Child routines are important in terms of supporting the child developmentally and academically. In this study, it was aimed to adapt the Child Routines Inventory, which was developed by Sytsma, Kelley and Wymer (2001), into Turkish. For research design, the descriptive survey model was used. Within the scope of the study, 960 mothers with children aged 5-12 were reached. 36 incomplete forms were removed, and validity and reliability analyzes were performed on 924 forms. Linear Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to determine the validity of the scale. As a result of CFA, fit indices χ2/sd 3.8; RMSEA=0.055; SRMR=0.553; NNFI=0.825 were between acceptable and normal values; RMR=0.050 was found to be normal. Item factor loads were found to be between 0.339 and 0.885. The Cronbach alpha coefficient calculated to determine the reliability of the scale was 0.91 for the scale total scores. It was concluded that the scale, which was adapted in line with the results obtained from the research, was suitable for use in Turkey as 36 items and 4 dimensions (daily life routines, domestic responsibilities, discipline routines and homework routines).
Ames, P. (2013). Learning to be responsible: Young children transitions outside school. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2 (3), 143-154.
Anderson, S. E. and Whitaker, R. C. (2010). Household routines and obesity in US preschool-aged children. Pediatrics, 125 (3), 420-428.
Bademci, V. (2011). Türk eğitim ve biliminde bilimsel devrim: Testler ya da ölçme araçları güvenilir ve geçerli değildir. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (16), 116-132.
Bater, L. R. and Jordan, S. S. (2017). Child routines and self-regulation serially mediate parenting practices and externalizing problems in preschool children. In Child and Youth Care Forum, 46 (2), 243-259.
Berge, J. M., Jin, S. W., Hannan, P. and Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2013). Structural and interpersonal characteristics of family meals: associations with adolescent body mass index and dietary patterns. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113 (6), 816–822.
Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: istatistik, araştırma deseni, spss uygulamaları ve yorum. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak-Kılıç, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. ve Demirel, F. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Can, A. (2020). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Christodulu, K. V. and Durand, V. M. (2004). Reducing bedtime disturbance and night waking using positive bedtime routines and sleep restriction. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 19 (3), 130-139.
Chu, J. T., Ho, H. C., Mui, M., Wan, A., Stewart, S. M., Lam, T. H. and Chan, S. S. (2018). Happy family kitchen II: participants’ perspectives of a community-based family intervention. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27 (5), 1629–1639.
Cohen, D., Lumley, M., Naar-King, S., Partridge, T. and Cakan, N. (2004). Child behavior problems and family functioning as predictors of adherence and glycemic control in economically disadvantaged children with type I diabetes: A prospective study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29, 171–184. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsh019.
Coldwell, J., Pike, A. and Dunn, J. (2006). Household chaos-links with parenting and child behavior. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 1116–1122.
Cunha, A. I., Major, S., Alves, M. P. and Coroado, M. (2022). Assessing preschool child routines in the family: a preliminary study of the portuguese version of the child routines questionnaire-preschool. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 36 (2), 310-326.
Deater-Deckard, K., Mullineaux, P. Y., Beekman, C., Petrill, S. A., Schatschneider, C. and Thompson, L. A. (2009). Conduct problems, IQ, and household chaos: a longitudinal multi-informant study. Journal of Child and Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1301–1308.
Ergenci Basınlı, K. B. ve Gözün Kahraman, Ö. (2020). Uyku eğitim programının bebeklerin uyku alışkanlıkları üzerindeki etkisi. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4 (3), 738-761.
Fiese, B. H. and Bost, K. K. (2016). Family ecologies and child risk for obesity: focus on regulatory processes. Family Relations, 65 (1), 94-107.
Fiese, B. H. and Everhart, R. S. (2010). Routines. Benson, J. B., and Haith, M. M. (Eds.), Social and emotional development in infancy and early childhood in (343-353 p.). Academic Press.
Fiese, B. H., Rhodes, H. G. and Beardslee, W. R. (2013). Rapid changes in American family life: consequences for child health and pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 132(3), 552-559.
Fiese, B. H., Tomcho, T. J., Douglas, M., Josephs, K., Poltrock, S. and Baker, T. (2002). A review of 50 years of research on naturally occurring family routines and rituals: Cause for celebration? Journal of Family Psychology, 16 (4), 381–390.
Frisch, C. and Rosenblum, S. (2014). Reliability and validity of the executive function and occupational routines scale (EFORTS). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 2148–2157
Fulkerson, J. A., Story, M., Mellin, A., Leffert, N., Neumark-Sztainer, D. and French, S. A. (2006). Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: Relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39 (3), 337-345.
Fuller, E. L. and Hemmerle, W. J. (1966). Robustness of the maximum-likelihood estimation procedure in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 31 (2), 255-266.
Gago Galvagno, L. G., De Grandis, M. C., Jaume, L. C. and Elgier, A. M. (2020). Home environment and its contribution to early childhood regulatory capabilities. Early Child Development and Care, 192 (5), 710-723.
Gözün Kahraman, Ö. ve Ceylan, Ş. (2018). 0-3 Yaş grubu çocukların uyku alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesi/determining the sleeping habits of toddlers aged 0-3. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7 (3), 607-620.
Gözün Kahraman, Ö. ve Dakak, S. (2022). Çocukluk çağı mastürbasyonuna yönelik davranışsal müdahale çalışması: Olgu sunumu. Çocuk Dergisi, 22 (2), 141-147.
Greening, L., Stoppelbein, L., Konishi, C., Jordan, S. S. and Moll, G. (2007). Child routines and youths’ adherence to treatment for type 1 diabetes. Journal of pediatric psychology, 32 (4), 437-447.
Grusec, J. E., Goodnow, J. J. and Cohen, L. (1996). Household work and the development of concern for others. Developmental Psychology, 32 (6), 999.
Guttman, L. (1945). A basis for analyzing test-retest reliability. Psychometrika, 10 (4), 255-282.
Hammons, A. J. and Fiese, B. H. (2011). Is frequency of shared family meals related to the nutritional health of children and adolescents? Pediatrics, 127(6).
Harris, A. N., Stoppelbein, L., Greening, L., Becker, S. P., Luebbe, A. and Fite, P. (2014). Child routines and parental adjustment as correlates of ınternalizing and externalizing symptoms in children diagnosed with ADHD. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 45, 243–253.
Hillesund, E. R., Sagedal, L. R., Bere, E. and Øverby, N. C. (2021). Family meal participation is associated with dietary ıntake among 12-month-olds in Southern Norway. BMC pediatrics, 21(1), 1-12.
Hu, L. T. and Bentler, P. M. (1998). Fit indices in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to underparameterized model misspecification. Psychological methods, 3(4), 424.
Jordan, S. (2003). Further validation of the Child Routines Inventory (CRI): Relationship to parenting practices, maternal distress and child externalizing behavior. Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1-17.
Kern, P., Wolery, M. and Aldridge, D. (2007). Use of songs to promote ındependence in morning greeting routines for young children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1264–1271.
Klein, W. and Goodwin, M. H. (2013). Chores. In Ochs, E., and Kremer-Sadlik, T. (Eds.), Fast-forward family: Home, Work, and Relationships in Middle-class America. University of California Press. 130–148.
Kliewer, W. and Kung, E. (1998). Family Moderators of the Relation Between Hassles and Behavior Problems in Inner-city Youth. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 27(3), 278-292.
Kline, R. B. (2016). Principle and Practice of Structural Equation modelling (4. eds). The Guilford Press.
Koğar, H. (2021). R ile geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri. Klasik test kuramı, faktör analizi ve madde tepki kuramı uygulamaları. (2.baskı). Pegem Akademi.
Kopp, C. B. (1982). Antecedents of self-regulation: a developmental perspective. Developmental psychology, 18(2), 199.
Kuhn, B. R. and Weidinger, D. (2000). Interventions for infant and toddler sleep disturbance: A review. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 22, 33-50.
Lam, J. T. Y. (2022). Associations of bedtime routines with social-emotional development in toddlers. [MsC Thesis]. Saint Joseph's University, USA.
Lanza, H. and Drabick, D. (2011). Family routine moderates the relation between child impulsivity and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 83–94.
Larson RW, Wiley A.R. and Branscomb K.R. (2006). Family mealtime as a context for development and socialization. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 111, 1-105.
Liu, Y. (2003). Developing a scale to measure the interactivity of websites. Journal of advertising research, 43(2), 207-216.
Marcoulides, G. A. and Schumacker, R. (2001). New developments and techniques in structural equation modeling. Psychology Press.
Markson, S. and Fiese, B. H. (2000). Family rituals as a protective factor for children with asthma. Journal of pediatric psychology, 25(7), 471-480.
Mellin, A. E., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Patterson, J. and Sockalosky, J. (2004). Unhealthy weight management behavior among adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus: The role of familial eating patterns and weight-related concerns. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(4), 278-289.
Meyer, K. and Kelley, M.L. (2007). Improving homework in adolescents with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: Self- vs. parent-monitoring of homework behavior and study skills. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 29, 25-42.
Mindell, J. A., Telofski, L. S., Wiegand, B. and Kurtz, E. S. (2009). A nightly bedtime routine: impact on sleep in young children and maternal mood. Sleep, 32(5), 599-606.
Musick, K., Meier, A., and Flood, S. (2016). How parents fare: Mothers’ and fathers’ subjective well-being in time with children. American Sociological Review, 81(5), 1069–1095.
Neumark-Sztainer, D., Hannan, P. J., Story, M., Croll, J. and Perry, C. (2003). Family meal patterns: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and improved dietary intake among adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(3), 317–322.
Pierce, J. S. and Jordan, S. S. (2012). Development and evaluation of the pediatric diabetes routines questionnaire. Children's Health Care, 41 (1), 56-77.
Ren, L., Hu, B. Y., and Song, Z. (2019). Child routines mediate the relationship between parenting and social-emotional development in Chinese children. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 1-9.
Rende, R. (2015). The developmental significance of chores: Then and now. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter. 31(1), 1-7.
Riggio, H. R., Valenzuela, A. M. and Weiser, D. A. (2010). Household responsibilities in the family of origin: Relations with self-efficacy in young adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 568-573.
Robinson, J. P., Shaver, P. R. and Wrightsman, L. S. (1991). Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes. Academic Press.
Schumacker, R., Lomax, R. (2001). A Beginner’s guide to structual equation modelling. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Serpell, R., Sonnenschein, S., Baker, L., and Ganapathy, H. (2002). Intimate culture of families in the early socialization of literacy. Journal of Family Psychology, 16(4), 391.
Skeer, M. R., Sonneville, K. R., Deshpande, B. R., Goodridge, M. C. and Folta, S. C. (2018). Going beyond frequency: a qualitative study to explore new dimensions for the measurement of family meals. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(4), 1075–1087.
Spagnola, M. and Fiese, B. H. (2007). Family routines and rituals: A context for development in the lives of young children. Infants & young children, 20(4), 284-299.
Staples, A. D., Bates, J. E. and Petersen, I. T. (2015). Bedtime routines in early childhood: Prevalence, consistency, and associations with nighttime sleep. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 80(1), 141-159.
Sytsma, S. E., Kelley, M. L., and Wymer, J. H. (2001). Development and initial validation of the child routines inventory. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 23(4), 241-251.
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Zajicek-Farber, M. L., Mayer, L. M., Daughtery, L. G. and Rodkey, E. (2014). The buffering effect of childhood routines: Longitudinal connections between early parenting and prekindergarten learning readiness of children in low-income families. Journal of Social Service Research, 40 (5), 699-720.
Çocuk rutinleri, çocuğu gelişimsel ve akademik olarak desteklemesi bakımından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Sytsma, Kelley and Wymer (2001) tarafından geliştirilen ve özgün adı “Child Routines Inventory” olan Çocuk Rutinleri Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlanması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma deseni olarak betimsel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında 5-12 yaş arası çocuğu olan 960 anneye ulaşılmıştır. Eksik doldurulan 36 form çıkartılmış ve 924 form üzerinden geçerlik ve güvenilirlik analizleri yapılmıştır. Ölçeğin geçerliliğini belirlemek için Doğrusal Faktör Analizi (DFA) uygulanmıştır. DFA sonucunda uyum indeksleri χ2/sd 3.8; RMSEA=0.055; SRMR=0.553; NNFI=0.825 kabul edilebilir değer ile normal değer aralığında; RMR=0.050 normal değerinde bulunmuştur. Madde faktör yükleri 0,339 ile 0,885 arasında bulunmuştur. Ölçeğin güvenirliğini belirlemek için hesaplanan Cronbach Alpha katsayısı, ölçek toplam puanları için 0,91 bulunmuştur. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda uyarlanan ölçeğin 36 madde 4 boyut (Günlük yaşam rutinleri, ev içi sorumluluklar, disiplin rutinleri ve ev ödevi rutinleri) olarak Türkiye’de kullanılmasının uygun olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Ames, P. (2013). Learning to be responsible: Young children transitions outside school. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 2 (3), 143-154.
Anderson, S. E. and Whitaker, R. C. (2010). Household routines and obesity in US preschool-aged children. Pediatrics, 125 (3), 420-428.
Bademci, V. (2011). Türk eğitim ve biliminde bilimsel devrim: Testler ya da ölçme araçları güvenilir ve geçerli değildir. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (16), 116-132.
Bater, L. R. and Jordan, S. S. (2017). Child routines and self-regulation serially mediate parenting practices and externalizing problems in preschool children. In Child and Youth Care Forum, 46 (2), 243-259.
Berge, J. M., Jin, S. W., Hannan, P. and Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2013). Structural and interpersonal characteristics of family meals: associations with adolescent body mass index and dietary patterns. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113 (6), 816–822.
Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı: istatistik, araştırma deseni, spss uygulamaları ve yorum. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak-Kılıç, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. ve Demirel, F. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Can, A. (2020). SPSS ile bilimsel araştırma sürecinde nicel veri analizi. Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
Christodulu, K. V. and Durand, V. M. (2004). Reducing bedtime disturbance and night waking using positive bedtime routines and sleep restriction. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 19 (3), 130-139.
Chu, J. T., Ho, H. C., Mui, M., Wan, A., Stewart, S. M., Lam, T. H. and Chan, S. S. (2018). Happy family kitchen II: participants’ perspectives of a community-based family intervention. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27 (5), 1629–1639.
Cohen, D., Lumley, M., Naar-King, S., Partridge, T. and Cakan, N. (2004). Child behavior problems and family functioning as predictors of adherence and glycemic control in economically disadvantaged children with type I diabetes: A prospective study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29, 171–184. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsh019.
Coldwell, J., Pike, A. and Dunn, J. (2006). Household chaos-links with parenting and child behavior. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47, 1116–1122.
Cunha, A. I., Major, S., Alves, M. P. and Coroado, M. (2022). Assessing preschool child routines in the family: a preliminary study of the portuguese version of the child routines questionnaire-preschool. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 36 (2), 310-326.
Deater-Deckard, K., Mullineaux, P. Y., Beekman, C., Petrill, S. A., Schatschneider, C. and Thompson, L. A. (2009). Conduct problems, IQ, and household chaos: a longitudinal multi-informant study. Journal of Child and Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1301–1308.
Ergenci Basınlı, K. B. ve Gözün Kahraman, Ö. (2020). Uyku eğitim programının bebeklerin uyku alışkanlıkları üzerindeki etkisi. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 4 (3), 738-761.
Fiese, B. H. and Bost, K. K. (2016). Family ecologies and child risk for obesity: focus on regulatory processes. Family Relations, 65 (1), 94-107.
Fiese, B. H. and Everhart, R. S. (2010). Routines. Benson, J. B., and Haith, M. M. (Eds.), Social and emotional development in infancy and early childhood in (343-353 p.). Academic Press.
Fiese, B. H., Rhodes, H. G. and Beardslee, W. R. (2013). Rapid changes in American family life: consequences for child health and pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 132(3), 552-559.
Fiese, B. H., Tomcho, T. J., Douglas, M., Josephs, K., Poltrock, S. and Baker, T. (2002). A review of 50 years of research on naturally occurring family routines and rituals: Cause for celebration? Journal of Family Psychology, 16 (4), 381–390.
Frisch, C. and Rosenblum, S. (2014). Reliability and validity of the executive function and occupational routines scale (EFORTS). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 2148–2157
Fulkerson, J. A., Story, M., Mellin, A., Leffert, N., Neumark-Sztainer, D. and French, S. A. (2006). Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: Relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39 (3), 337-345.
Fuller, E. L. and Hemmerle, W. J. (1966). Robustness of the maximum-likelihood estimation procedure in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 31 (2), 255-266.
Gago Galvagno, L. G., De Grandis, M. C., Jaume, L. C. and Elgier, A. M. (2020). Home environment and its contribution to early childhood regulatory capabilities. Early Child Development and Care, 192 (5), 710-723.
Gözün Kahraman, Ö. ve Ceylan, Ş. (2018). 0-3 Yaş grubu çocukların uyku alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesi/determining the sleeping habits of toddlers aged 0-3. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 7 (3), 607-620.
Gözün Kahraman, Ö. ve Dakak, S. (2022). Çocukluk çağı mastürbasyonuna yönelik davranışsal müdahale çalışması: Olgu sunumu. Çocuk Dergisi, 22 (2), 141-147.
Greening, L., Stoppelbein, L., Konishi, C., Jordan, S. S. and Moll, G. (2007). Child routines and youths’ adherence to treatment for type 1 diabetes. Journal of pediatric psychology, 32 (4), 437-447.
Grusec, J. E., Goodnow, J. J. and Cohen, L. (1996). Household work and the development of concern for others. Developmental Psychology, 32 (6), 999.
Guttman, L. (1945). A basis for analyzing test-retest reliability. Psychometrika, 10 (4), 255-282.
Hammons, A. J. and Fiese, B. H. (2011). Is frequency of shared family meals related to the nutritional health of children and adolescents? Pediatrics, 127(6).
Harris, A. N., Stoppelbein, L., Greening, L., Becker, S. P., Luebbe, A. and Fite, P. (2014). Child routines and parental adjustment as correlates of ınternalizing and externalizing symptoms in children diagnosed with ADHD. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 45, 243–253.
Hillesund, E. R., Sagedal, L. R., Bere, E. and Øverby, N. C. (2021). Family meal participation is associated with dietary ıntake among 12-month-olds in Southern Norway. BMC pediatrics, 21(1), 1-12.
Hu, L. T. and Bentler, P. M. (1998). Fit indices in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to underparameterized model misspecification. Psychological methods, 3(4), 424.
Jordan, S. (2003). Further validation of the Child Routines Inventory (CRI): Relationship to parenting practices, maternal distress and child externalizing behavior. Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1-17.
Kern, P., Wolery, M. and Aldridge, D. (2007). Use of songs to promote ındependence in morning greeting routines for young children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1264–1271.
Klein, W. and Goodwin, M. H. (2013). Chores. In Ochs, E., and Kremer-Sadlik, T. (Eds.), Fast-forward family: Home, Work, and Relationships in Middle-class America. University of California Press. 130–148.
Kliewer, W. and Kung, E. (1998). Family Moderators of the Relation Between Hassles and Behavior Problems in Inner-city Youth. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 27(3), 278-292.
Kline, R. B. (2016). Principle and Practice of Structural Equation modelling (4. eds). The Guilford Press.
Koğar, H. (2021). R ile geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri. Klasik test kuramı, faktör analizi ve madde tepki kuramı uygulamaları. (2.baskı). Pegem Akademi.
Kopp, C. B. (1982). Antecedents of self-regulation: a developmental perspective. Developmental psychology, 18(2), 199.
Kuhn, B. R. and Weidinger, D. (2000). Interventions for infant and toddler sleep disturbance: A review. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 22, 33-50.
Lam, J. T. Y. (2022). Associations of bedtime routines with social-emotional development in toddlers. [MsC Thesis]. Saint Joseph's University, USA.
Lanza, H. and Drabick, D. (2011). Family routine moderates the relation between child impulsivity and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 83–94.
Larson RW, Wiley A.R. and Branscomb K.R. (2006). Family mealtime as a context for development and socialization. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 111, 1-105.
Liu, Y. (2003). Developing a scale to measure the interactivity of websites. Journal of advertising research, 43(2), 207-216.
Marcoulides, G. A. and Schumacker, R. (2001). New developments and techniques in structural equation modeling. Psychology Press.
Markson, S. and Fiese, B. H. (2000). Family rituals as a protective factor for children with asthma. Journal of pediatric psychology, 25(7), 471-480.
Mellin, A. E., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Patterson, J. and Sockalosky, J. (2004). Unhealthy weight management behavior among adolescent girls with type 1 diabetes mellitus: The role of familial eating patterns and weight-related concerns. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(4), 278-289.
Meyer, K. and Kelley, M.L. (2007). Improving homework in adolescents with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: Self- vs. parent-monitoring of homework behavior and study skills. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 29, 25-42.
Mindell, J. A., Telofski, L. S., Wiegand, B. and Kurtz, E. S. (2009). A nightly bedtime routine: impact on sleep in young children and maternal mood. Sleep, 32(5), 599-606.
Musick, K., Meier, A., and Flood, S. (2016). How parents fare: Mothers’ and fathers’ subjective well-being in time with children. American Sociological Review, 81(5), 1069–1095.
Neumark-Sztainer, D., Hannan, P. J., Story, M., Croll, J. and Perry, C. (2003). Family meal patterns: associations with sociodemographic characteristics and improved dietary intake among adolescents. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(3), 317–322.
Pierce, J. S. and Jordan, S. S. (2012). Development and evaluation of the pediatric diabetes routines questionnaire. Children's Health Care, 41 (1), 56-77.
Ren, L., Hu, B. Y., and Song, Z. (2019). Child routines mediate the relationship between parenting and social-emotional development in Chinese children. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 1-9.
Rende, R. (2015). The developmental significance of chores: Then and now. The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter. 31(1), 1-7.
Riggio, H. R., Valenzuela, A. M. and Weiser, D. A. (2010). Household responsibilities in the family of origin: Relations with self-efficacy in young adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 48(5), 568-573.
Robinson, J. P., Shaver, P. R. and Wrightsman, L. S. (1991). Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes. Academic Press.
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