“Köy Hocası Mecmuası” is one of the local media organ swhich were published in National Struggle years. Work was pressed as three volumes and seventy one numbers in 1918-1919-1920-1921 and 1922 years in Evkaf-ı İslâmiye Matbaası, Hukuk Matbaası and Matbuat and İstihbarat Genel Müdürlüğü. As there had been expression “pressed fortnightly” at start of the magazine, there was expression “pressed in Ankara weekly at the start of the part swhich were publis he dafter 1920 year but regular pres couldn’t have always made. Although reason of this irregularity in magazine’s number shasn’t been expressed, we think reason is that magazine was pressed in war years. Magazine’s aim has been summarized with expression “showingway of striving work by telling villager stot he irreligionand word” at the start of all numbers in Köy Hocası Mecmuası. Differences in days of work’s pres have been appeared, too. Though it has genarally published on Thursdays, it has been published on Mondays and Saturdays. The most striking side of the work is subscription system and getting advertisement. Explainations to subject about subscription and subscription’s continuity have been made. Accounts of subcribers who were registered a year to Köy Hocası have been closed. Köy Hocası hasn’t been sent to subcribers who didn’t register again. Warning and reminding to readers have been made with expression “if you want to register, send a letter to “474” post box in new post Office immediately, please”. As to advertisement, it is advertise ment writing which were taken from various personorin stitution sand which were published at the and of the magazine per week. These advertisement sarestriking topic in terms of giving clue about period’s social, cultural and economice vents
“Köy Hocası Mecmuası” Milli Mücadele yıllarında yayımlanan yerel basın yayın organlarından biridir. Eser; Matbuat ve İstihbarat Genel Müdürlüğü, Hukuk Matbaası ve Evkaf-ı İslâmiyye Matbaası’nda 1918-1919-1920¬1921 ve 1922 yıllarında 3 cilt halinde, 71 sayı olarak basılmıştır. Mecmuanın başında “On beş günde bir çıkar” ibaresi bulunup, 1920 den sonra yayınlanan bölümlerinin başında “Ankara’ da haftada bir çıkar” ibaresi yer almış ancak her zaman düzenli yayın yapılamamıştır. Mecmuanın sayılarındaki bu düzensizliğin sebebi ifade edilmemekle birlikte kanaatimizce savaş yıllarına tekabül ettiğinden dolayıdır.
Ayrıca eserin bütün sayılarının başında “ Köylüye dinini, dünyasını bildirerek çalışıp çabalamanın yolunu göstermektir” ibaresiyle mecmuanın amacı özetlenmiştir. Eserin yayınlandığı günlerde de farklılıklar görülmektedir. Genellikle perşembe günleri çıkmasına rağmen pazartesi ve cumartesi günleri de yayımlanmıştır. Eserin en dikkat çekici yönü abonelik sistemi ve reklam almasıdır. Abonelikte ve aboneliğin devamı konularında da zaman zaman açıklamalar yapılmıştır: “Birinci numaradan itibaren Köy Hocası’nın seneliğine birden yazılanların hesapları kapatılmıştır. Yeniden kayıt olmayanlara Köy Hocası gönderilmeyecektir. Bunun için kayıt olmak arzu edenlerin hemen Yeni Postane’nde ‘474’ numaralı posta kutusuna bir mektup göndermelerini rica ederiz.” ibaresiyle okurlara uyarı ve hatırlatmalar yapılmıştır. Reklam sistemi ise her hafta mecmuanın sonunda yayınlanan ve çeşitli kişi veya kurumlardan alınan reklam yazılarıdır. Bu reklamlar bize dönemin sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik olayları hakkında ipucu vermesi açısından dikkate değer bir konudur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Köy Hocası, Mecmua, Yerel Basın
“Köy Hocası Mecmuası” is one of the local media organs which were published in National Struggle years. Work was pressed as three volumes and seventy one numbers in 1918-1919-1920-1921 and 1922 years in Evkaf-ı İslâmiye Matbaası, Hukuk Matbaası and Matbuat and İstihbarat Genel Müdürlüğü. As there had been expression “pressed fortnightly” at start of the magazine, there was expression “pressed in Ankara weekly at the start of the parts which were published after 1920 year but regular press couldn’t have always made. Although reason of this irregularity in magazine’s numbers hasn’t been expressed, we think reason is that magazine was pressed in war years.
Magazine’s aim has been summarized with expression “showing way of striving work by telling villagers to their religion and word” at the start of all numbers in Köy Hocası Mecmuası. Differences in days of work’s press have been appeared, too. Though it has genarally published on Thursdays, it has been published on Mondays and Saturdays. The most striking side of the work is subscription system and getting advertisement. Explainations to subject about subscription and subscription’s continuity have been made. Accounts of subcribers who were registered a year to Köy Hocası have been closed. Köy Hocası hasn’t been sent to subcribers who didn’t register again. Warning and reminding to readers have been made with expression “if you want to register, send a letter to “474” post box in new post office immediately, please”. As to advertisement, it is advertisement writing which were taken from various person or institutions and which were published at the and of the magazine per week. These advertisements are striking topic in terms of giving clue about period’s social, cultural and economic events.
Key Words: Köy Hocası, Magazine, Local Press.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makaleleri |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 20 Ekim 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 31 |