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Nutritional Properties of Kars Goose Meat under Local Breeder Conditions

Yıl 2022, , 122 - 130, 26.12.2022


This study was carried out to determine the nutrient, fatty acid profile and meat color densities of Kars goose meat under local breeder conditions. 12 salted-dried goose thigh meat samples collected from different regions of Kars province were used in the study. Dry matter, energy, protein, fat, ash, mineral levels, fatty acid profile and color density were investigated in the study. Also, the number of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria in goose meat was determined. Dry matter (DM) amount of goose thigh meat was found as average 36.03±2.76 g/100 g, and protein content as 25.57±1.44 g/100 g. The order of mineral substances in dried goose thigh meat was determined as Na (13128,50 mg/kg, K (3004,44 mg/kg), P (1443,03 mg/kg) and Mg (269,62 mg/kg) , respectively. The fatty acid profile of the thigh meat was established to be average ∑SFA 54.20±7.49%, ∑MUFA of 30.47±10.98%, and ∑PUFA of 14.73±4.09%. The meat color density of L, a, b values are determined as 35.32±1.11, 17.46±1.03, 5.81±0.55, respectively. As a result; It has been revealed that dried salted Kars Goose meat is an important alternative animal protein source in terms of its nutritional properties, dry matter, protein and mineral substance levels.


  • AOAC (1984). Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Biesiada-Drzazga B (2006). Description of selected characteristics of muscle and fat tissue of 10-week white KOLUDA® Geese. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 5 (2): 47-54.
  • Cañeque V, Diaz M, Alvarez I, Lauzurica S, Pérez C, De la Fuente J (2005). The influences of carcass weight and depot on the fatty acid composition of fats of suckling Manchego lambs. Meat science 70 (2): 373-379.
  • Chartrin P, Meteau K, Juin H, Bernadet M-D, Guy G, Larzul C, Rémignon H, Mourot J, Duclos MJ, and Baéza E (2006). Effects of intramuscular fat levels on sensory characteristics of duck breast meat. Poultry Science 85 (5): 914-922.
  • CIE (1978). Lighting of Traffic Signs, Bureau Central de la CIE.
  • Diker O, Deniz T (2017). Kars kültürel ve gastonomik kimliğinde kaz. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi 22 (38): 189-204.
  • Dinh TTN, Thompson LD, Galyean ML, Brooks JC, Patterson KY, Boylan LM (2011). Cholesterol content and methods for cholesterol determination in meat and poultry. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 10 (5): 269-289.
  • Doyle J (1980). Genetic and nongenetic factors affecting the elemental composition of human and other animal tissues—a review. Journal of animal science 50 (6): 1173-1183.
  • Fenton M, Sim JS (1991). Determination of egg yolk cholesterol content by on-column capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 540: 323-329. doi: 9673(01)88819-1
  • Fernandez X, Lahirigoyen E, Auvergne A, Molette C, Bouillier-Oudot M (2010). The effects of stunning methods on product qualities in force-fed ducks and geese. 1. Carcass downgrading and meat quality. animal 4 (1): 128-138.
  • Geldenhuys G, Hoffman LC, Muller N (2013). Aspects of the nutritional value of cooked Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat compared with other well-known fowl species. Poultry Science 92 (11): 3050-3059.
  • Geldenhuys G, Hoffman LC, Muller N (2015). The fatty acid, amino acid, and mineral composition of Egyptian goose meat as affected by season, gender, and portion. Poultry Science 94 (5): 1075-1087.
  • Gündüz S, Dölekoğlu CÖ, Say D (2019). Kaz eti tüketim tercihleri ve ikame ürünlerle duyusal analiz. Avrupa bilim ve teknoloji dergisi(16): 32-40.
  • Haraf G, Wołoszyn J, Okruszek A, Orkusz A, Wereńska M (2014). Fatty acids profile of muscles and abdominal fat in geese of Polish native varieties. Anim. Sci. Pap. Rep 32: 239-249.
  • Hunt M, Acton J, Benedict R, Calkins C, Cornforth D, Jeremiah L, Olson D, Salm C, Savell J, Shivas S (1991). Guidelines for meat color evaluation. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference.
  • Isguzar E, Pingel H (2003). Growth, carcass composition and nutrient content of meat of different local geese in Isparta region of Turkey. Archives Animal Breeding 46 (1): 71-76.
  • IUPAC. (1987). IUPAC standard method 2.507. In: IUPAC IID19. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Blackwell ….
  • Kalayci S, Yilmaz Ö (2014). Effect of cereal grains on the total lipid, cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of liver and muscle tissues in native geese. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 20 (1): 27-34.
  • Kim, JH., Yim, DG (2016). Assessment of the microbial level for livestock products in retail meat shops implementing HACCP system. Korean journal for food science of animal resources, 36 (5): 594.
  • Lesiów T, Xiong Y (2004). Up-to-date knowledge on the nutritional composition of poultry meat. Paper presented at the 50th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Liu B, Wang Z, Yang H, Wang J, Xu D, Zhang R, Wang Q (2011). Influence of rearing system on growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of Yangzhou geese. Poultry Science 90 (3): 653-659.
  • Lu P, Zhang LY, Yin JD, Everts AK, Li DF (2008). Effects of soybean oil and linseed oil on fatty acid compositions of muscle lipids and cooked pork flavour. Meat science 80 (3): 910-918.
  • Manso T, Bodas R, Castro T, Jimeno V, Mantecon A (2009). Animal performance and fatty acid composition of lambs fed with different vegetable oils. Meat science 83 (3): 511-516.
  • Merrill AL, Watt BK (1955). Energy value of foods: basis and derivation, US Department of Agriculture.
  • Mottram DS (1998). Flavour formation in meat and meat products: a review. Food chemistry 62 (4): 415-424.
  • Okruszek A (2011). Comparison of fatty acids content in muscles and abdominal fat lipids of geese from different flocks. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 75: 61-66.
  • Okruszek A (2012). Fatty acid composition of muscle and adipose tissue of indigenous Polish geese breeds. Archives Animal Breeding 55 (3): 294-302.
  • Oz F, Celik T (2015). Proximate composition, color and nutritional profile of raw and cooked goose meat with different methods. Journal of food processing and preservation 39 (6): 2442-2454.
  • Petracci M, Betti M, Bianchi M, Cavani C (2004). Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Poultry Science 83 (12): 2086-2092.
  • Sari M, Onk K, Sisman T, Tilki M, Yakan A (2015). Effects of different fattening systems on technological properties and fatty acid composition of goose meat. European Poultry Science 79: 1-12.
  • Sarica M, Boz MA, Yamak US (2014). Yozgat ili Halk elinde yetiştirilen beyaz ve alaca kazların et kalite özellikleri ve bazı kan parametreleri. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 29 (2): 147-153.
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004a). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri I. Kuluçka Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004b). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri II. Büyüme Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004c). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri III. Kesim ve Karkas Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • TÜRKOMP 2022. Ulusal Gida Kompozisyon Veri Tabanı "Kaz eti, but, derisiz, tuz ilaveli". Retrieved from
  • Uçar G, Gürbüz Ü, Güner A, Doğruer Y (2001). Evcil kaz (Anser domesticus) etinin bazı kimyasal ve mirobiyolojik kalite nitelikleri. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 17 (4): 31-36.
  • Vatansever L, Sezer Ç, Bilge N. (2020). Geleneksel kaz eti ve özellikleri. III. Türkiye Kaz Yetiştiriciliği Çaliştayi Sonuç Raporu, 17-18 Şubat 2020, Kars.
  • Yakan A, Aksu Elmalı D, Elmalı M, Şahin T, Motor S, Can Y (2012). Halk elinde yetiştirilen Beyaz ve Alaca kazlarda karkas ve et kalitesi özellikleri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (4): 663- 670.
  • Yetişir R, Karakaya M, İlhan F, Yilmaz MT, Özalp B (2008). Tüketici tercihini etkileyen bazı piliç eti kalite özellikleri üzerine farklı aydınlatma programları ve cinsiyetin etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim 49 (1): 20 - 28.
  • Zhou L, Wu H, Li J, Wang Z, Zhang L (2012). Determination of fatty acids in broiler breast meat by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Meat science 90 (3): 658-664.

Halk Elinde Yetiştirilen Kars Kaz Etinin Besinsel Özellikleri

Yıl 2022, , 122 - 130, 26.12.2022


Bu çalışma halk elinde yetiştirilen Kars kaz etinin besin madde, yağ asidi profili ve et renk yoğunluklarının tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada Kars ili farklı bölgelerinden toplanan 12 adet tuzlanmış-kurutulmuş kaz but eti numuneleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kuru madde, enerji, protein, yağ, kül, mineral madde düzeyleri ile yağ asidi profili ve renk yoğunlukları incelenmiştir. Kaz etinin toplam aerobik mezofilik bakteri sayısı da belirlenmiştir. Denemede elde edilen kazlarda kuru madde (KM) miktarı ortalama 36,03±2,76 g/100 g, protein miktarı 25,57±1,44 g/ 100 g olarak tespit edilmiştir. Kurutulmuş kaz but etinde mineral madde sıralamasını sırasıyla Na (13128,50 mg/kg), K (3004,44 mg/kg), P (1443,03 mg/kg) ve Mg (269,62 mg/kg) olarak belirlenmiştir. But eti yağ asidi profili ortalama ∑DYA %54,20±7,49, ∑TDYA %30,47±10,98, ∑ÇDYA %14,73±4,09 olarak bulunmuştur. Et renk yoğunlukları incelendiğinde L, a, b değerleri sırasıyla; 35,32±1,11, 17,46±1,03, 5,81±0,55 şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; kurutulmuş tuzlanmış Kars kaz etinin besinsel özellikleri açısından kuru madde, protein ve mineral madde düzeyleri açısından önemli bir alternatif hayvansal protein kaynağı olduğu ortaya konmuştur.


  • AOAC (1984). Official methods of analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Biesiada-Drzazga B (2006). Description of selected characteristics of muscle and fat tissue of 10-week white KOLUDA® Geese. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 5 (2): 47-54.
  • Cañeque V, Diaz M, Alvarez I, Lauzurica S, Pérez C, De la Fuente J (2005). The influences of carcass weight and depot on the fatty acid composition of fats of suckling Manchego lambs. Meat science 70 (2): 373-379.
  • Chartrin P, Meteau K, Juin H, Bernadet M-D, Guy G, Larzul C, Rémignon H, Mourot J, Duclos MJ, and Baéza E (2006). Effects of intramuscular fat levels on sensory characteristics of duck breast meat. Poultry Science 85 (5): 914-922.
  • CIE (1978). Lighting of Traffic Signs, Bureau Central de la CIE.
  • Diker O, Deniz T (2017). Kars kültürel ve gastonomik kimliğinde kaz. Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi 22 (38): 189-204.
  • Dinh TTN, Thompson LD, Galyean ML, Brooks JC, Patterson KY, Boylan LM (2011). Cholesterol content and methods for cholesterol determination in meat and poultry. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 10 (5): 269-289.
  • Doyle J (1980). Genetic and nongenetic factors affecting the elemental composition of human and other animal tissues—a review. Journal of animal science 50 (6): 1173-1183.
  • Fenton M, Sim JS (1991). Determination of egg yolk cholesterol content by on-column capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 540: 323-329. doi: 9673(01)88819-1
  • Fernandez X, Lahirigoyen E, Auvergne A, Molette C, Bouillier-Oudot M (2010). The effects of stunning methods on product qualities in force-fed ducks and geese. 1. Carcass downgrading and meat quality. animal 4 (1): 128-138.
  • Geldenhuys G, Hoffman LC, Muller N (2013). Aspects of the nutritional value of cooked Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) meat compared with other well-known fowl species. Poultry Science 92 (11): 3050-3059.
  • Geldenhuys G, Hoffman LC, Muller N (2015). The fatty acid, amino acid, and mineral composition of Egyptian goose meat as affected by season, gender, and portion. Poultry Science 94 (5): 1075-1087.
  • Gündüz S, Dölekoğlu CÖ, Say D (2019). Kaz eti tüketim tercihleri ve ikame ürünlerle duyusal analiz. Avrupa bilim ve teknoloji dergisi(16): 32-40.
  • Haraf G, Wołoszyn J, Okruszek A, Orkusz A, Wereńska M (2014). Fatty acids profile of muscles and abdominal fat in geese of Polish native varieties. Anim. Sci. Pap. Rep 32: 239-249.
  • Hunt M, Acton J, Benedict R, Calkins C, Cornforth D, Jeremiah L, Olson D, Salm C, Savell J, Shivas S (1991). Guidelines for meat color evaluation. Paper presented at the 44th Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference.
  • Isguzar E, Pingel H (2003). Growth, carcass composition and nutrient content of meat of different local geese in Isparta region of Turkey. Archives Animal Breeding 46 (1): 71-76.
  • IUPAC. (1987). IUPAC standard method 2.507. In: IUPAC IID19. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Blackwell ….
  • Kalayci S, Yilmaz Ö (2014). Effect of cereal grains on the total lipid, cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of liver and muscle tissues in native geese. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 20 (1): 27-34.
  • Kim, JH., Yim, DG (2016). Assessment of the microbial level for livestock products in retail meat shops implementing HACCP system. Korean journal for food science of animal resources, 36 (5): 594.
  • Lesiów T, Xiong Y (2004). Up-to-date knowledge on the nutritional composition of poultry meat. Paper presented at the 50th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Liu B, Wang Z, Yang H, Wang J, Xu D, Zhang R, Wang Q (2011). Influence of rearing system on growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of Yangzhou geese. Poultry Science 90 (3): 653-659.
  • Lu P, Zhang LY, Yin JD, Everts AK, Li DF (2008). Effects of soybean oil and linseed oil on fatty acid compositions of muscle lipids and cooked pork flavour. Meat science 80 (3): 910-918.
  • Manso T, Bodas R, Castro T, Jimeno V, Mantecon A (2009). Animal performance and fatty acid composition of lambs fed with different vegetable oils. Meat science 83 (3): 511-516.
  • Merrill AL, Watt BK (1955). Energy value of foods: basis and derivation, US Department of Agriculture.
  • Mottram DS (1998). Flavour formation in meat and meat products: a review. Food chemistry 62 (4): 415-424.
  • Okruszek A (2011). Comparison of fatty acids content in muscles and abdominal fat lipids of geese from different flocks. Archiv für Geflügelkunde 75: 61-66.
  • Okruszek A (2012). Fatty acid composition of muscle and adipose tissue of indigenous Polish geese breeds. Archives Animal Breeding 55 (3): 294-302.
  • Oz F, Celik T (2015). Proximate composition, color and nutritional profile of raw and cooked goose meat with different methods. Journal of food processing and preservation 39 (6): 2442-2454.
  • Petracci M, Betti M, Bianchi M, Cavani C (2004). Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Poultry Science 83 (12): 2086-2092.
  • Sari M, Onk K, Sisman T, Tilki M, Yakan A (2015). Effects of different fattening systems on technological properties and fatty acid composition of goose meat. European Poultry Science 79: 1-12.
  • Sarica M, Boz MA, Yamak US (2014). Yozgat ili Halk elinde yetiştirilen beyaz ve alaca kazların et kalite özellikleri ve bazı kan parametreleri. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi 29 (2): 147-153.
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004a). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri I. Kuluçka Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004b). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri II. Büyüme Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • Tilki M, Inal S (2004c). Türkiye'de Yetistirilen Degisik Orijinli Kazlarin Verim Özellikleri III. Kesim ve Karkas Özellikleri. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28 (1).
  • TÜRKOMP 2022. Ulusal Gida Kompozisyon Veri Tabanı "Kaz eti, but, derisiz, tuz ilaveli". Retrieved from
  • Uçar G, Gürbüz Ü, Güner A, Doğruer Y (2001). Evcil kaz (Anser domesticus) etinin bazı kimyasal ve mirobiyolojik kalite nitelikleri. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 17 (4): 31-36.
  • Vatansever L, Sezer Ç, Bilge N. (2020). Geleneksel kaz eti ve özellikleri. III. Türkiye Kaz Yetiştiriciliği Çaliştayi Sonuç Raporu, 17-18 Şubat 2020, Kars.
  • Yakan A, Aksu Elmalı D, Elmalı M, Şahin T, Motor S, Can Y (2012). Halk elinde yetiştirilen Beyaz ve Alaca kazlarda karkas ve et kalitesi özellikleri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (4): 663- 670.
  • Yetişir R, Karakaya M, İlhan F, Yilmaz MT, Özalp B (2008). Tüketici tercihini etkileyen bazı piliç eti kalite özellikleri üzerine farklı aydınlatma programları ve cinsiyetin etkileri. Hayvansal Üretim 49 (1): 20 - 28.
  • Zhou L, Wu H, Li J, Wang Z, Zhang L (2012). Determination of fatty acids in broiler breast meat by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Meat science 90 (3): 658-664.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mitat Şahin 0000-0003-0106-5677

Tarkan Şahin 0000-0003-0155-2707

Mükremin Ölmez 0000-0002-5003-3383

Mustafa Reha Coşkun 0000-0002-1441-3995

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, M., Şahin, T., Ölmez, M., Coşkun, M. R. (2022). Halk Elinde Yetiştirilen Kars Kaz Etinin Besinsel Özellikleri. Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences, 12(2), 122-130.