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The Relationship Between the Religiousness & Spirituality and Mental & Physical Health in the Light of Emprical Researches

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 209 - 240, 01.03.2010


In this article, we inteded to show the effects of the religiosity and the spirituality on mental and body health, in the light of researchs which made in Turkey and in the world. Most of the researchs show that there is a positive relationship between the religiosity and health. And, the reseachers have found a negatif relationship or no relation in only a few research. If we consider all of the studies we can say that religiosity and spirituality have positive effects on physical and mental health. It is understood that there is a relationship between body and mind, and due to this relation religiosity and spirituality influence the body health through the mental health.


  • Acaboğa Asiye, “Din-Mutluluk İlişkisi”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Kahramanmaraş, 2007.
  • Astin John A., et al, “The Efficiacy of Distant Healing for Human Immunodeficiancy Virus- Results of a Randomized Trial”, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 12 (6) Kasım-Aralık 2006, Health Module.
  • Baetz M., Toews J, “Clinical Imlications of Research on Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health”, Can J Psychiatry, 54 (5), 2009
  • Chu C., Klein H.E., “Psychosocial and Environmental Variable in Outcome of Black Schizophrenics”, Journal of the National Medical Association, 77(10), 1985, ss. 790-796.
  • Collinns F.C., “The Use of Prayer and the Self-Reported Anxiety and Depression of Retired Adults”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Walden Üniversitesi, 2003.
  • Cooper A. E., An Investigation of the Relationships Among Spirituality, Prayer and Meditation, And Aspects of Stress and Coping”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Wright Institude Graduate School of Psychology, 2003.
  • Çiftçi Aişe, “Hastalıklarla Başa Çıkmada Dinin Rolü, Kanser Örneği”, Yayın- lanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2007.
  • Day J.A.W., A Developmental Study of the Effecst of Intercessory Prayer on Family Relationships”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Spalding Üniver- sitesi, Kentucky 2002. Gregg, Easternbrook “Can You Pray Your Way to Health”,
  • Ellison C., “Religious Involvement and Subjective Well-being”, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 32, 1991, ss. 80-99.
  • Ellison C.G., Levin J.S., “The Religion-Health Connection:Evidence, Theory, and Future Directions”, Health Education & Behavior, yıl: 25(6), 1998 (Aralık), ss. 700-720.
  • Fehring, R. J.,et al., “Spiritual Well-being, Religiosity, Hope, Depression, and Other Mood States in Elderly People Coping with Cancer”, Oncology Nursing Forum, 4(24), 1997, 661-667.
  • Gall T.L. et al. “A Longitudinal Study on the Role of Spirituality in Response to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer”, J Behave Medicine, 32, 2009.
  • Griffith vd., “Psychological Benefits of Spiritual Baptist "Mourning," II: An Empirical Assessment”, American Journal of Psychiatry”, 143, 1986, ss. 226-229.
  • Güven Hülya, “Depresyon ve Dindarlık İlişkisi”, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2008.
  • Horozcu Ümit, “Din Psikolojisi Açısından Dünyevi İstek Duaları”, İ.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Idler E. L., & Kasl S.V, “Religion Among Disabled and Nondisabled Elderly Persons I: Cross-sectional Patterns in Health Practices, Social Activities and Well-being”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 52, 1997, ss. 294– 305.
  • Jacobson J.L., “An Exploratory Study Regarding the Effects of Praying for Others on Physical and Mental Health in Older Adults”, Yayınlanma- mış Doktora tezi, Spalding University, 2002.
  • James W., The Varieties of Religious Experience, Collins, Great Britain, 1960.
  • Kabat-Zinn J, et al, “The Clinical Use of Mindfulness Meditation for the Self- regulation of Chronic Pain”, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8, 1985, ss. 163-190
  • Karacoşkun M. Doğan, Ateist Bir Mistik: Erich Fromm, Etüt yay., Samsun, 2006, ss. 151-160.
  • Kirkpatrick L. A., Shaver P.R., “Attachment Theory and Religion: Childhood Attachments, Religious Beliefs, and Conversion”, Journal for The Scientific Study of Religion, 29(3), 1990, ss. 315-334.
  • Kocabaşoğlu Neşe vd., “Anksiyete ve Depresyonun Çok Yönlü İlişkisi”, Yeni Semposium, 42 (4). 2004.
  • Koenig H.G., “Religion and Psychiatric Norology and Treatment”, Psychiatry and Religion: The Convergence of Mind and Spirituality, edt: James, K. Boehnlein, American Pschiatric Press, 2000.
  • Köylü Mustafa, “Ruh ve Beden Sağlığı İle Din İlişkisi Üzerine Yapılan Araş- tırmaların Bir Değerlendirmesi” OMU İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 28,2010, s. s5-36
  • Krauss S.E. (Abbul-lateef Abdullah) et al., “The Muslim Religiosity-Personality Measurement Inventory (MRPI)'s Religiosity Measurement Mo- del:Towards Filling the Gaps in Religiosity Research on Muslims”, Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum., 13(2), 2005, ss.131-145.
  • Kuiper J.T., “The Experience of Practicing Centering Prayer: A Heuristic Inquiry”, Cincinaty Üniversitesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2004
  • Kula Naci, Bedensel Engellilik ve Dini Başa Çıkma, Dem, İstanbul 2005.
  • Lok, A. Minatrea: “The Effects of Intercessory Prayer on the Psychological Well-Being of College Students”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Kansas University, 2001
  • Lopez J. J. et al., “Religious Experience and Psychopathology” Religion and Psychiatry: Beyond Boundaries, edt: Peter J. Verhagen vd., John Wiley & Sons, U.K. 2010.
  • Masters K.S., “The Role of Religion in Therapy: Time for Psychologists to Have a Little Faith?” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 17, 2010, ss. 393-400.
  • Matthews D. A. et al., “Religious Commitment and Health Status: A Review of the Research and Implications for Family Medicine”, Archives of Family Medicine, 7,1998, ss.118-124.
  • Meraviglia M.G., The Mediating Effects of Meaning in Life and Prayer on the Physical and Psychological Responces of People Experiencing Lung Cancer”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, Tekxas University, 2001.
  • Mohamed Omar Salem and John Foskett, “Religion and Religious Experiences”, Spiritiuality and Psychiatry, Edtd: C. Cook, A. Powell, A. Sims, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, 2009.
  • Morris G.J. ve McAdie T., “Are Personality, Wellbeing and Death Anxiety Related to Religious Affiliation?”, Mental Health Religion & Culture, 12, 2009.
  • O’Laoire S., “An Experimental Study of the Effects of Intercessory Prayer at-a Distance on Self Esteem, Anxiety and Depression”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Instıtude of Transpersonal Psycholoy, California, 1993.
  • Orme-Johnson D., “Medical Care Utilization and the Transcendental Meditation Program”, Psychosomatic Medicine, 49, 1987, ss. 493-507.
  • Oxman T.E., et al., Lack of Social Participation or Religious Strength and Comfort as Risk Factors of Death After Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly”, Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 1995, ss. 5-15.
  • Parker W. R., Dare E., Prayer Can Change Your Life, Englewood Cliffs, Pretice Hall inc., USA, 1957.
  • Propst L.R. et al., “Comparative Efficacy of Religious and Nonreligious Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Clinical Depression in Religious Individuals”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60(1), 1992, ss. 94-103.
  • Richards D.G., “The Phenomenology and Psychological Correlates of Verbal Prayer. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 19, 1991, ss.354-363.
  • Rickerhauser D. R., “Prayer as a Treatment Modality in Patient Healthcare: Physcians’ Spiritual Beliefs and Religious Practices and their Relationship to Patient Health”, Yayınlanmamış Yükses Lisans Tezi, Texas Pan American University, 2004.
  • Saver J. L., Rabin J., “The Neural Substrate of Religious Experience” Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 9, 1997.
  • Spilka B. et al., “A General Attribution Theory for the Psychology of Religion”, Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 24(1), 1985.
  • Tiliouine H. et al., “Islamic Religiosity, Subjective Well-being, and Health” Mental Health, Religion,& Culture, 12(1), 2009, ss. 55-74.
  • Williams Russel H., “An Emprical Investigation in to the Beneficial Effects Long Distance Intercessory Prayer on Student Retention and Grade Point Average” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Spalding University, 2001.
  • Wiegand C.E.K., “The Effects of Prayer on Anxiety and Performance”, Yayın- lanmamış Doktora Tezi, Purdue University, 2004.
  • Woodmansee F.M., “Mental Health and Prayer: an Investigation of Prayer, Temprament and the Effects of Prayer on Stress When Individuals Pray for Others”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Spalding Üniversitesi, Kentucky, 2000.
  • Yapıcı Asım, Ruh Sağlığı ve Din, Psiko-sosyal Uyum ve Dindarlık, Karahan Kitabevi, Ankara 2007.
  • Yapıcı A. ve Kayıklık H., “Ruh Sağlığı Bağlamında Dindarlığın Öz Saygı ve Kaygı ile ilişkisi: Çukurova Üniversitesi Örneği”, Değerler Eğitimi Der- gisi, 3(9), ss.177-206.
  • Yıldız Murat, “Dindarlık ve Ölüm Kaygısı, Tasavvufi Yaklaşım ve Günümüz Üniversite Öğrencileri”, Journal of Religious Culture, 43b, 2000.
  • The Relationship Between the Religiousness & Spirituality
  • and Mental & Physical Health
  • in the Light of Emprical Researches
  • Citation/©: Horozcu, Ümit, (2010). The Relationship Between the Religious
  • ness & Spirituality and Mental & Physical Health in the Light of Empric
  • al Researches, Milel ve Nihal, 7 (1), 209-240.
  • Abstract: In this article, we inteded to show the effects of the religiosity and
  • the spirituality on mental and body health, in the light of researchs which
  • made in Turkey and in the world. Most of the researchs show that there is
  • a positive relationship between the religiosity and health. And, the re
  • seachers have found a negatif relationship or no relation in only a few re
  • search. If we consider all of the studies we can say that religiosity and
  • spirituality have positive effects on physical and mental health. It is un
  • derstood that there is a relationship between body and mind, and due to
  • this relation religiosity and spirituality influence the body health through the mental health.
  • Key Words: religion, spirituality, mental health, body health, emprical research.

Tecrübî Araştırmalar Işığında Dindarlık ve Maneviyat ile Ruhsal ve Bedensel Sağlık Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 209 - 240, 01.03.2010


Bu makalede ülkemizde ve dünyada yapılmış araştırmalar ışığında dindarlık ve maneviyatın ruh ve beden sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerinin gösterilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmaların büyük bir kısmı, dindarlık ve sağlık arasında pozitif bir ilişkinin varlığını ortaya koyarken, az sayıdaki araştırma, negatif bir ilişkiyi veya ilişkisizliği tespit etmektedir. Tüm araştırmalar değerlendirildiğinde dindarlık ve maneviyatın ruh ve beden sağlığını olumlu yönde etkilediği anlaşılmaktadır. Ruh sağlığının bir şekilde bedensel sağlıkla ilgili olduğu, dindarlık ve maneviyatın beden sağlığını ruh sağlığı vasıtasıyla etkilediği görülmektedir.


  • Acaboğa Asiye, “Din-Mutluluk İlişkisi”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Kahramanmaraş, 2007.
  • Astin John A., et al, “The Efficiacy of Distant Healing for Human Immunodeficiancy Virus- Results of a Randomized Trial”, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 12 (6) Kasım-Aralık 2006, Health Module.
  • Baetz M., Toews J, “Clinical Imlications of Research on Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health”, Can J Psychiatry, 54 (5), 2009
  • Chu C., Klein H.E., “Psychosocial and Environmental Variable in Outcome of Black Schizophrenics”, Journal of the National Medical Association, 77(10), 1985, ss. 790-796.
  • Collinns F.C., “The Use of Prayer and the Self-Reported Anxiety and Depression of Retired Adults”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Walden Üniversitesi, 2003.
  • Cooper A. E., An Investigation of the Relationships Among Spirituality, Prayer and Meditation, And Aspects of Stress and Coping”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Wright Institude Graduate School of Psychology, 2003.
  • Çiftçi Aişe, “Hastalıklarla Başa Çıkmada Dinin Rolü, Kanser Örneği”, Yayın- lanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2007.
  • Day J.A.W., A Developmental Study of the Effecst of Intercessory Prayer on Family Relationships”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Spalding Üniver- sitesi, Kentucky 2002. Gregg, Easternbrook “Can You Pray Your Way to Health”,
  • Ellison C., “Religious Involvement and Subjective Well-being”, Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 32, 1991, ss. 80-99.
  • Ellison C.G., Levin J.S., “The Religion-Health Connection:Evidence, Theory, and Future Directions”, Health Education & Behavior, yıl: 25(6), 1998 (Aralık), ss. 700-720.
  • Fehring, R. J.,et al., “Spiritual Well-being, Religiosity, Hope, Depression, and Other Mood States in Elderly People Coping with Cancer”, Oncology Nursing Forum, 4(24), 1997, 661-667.
  • Gall T.L. et al. “A Longitudinal Study on the Role of Spirituality in Response to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer”, J Behave Medicine, 32, 2009.
  • Griffith vd., “Psychological Benefits of Spiritual Baptist "Mourning," II: An Empirical Assessment”, American Journal of Psychiatry”, 143, 1986, ss. 226-229.
  • Güven Hülya, “Depresyon ve Dindarlık İlişkisi”, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2008.
  • Horozcu Ümit, “Din Psikolojisi Açısından Dünyevi İstek Duaları”, İ.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Idler E. L., & Kasl S.V, “Religion Among Disabled and Nondisabled Elderly Persons I: Cross-sectional Patterns in Health Practices, Social Activities and Well-being”, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 52, 1997, ss. 294– 305.
  • Jacobson J.L., “An Exploratory Study Regarding the Effects of Praying for Others on Physical and Mental Health in Older Adults”, Yayınlanma- mış Doktora tezi, Spalding University, 2002.
  • James W., The Varieties of Religious Experience, Collins, Great Britain, 1960.
  • Kabat-Zinn J, et al, “The Clinical Use of Mindfulness Meditation for the Self- regulation of Chronic Pain”, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8, 1985, ss. 163-190
  • Karacoşkun M. Doğan, Ateist Bir Mistik: Erich Fromm, Etüt yay., Samsun, 2006, ss. 151-160.
  • Kirkpatrick L. A., Shaver P.R., “Attachment Theory and Religion: Childhood Attachments, Religious Beliefs, and Conversion”, Journal for The Scientific Study of Religion, 29(3), 1990, ss. 315-334.
  • Kocabaşoğlu Neşe vd., “Anksiyete ve Depresyonun Çok Yönlü İlişkisi”, Yeni Semposium, 42 (4). 2004.
  • Koenig H.G., “Religion and Psychiatric Norology and Treatment”, Psychiatry and Religion: The Convergence of Mind and Spirituality, edt: James, K. Boehnlein, American Pschiatric Press, 2000.
  • Köylü Mustafa, “Ruh ve Beden Sağlığı İle Din İlişkisi Üzerine Yapılan Araş- tırmaların Bir Değerlendirmesi” OMU İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 28,2010, s. s5-36
  • Krauss S.E. (Abbul-lateef Abdullah) et al., “The Muslim Religiosity-Personality Measurement Inventory (MRPI)'s Religiosity Measurement Mo- del:Towards Filling the Gaps in Religiosity Research on Muslims”, Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum., 13(2), 2005, ss.131-145.
  • Kuiper J.T., “The Experience of Practicing Centering Prayer: A Heuristic Inquiry”, Cincinaty Üniversitesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2004
  • Kula Naci, Bedensel Engellilik ve Dini Başa Çıkma, Dem, İstanbul 2005.
  • Lok, A. Minatrea: “The Effects of Intercessory Prayer on the Psychological Well-Being of College Students”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Kansas University, 2001
  • Lopez J. J. et al., “Religious Experience and Psychopathology” Religion and Psychiatry: Beyond Boundaries, edt: Peter J. Verhagen vd., John Wiley & Sons, U.K. 2010.
  • Masters K.S., “The Role of Religion in Therapy: Time for Psychologists to Have a Little Faith?” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 17, 2010, ss. 393-400.
  • Matthews D. A. et al., “Religious Commitment and Health Status: A Review of the Research and Implications for Family Medicine”, Archives of Family Medicine, 7,1998, ss.118-124.
  • Meraviglia M.G., The Mediating Effects of Meaning in Life and Prayer on the Physical and Psychological Responces of People Experiencing Lung Cancer”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora tezi, Tekxas University, 2001.
  • Mohamed Omar Salem and John Foskett, “Religion and Religious Experiences”, Spiritiuality and Psychiatry, Edtd: C. Cook, A. Powell, A. Sims, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, 2009.
  • Morris G.J. ve McAdie T., “Are Personality, Wellbeing and Death Anxiety Related to Religious Affiliation?”, Mental Health Religion & Culture, 12, 2009.
  • O’Laoire S., “An Experimental Study of the Effects of Intercessory Prayer at-a Distance on Self Esteem, Anxiety and Depression”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Instıtude of Transpersonal Psycholoy, California, 1993.
  • Orme-Johnson D., “Medical Care Utilization and the Transcendental Meditation Program”, Psychosomatic Medicine, 49, 1987, ss. 493-507.
  • Oxman T.E., et al., Lack of Social Participation or Religious Strength and Comfort as Risk Factors of Death After Cardiac Surgery in the Elderly”, Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 1995, ss. 5-15.
  • Parker W. R., Dare E., Prayer Can Change Your Life, Englewood Cliffs, Pretice Hall inc., USA, 1957.
  • Propst L.R. et al., “Comparative Efficacy of Religious and Nonreligious Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Clinical Depression in Religious Individuals”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60(1), 1992, ss. 94-103.
  • Richards D.G., “The Phenomenology and Psychological Correlates of Verbal Prayer. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 19, 1991, ss.354-363.
  • Rickerhauser D. R., “Prayer as a Treatment Modality in Patient Healthcare: Physcians’ Spiritual Beliefs and Religious Practices and their Relationship to Patient Health”, Yayınlanmamış Yükses Lisans Tezi, Texas Pan American University, 2004.
  • Saver J. L., Rabin J., “The Neural Substrate of Religious Experience” Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 9, 1997.
  • Spilka B. et al., “A General Attribution Theory for the Psychology of Religion”, Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 24(1), 1985.
  • Tiliouine H. et al., “Islamic Religiosity, Subjective Well-being, and Health” Mental Health, Religion,& Culture, 12(1), 2009, ss. 55-74.
  • Williams Russel H., “An Emprical Investigation in to the Beneficial Effects Long Distance Intercessory Prayer on Student Retention and Grade Point Average” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Spalding University, 2001.
  • Wiegand C.E.K., “The Effects of Prayer on Anxiety and Performance”, Yayın- lanmamış Doktora Tezi, Purdue University, 2004.
  • Woodmansee F.M., “Mental Health and Prayer: an Investigation of Prayer, Temprament and the Effects of Prayer on Stress When Individuals Pray for Others”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Spalding Üniversitesi, Kentucky, 2000.
  • Yapıcı Asım, Ruh Sağlığı ve Din, Psiko-sosyal Uyum ve Dindarlık, Karahan Kitabevi, Ankara 2007.
  • Yapıcı A. ve Kayıklık H., “Ruh Sağlığı Bağlamında Dindarlığın Öz Saygı ve Kaygı ile ilişkisi: Çukurova Üniversitesi Örneği”, Değerler Eğitimi Der- gisi, 3(9), ss.177-206.
  • Yıldız Murat, “Dindarlık ve Ölüm Kaygısı, Tasavvufi Yaklaşım ve Günümüz Üniversite Öğrencileri”, Journal of Religious Culture, 43b, 2000.
  • The Relationship Between the Religiousness & Spirituality
  • and Mental & Physical Health
  • in the Light of Emprical Researches
  • Citation/©: Horozcu, Ümit, (2010). The Relationship Between the Religious
  • ness & Spirituality and Mental & Physical Health in the Light of Empric
  • al Researches, Milel ve Nihal, 7 (1), 209-240.
  • Abstract: In this article, we inteded to show the effects of the religiosity and
  • the spirituality on mental and body health, in the light of researchs which
  • made in Turkey and in the world. Most of the researchs show that there is
  • a positive relationship between the religiosity and health. And, the re
  • seachers have found a negatif relationship or no relation in only a few re
  • search. If we consider all of the studies we can say that religiosity and
  • spirituality have positive effects on physical and mental health. It is un
  • derstood that there is a relationship between body and mind, and due to
  • this relation religiosity and spirituality influence the body health through the mental health.
  • Key Words: religion, spirituality, mental health, body health, emprical research.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Ümit Horozcu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Horozcu, Ümit. “Tecrübî Araştırmalar Işığında Dindarlık Ve Maneviyat Ile Ruhsal Ve Bedensel Sağlık Arasındaki İlişki”. Milel ve Nihal 7/1 (Mart 2010), 209-240.