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Effectiveness of Compression Stockings After Isolated Vena Saphena Parva Stripping: A Retrospective Study

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 18, 1 - 12, 03.03.2015


Background: The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of medium pressurized elastic compression stockings usage after isolated vena saphena parva stripping. Material and Methods: Between 2001 January2014 March, 60 patients (40 women, 20 men, mean age; 39± 11 years, 35 to 58 years range) treated with vena saphena parva ligation and total stripping for isolated vena saphena parva insufficiency, were enrolled in this retrospective study. Elastic bandage applied postoperatively. Patients were divided into two groups according to use of additional compression stocking for 4 weeks; as stockings using group, (group 1; 18 women, 12 men, mean age 35±12.2, 23 to 47 years) and as no stockings using group, (group 2; 22 women, 8 men, mean age 38±10.8, 27 to 49 years) and. Primary outcomes and secondary outcomes were evaluated. Results: Extremity volumes in Group 1 and Group 2 were reduced from preoperatively 4600±540 ml and 4740 ± 420 ml to postoperatively 4440±430 ml and 4660 ± 400 ml, respectively. There were no differences between two groups by means of time to return to work and complications. Extremity volumes and Visual Analogue Scale pain scores were detected statistically significant reduction at the end of 4 weeks in group 1. Conclusion: Additional use of compression stockings after isolated vena saphena parva stripping can provide significant reduction in extremity edema and visual analog scale pain score. On the other hand, developing complications and time to return to work in both groups seem similar


  • Houtermans-Auckel JP, Van Rossum E, Teijink JAW, Dahlmans AAHR, Eussen EFB,
  • S.P.A. Nicola SPA ve ark. Variköz Venlerin Çıkarılması Sonrasında Kompresyon
  • Çoraplarının Giyilmesi veya Giyilmemesi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışma Eur J Vasc
  • Endovasc Surg 2009; 2:173-178.
  • Özkan A, Kin İşler A. Sporcularda Bacak Hacmi, Kütlesi, Hamstring/ Quadriceps Oranı ile
  • Anaerobik Performans ve İzokinetik Bacak Kuvveti Arasındaki İlişki. Hacettepe J of Sport
  • Sciences 2010; 21:90–102.
  • Sukul, DK, Den Hoed, KS, Johannes, EJ, Van Dolder R, Benda, E. Direct and indirect
  • methods for the quantification of leg volume: comparison between water displacement
  • volumetry, disk model method and the frustum sign model method, using the correlation
  • coefficient and the limits of agreement, Journal of Biomedical England. 1993;15:477-480,
  • Doran FS, Barkat S. The management of recurrent varicose veins. Ann R Coll Surg Engl
  • ; 63:432-436.
  • Creton D. Hypothe`ses e´tiologiques des re´cidives variqueuses saphe`ne interne: e´tude
  • anatomique sur 211 cas. In: Negus D, Jantet G, Collerıdge-Smıth Pd, eds. Phlebology 1995.
  • London: Springer-Verlag, 164-168.
  • Creton D. 125 reinterventions for recurrent popliteal varicose veins after excision of the
  • short saphenous vein. Anatomical and physiological hypotheses of the mechanism of
  • recurrence. J Mal Vasc 1999; 24:30-37.
  • Kurdal AT, Cerrahoglu M, İskesen İ, Kahraman N, Eserdag M., Ozbakkaoglu A ve ark.
  • Vena Safena Parva Ligasyonuyla Beraber Stripping Yapılmalı mı? İ. Ü Kardiyol Enst Derg
  • ;8: 17-21
  • C. Allegra, P.L. Antignani and A. Carlizza Recurrent Varicose Veins Following Surgical
  • Treatment: Our Experience with Five Years Follow-up, Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33,
  • -756
  • Jones L, Braithwaite BD, Selwyn D, Cooke S, Earnshaw JJ. Neovascularisation is the
  • principal cause of varicose vein recurrence: results of a andomised trial of stripping the long
  • saphenous vein. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996; 12:442–445.
  • Van Bemmelen PS, Bedford G, Beach K, Strandness DE Jr: Quantitavive segmental
  • evaluation of venous valvular reflux with ultrasound scanning. J Vasc Surg 1989; 10:425-431.
  • Biswas S, Clark A, Shields DA. Randomised clinical trial of the duration of compression
  • therapy after varicose vein surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33: 631-7.
  • Raraty MGT, Greaney MG, Blair SD. There is no benefit from weeks postoperative
  • compression after varicose vein surgery: a prospective randomized trial. Phlebology 1999;
  • :21-5.
  • Rodrigus I, Bleyn J. For how long do we have to advise elastic support after varicose vein
  • surgery? A prospective randomized study. Phlebology; 1991;6: 95-98.
  • Shouler PJ, Runchman PC. Varicose veins: optimum compression after surgery and
  • sclerotherapy. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1989;71:402-4.
  • Bass A, Chayen D, Weinmann EE and Ziss M. Lateral venous ulcer and short vein
  • insufficiency saphenous. J Vasc Surg 1997;25:654-7.
  • Theivacumar NS, Beale RJ, Mavor AID and Gough MJ. Initial Experience in Endovenous
  • Laser Ablation (EVLA) of Varicose Veins Due to Small Saphenous Vein Reflux Eur J Vasc
  • Endovasc Surg 2007; 33, 614-618.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 18, 1 - 12, 03.03.2015


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, izole Vena Safena
Parva stripingi sonrasında orta basınçlı elastik
kompresyon çorabı kullanılmasının etkinliğini
Gereç ve Yöntem: 2011 Ocak ile 2014 Mart
tarihleri arası izole Vena Safena Parva yetmezliği
nedeniyle opere edilen 60 hasta (40 kadın, 20 erkek,
yaş ortalaması; 39± 11, 35-58 yaş arası) bu
randomize kontrollü retrospektif çalışmaya dahil
edildi. Ekstremitelere postoperatif 3 gün boyunca
elastik bandaj uygulandı. Hastalar ilaveten 4
haftalık kompresyon çorabı giyenler (Grup 1; 18
kadın, 12 erkek, yaş ortalaması 35±12,2, 23-47 yaş
arası] ve giymeyenler (Grup 2; 22 kadın, 8 erkek,
yaş ortalaması 38±10.8, 27-49 yaş arası.) olmak
üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Primer sonlanım ve
sekonder sonlanım sonuçları değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Çalışma ve kontrol grubunda bacak
ortalama hacimleri sırasıyla preoperatif 4600±540
ve 4740 ± 420 ml iken postoperatif 4. hafta sonunda
4440±430 ml ve 4660 ± 400 ml’e geriledi. Dört
haftalık takip döneminde işe dönüş,
komplikasyonlar açısından fark gözlenmedi. Bacak
hacimleri ve vizuel analog skala ağrı skorlarında
grup 1’de istatistiki olarak anlamlı derecede bir
azalma saptandı.
Sonuç: İzole vena safena parva stripingi sonrası
ilave elastik kompresyon çorabı giyilmesi
ekstremite ödemi ve postoperatif ağrı hissinde
anlamlı derecede azalma sağlayabilir. Diğer taraftan
varis çorabı kullananlar ile kullanmayanlar
komplikasyon gelişimi ve işe dönüş zamanı
açısından benzer görünmektedir.


  • Houtermans-Auckel JP, Van Rossum E, Teijink JAW, Dahlmans AAHR, Eussen EFB,
  • S.P.A. Nicola SPA ve ark. Variköz Venlerin Çıkarılması Sonrasında Kompresyon
  • Çoraplarının Giyilmesi veya Giyilmemesi: Randomize Kontrollü Bir Çalışma Eur J Vasc
  • Endovasc Surg 2009; 2:173-178.
  • Özkan A, Kin İşler A. Sporcularda Bacak Hacmi, Kütlesi, Hamstring/ Quadriceps Oranı ile
  • Anaerobik Performans ve İzokinetik Bacak Kuvveti Arasındaki İlişki. Hacettepe J of Sport
  • Sciences 2010; 21:90–102.
  • Sukul, DK, Den Hoed, KS, Johannes, EJ, Van Dolder R, Benda, E. Direct and indirect
  • methods for the quantification of leg volume: comparison between water displacement
  • volumetry, disk model method and the frustum sign model method, using the correlation
  • coefficient and the limits of agreement, Journal of Biomedical England. 1993;15:477-480,
  • Doran FS, Barkat S. The management of recurrent varicose veins. Ann R Coll Surg Engl
  • ; 63:432-436.
  • Creton D. Hypothe`ses e´tiologiques des re´cidives variqueuses saphe`ne interne: e´tude
  • anatomique sur 211 cas. In: Negus D, Jantet G, Collerıdge-Smıth Pd, eds. Phlebology 1995.
  • London: Springer-Verlag, 164-168.
  • Creton D. 125 reinterventions for recurrent popliteal varicose veins after excision of the
  • short saphenous vein. Anatomical and physiological hypotheses of the mechanism of
  • recurrence. J Mal Vasc 1999; 24:30-37.
  • Kurdal AT, Cerrahoglu M, İskesen İ, Kahraman N, Eserdag M., Ozbakkaoglu A ve ark.
  • Vena Safena Parva Ligasyonuyla Beraber Stripping Yapılmalı mı? İ. Ü Kardiyol Enst Derg
  • ;8: 17-21
  • C. Allegra, P.L. Antignani and A. Carlizza Recurrent Varicose Veins Following Surgical
  • Treatment: Our Experience with Five Years Follow-up, Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33,
  • -756
  • Jones L, Braithwaite BD, Selwyn D, Cooke S, Earnshaw JJ. Neovascularisation is the
  • principal cause of varicose vein recurrence: results of a andomised trial of stripping the long
  • saphenous vein. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 1996; 12:442–445.
  • Van Bemmelen PS, Bedford G, Beach K, Strandness DE Jr: Quantitavive segmental
  • evaluation of venous valvular reflux with ultrasound scanning. J Vasc Surg 1989; 10:425-431.
  • Biswas S, Clark A, Shields DA. Randomised clinical trial of the duration of compression
  • therapy after varicose vein surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33: 631-7.
  • Raraty MGT, Greaney MG, Blair SD. There is no benefit from weeks postoperative
  • compression after varicose vein surgery: a prospective randomized trial. Phlebology 1999;
  • :21-5.
  • Rodrigus I, Bleyn J. For how long do we have to advise elastic support after varicose vein
  • surgery? A prospective randomized study. Phlebology; 1991;6: 95-98.
  • Shouler PJ, Runchman PC. Varicose veins: optimum compression after surgery and
  • sclerotherapy. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1989;71:402-4.
  • Bass A, Chayen D, Weinmann EE and Ziss M. Lateral venous ulcer and short vein
  • insufficiency saphenous. J Vasc Surg 1997;25:654-7.
  • Theivacumar NS, Beale RJ, Mavor AID and Gough MJ. Initial Experience in Endovenous
  • Laser Ablation (EVLA) of Varicose Veins Due to Small Saphenous Vein Reflux Eur J Vasc
  • Endovasc Surg 2007; 33, 614-618.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Mart 2015
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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Kaygın M, Kahraman N, Halıcı Ü, Dağ Ö, Limandal H, Arslan Ü, Çalık E, Erkut B. İZOLE VENA SAFENA PARVA STRİPİNGİ SONRASINDA KOMPRESYON ÇORAPLARININ ETKİNLİĞİ: RETROSPEKTİF ÇALIŞMA. mkutfd. 2015;5(18):1-12.