Poverty Analysis as Capability Approach of Amartya Sen
Yıl 2023,
, 221 - 234, 25.10.2023
Savaş Beyter
Mahir Özhan
The focus that led to the emergence of this article was how Amartya Sen's capability approach, which seems to have appealed to many, can be used to combat poverty on a systematic and substantial scale. Therefore, a constructive connection has been tried to be provided by explaining the differences between assessments based on standard monetary measurement practices and assessments based on deprivation in basic skills. Given the constant interest in multidimensional approaches to poverty, this study considers ways in which Sen's ability indicators can be used to assess and understand poverty and deprivation.
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Approach: Concepts, Measures and Applications (ss. 421-436). Cambridge University Press.
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the Extreme Poor in 2012: Data Issues, Methodology and Initial Results. World Bank.
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Feminist Economics, 9(2-3), 301-317.
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Disciplines in Economics & Administrative Sciences Studies, 7(26), 81-88.
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Qizilbash, ve S. Alkire (Edt.), The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measures and Applications (ss. 53-81).
Cambridge University Press.
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PERI, 9(2), 125-148.
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Journal of Economic Literature, 31(4), 1947-1962.
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Amartya Sen’in Yetenek Yoksunluğu Olarak Yoksulluk Analizi
Yıl 2023,
, 221 - 234, 25.10.2023
Savaş Beyter
Mahir Özhan
Bu makalenin ortaya çıkmasına neden olan odak noktası, Amartya Sen'in pek çok kişinin ilgisini çekmiş gibi görünen yetenek yaklaşımının, yoksullukla sistematik ve önemli düzeyde mücadelede nasıl kullanılabileceğiydi. Dolayısıyla, standart parasal ölçüm uygulamalarına göre yürütülen değerlendirmeler ile temel yeteneklerdeki yoksunluğa dayalı değerlendirmeler arasındaki farklar açıklanarak yapıcı bir bağlantı sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Yoksulluğa çok boyutlu yaklaşımlara devam eden ilgi göz önüne alındığında bu çalışma, yoksulluk ve yoksunluğu değerlendirmek ve anlamak için Sen’in yetenek göstergelerinin kullanılabileceği yolları ele almaktadır.
- Ak, M. (2016). Toplumsal Bir Olgu Olarak Yoksulluk. Akademik Bakış Dergisi (54), 296-306.
- Alcock, P. (1997). Understanding Poverty: Second Edition. New York: Palgrave.
- Alexander, J. (2016). Capabilities and Social Justice: The Political Philosophy of Amartya Sen and Martha
Nussbaum. London: Routledge.
- Alkire, S., Foster, J., Seth, S., Santos, M., Roche, J. ve Ballón, P. (2015). Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
and Analysis. USA: Oxford University Press.
- Atkinson, A. B. (1970). On the Measurement of Inequality. Journal of Economic Theory, 2, 244-263.
- Buğra, A. (2005). Yoksulluk ve Sosyal Haklar. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Politika Forumu. İstanbul.
- Clark, D. A. (2006). Capability Approach. İçinde D. A. Clark (Edt.), The Elgar Companion to Development
Studies (ss. 32-45). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Deneulin, S. (2008). Beyond Individual Freedom and Agency: Structures of Living Together in the Capability
Approach. İçinde F. Comim, M. Qizilbash, ve S. Alkire (Edt.), The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measures and
Applications (ss. 105-124). Cambridge University Press.
- Dreze, J. ve Sen, A. (1989). Hunger and Public Action. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dubois, J.-L. ve Rousseau, S. (2008). Reinforcing Households’ Capabilities as a Way to Reduce Vulnerability
and Prevent Poverty in Equitable Terms. İçinde F. Comim, M. Qizilbash, ve S. Alkire (Edt.), The Capability
Approach: Concepts, Measures and Applications (ss. 421-436). Cambridge University Press.
- Ferreira, F., Chen, S., Dabalen, A., Dikhanov, Y., Hamadeh, N., Jolliffe, D., . . . Yoshida, N. (2015). A Global Count of
the Extreme Poor in 2012: Data Issues, Methodology and Initial Results. World Bank.
- Fukuda-Parr, S. (2003). The Human Development Paradigm: Operationalizing Sen's Ideas on Capabilities.
Feminist Economics, 9(2-3), 301-317.
- Güzel, İ. H. (2021). An Important Actor In Struggle Agaınst Poverty: Local Governments. International Journal of
Disciplines in Economics & Administrative Sciences Studies, 7(26), 81-88.
- Hill, M. (2003). Development as Empowerment. Feminist Economics, 9(2-3), 117-135.
- Hoover, G., Formby, J. ve Kim, H. (2004). Poverty, Non‐White Poverty, and the Sen Index. Review of Income and
Wealth, 50(4), 543-559.
- İnsel, A. (2000). Özgürlük Etiği Karşısında İktisat Kuramı: Amartya Sen'in Etik İktisat Önerisi. Toplum ve Bilim (86),
- Laderchi, C., Saith, R. ve Stewart, F. (2003). Does it Matter that we do not Agree on the Definition of Poverty? A
Comparison of Four Approaches. Oxford Development Studies, 31(3), 243-274.
- Levent, A. (2017). İktisadı Yeniden Felsefeyle Buluşturmak: Amartya Sen’in Adam Smith Okuması. İnsan ve
Toplum, 7(1), 117-137.
- Nussbaum, M. C. (2003). Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements: Sen and Social Justice. Feminist
Economics, 9(2-3), 33-59.
- Pressman, S. ve Summerfield, G. (2000). The Economic Contributions of Amartya Sen. Review of Political
Economy, 12(1), 89-113.
- Qizilbash, M. (2005). Sen on Freedom and Gender Justice. Feminist Economics, 11(3), 151-166.
- Qizilbash, M. (2008). Amartya Sen's Capability View Insightful Sketch or Diistorted Picture? İçinde F. Comim, M.
Qizilbash, ve S. Alkire (Edt.), The Capability Approach: Concepts, Measures and Applications (ss. 53-81).
Cambridge University Press.
- Robeyns, I. (2003). The Capability Approach: An Interdisciplinary Introduction. Training Course Preceding the
Third International Conference on the Capability Approach. Pavia.
- Robeyns, I. (2005). The Capability Approach: a Theoretical Survey. Journal of Human Development, 6(1), 93-117.
- Robeyns, I. ve Byskov, M. (2021). The Capability Approach. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Santos, T. M. (2017). Poverty As Lack of Capabilities: An Analysis of the Definition of Poverty of Amartya Sen.
PERI, 9(2), 125-148.
- Sen, A. (1979). Equality of What? The Tanner Lecture on Human Values, 197-220.
- Sen, A. (1981). Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Sen, A. (1983). Poor, Relatively Speaking. Oxford Economic Papers, 35(2), 153-169.
- Sen, A. (1987). The Standard of Living. Cambridge University Press.
- Sen, A. (1992). Inequality Reexamined. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Sen, A. (1993). Capability and Well‐Being. İçinde M. Nussbaum ve A. Sen (Edt.), The Quality of Life (ss. 41-66).
Clarendon Press.
- Sen, A. (1995). Gender Inequality and Theories of Justice. İçinde M. C. Nussbaum, ve J. Glover (Edt.), Women,
Culture and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities (ss. 259-273). Clarendon Press.
- Sen, A. (1997a). On Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
- Sen, A. (1997b). From Income Inequality to Economic Inequality. Southern Economic Journal, 64(2), 383-401.
- Sen, A. (1997c). Inequality, Unemployment and Contemporary Europe. International Labour Review, 136(2), 155-
- Sen, A. (1999a). Commodities and Capabilities. Oxford University Press.
- Sen, A. (1999b). Democracy as a Universal Value. Journal of Democracy, 10(3), 3-17.
- Sen, A. (2003). Etik ve Ekonomi. (Çev: A. Süha) Doğan Kitap.
- Sen, A. (2004). Özgürlükle Kalkınma. (Çev: Y. Alogan) İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
- Sugden, R. (1993). Welfare, Resources, and Capabilities: a Review of Inequality Reexamined by Amartya Sen.
Journal of Economic Literature, 31(4), 1947-1962.
- TÜSİAD. (2000). Türkiye'de Bireysel Gelir Dağılımı ve Yoksulluk: Avrupa Birliği ile Karşılaştırma. İstanbul: TÜSİAD.
- United Nations. (2004). Human Rights and Poverty Reduction: A Conceptual Framework. OHCHR.
- United Nations. (2015). The Millennium Development Goals Report: 2015. New York.
- Vizard, P. (2005). The Contributions of Professor Amartya Sen in the Field of Human Rights. Centre for Analysis
of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics (91).
- World Bank. (2001). World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. New York: Oxford University Press.