeown, T.J.(1983). Hegemonic Stability Theory and the 19th century Tariff Levels in Europe. International Organization.
  • McGee, Robert and Yeomin Yoon (2016) A Close Look at the US Steel Industry: Protective Tariffs and Their Effect on the Economies of East Working Paper. /sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2858439
  • Meadwell, Hudson (2002). The Political Economy of Tariffs in Late Nineteenth Century Europe: Theory and Society. Vol.31.No.5.pp.623-651.Stable URL:
  • Moeller, Robert G.(1981)Peasants and Tariffs in the Kaiserreich: How Backward Were the Bauern? Agricultural History. Vol. 55, No. 4 .pp. 370-384
  • Mork , Gordon,R.(1971).Bismarck and the "Capitulation" of German Liberalism. The Journal of Modern History.Vol. 43, No. 1.pp. 59- 75
  • Nanking Sözleşmesi Treaty (1842 ) (
  • Newland , Carlos(1998).Exports and Terms of Trade in Argentina, 1811-1870.Bulletin of Latin America Research.Vol. 17.No.3.pp.409-416.Stable URL:
  • Nolan, Peter (2015).The Silk Road by Land and Sea Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development.No.4. Special Double Issue: A Tale Of Two Planets.pp.142-153.
  • Nettles, Curtis P.(1952). British Mercantilism and the Economic Development of the Thirteen Colonies. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.12.No.2.pp.105-114. /2113218
  • Nye, J. V.(1991)The Myth of Free-Trade Britain and Fortress France: Tariffs and Trade in the Nineteenth Century. The Journal of Economic History.Vol.51.No.1.pp.23-46
  • O’ Brien, P. and G.A. Pigman(1992).Free Trade, British Hegemony and the International Economic Order in the Nineteenth Century.Review of International Studies. Vol.18.No.2.pp.89-113. /20097288
  • O’Rourke, K. and J. G.Williamson (1999). Globalization and History. The Evolution of a Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. MIT Press.
  • Pamuk, Ş.(1984) The Ottoman Empire in the "Great Depression" of 1873-1896. The Journal of Economic History. Vol. 44, No. 1. pp. 107-118.
  • Pereira, Zamberlan, T.(2021).Taxation and the Stagnation of Cotton Exports in Brazil, 1800-The Economic History Review. Vol.74.No.2.pp.522-545.
  • Salvucci , Richard (1997). The Origins and Progress of the U.S. Mexican Trade, 1825-1884”Hoc opus, hic labor est”. Hisponic American Historical Review, Vol.71: Issue.4.
  • Sharp,P.(2007).On the Origins of the Atlantic Economy: Five Stylized Facts About the American Grain Invasion of Britain,1829-1929 doi= &rep=rep1&type= pdf#pag e= 179
  • Shaw,Standard, J.(1975) The Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Tax Reforms and Revenue System International Journal of Middle East Studies.Vol. 6.No. 4.pp. 421-45
  • Smith, Adam(1776). An Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations. Scotland, The U.K.
  • Siriwardana, Mahinda, A.(1991). The impact of tariff protection in the colony of Victoria in the late nineteenth century: a general equilibrium analysis.Australian Economic History Review. Vol.31, Issue2, pp.45-65
  • Ricardo, David (1817).On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. London.
  • Tahıl Kanunu, Corn Law. (1815)
  • Turgay, Üner, A. (1982 ) Ottoman-American Trade During the Nineteenth Century. Osmanlı Araştırmaları III.The Journal of Ottoman Studies. Edited By.Halil Inalcık, Nejat Göyünç and Heath W. Lowry. İstanbul.
  • Tena-Junguito, A.Lampe, M. and Felipe Tamega Fernandes (2012) How Much Trade Liberalization Was There in the World Before and After Cobden Chevalier?Journal of Economic History. Vol.72.No.3 .pp.708-740 .
  • Tena-Junguito, A. (2010). Bairoch revisited: Tariff structure and growth in the late nineteenth century. European Review of Economic History, 14(1), 111-143. doi:10.1017/S1361491609990062
  • Tena-Junguito,A.(2006).Assessing the protectionist intensity of tariffs in nineteenth-century European Trade policy in Classical Trade Protectionism 1815-1914.Edited by J.-P.Dorrmios, P.Lains. London.Routledge.pp.99 -120.
  • Vernon,R.(1966) International investment and international trade in the product cycle. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol.80.pp. 190–207.
  • Williams, U.S.(2001).Ti Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith.Bulletin of the Asia Institute Vol.15. pp.163-170.
Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Zelha Altınkaya 0000-0002-6964-7182

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Altınkaya, Z. (2022). 19. Yüzyıl Dünya Ekonomisinde Osmanlı Devleti Uluslararası Ticaret Politikaları. Maliye Ve Finans Yazıları(118), 271-306.

Dergi özellikle maliye, finans ve bankacılık alanlarında faaliyet göstermektedir.