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Surgical Margin Positivity and Radiotherapy in The Pathologic T3 Prostate Cancer

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 19, 37 - 47, 03.03.2015


Prostate cancer is the most common solid cancer in men and of %91 is diagnosed as organ confined early stage. Extraprostatic invasion of the disease comes with the increased risk of surgical margin positivity in the postoperative period. Postoperative treatment with radiotherapy (RT) for the patients that have surgical margin positivity in the pathologic specimens reserve a crucial place. This review contains the knowledge of the importance and role of radiotherapy in surgical margin-positive prostate cancer patients compiling from the literature. 


  • -Humphrey PA. Cancers of the male reproductive organs. In: World Cancer Report, Stewart BW, Wild CP (Eds), World Health Organization, Lyon 2014. 2- Görür S, M Çetin, A Balci, S Ocak, S Karazincir, AN Kiper. Serum prostat spesifik antijen düzeyi yüksekliği olan olgularda prostat biyopsi örneklerinin kültür ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Yeni Üroloji Dergisi , 2(3). 143-147(2006) 3- Ozcan T, Bozlu M, Muslu N, Gozukara KH, Seyis S, Akcay B. Elevation of the serum total and free prostate specific antigen levels after stent implantation in patients with coronary artery disease. Swiss Med Wkly. 2009 Nov 14;139(45-46):672-5.
  • - Jemal A, Siegel R, Wand E, Murray T, Xu J, Smigal C et al. Cancer statistics 2006, CA. Cancer J Clin, 56: 106, 2006. 5- http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/f_guidelines.asp 6- Salomon L, Anastasiadis AG, Johnson CW, McKiernan JM, Goluboff ET, Abbou CC, Olsson CA, Benson MC. Seminal vesicle involvement after radical prostatectomy: predicting risk factors for progression. Urology. 2003;62(2):304.
  • - Gaelle F, Pierre V, Dominique P, François R, Guy V, Olivier C, Xavier C. Pathologic Reassessment of Prostate Cancer Surgical Specimens Before Molecular Retrospective Studies. Clin Cancer Res February 15, 201117; 836. 8- Prostate. In: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Springer, New York 2010. p.457 9-Han M, Partin AW, Pound CR, Epstein JI, Walsh PC. Long-term biochemical disease-free and cancer-specific survival following anatomic radical retropubicprostatectomy. The 15-year Johns Hopkins experience. Urol Clin North Am. 2001 Aug;28(3):555-65. 10-Han M, Partin AW, Zahurak M, Piantadosi S, Epstein JI, Walsh PC. Biochemical (prostate specific antigen) recurrence probability following radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. J Urol. 2003 Feb;169(2):517-23. 11- AU Kasibhatla M, Peterson B, Anscher MS SO. What is the best postoperative treatment for patients with pT3bN0M0 adenocarcinoma of the prostate? Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2005;8(2):167. 12- Swanson GP, Lerner SP. Positive margins after radical prostatectomy: implications for failure and role of djuvant treatment. Urol Oncol 2013; 31:531. 13-.Swindle P1, Eastham JA, Ohori M, Kattan MW, Wheeler T, Maru N, Slawin K, Scardino PT. Do margins matter? The prognostic significance of positive surgical margins in radical prostatectomy specimens. J Urol. 2005 Sep;174(3):903-7 14-Ploussard G1, Agamy MA, Alenda O, Allory Y, Mouracade P, Vordos D, Hoznek A, Abbou CC, de la Taille A, Salomon L. Impact of positive surgical margins on prostate-specific antigen failure after radical prostatectomy in adjuvant treatment-naïve patients. BJU Int. 2011 Jun;107(11):1748-54. 15-Alkhateeb S, Alibhai S, Fleshner N, et al. Impact of positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy differs by disease risk group. J Urol 2010; 183:145. 16-Yossepowitch O, Briganti A, Eastham JA, Epstein J, Graefen M, Montironi R, Touijer K Positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy: a systematic review and contemporary update. Eur Urol. 2014 Feb;65(2):303-13 17-Shikanov S, Song J, Royce C, Al-Ahmadie H, Zorn K, Steinberg G, Zagaja G, Shalhav A, Eggener S. Length of positive surgical margin after radical prostatectomy as a predictor of biochemical recurrence. J Urol. 2009 Jul;182(1):139-44. 18-Kordan Y, Salem S, Chang SS, et al. Impact of positive apical surgical margins on likelihood of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2009; 182:2695. 19-Viers BR, Sukov WR, Gettman MT, et al. Primary Gleason Grade 4 at the Positive Margin Is Associated with Metastasis and Death Among Patients with Gleason 7 Prostate Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2014. 20-Savdie R, Horvath LG, Benito RP, Rasiah KK, Haynes AM, Chatfield M, Stricker PD, Turner JJ, Delprado W, Henshall SM, Sutherland RL, Kench JG. High Gleason grade carcinoma at a positive surgical margin predicts biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy and may guide adjuvant radiotherapy. BJU Int. 2012 Jun;109(12):1794-800. 21-Thompson IM, Valicenti RK, Albertsen P, Davis BJ, Goldenberg SL, Hahn C, Klein E, Michalski J, Roach M, Sartor O, Wolf JS Jr, Faraday MM. Adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy: AUA/ASTRO Guideline.
  • - Stephenson AJ, Bolla M, Briganti A, Cozzarini C, Moul JW, Roach M 3rd, van Poppel H, Zietman A. Postoperative radiation therapy for pathologically advanced prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 2012 Mar;61(3):443-51
  • - Patel AR, Stephenson AJ. Radiation therapy for prostate cancer after prostatectomy: adjuvant or salvage? Nat Rev Urol. 2011 Jun 14;8(7):385-92. 24- Boorjian SA, Karnes RJ, Viterbo R, Rangel LJ, Bergstralh EJ, Horwitz EM, Blute ML, Buyyounouski MK. Long-term survival after radical prostatectomy versus external-beam radiotherapy for patients with high-risk prostate cancer. Cancer. 2011 Jul 1;117(13):2883-91. 25- Mitchell CR, Boorjian SA, Umbreit EC, Rangel LJ, Carlson RE, Karnes RJ. 20-Year survival after radical prostatectomy as initial treatment for cT3 prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2012 Dec;110(11):1709-13. 26- Freedland SJ, Rumble RB, Finelli A, Chen RC, Slovin S, Stein MN, Mendelson DS, Wackett C, Sandler HM. Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy After Prostatectomy: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Endorsement. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov 3. pii: JCO.2014.58.8525. 27-Bolla M, van Poppel H, Tombal B, et al. Postoperative radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer: long-term results of a randomised controlled trial (EORTC trial 22911). Lancet 2012; 380:2018. 28-Suardi N, Gallina A, Lista G, et al. Impact of adjuvant radiation therapy on urinary continence recovery after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2014; 65:546. 29- Karlin JD, Koontz BF, Freedland SJ, Moul JW, Grob BM, Wan W, Hagan MP, Anscher MS, Moghanaki D. Identifying appropriate patients for early salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy. J Urol. 2013 Oct;190(4):14105. 30- Bartkowiak D, Bottke D, Wiegel T. Adjuvant radiotherapy or early salvage radiotherapy in pT3R0 or pT3R1 prostate cancer. Curr Opin Urol. 2013 Jul;23(4):360-5. 31-Kim H, Kim JW, Hong SJ, Rha KH, Lee CG, Yang SC, Choi YD, Suh CO, Cho J. Treatment outcome of localized prostate cancer by 70 Gy hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a customized rectal balloon. Radiat Oncol J. 2014 Sep;32(3):187-97. 32- Jang JW, Hwang WT, Guzzo TJ, Wein AJ, Haas NB, Both S, Vapiwala N. Upfront androgen deprivation therapy with salvage radiation may improve biochemical outcomes in prostate cancer patients with post-prostatectomy rising PSA. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Aug 1;83(5):1493-9. 33- Song C, Kim YS. Treatment failure and clinical progression after salvage therapy in men with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy: radiotherapy vs androgen deprivation. BJU Int. 2010 Jul;106(2):188-93. Hong JH, Kim CS, Ahn H. BJU Int. 2010 Jul;106(2):188-93. 34- Shipley WU, Hunt D, Lukka HR, et al. Initial report of RTOG 9601, a phase III trial in prostate cancer: Effect of anti-androgen therapy (AAT) with bicalutamide during and after radiation therapy (RT) on freedom from progression and incidence of metastatic disease in patients following radical prostatectomy (RP) with pT2-3,N0 disease and elevated PSA levels. J Clin Oncol 2011. 35-Siddiqui SA, Boorjian SA, Inman B, et al. Timing of androgen deprivation therapy and its impact on survival after radical prostatectomy: a matched cohort study. J Urol 2008; 179:1830. 36-Iversen P, McLeod DG, See WA, et al. Antiandrogen monotherapy in patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: final results from the bicalutamide Early Prostate Cancer programme at a median follow-up of 9.7 years. BJU Int 2010; 105:1074.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 19, 37 - 47, 03.03.2015


Prostat kanseri erkeklerde en sık görülen solid kanser türüdür ve tanı aldığında %91’i prostata sınırlıdır. Daha az görülen organ dışına yayılım, cerrahi sonrası, cerrahi sınır pozitifliği gibi riskleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Cerrahi sonrası patoloji spesimeninde saptanan cerrahi sınır pozitifliği olan hastalarda tedavide radyoterapi (RT) çok önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu derleme, radyoterapinin cerrahi sınır pozitifliği olan prostat kanserli hastalardaki yeri ve yapılmış çalışmalar hakkında bilgiler içermektedir.


  • -Humphrey PA. Cancers of the male reproductive organs. In: World Cancer Report, Stewart BW, Wild CP (Eds), World Health Organization, Lyon 2014. 2- Görür S, M Çetin, A Balci, S Ocak, S Karazincir, AN Kiper. Serum prostat spesifik antijen düzeyi yüksekliği olan olgularda prostat biyopsi örneklerinin kültür ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Yeni Üroloji Dergisi , 2(3). 143-147(2006) 3- Ozcan T, Bozlu M, Muslu N, Gozukara KH, Seyis S, Akcay B. Elevation of the serum total and free prostate specific antigen levels after stent implantation in patients with coronary artery disease. Swiss Med Wkly. 2009 Nov 14;139(45-46):672-5.
  • - Jemal A, Siegel R, Wand E, Murray T, Xu J, Smigal C et al. Cancer statistics 2006, CA. Cancer J Clin, 56: 106, 2006. 5- http://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/f_guidelines.asp 6- Salomon L, Anastasiadis AG, Johnson CW, McKiernan JM, Goluboff ET, Abbou CC, Olsson CA, Benson MC. Seminal vesicle involvement after radical prostatectomy: predicting risk factors for progression. Urology. 2003;62(2):304.
  • - Gaelle F, Pierre V, Dominique P, François R, Guy V, Olivier C, Xavier C. Pathologic Reassessment of Prostate Cancer Surgical Specimens Before Molecular Retrospective Studies. Clin Cancer Res February 15, 201117; 836. 8- Prostate. In: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Springer, New York 2010. p.457 9-Han M, Partin AW, Pound CR, Epstein JI, Walsh PC. Long-term biochemical disease-free and cancer-specific survival following anatomic radical retropubicprostatectomy. The 15-year Johns Hopkins experience. Urol Clin North Am. 2001 Aug;28(3):555-65. 10-Han M, Partin AW, Zahurak M, Piantadosi S, Epstein JI, Walsh PC. Biochemical (prostate specific antigen) recurrence probability following radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer. J Urol. 2003 Feb;169(2):517-23. 11- AU Kasibhatla M, Peterson B, Anscher MS SO. What is the best postoperative treatment for patients with pT3bN0M0 adenocarcinoma of the prostate? Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2005;8(2):167. 12- Swanson GP, Lerner SP. Positive margins after radical prostatectomy: implications for failure and role of djuvant treatment. Urol Oncol 2013; 31:531. 13-.Swindle P1, Eastham JA, Ohori M, Kattan MW, Wheeler T, Maru N, Slawin K, Scardino PT. Do margins matter? The prognostic significance of positive surgical margins in radical prostatectomy specimens. J Urol. 2005 Sep;174(3):903-7 14-Ploussard G1, Agamy MA, Alenda O, Allory Y, Mouracade P, Vordos D, Hoznek A, Abbou CC, de la Taille A, Salomon L. Impact of positive surgical margins on prostate-specific antigen failure after radical prostatectomy in adjuvant treatment-naïve patients. BJU Int. 2011 Jun;107(11):1748-54. 15-Alkhateeb S, Alibhai S, Fleshner N, et al. Impact of positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy differs by disease risk group. J Urol 2010; 183:145. 16-Yossepowitch O, Briganti A, Eastham JA, Epstein J, Graefen M, Montironi R, Touijer K Positive surgical margins after radical prostatectomy: a systematic review and contemporary update. Eur Urol. 2014 Feb;65(2):303-13 17-Shikanov S, Song J, Royce C, Al-Ahmadie H, Zorn K, Steinberg G, Zagaja G, Shalhav A, Eggener S. Length of positive surgical margin after radical prostatectomy as a predictor of biochemical recurrence. J Urol. 2009 Jul;182(1):139-44. 18-Kordan Y, Salem S, Chang SS, et al. Impact of positive apical surgical margins on likelihood of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2009; 182:2695. 19-Viers BR, Sukov WR, Gettman MT, et al. Primary Gleason Grade 4 at the Positive Margin Is Associated with Metastasis and Death Among Patients with Gleason 7 Prostate Cancer Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2014. 20-Savdie R, Horvath LG, Benito RP, Rasiah KK, Haynes AM, Chatfield M, Stricker PD, Turner JJ, Delprado W, Henshall SM, Sutherland RL, Kench JG. High Gleason grade carcinoma at a positive surgical margin predicts biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy and may guide adjuvant radiotherapy. BJU Int. 2012 Jun;109(12):1794-800. 21-Thompson IM, Valicenti RK, Albertsen P, Davis BJ, Goldenberg SL, Hahn C, Klein E, Michalski J, Roach M, Sartor O, Wolf JS Jr, Faraday MM. Adjuvant and salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy: AUA/ASTRO Guideline.
  • - Stephenson AJ, Bolla M, Briganti A, Cozzarini C, Moul JW, Roach M 3rd, van Poppel H, Zietman A. Postoperative radiation therapy for pathologically advanced prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 2012 Mar;61(3):443-51
  • - Patel AR, Stephenson AJ. Radiation therapy for prostate cancer after prostatectomy: adjuvant or salvage? Nat Rev Urol. 2011 Jun 14;8(7):385-92. 24- Boorjian SA, Karnes RJ, Viterbo R, Rangel LJ, Bergstralh EJ, Horwitz EM, Blute ML, Buyyounouski MK. Long-term survival after radical prostatectomy versus external-beam radiotherapy for patients with high-risk prostate cancer. Cancer. 2011 Jul 1;117(13):2883-91. 25- Mitchell CR, Boorjian SA, Umbreit EC, Rangel LJ, Carlson RE, Karnes RJ. 20-Year survival after radical prostatectomy as initial treatment for cT3 prostate cancer. BJU Int. 2012 Dec;110(11):1709-13. 26- Freedland SJ, Rumble RB, Finelli A, Chen RC, Slovin S, Stein MN, Mendelson DS, Wackett C, Sandler HM. Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy After Prostatectomy: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline Endorsement. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov 3. pii: JCO.2014.58.8525. 27-Bolla M, van Poppel H, Tombal B, et al. Postoperative radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy for high-risk prostate cancer: long-term results of a randomised controlled trial (EORTC trial 22911). Lancet 2012; 380:2018. 28-Suardi N, Gallina A, Lista G, et al. Impact of adjuvant radiation therapy on urinary continence recovery after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol 2014; 65:546. 29- Karlin JD, Koontz BF, Freedland SJ, Moul JW, Grob BM, Wan W, Hagan MP, Anscher MS, Moghanaki D. Identifying appropriate patients for early salvage radiotherapy after prostatectomy. J Urol. 2013 Oct;190(4):14105. 30- Bartkowiak D, Bottke D, Wiegel T. Adjuvant radiotherapy or early salvage radiotherapy in pT3R0 or pT3R1 prostate cancer. Curr Opin Urol. 2013 Jul;23(4):360-5. 31-Kim H, Kim JW, Hong SJ, Rha KH, Lee CG, Yang SC, Choi YD, Suh CO, Cho J. Treatment outcome of localized prostate cancer by 70 Gy hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy with a customized rectal balloon. Radiat Oncol J. 2014 Sep;32(3):187-97. 32- Jang JW, Hwang WT, Guzzo TJ, Wein AJ, Haas NB, Both S, Vapiwala N. Upfront androgen deprivation therapy with salvage radiation may improve biochemical outcomes in prostate cancer patients with post-prostatectomy rising PSA. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012 Aug 1;83(5):1493-9. 33- Song C, Kim YS. Treatment failure and clinical progression after salvage therapy in men with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy: radiotherapy vs androgen deprivation. BJU Int. 2010 Jul;106(2):188-93. Hong JH, Kim CS, Ahn H. BJU Int. 2010 Jul;106(2):188-93. 34- Shipley WU, Hunt D, Lukka HR, et al. Initial report of RTOG 9601, a phase III trial in prostate cancer: Effect of anti-androgen therapy (AAT) with bicalutamide during and after radiation therapy (RT) on freedom from progression and incidence of metastatic disease in patients following radical prostatectomy (RP) with pT2-3,N0 disease and elevated PSA levels. J Clin Oncol 2011. 35-Siddiqui SA, Boorjian SA, Inman B, et al. Timing of androgen deprivation therapy and its impact on survival after radical prostatectomy: a matched cohort study. J Urol 2008; 179:1830. 36-Iversen P, McLeod DG, See WA, et al. Antiandrogen monotherapy in patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: final results from the bicalutamide Early Prostate Cancer programme at a median follow-up of 9.7 years. BJU Int 2010; 105:1074.
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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 19

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