Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 197 - 211, 01.04.2018
Ali Bayram
Asuman Akdoğan
Yasemin Kaya Harmancı
The aim of the study is to determine the role of professional stress in relation to perceived organizational justice and presenteeism. In order to achieve this aim, a two-stage research was conducted on theoretical and practical aspects.The concepts of perceived organizational justice, presenteeism and occupational stress at the theoretical level are examined based on secondary source data.In the application phase, a questionnaire form prepared from theoretical information was applied to a total of 404 blue-collar workers selected by sampling method easily in 12 organizations in KayseriOrganized Industrial Zone.Questionnaire was used as data collection method.According to the results of the research, professional stress assumes a full mediating role in the relation between organizational justice and presenteeism
- Abasilim, U.D., O.P. Salau, H.O. Falola (2015). “Toward an Understanding of Presenteesim and Its Effects in the Workplace”. Journal of Public Administration & Management. (1-1):74-85.
- Aronsson, G., K. Gustafsson, M. Dallner (2000). “Sick But Yet At Work: An Emprical Study of Sickness Presenteeism”. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health. Vol. 54:502-509.
- Baker-McClearn, D., K. Greasley, J. Dale, F. Griffith (2010). “Absence Management and Presenteeism: The Pressures on Employees to Attend Work and the Impact of Attendance on Performance”. Human Resource Management Journal. (20-3):311-328S
- Biron, C., J. Brun, H. Ivers, C. L. Cooper (2006). “At Work But Ill: Psychological Work Environment and Well- Being Determinanats of Presenteeism Propensity”. Journal of Public Mental Health. (5-4):26-37.
- Brown, H. E., N. D. Gilson, N. W. Burton, W. J. Brown (2011). “Does Physical Activity Impact on Presenteeism and Other Indicators of Workplace Well-Being?”. Sports Med. (41-3): 249-262.
- Cancelliere, C., J. D. Cassidy, C. Ammendolia, P. Cote (2011). “Are Workplace Health Promotion Programs Effective at Improwing Presenteeism in Workers? A systematic Review and Best Evidence Synthesis of the Literature”. BMC Public Health. (11-395):1-11.
- Caverley, N., J. B. Cunningham, J. N. MacGregor (2007). “Sickness Presenteeism, Sickness Absenteeism, and Health Following Restructuring in a Public Service Organization”. Journal of Management Studies. (44- 2):304-319.
- Cooper, C. (1998). “The Changing Nature of Work”. Community, Work and Family. (1:3):313-317.
- Ferreira, A., L. F. Martinez (2012). “Presenteeism and Burnout Among Teachers in Public and Private Portuguese Elementary Schools”. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. (23:20): 4380-4390.
- Grinyer, A., V. Singleton (2000), “Sickness Absence as Risk-Taking Behaviour: A Study of Organisational and Cultural Factors in the Public Sector”. Health, Risk & Society.(2-1): 7-21.
- Halbesleben, J. R.B., Marilyn V. Whitman, W. S. Crawford (2014). “A Dialectical Theory of teh Decision to Go to Work: Bringing Together Absenteeism and Presenteeism”. Human Resource Management Review. (24):177-192.
- Hansen, C. D., J. H. Andersen (2008). “Going ill to Work- What Personal Circumstances, Attitudes and Work- Related Factors Are Associated With Sickness Presenteeism?”. Social Science and Medicine. (67): 956- 964.
- Johns, G. (2010). “Presenteeism in the Workplace: A Review and Research Agenda”. Journal of Organizational Behavior. (31):519-542.
- Kompier, M.A.J., Geurts, S.A.E ., Grundemann, R.W.M., Vınk, P. and Smulders, P.G.W. (1998). “Cases in Stress Prevention: The Success of a Participative and Stepwise Approach”. Stress Medicine. (14): 155- 168.
- Koopman, C., Pelletier, K. R., Murray, J. F., Sharda, C. E., Berger, M. L., Turpin, R. S., ... & Bendel, T. (2002). Stanford Presenteeism Scale: Health Atatus and Employee Productivity. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine. (44-1): 14-20.
- Loeppke, R., M. Taitel, V. Haufle, T. Parry, R. C. Kessler, K. Jinnett (2009). “Health and Productivity as a Business Strategy: A Multiemployer Study”, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine”. (51-4): 411-428.
- Luthans, F. (2008). Organizational Behavior, Eleventh Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
- MacGregor, J. N., J. Barton Cunningham, N. Caverley (2008). “Factors in Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Life Events and Health Events”. Management Research News. (31-8):607-615.
- McShane, S. L., M. Ann Von Glinow (2016). Örgütsel Davranış (Organizational Behavior), (Çeviri Ed.) Ayşe Günsel, Serdar Bozkurt, Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
- Niehoff, B. P., and Moorman, R. H. (1993). “Justice as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal. (36-3):527- 556.
- Roe, R. A., B. Van Diepen (2011). “Employee Health and Presenteeism: The Challenge for Human Resource Management” içinde New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, by Carry Cooper 03+presenteeism&ots=VAeZjRsRH&sig=4gw0AblE0Bi19ttukAJCy7RtDIw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage &q&f=false (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2017). Antoniou (Editor).
- Schultz, A. B., D. W. Edington (2007). “Employee Health and Presenteeism: A Systematic Review”. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. (17-3):547-579.
- Sözen, C., Hakkı Okan Yeloğlu, Fikret Ateş (2009). “Eşitsizliğe Karşı Sessiz Kalma: Mavi Yakalı Çalışanların Motivasyonu Üzerine Görgül Bir Çalışma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22: 395-408. Unison (2014). “Making Sickness Absence Policies Work Better for Us”,
- Vingard, E., K. Alexanderson, A. Norlund (2004). “Sickness Presence”. Scandinav Journal of Public Health. (32):216-221.
- Weiman, C. (1978). “A Study of Occupational Stressors”. Journal of Occupational Medicine, (19): 119-122
- Yang, T., Yu-Ming Shen, M. Zhu, Y. Liu, J. Deng, Q. Chen, L. See (2016). “Effects of Co-Worker and Supervisor Support on Job Stress and Presenteeism in an Aging Workforce: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (13-1): 1- 15.
- ( Erişim Tarihi:22.11.2017
Algılanan Örgütsel Adalet ve İşte Var Olamama (Presenteeism) İlişkisinde Stresin Aracı Rolü
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 197 - 211, 01.04.2018
Ali Bayram
Asuman Akdoğan
Yasemin Kaya Harmancı
Çalışmanın amacı, algılanan örgütsel adalet ile işte var olamama ilişkisinde mesleki stresin aracı rolünü tespit etmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda teorik ve uygulamaya yönelik iki aşamalı bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Teorik düzeyde algılanan örgütsel adalet, işte var olamama ve mesleki stres kavramları ikincil kaynak verilerine dayalı olarak incelenmiştir. Uygulama safhasında ise teorik bilgilerden hareketle hazırlanan anket formu, Kayseri Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan 12 işletmede kolayda örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen toplam 404 mavi yakalı çalışana uygulanmıştır. Veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, örgütsel adalet ve işte var olamama arasındaki ilişkide mesleki stres tam aracılık rolü üstlenmektedir
- Abasilim, U.D., O.P. Salau, H.O. Falola (2015). “Toward an Understanding of Presenteesim and Its Effects in the Workplace”. Journal of Public Administration & Management. (1-1):74-85.
- Aronsson, G., K. Gustafsson, M. Dallner (2000). “Sick But Yet At Work: An Emprical Study of Sickness Presenteeism”. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health. Vol. 54:502-509.
- Baker-McClearn, D., K. Greasley, J. Dale, F. Griffith (2010). “Absence Management and Presenteeism: The Pressures on Employees to Attend Work and the Impact of Attendance on Performance”. Human Resource Management Journal. (20-3):311-328S
- Biron, C., J. Brun, H. Ivers, C. L. Cooper (2006). “At Work But Ill: Psychological Work Environment and Well- Being Determinanats of Presenteeism Propensity”. Journal of Public Mental Health. (5-4):26-37.
- Brown, H. E., N. D. Gilson, N. W. Burton, W. J. Brown (2011). “Does Physical Activity Impact on Presenteeism and Other Indicators of Workplace Well-Being?”. Sports Med. (41-3): 249-262.
- Cancelliere, C., J. D. Cassidy, C. Ammendolia, P. Cote (2011). “Are Workplace Health Promotion Programs Effective at Improwing Presenteeism in Workers? A systematic Review and Best Evidence Synthesis of the Literature”. BMC Public Health. (11-395):1-11.
- Caverley, N., J. B. Cunningham, J. N. MacGregor (2007). “Sickness Presenteeism, Sickness Absenteeism, and Health Following Restructuring in a Public Service Organization”. Journal of Management Studies. (44- 2):304-319.
- Cooper, C. (1998). “The Changing Nature of Work”. Community, Work and Family. (1:3):313-317.
- Ferreira, A., L. F. Martinez (2012). “Presenteeism and Burnout Among Teachers in Public and Private Portuguese Elementary Schools”. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. (23:20): 4380-4390.
- Grinyer, A., V. Singleton (2000), “Sickness Absence as Risk-Taking Behaviour: A Study of Organisational and Cultural Factors in the Public Sector”. Health, Risk & Society.(2-1): 7-21.
- Halbesleben, J. R.B., Marilyn V. Whitman, W. S. Crawford (2014). “A Dialectical Theory of teh Decision to Go to Work: Bringing Together Absenteeism and Presenteeism”. Human Resource Management Review. (24):177-192.
- Hansen, C. D., J. H. Andersen (2008). “Going ill to Work- What Personal Circumstances, Attitudes and Work- Related Factors Are Associated With Sickness Presenteeism?”. Social Science and Medicine. (67): 956- 964.
- Johns, G. (2010). “Presenteeism in the Workplace: A Review and Research Agenda”. Journal of Organizational Behavior. (31):519-542.
- Kompier, M.A.J., Geurts, S.A.E ., Grundemann, R.W.M., Vınk, P. and Smulders, P.G.W. (1998). “Cases in Stress Prevention: The Success of a Participative and Stepwise Approach”. Stress Medicine. (14): 155- 168.
- Koopman, C., Pelletier, K. R., Murray, J. F., Sharda, C. E., Berger, M. L., Turpin, R. S., ... & Bendel, T. (2002). Stanford Presenteeism Scale: Health Atatus and Employee Productivity. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine. (44-1): 14-20.
- Loeppke, R., M. Taitel, V. Haufle, T. Parry, R. C. Kessler, K. Jinnett (2009). “Health and Productivity as a Business Strategy: A Multiemployer Study”, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine”. (51-4): 411-428.
- Luthans, F. (2008). Organizational Behavior, Eleventh Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition.
- MacGregor, J. N., J. Barton Cunningham, N. Caverley (2008). “Factors in Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Life Events and Health Events”. Management Research News. (31-8):607-615.
- McShane, S. L., M. Ann Von Glinow (2016). Örgütsel Davranış (Organizational Behavior), (Çeviri Ed.) Ayşe Günsel, Serdar Bozkurt, Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi.
- Niehoff, B. P., and Moorman, R. H. (1993). “Justice as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behavior”. Academy of Management Journal. (36-3):527- 556.
- Roe, R. A., B. Van Diepen (2011). “Employee Health and Presenteeism: The Challenge for Human Resource Management” içinde New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, by Carry Cooper 03+presenteeism&ots=VAeZjRsRH&sig=4gw0AblE0Bi19ttukAJCy7RtDIw&redir_esc=y#v=onepage &q&f=false (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2017). Antoniou (Editor).
- Schultz, A. B., D. W. Edington (2007). “Employee Health and Presenteeism: A Systematic Review”. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. (17-3):547-579.
- Sözen, C., Hakkı Okan Yeloğlu, Fikret Ateş (2009). “Eşitsizliğe Karşı Sessiz Kalma: Mavi Yakalı Çalışanların Motivasyonu Üzerine Görgül Bir Çalışma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22: 395-408. Unison (2014). “Making Sickness Absence Policies Work Better for Us”,
- Vingard, E., K. Alexanderson, A. Norlund (2004). “Sickness Presence”. Scandinav Journal of Public Health. (32):216-221.
- Weiman, C. (1978). “A Study of Occupational Stressors”. Journal of Occupational Medicine, (19): 119-122
- Yang, T., Yu-Ming Shen, M. Zhu, Y. Liu, J. Deng, Q. Chen, L. See (2016). “Effects of Co-Worker and Supervisor Support on Job Stress and Presenteeism in an Aging Workforce: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (13-1): 1- 15.
- ( Erişim Tarihi:22.11.2017