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Pamuk bitkisinde yapraktan kükürt uygulamalarının uzun süreli su stresi koşullarında stoma iletkenliğine etkisi

Yıl 2021, , 171 - 182, 19.04.2021


Amaç: Bu araştırma farklı gelişme dönemlerinde (vejetatif gelişme dönemi (VG), çiçeklenme ve koza oluşumu dönemi (ÇKO), kozaların açılması dönemi (KA)) su stresine maruz bırakılmış Carisma çeşidi pamuk bitkisinin su stresinin azaltılmasında yapraktan kükürt uygulamalarının etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2015-2016 yıllarında yürütülmüştür.

Yöntemler ve Bulgular:
Tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulan bu araştırma da, ana parsellere gelişme dönemleri (OOO, TTT, TOO, OTT, OTO, TOT), alt parsellere kükürt dozları (S0: Kontrol, S1: 150 ml da-1, S2: 250 ml da-1, S3: 350 ml da-1) konumlandırılmıştır. Çalışmada su stresinin fizyolojik etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla stoma iletkenliği ile bitki su tüketimi ve verim ölçümleri yapılmıştır.
Tam sulama konularına her sulamada uygulanan ortalama sulama suyu miktarı deneme yıllarına göre sırasıyla 127.5- 138 mm düzeyinde gerçekleşmiştir. Bitki su tüketimi değerleri ise, denemenin ilk yılında 304-1012 mm; ikinci yılında 256-1070 mm arasında değişmiştir.
Stoma iletkenliği değerleri ilk yıl 269-1067 mmol m-2 s-1; ikinci yıl 205-407 mmol m-2 s-1 arasında değişmekte ve en yüksek stoma iletkenliği değeri her iki yılda da bütün gelişme dönemlerinde tam sulanan (TTT) konudan elde edilmiştir.

Genel Yorum: Farklı gelişme dönemlerinde uzun dönemli su stresine maruz kalındığı için kükürt dozlarının stoma iletkenliği ve verim üzerine etkileri farklılık göstermiş ancak, genel olarak S1 ve S2 dozları anılan değerleri yükseltmiştir.

Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Amik Ovasında damla sulama ile sulanan ve farklı gelişme dönemlerinde su stresine maruz kalmış pamuk bitkisinin, yapraktan kükürt uygulayarak stoma iletkenliğinin nasıl değiştiği bilenen bir konu değildir. Bu araştırma, Amik ovasında Carisma çeşidi pamuk bitkilerinde uzun süreli su stresinin etkilerini azaltmak için hangi dozda kükürt verilmesi gerektiğini belirlemek için yapılmıştır.

Proje Numarası



  • Andersen MN, Jensen CR, Lösch R (1992) The interaction effects of potassium and drought in field-grown barley. 1. yield, water-use efficiency and growth. Acta Agricultural Scand. Sect. B Soil Plant Sciences 42:34–44
  • Bek Y, Efe E (1988) Research and Experiment Medoths I. Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture Adana, Turkey. Textbook: pp.395 (in Turkish).
  • Blum A (1986) Breeding crop varieties for stress environments. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2:199-237.
  • Burt CM, O’connor K, Ruehr T (1995) Fertigation. Irr. Training and Research Center. Cal. Polytec. St. Univ., San Luis Obispo, Ca 93407, Isbn 0-9643634-1-0. Pp.295.
  • Can D (2017) Determination of the effects of deficit irrigation on quality, yield and yield components of some cotton variety in Amik Plain conditions. (M.Sc. Thesis). Mustafa Kemal University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biosystems Engineering. Hatay (in Turkish).
  • Dietz KJ (1989) Recovery of Spinach leaves from suphate and phosphate deficiency. J. Plant Physiol 134:551-557.
  • Doorenbos J, Kassam A H (1979) Yield Response to Water, Rome, FAO 33, pp.193
  • Fox RL, Olson RA, Rhoades HF (1964) Evaluating the sulfur status of soils by plants and soil tests. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc 28:243-246
  • González A, Martin I, Ayerbe L (2008) Yield and osmotic adjustment capacity of Barley under terminal water- stress conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 194:81-91.
  • James LG (1988) Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. Krieger Publishing, New York, pp.543
  • Jie X, Dong Q, Zhou L (2008) Effects of sulfur nutrition on the chlorophyll content of maize leaf under zinc and drought stress. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas-02.
  • Jones HG (1999) Use of thermography for quantitative studies of spatial and temporal variation of stomatal conductance over leaf surfaces. Plant Cell Environ 22:1043–1055.
  • Kazgoz Candemir D, Odemis B (2018) Effects of foliar sulfur applications in reducing water stress applied to the cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum L.) during different development periods. Derim 35(2):161-172. (in Turkish).
  • Kerepesi I, Galiba G (2000) Osmotic and salt stress-induced alteration in soluble carbohydrate content in wheat seedlings. Crop Sci 40:482–487. Keten M, Degirmenci H, Guvercin RS (2019) Determination of drought tolerance for some cotton genotypes (gossypium hirsutum l.) under deficit irrigation conditions. KSU J. Agric Nat 22(5):685-693.(in Turkish).
  • Krieg DR (1997) Genetic and environmental factors affecting productivity of cotton. In: Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, 7-10 January, New Orleans, LA, pp.1347.
  • Lawlor DW, Cornic G (2002) Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant Cell Environ. 25:275-294.
  • Loka DA (2012) Effect of water-deficit stress on cotton during reproductive development. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.
  • Loka DA, Oosterhuis D (2012) Water stress and reproductıve development in cotton. Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704, Chapter 5
  • Loka DA, Oosterhuis D (2014) Water-deficit stress effects on pistil biochemistry and leaf physiology in cotton (gossypium hirsutum, l.) South African Journal of Botany, 93, July 131-136.
  • Mansfield TA, Davies WJ (1981) Stomata and stomatal mechanisms. in: Paleg Lg, Aspinall D (Eds) The Physiology and Biochemistry of Drought Resistance in Plants. Academic Press, New York, 315–346.
  • Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd Ed., 1-889. Academic Press. New York.
  • Odemis B, Akıscan Y, Akgol B, Can D (2017) The effect of sulfur doses applied from the leaf under the deficit irrigation conditions on the drought tolerance of the cotton plant. Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project No: 214O254). (in Turkish).
  • Odemis B, Delice H (2018) The Effect of different boron levels on the yield and some physiological properties of cotton plant in deficit irrigation water conditions. Proceedings of XIX. World Congress of GIGR (International Comission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering),22-25 April, Antalya, pp: 28-36
  • Orgaz F, Mateos L, Fereres E (1992) Season length and cultivar determine optimum evapotranspiration deficit in cotton. Agron. Journal 84:700-706.
  • Ozyurt IK, Akca K (2017) Determination of the effects of drought stress on the stomata and other morphological traitsin prunus mahaleb l. rootstocks. Journal of AgriculturalFaculty of Gaziosmanpasa University. 34 (Additional number), 34-40. (in Turkish). Richards RA (2006) Physiological Traits Used in the Breeding of New Cultivars for Water-Scarce Environments. Agric. Water Manage. 80:197-211
  • Sawwan J, Shibli RA, Swaidat I, Tahat M (2000) Phosphorus Regulates Osmotic Potential and Growth of African Violet under İn Vitro-İnduced Water Deficit. J. Plant Nutr. 23:759-771.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL, Royo C, Del Moral LFG (2005) Promising Ecophysiological Traits for Genetic İmprovement of Cereal Yields in Mediterranean environments. Ann. Appl. Biol. 146:61-70.
  • Sezener V, Basal H, Peynircioglu C, Gurbuz T, Kizilkaya K (2015) Screening of cotton cultivars for drought tolerance under field conditions. Turkish Journal Field Crops 20(2):223-232.
  • Sinclair TR (2005) Theoretical analysis of soil and plant traits influencing daily plant water flux on drying soils. Agronomy Journal 97:1148-1152.
  • Turner NC (1997) Further progress in crop water relations. Advance Agronnomy 58: 293-338.
  • Walter A, Shurr U (2005) Dynamics of leaf and root growth: Endogenous Control Versus Environmental İmpact. Ann. Bot. 95:891-900.

Effects of foliar sulfur applications in cotton crop on stomatal conductance under water stress

Yıl 2021, , 171 - 182, 19.04.2021


Aims: This study was performed in 2015-2016 in order to determine how the foliar application of sulfur helped reduce the effects of long-term water stress in Carisma variety cotton plants in different periods of development, namely vegetative growth (VG), flowering and boll development (FB), and boll opening (BO) periods.

Methods and Results: The study was set up in randomized complete block with three replications. Development periods (OOO, TTT, TOO, OTT, OTO, TOT) were assigned to main plots and sulfur doses (S0: Control, S1: 150 ml da-1, S2: 250 ml da-1, S3: 350 ml da-1) were assigned to sub-plots. Measurements were made on stomatal conductance, as well as evaporatranspiration and yield to evaluate the physiological effects of water stress. The average amounts of irrigation water used in each full irrigation were 127.5 and 138 mm respectively, for the treatment years. As for the evaporatranspiration values, in the first treatment year it was found between 304 and 1012 mm and in the second year from 256 to 1070 mm. Stomatal conductance values ranged from 269 to 1067 mmol m-2 s-1 in the first year and from 205 to 407 mmol m-2 s-1 in the second year with the highest stomatal conductance value obtained from full irrigation (TTT) during all growth periods in both years.

Conclusions: The effects of sulfur dosage on stomatal conductance and yield varied due to exposure to long-term water stress at different developmental periods; however, generally speaking, the doses of S1 and S2 cause these values to increase.

Significance and Impact of the Study: In the Amik Plain, there was no detailed study to determine how foliar sulfur applications changed the stomatal conductance of cotton when drip-irrigated and subjected to water stress during the different development stages. This research revealed in what dose sulfur should be given to reduce the effects of long-term water stress in Carisma variety cotton plants in Amik plain.

Destekleyen Kurum

Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü

Proje Numarası



This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Unit of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University (Project No: 14100). It is a part of the “Master of Science Thesis” carried out at the Department of Biyosistem Engineering at the Science Institute of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University.


  • Andersen MN, Jensen CR, Lösch R (1992) The interaction effects of potassium and drought in field-grown barley. 1. yield, water-use efficiency and growth. Acta Agricultural Scand. Sect. B Soil Plant Sciences 42:34–44
  • Bek Y, Efe E (1988) Research and Experiment Medoths I. Cukurova University, Faculty of Agriculture Adana, Turkey. Textbook: pp.395 (in Turkish).
  • Blum A (1986) Breeding crop varieties for stress environments. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2:199-237.
  • Burt CM, O’connor K, Ruehr T (1995) Fertigation. Irr. Training and Research Center. Cal. Polytec. St. Univ., San Luis Obispo, Ca 93407, Isbn 0-9643634-1-0. Pp.295.
  • Can D (2017) Determination of the effects of deficit irrigation on quality, yield and yield components of some cotton variety in Amik Plain conditions. (M.Sc. Thesis). Mustafa Kemal University Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Biosystems Engineering. Hatay (in Turkish).
  • Dietz KJ (1989) Recovery of Spinach leaves from suphate and phosphate deficiency. J. Plant Physiol 134:551-557.
  • Doorenbos J, Kassam A H (1979) Yield Response to Water, Rome, FAO 33, pp.193
  • Fox RL, Olson RA, Rhoades HF (1964) Evaluating the sulfur status of soils by plants and soil tests. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc 28:243-246
  • González A, Martin I, Ayerbe L (2008) Yield and osmotic adjustment capacity of Barley under terminal water- stress conditions. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 194:81-91.
  • James LG (1988) Principles of Farm Irrigation System Design. Krieger Publishing, New York, pp.543
  • Jie X, Dong Q, Zhou L (2008) Effects of sulfur nutrition on the chlorophyll content of maize leaf under zinc and drought stress. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas-02.
  • Jones HG (1999) Use of thermography for quantitative studies of spatial and temporal variation of stomatal conductance over leaf surfaces. Plant Cell Environ 22:1043–1055.
  • Kazgoz Candemir D, Odemis B (2018) Effects of foliar sulfur applications in reducing water stress applied to the cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum L.) during different development periods. Derim 35(2):161-172. (in Turkish).
  • Kerepesi I, Galiba G (2000) Osmotic and salt stress-induced alteration in soluble carbohydrate content in wheat seedlings. Crop Sci 40:482–487. Keten M, Degirmenci H, Guvercin RS (2019) Determination of drought tolerance for some cotton genotypes (gossypium hirsutum l.) under deficit irrigation conditions. KSU J. Agric Nat 22(5):685-693.(in Turkish).
  • Krieg DR (1997) Genetic and environmental factors affecting productivity of cotton. In: Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, 7-10 January, New Orleans, LA, pp.1347.
  • Lawlor DW, Cornic G (2002) Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and associated metabolism in relation to water deficits in higher plants. Plant Cell Environ. 25:275-294.
  • Loka DA (2012) Effect of water-deficit stress on cotton during reproductive development. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.
  • Loka DA, Oosterhuis D (2012) Water stress and reproductıve development in cotton. Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72704, Chapter 5
  • Loka DA, Oosterhuis D (2014) Water-deficit stress effects on pistil biochemistry and leaf physiology in cotton (gossypium hirsutum, l.) South African Journal of Botany, 93, July 131-136.
  • Mansfield TA, Davies WJ (1981) Stomata and stomatal mechanisms. in: Paleg Lg, Aspinall D (Eds) The Physiology and Biochemistry of Drought Resistance in Plants. Academic Press, New York, 315–346.
  • Marschner H (1995) Mineral nutrition of higher plants. 2nd Ed., 1-889. Academic Press. New York.
  • Odemis B, Akıscan Y, Akgol B, Can D (2017) The effect of sulfur doses applied from the leaf under the deficit irrigation conditions on the drought tolerance of the cotton plant. Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project No: 214O254). (in Turkish).
  • Odemis B, Delice H (2018) The Effect of different boron levels on the yield and some physiological properties of cotton plant in deficit irrigation water conditions. Proceedings of XIX. World Congress of GIGR (International Comission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering),22-25 April, Antalya, pp: 28-36
  • Orgaz F, Mateos L, Fereres E (1992) Season length and cultivar determine optimum evapotranspiration deficit in cotton. Agron. Journal 84:700-706.
  • Ozyurt IK, Akca K (2017) Determination of the effects of drought stress on the stomata and other morphological traitsin prunus mahaleb l. rootstocks. Journal of AgriculturalFaculty of Gaziosmanpasa University. 34 (Additional number), 34-40. (in Turkish). Richards RA (2006) Physiological Traits Used in the Breeding of New Cultivars for Water-Scarce Environments. Agric. Water Manage. 80:197-211
  • Sawwan J, Shibli RA, Swaidat I, Tahat M (2000) Phosphorus Regulates Osmotic Potential and Growth of African Violet under İn Vitro-İnduced Water Deficit. J. Plant Nutr. 23:759-771.
  • Slafer GA, Araus JL, Royo C, Del Moral LFG (2005) Promising Ecophysiological Traits for Genetic İmprovement of Cereal Yields in Mediterranean environments. Ann. Appl. Biol. 146:61-70.
  • Sezener V, Basal H, Peynircioglu C, Gurbuz T, Kizilkaya K (2015) Screening of cotton cultivars for drought tolerance under field conditions. Turkish Journal Field Crops 20(2):223-232.
  • Sinclair TR (2005) Theoretical analysis of soil and plant traits influencing daily plant water flux on drying soils. Agronomy Journal 97:1148-1152.
  • Turner NC (1997) Further progress in crop water relations. Advance Agronnomy 58: 293-338.
  • Walter A, Shurr U (2005) Dynamics of leaf and root growth: Endogenous Control Versus Environmental İmpact. Ann. Bot. 95:891-900.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Derya Kazgöz Candemir 0000-0002-5741-5464

Berkant Ödemiş 0000-0001-7636-2858

Proje Numarası 14100
Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Nisan 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 17 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Kazgöz Candemir, D., & Ödemiş, B. (2021). Effects of foliar sulfur applications in cotton crop on stomatal conductance under water stress. Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(1), 171-182.

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