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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 71 - 89, 11.11.2014


In Medieval Ages, a great part of the Jewish World was living under Muslim rule. Living under Islamic culture, the Jews were heavily influenced from Islamic culture. Jewish thinkers of Medieval Ages penned their books in Judeo-Arabic. They sometimes expressed their own opinions on Prophet Muhammad, Islam and the Qur’an. We bear testimony that there is a general acceptance among Jewish thinkers that the Qur’an is a text plagiarised from Tanakh. Denying Muhammad’s prophecy, Jewish thinkers also used some derogatory epithets for Prophet Muhammad.


  • Ahroni, Reuben, ‚Some Yemenite Jewish Attitudes towards Muhammad’s Prophethood‛, Hebrew Union College Annual 69 (1998), ss. 49
  • Allaire, Gloria, ‚Noble Saracen or Muslim Enemy? The Changing Image of the Saracen in Late Medieval Italian Literature‛, Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, St. Martin’s Press, New York 1999, ss. 173-84.
  • Arslantaş, Nuh, ‚Hz. Muhammed’in Çağdaşı Yahudilerin Sosyo-Kültürel Hayatlarına Dair Bazı Tespitler‛, İSTEM 6:11 (2008), ss. 9-46.
  • ______, Yahudilere Göre Hz. Muhammed ve İslamiyet, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 20 Astren, Fred, Karaite Judaism and Historical Understanding, University of South Carolina Press, South Carolina 2004.
  • Avişur, Yitshak, ‚Kinuyey Gınay İvriyim le-Goyim vele-Yahudim beAravit Yahudit‛, Şay le-Hadasa, ed. Yaakov Bentolila, University of Ben Gurion Press, c. 5, 1997, ss. 108-112.
  • Bar-Asher, ‚Al Kama Hiduşey ha-Laşon,‛ Masorot 5-6 (1998), ss. 35-49.
  • Blau, Joshua, The Emergence and Linguistic Background of Judaeo-Arabic, Ben Zvi Insitute, Jerusalem 1981.
  • Corcos, David, ‚Le-Ofi Yahasam şel Şlitey ha-Almuvahhidun leYahudim‛, Studies in the History of Jews of Morocco, Jerusalem 1976, ss. 137-160.
  • Davidson, Herbert, Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Decter, Jonathan P., ‚The Rendering of Quranic Quotations in Hebrew Translations of Islamic Texts‛, The Jewish Quarterly Review 96/3 (2006), ss. 336-358.
  • Duran, Şim‘on ben Tsemah, Magen Avot, Mahon ha-Ktav, Yeruşalayim 200 Eli, Yefet ben, A Commentary on the Book of Daniel, ed. D. S. Margalouith, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1889. el-Velid, Ali bin Muhammed, Tâcu’l-Akâid ve Ma‘denu’l-Fevâid, tahk. Arif Tamir, Dâru’l-Meşrık, Beyrut 1986.
  • Feyyumî, Natanel ben, Bustânu’l-Ukûl, ed. Yosef Kafih, Halihot Am Yisrael, Yeruşalayim 1984.
  • Gazali, Muhammed b. Muhammed, Moezney Tsedek, terc. Abraham ibn Hasday, Leipzig 1839.
  • Gehman, Henry, ‚Maimonides and Islam‛, The Muslim World 25:4 (1935), ss. 375-386.
  • Geiger, Abraham, Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judentume aufgenommen?, Bonn 1833.
  • Gerondi, Rabbi Nissim, Hiduşey ha-Ran al Masehet Sanhedrin, Jerusalem, 19 Goitein, Shlomo Dov, A Mediterrenean Society II, University of California Press, Berkeley 1971.
  • Guillaume, Alfred, ‚The Influence of Judaism on Islam‛, Edwyn Bevan (ed.), Legacy of Israel, Oxford 1928, ss. 129-172.
  • Halevi, Yehuda, Kitâbü’r-Red ve’d-Delil fi’d-Dini’z-Zelil, ed. David Baneth, Jerusalem 1977.
  • Halkin, Abraham Shlomo, ‚Judeo-Arabic Literature‛, The Jews: Their History and Their Cultures, ed. Louis Finkelstein, III. Baskı, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia 1966, c. 2, ss. 111611
  • Hamidullah, Muhammed, İslam Peygamberi, terc. Mehmet Yazgan, Beyan Yay., İstanbul 2011.
  • Hıdır, Özcan, ‚İslam’ın Yahudi Kökeni Teorisi ile İlgili İddialar ve Çalışmalar‛, İLAM Araştırma Dergisi 3/1 (1998), ss. 155-169.
  • Hirschfeld, H., ‚Ein Karäer über den Mohammed gemachten Vorwurf jüdischer Torahfälschung‛, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 26 (1912), ss. 111Hourani, George, ‚Maimonides and Islam‛, Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions I, eds. William M. Brinner & Stephen D. Rick, Atlanta 1986, ss. 153-165.
  • İbn Adret, Şlomo, Maamar al Yişmael, ed. Bezalel Naor, Orot, New York 200 İbn Ezra, Moşe, Kitâbu’l-Muhadara ve’l-Müzakere, ed. Abraham Shlomo Halkin, Mekitsey Nirdamim, Yeruşalayim 1975.
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa, ‚İggeret Teyman‛, İggerot ha-Rambam, ed. Yitshak Şilat, Hotsaat Şilat, III. Baskı, Maale Adumim 1995, c. 1, ss. 82-102.
  • ______, Delâletü’l-Hâirîn, tahk. Hüseyin Atay, Ankara Üniv. İlahiyat Fak. Yay., Ankara 1974.
  • ______, Musa, İggeret Teyman, ed. Abraham S. Halkin, American Academy for Jewish Research, New York 1952.
  • ______, Musa, Mişne Tora, ed. Yohay Makbili, Hotsaat Yeşivat Or Vişua‘ (Mif‘al Mişne Tora), Hayfa 2009.
  • ______, Musa, ‚İggeret el Rabbi Samuel ibn Tibbon be-İnyaney Targum ha-More‛, İggerot ha-Rambam, ed. Yitshak Şilat, Hotsaat Şilat, III. Baskı, Maale Adumim 1995, c. 2, ss. 525-554.
  • İbn Pakuda, Bahya, el-Hidâye ila Ferâidi’l-Kulûb, ed. Avraham S. Yahuda, Leiden 1912.
  • Joel Kraemer, Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds, The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group, New York 20 Kapsali, Eliyahu, Seder Eliyahu Zuta, ed. Aryeh Shmuelevitz, the Yad BenZvi Institute, Jerusalem 1975.
  • Katsh, Abraham, Judaism and the Koran: Biblical and Talmudic Backgrounds of the Koran, New York 1962.
  • Leveen, J., ‚Mohammed and His Jewish Companion‛, Jewish Quarterly Review 16/4 (1926), ss. 399-406.
  • Lewis, Bernard, ‚An Apocalyptic Vision of Islamic History‛, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13:2 (1950), ss. 308-338.
  • Mağribî, Samuel, ‚İfhâmu’l-Yehûd,‛ ed. Moshe Perlmann, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 32 (1964).
  • Makrizî, Ebu Muhammed Takiyyüddin, İmtâu’l-Esma, tahk. Mahmud Muhammed Şakir, Kahire 1941.
  • Mann, Jacob, ‚A Polemical Work Against Karaite and Other Sectaries‛, JQR 12:2 (1921-22), ss. 123-150.
  • El-Marakuşî, Abdulvahid, Kitâbu’l-Mu‘cib fi Telhısi Ehli’l-Mağrib, ed. R. Dozy, Leiden, 1847.
  • Meral, Yasin, ‚Ortaçağ Yahudileri Arasında Judeo-Arabic Kullanımı‛, Bütün Yönleriyle Yahudilik, Dinler Tarihi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara 2012, ss. 319-332.
  • Munro, Dana Carleton, ‚The Western Attitudes Toward Islam During the Period of the Crusades‛, Speculum 6 (1931), ss. 329-43.
  • Ratzhabi, Yehuda, Otsar Laşon ha-Kodeş şele-bney Teyman, Telaviv 1978.
  • Rodriguez, Carlos Del Valle, ‚The Jews of Al-Andalus under Almohad Rule‛, Iberia Judaica, vol. I, Madrid 2009, ss. 49-54.
  • Rosenthal, Erwin, Judaism and Islam, London and New York 1961.
  • Saadya Gaon, Mişley im Targum ve Peruş Rasag, ed. Yosef Kafih, ha-Vaad le-Hotsaat Sifrey Rasag, Yeruşalayim 1976.
  • ______, Tehilim im Targum ve Peruş Rasag, ed. Yosef Kafih, Mahadura Şniya, Mahon Mişnat ha-Rambam, Kiryat Ono 2010.
  • San‘anî, Abdurrezzak bin Hemmam, el-Musannef, neşr. Habiburrahman elAzamî, el-Mektebetü’l-İslamî, Karaçi 1983.
  • Schwabe, M., ‚Asarat Haverav ha-Yahudîm şel Muhammed (Muhammed’in On Yahudi Arkadaşı)‛, Tarbits 2 (1930), ss. 74-89.
  • Steinschneider, Moritz, Polemische und Apologetische Literatur in Arabischer Sprache Zwischen Muslimen, Christen und Juden, Leipzig 1877.
  • Şerira Gaon, İggeret Rav Şerira Gaon, ed. Benjamin Manasseh Lewin, Haifa, 19 ‚Tefilat Rabbi Şim‘on bar Yohay‛, Bet ha-Midraş, ed. A. Jellineck, Vien 18 Torrey, Charles, Jewish Foundation of Islam, New York 1933.
  • Vâkidî, Muhammed bin Ömer, Kitâbu’l-Meğazi, ed. Marsden Jones, Beyrut 19

Orta Çağ Yahudi Dünyasında İslam Algısı

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 71 - 89, 11.11.2014


Orta Çağ’da dünya genelindeki Yahudilerinin çoğunluğu İslam egemenliği altında yaşamaktaydı. Müslüman kültür ortamında hayatlarını devam ettiren Yahudiler, bu kültürden yoğun bir şekilde etkilendiler. Orta Çağ Yahudi düşünürleri eserlerini genellikle Judeo-Arabic kaleme almışlardır. Yahudi bilginler, eserlerinde zaman zaman Hz. Muhammed, İslam ve Kur’an’la ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulunmuşlardır. Yahudi düşünürlerin eserlerinde Kur’an’ın, Tanah’tan intihal yapılarak oluşturulmuş bir metin olduğu iddiası yaygındır. Yahudi düşünürler Hz. Muhammed’in peygamber olmadığını belirterek onun için bazı küçük düşürücü lakaplar da kullanmışlardır.


  • Ahroni, Reuben, ‚Some Yemenite Jewish Attitudes towards Muhammad’s Prophethood‛, Hebrew Union College Annual 69 (1998), ss. 49
  • Allaire, Gloria, ‚Noble Saracen or Muslim Enemy? The Changing Image of the Saracen in Late Medieval Italian Literature‛, Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, St. Martin’s Press, New York 1999, ss. 173-84.
  • Arslantaş, Nuh, ‚Hz. Muhammed’in Çağdaşı Yahudilerin Sosyo-Kültürel Hayatlarına Dair Bazı Tespitler‛, İSTEM 6:11 (2008), ss. 9-46.
  • ______, Yahudilere Göre Hz. Muhammed ve İslamiyet, İz Yayıncılık, İstanbul 20 Astren, Fred, Karaite Judaism and Historical Understanding, University of South Carolina Press, South Carolina 2004.
  • Avişur, Yitshak, ‚Kinuyey Gınay İvriyim le-Goyim vele-Yahudim beAravit Yahudit‛, Şay le-Hadasa, ed. Yaakov Bentolila, University of Ben Gurion Press, c. 5, 1997, ss. 108-112.
  • Bar-Asher, ‚Al Kama Hiduşey ha-Laşon,‛ Masorot 5-6 (1998), ss. 35-49.
  • Blau, Joshua, The Emergence and Linguistic Background of Judaeo-Arabic, Ben Zvi Insitute, Jerusalem 1981.
  • Corcos, David, ‚Le-Ofi Yahasam şel Şlitey ha-Almuvahhidun leYahudim‛, Studies in the History of Jews of Morocco, Jerusalem 1976, ss. 137-160.
  • Davidson, Herbert, Moses Maimonides: The Man and His Works, Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Decter, Jonathan P., ‚The Rendering of Quranic Quotations in Hebrew Translations of Islamic Texts‛, The Jewish Quarterly Review 96/3 (2006), ss. 336-358.
  • Duran, Şim‘on ben Tsemah, Magen Avot, Mahon ha-Ktav, Yeruşalayim 200 Eli, Yefet ben, A Commentary on the Book of Daniel, ed. D. S. Margalouith, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1889. el-Velid, Ali bin Muhammed, Tâcu’l-Akâid ve Ma‘denu’l-Fevâid, tahk. Arif Tamir, Dâru’l-Meşrık, Beyrut 1986.
  • Feyyumî, Natanel ben, Bustânu’l-Ukûl, ed. Yosef Kafih, Halihot Am Yisrael, Yeruşalayim 1984.
  • Gazali, Muhammed b. Muhammed, Moezney Tsedek, terc. Abraham ibn Hasday, Leipzig 1839.
  • Gehman, Henry, ‚Maimonides and Islam‛, The Muslim World 25:4 (1935), ss. 375-386.
  • Geiger, Abraham, Was hat Mohammed aus dem Judentume aufgenommen?, Bonn 1833.
  • Gerondi, Rabbi Nissim, Hiduşey ha-Ran al Masehet Sanhedrin, Jerusalem, 19 Goitein, Shlomo Dov, A Mediterrenean Society II, University of California Press, Berkeley 1971.
  • Guillaume, Alfred, ‚The Influence of Judaism on Islam‛, Edwyn Bevan (ed.), Legacy of Israel, Oxford 1928, ss. 129-172.
  • Halevi, Yehuda, Kitâbü’r-Red ve’d-Delil fi’d-Dini’z-Zelil, ed. David Baneth, Jerusalem 1977.
  • Halkin, Abraham Shlomo, ‚Judeo-Arabic Literature‛, The Jews: Their History and Their Cultures, ed. Louis Finkelstein, III. Baskı, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia 1966, c. 2, ss. 111611
  • Hamidullah, Muhammed, İslam Peygamberi, terc. Mehmet Yazgan, Beyan Yay., İstanbul 2011.
  • Hıdır, Özcan, ‚İslam’ın Yahudi Kökeni Teorisi ile İlgili İddialar ve Çalışmalar‛, İLAM Araştırma Dergisi 3/1 (1998), ss. 155-169.
  • Hirschfeld, H., ‚Ein Karäer über den Mohammed gemachten Vorwurf jüdischer Torahfälschung‛, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 26 (1912), ss. 111Hourani, George, ‚Maimonides and Islam‛, Studies in Islamic and Judaic Traditions I, eds. William M. Brinner & Stephen D. Rick, Atlanta 1986, ss. 153-165.
  • İbn Adret, Şlomo, Maamar al Yişmael, ed. Bezalel Naor, Orot, New York 200 İbn Ezra, Moşe, Kitâbu’l-Muhadara ve’l-Müzakere, ed. Abraham Shlomo Halkin, Mekitsey Nirdamim, Yeruşalayim 1975.
  • İbn Meymûn, Musa, ‚İggeret Teyman‛, İggerot ha-Rambam, ed. Yitshak Şilat, Hotsaat Şilat, III. Baskı, Maale Adumim 1995, c. 1, ss. 82-102.
  • ______, Delâletü’l-Hâirîn, tahk. Hüseyin Atay, Ankara Üniv. İlahiyat Fak. Yay., Ankara 1974.
  • ______, Musa, İggeret Teyman, ed. Abraham S. Halkin, American Academy for Jewish Research, New York 1952.
  • ______, Musa, Mişne Tora, ed. Yohay Makbili, Hotsaat Yeşivat Or Vişua‘ (Mif‘al Mişne Tora), Hayfa 2009.
  • ______, Musa, ‚İggeret el Rabbi Samuel ibn Tibbon be-İnyaney Targum ha-More‛, İggerot ha-Rambam, ed. Yitshak Şilat, Hotsaat Şilat, III. Baskı, Maale Adumim 1995, c. 2, ss. 525-554.
  • İbn Pakuda, Bahya, el-Hidâye ila Ferâidi’l-Kulûb, ed. Avraham S. Yahuda, Leiden 1912.
  • Joel Kraemer, Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds, The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group, New York 20 Kapsali, Eliyahu, Seder Eliyahu Zuta, ed. Aryeh Shmuelevitz, the Yad BenZvi Institute, Jerusalem 1975.
  • Katsh, Abraham, Judaism and the Koran: Biblical and Talmudic Backgrounds of the Koran, New York 1962.
  • Leveen, J., ‚Mohammed and His Jewish Companion‛, Jewish Quarterly Review 16/4 (1926), ss. 399-406.
  • Lewis, Bernard, ‚An Apocalyptic Vision of Islamic History‛, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 13:2 (1950), ss. 308-338.
  • Mağribî, Samuel, ‚İfhâmu’l-Yehûd,‛ ed. Moshe Perlmann, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 32 (1964).
  • Makrizî, Ebu Muhammed Takiyyüddin, İmtâu’l-Esma, tahk. Mahmud Muhammed Şakir, Kahire 1941.
  • Mann, Jacob, ‚A Polemical Work Against Karaite and Other Sectaries‛, JQR 12:2 (1921-22), ss. 123-150.
  • El-Marakuşî, Abdulvahid, Kitâbu’l-Mu‘cib fi Telhısi Ehli’l-Mağrib, ed. R. Dozy, Leiden, 1847.
  • Meral, Yasin, ‚Ortaçağ Yahudileri Arasında Judeo-Arabic Kullanımı‛, Bütün Yönleriyle Yahudilik, Dinler Tarihi Derneği Yayınları, Ankara 2012, ss. 319-332.
  • Munro, Dana Carleton, ‚The Western Attitudes Toward Islam During the Period of the Crusades‛, Speculum 6 (1931), ss. 329-43.
  • Ratzhabi, Yehuda, Otsar Laşon ha-Kodeş şele-bney Teyman, Telaviv 1978.
  • Rodriguez, Carlos Del Valle, ‚The Jews of Al-Andalus under Almohad Rule‛, Iberia Judaica, vol. I, Madrid 2009, ss. 49-54.
  • Rosenthal, Erwin, Judaism and Islam, London and New York 1961.
  • Saadya Gaon, Mişley im Targum ve Peruş Rasag, ed. Yosef Kafih, ha-Vaad le-Hotsaat Sifrey Rasag, Yeruşalayim 1976.
  • ______, Tehilim im Targum ve Peruş Rasag, ed. Yosef Kafih, Mahadura Şniya, Mahon Mişnat ha-Rambam, Kiryat Ono 2010.
  • San‘anî, Abdurrezzak bin Hemmam, el-Musannef, neşr. Habiburrahman elAzamî, el-Mektebetü’l-İslamî, Karaçi 1983.
  • Schwabe, M., ‚Asarat Haverav ha-Yahudîm şel Muhammed (Muhammed’in On Yahudi Arkadaşı)‛, Tarbits 2 (1930), ss. 74-89.
  • Steinschneider, Moritz, Polemische und Apologetische Literatur in Arabischer Sprache Zwischen Muslimen, Christen und Juden, Leipzig 1877.
  • Şerira Gaon, İggeret Rav Şerira Gaon, ed. Benjamin Manasseh Lewin, Haifa, 19 ‚Tefilat Rabbi Şim‘on bar Yohay‛, Bet ha-Midraş, ed. A. Jellineck, Vien 18 Torrey, Charles, Jewish Foundation of Islam, New York 1933.
  • Vâkidî, Muhammed bin Ömer, Kitâbu’l-Meğazi, ed. Marsden Jones, Beyrut 19
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yasin Meral

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Kasım 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Meral, Yasin. “Orta Çağ Yahudi Dünyasında İslam Algısı”. Milel ve Nihal 10/1 (Kasım 2014), 71-89.