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Yıl 2019, , 447 - 469, 15.12.2019


Savaş, yerel, ulusal ve küresel düzlemlerde güçlü olumsuz etkileri olan, canlıların temel haklarını ihlal eden ve çoğunlukla da geri dönüşü olmayan felaketlere yol açan bir durumdur. Savaş, etkilerini toplumsal yapının bütün yaşam alanlarında ve kurumlarında hissettiren bir olgudur. Savaş, ölüm, yaralanma, bedensel ve ruhsal etkiler bırakma gibi etkileriyle bilinen ama çoğu kez toplumsal yapı üzerindeki makro ölçekli hasarlarının ihmal edildiği bir çatışma sürecidir. Medya da sunumları ile savaşa ilişkin bu genel bakış açısını, yani ölüm ve yaralanma gibi durumları öne çıkarma ve toplum üzerindeki makro etkileri/sonuçları da ihmal etme eğilimindedir. Bu çalışma, Dünya Basın Fotoğrafı Vakfı (World Press Photo Organisation *WPP+) tarafından çeşitli kategorilerde ödüllendirilen savaş temalı fotoğraflara içerik analizi uygulayarak, savaşların olası etkilerini ve sonuçlarını bu görseller aracılığıyla ne ölçüde temsil ettiğini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Analiz, uluslararası alanda savaş anlatısının çoğunlukla Batılı foto-muhabirleri tarafından inşa edildiğini, savaşın coğrafyası olarak ise Batılı olmayan bölgelerin gösterildiği sonucuna varmıştır. Ayrıca foto-muhabirlerinin savaşı görselleştirirken ağırlıklı olarak ölüm, yaralanma ve engellilik, yer değiştirme, açlık ve yoksulluk gibi temalar üzerinden kurduğu; savaş esnasına odaklanarak uzun erimli sonuçları genel olarak ihmal ettikleri; savaşı öznesiz göstererek anlatımı büyük ölçüde dolaylı-sembolik imgeler üzerinden kurdukları sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.


  • Andersen, R. (1989). Images of War: Photojournalism, Ideology, and Central America. Latin American Perspectives, 16(2), 96-114.
  • Baker, D. (2007). The economic impact of the Iraq war and higher military spending. Centre for Economic and Policy Research, May 2007.
  • Berger, J. (1977). Ways of Seeing. London: BBC and Penguin Books.
  • Bezabih, W. F. (2014). Fundamental consequences of the Ethio-Eritrean war [1998- 2000]. Journal of Conflictology, 5(2).
  • Busst, N. (2012). Telling Stories to a Different Beat: Photojournalism as a ‚Way of Life‛, Doctoral Thesis, Bond University, Australia.
  • Cartier-Bresson, H. (1952). The Decisive Moment, New York: Simon and Schuster. Chomsky, N. (1989). Necessary illusions: Thought control in democratic societies. Pluto Press. UK.
  • Collier, P. (1999). On the economic consequences of civil war.Oxford economic papers, 51(1), 168-183.
  • Costalli, S., Moretti, L., & Pischedda, C. (2017). The economic costs of civil war: Synthetic counterfactual evidence and the effects of ethnic fractionalization. Journal of Peace Research, 54(1), 80-98.
  • Crawford, N. (2013). Accountability for Killing: Moral Responsibility for Collateral Damage in America's Post-9/11 Wars. Oxford University Press.
  • Evans, H. (1980). Eyewitness:25 Years through World Press Photos. New York: William Morrow.
  • Ferguson, N. (2006). The war of the world: Twentieth-century conflict and the descent of the West. New York: Penguin.
  • Firmstone, J. (2012). European Media: structures, politics and identity. Journalism Practice, 6(3), 424-426. doi:10.1080/17512786.2011.650879.
  • Gans, H. J. (2003). Democracy and the news. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Gencel Bek, M. (2010). Karşılaştırmalı Perspektiften Türkiye’de Medya Sistemi. Mülkiye, Vol. XXXIV. Issue 269. 101-125.
  • Goldberg, V. (1986). Margaret Bourke-White: A Biography, New York: Harper and Row. Griffin, M. (1991). Defining visual communication for a multi-media world. The Journalism Educator, 46(1), 9-15. Bonny Brennen & Hanno Hardt (Ed), University of Illinois Press. 122-157.
  • Griffin, M. (1999). The great war photographs: Constructing myths of history and photojournalism. Picturing the past: Media, history, and photography, University of Illinois Press. 122-157.
  • Guha-Sapir, D., Schlüter, B., Rodriguez-Llanes, J. M., Lillywhite, L., & Hicks, M. H. R. (2018). Patterns of civilian and child deaths due to war-related violence in Syria: a comparative analysis from the Violation Documentation Center Dataset, 2011– 16. The Lancet Global Health, 6(1), 103-110.
  • Hall, S. (1973). The determinations of news photographs. The Manufacture of News: Social Problems, Deviance and the Mass Media, Sage. 176-190.
  • Hallin, D. C. (1986). The “Uncensored war”: The media and Vietnam. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Harmon, A. (2003). Improved tools turn journalists into a quick strike force. New York Times, 1.
  • Høiby, M., & Ottosen, R. (2019). Journalism under pressure in conflict zones: A study of journalists and editors in seven countries. Media, War & Conflict, 12(1), 69-86.
  • Institute for Economics & Peace. 2018. The Economic Value of Peace 2018: Measuring the Global Economic (Linked: 2018.pdf).
  • Iraq Family Health Survey Study Group. (2008). Violence-related mortality in Iraq from 2002 to 2006. New England Journal of Medicine, 358(5), 484-493.
  • İnceoğlu, Y. (1997). Uluslararası Medya. Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Jones, D. A. (Ed.). (2013). Genocide, war crimes and the West: history and complicity. Zed Books Ltd..
  • Kant, I. (2015). On Perpetual Peace. Broadview Press.
  • Kecmanovic, M. (2013). The short-run effects of the Croatian war on education, employment, and earnings. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57(6), 991-1010.
  • Kellner, D. (2008). War correspondents, the military, and propaganda: Some critical reflections. International Journal of Communication, 2 (34), 297-330.
  • Kepplinger, H. M., & Weißbecker, H. (1991). Negativität als Nachrichtenideologie. Publizistik, 36(3), 330-342.
  • LeBlanc, A. (2013). Embedded Journalism and American Media Coverage of Civilian Casualties in Iraq (Master's thesis, Universiteteti Tromsø).
  • Levy, B. S., & Sidel, V. W. (Eds.). (2007). War and public health. Oxford University Press.
  • Luhmann, N. (1992). What is communication? Communication theory, 2(3), 251-259. Lutz, C., & Collins, J. (1991). The photograph as an intersection of gazes: The example of National Geographic. Visual Anthropology Review, 7(1), 134-149.
  • Manor, I., & Crilley, R. (2018). Visually framing the Gaza War of 2014: The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter. Media, War & Conflict, 11(4), 369-391.
  • Mathews, J.J. (1957). Reporting the Wars, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
  • Modell, J., & Haggerty, T. (1991). The social impact of war. Annual Review of Sociology, 17(1), 205-224.
  • Moeller, S. D. (2002). Compassion fatigue: How the media sell disease, famine, war and death, Routledge.
  • Mughan, A., & Gunther, R. (2000). The media in democratic and nondemocratic regimes: A multilevel perspective. In R. Gunther & A. Mughan (Eds.). Democracy and the media: A comparative perspective (pp. 1-27). Cambridge University Press.
  • Nordhaus, W. D. (2002). The economic consequences of a war in Iraq (No. w9361). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Östgaard, E. (1965). Factors influencing the flow of news. Journal of Peace Research, 2(1), 39-63.
  • Perlmutter, D. D (1995). Opening up Photojournalism, News Photographer, 50 (4), 9-11. Poyraz, B. (2002). Haber ve haber programlarında ideoloji ve gerçeklik. Ankara: Ütopya Publishing.
  • Risso, L. (2017). Reporting from the front: First-hand experiences, dilemmas and open questions. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 59-68.
  • Rose, G. (2016). Visual methodologies: An introduction to researching with visual materials. Sage.
  • Roseman, M. (2000). ‚War and the People the Social Impact of Total War‛ (p. 281-301). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Saul, N. (1968). William Howard Russell, Russell’s Despatches from the Crimea 1854-1856, (Ed.) Bentley Nicolas, New York: Hill and Wang. Scharre, P. (2018). Army of none: Autonomous weapons and the future of war. WW Norton & Company.
  • Schechter, D. (2003). Embedded: Weapons of mass deception: How the media failed to cover the war on Iraq. New York: Prometheus Books.
  • Schudson, M. (2010). Autonomy from what? In R. Benson & E. Neveu (Eds.). Bourdieu and the journalistic field (pp. 49-63). Cambridge: Polity.
  • Somerville, K. (2017). Framing conflict–the Cold War and after: Reflections from an old hack. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 48-58.
  • Sontag, S. (1977). On Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
  • Stein, A. A., & Russett, B. M. (1980). Evaluating war: Outcomes and consequences. Handbook of political conflict: theory and research, 399-422.
  • Tapp, C., Burkle, F. M., Wilson, K., Takaro, T., Guyatt, G. H., Amad, H., & Mills, E. J. (2008). Iraq War mortality estimates: a systematic review. Conflict and health, 2(1), 1.
  • TBMM Göç ve Uyum Raporu. (2018) (Linked: ru.pdf)
  • Teerawichitchainan, B., & Korinek, K. (2012). The long-term impact of war on health and wellbeing in Northern Vietnam: Some glimpses from a recent survey. Social science & medicine, 74(12), 1995-2004.
  • Therenty, M-E and Pillet, E .(2012). Presse, chanson et culture au XIXe siècle: La parole vive au défi de l’ère médiatique. Paris: Nouveau Monde. (468)
  • Tibi, B. (1989). Konfliktregion Naher Osten. Regionale Eigendynamik.
  • Townshend, C. (2000). 'Introduction: The Shape of Modern War‛ (3-19). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. London: Collier MacMillian Publication.
  • Ugalde, A., Richards, P., & Zwi, A. (1999). Health consequences of war and political violence. Encyclopedia of violence, peace and conflict, 2, 103-121.
  • van Creveld, M. (2000). ‚Technology and War I: to 1945‛ (p. 201-223). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • van der Dennen, J. M. G. (1995). The origin of war: The evolution of a male-coalitional reproductive strategy, Vols. 1 & 2. Origin Press.
  • von Clausewitz, C. 1984. On War. Edited and translated by Michael Eliot Howard and Peter Paret. Princeton University Press, Princeton: New Jersey.
  • Yıldız, İ. (2012). 20. Yüzyılda tanıklık olarak savaş fotoğrafları ve resim ilişkisi üzerine bir inceleme, VI. International Young Art Historians Symposium, 27-29 November 2012, Turkey.


Yıl 2019, , 447 - 469, 15.12.2019


Wars, having negative effects on local, national and global scales, violate the fundamental rights of living beings and, in general, cause irreversible casualties. War is a phenomenon that affects life itself and the entire social structure and institutions. Although death, physical injury, or psychological consequences are well known to war, their macro-level damage to the social structure is often overlooked. The mass media also tend to focus on the obvious consequences of the war while ignoring its structural impact on society. This research applies content analysis to the images of the war theme awarded in various categories by the World Press Photo Organization, towards inquiring to what extent possible impacts and consequences of wars are represented via such images. The study concludes that usually Western photojournalists create war narrative while the geography of conflict depicted is mostly non-Western. It also concluded that the war was visualized by themes such as death, injury and disability, displacement, hunger, and deprivation, that the moments of war are highlighted while its long-term implications are ignored; that war is portrayed without subjects by symbolic images, often indirect; and that war is viewed as a hierarchical field in terms of the perpetrator and the victim.


  • Andersen, R. (1989). Images of War: Photojournalism, Ideology, and Central America. Latin American Perspectives, 16(2), 96-114.
  • Baker, D. (2007). The economic impact of the Iraq war and higher military spending. Centre for Economic and Policy Research, May 2007.
  • Berger, J. (1977). Ways of Seeing. London: BBC and Penguin Books.
  • Bezabih, W. F. (2014). Fundamental consequences of the Ethio-Eritrean war [1998- 2000]. Journal of Conflictology, 5(2).
  • Busst, N. (2012). Telling Stories to a Different Beat: Photojournalism as a ‚Way of Life‛, Doctoral Thesis, Bond University, Australia.
  • Cartier-Bresson, H. (1952). The Decisive Moment, New York: Simon and Schuster. Chomsky, N. (1989). Necessary illusions: Thought control in democratic societies. Pluto Press. UK.
  • Collier, P. (1999). On the economic consequences of civil war.Oxford economic papers, 51(1), 168-183.
  • Costalli, S., Moretti, L., & Pischedda, C. (2017). The economic costs of civil war: Synthetic counterfactual evidence and the effects of ethnic fractionalization. Journal of Peace Research, 54(1), 80-98.
  • Crawford, N. (2013). Accountability for Killing: Moral Responsibility for Collateral Damage in America's Post-9/11 Wars. Oxford University Press.
  • Evans, H. (1980). Eyewitness:25 Years through World Press Photos. New York: William Morrow.
  • Ferguson, N. (2006). The war of the world: Twentieth-century conflict and the descent of the West. New York: Penguin.
  • Firmstone, J. (2012). European Media: structures, politics and identity. Journalism Practice, 6(3), 424-426. doi:10.1080/17512786.2011.650879.
  • Gans, H. J. (2003). Democracy and the news. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Gencel Bek, M. (2010). Karşılaştırmalı Perspektiften Türkiye’de Medya Sistemi. Mülkiye, Vol. XXXIV. Issue 269. 101-125.
  • Goldberg, V. (1986). Margaret Bourke-White: A Biography, New York: Harper and Row. Griffin, M. (1991). Defining visual communication for a multi-media world. The Journalism Educator, 46(1), 9-15. Bonny Brennen & Hanno Hardt (Ed), University of Illinois Press. 122-157.
  • Griffin, M. (1999). The great war photographs: Constructing myths of history and photojournalism. Picturing the past: Media, history, and photography, University of Illinois Press. 122-157.
  • Guha-Sapir, D., Schlüter, B., Rodriguez-Llanes, J. M., Lillywhite, L., & Hicks, M. H. R. (2018). Patterns of civilian and child deaths due to war-related violence in Syria: a comparative analysis from the Violation Documentation Center Dataset, 2011– 16. The Lancet Global Health, 6(1), 103-110.
  • Hall, S. (1973). The determinations of news photographs. The Manufacture of News: Social Problems, Deviance and the Mass Media, Sage. 176-190.
  • Hallin, D. C. (1986). The “Uncensored war”: The media and Vietnam. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Harmon, A. (2003). Improved tools turn journalists into a quick strike force. New York Times, 1.
  • Høiby, M., & Ottosen, R. (2019). Journalism under pressure in conflict zones: A study of journalists and editors in seven countries. Media, War & Conflict, 12(1), 69-86.
  • Institute for Economics & Peace. 2018. The Economic Value of Peace 2018: Measuring the Global Economic (Linked: 2018.pdf).
  • Iraq Family Health Survey Study Group. (2008). Violence-related mortality in Iraq from 2002 to 2006. New England Journal of Medicine, 358(5), 484-493.
  • İnceoğlu, Y. (1997). Uluslararası Medya. Der Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Jones, D. A. (Ed.). (2013). Genocide, war crimes and the West: history and complicity. Zed Books Ltd..
  • Kant, I. (2015). On Perpetual Peace. Broadview Press.
  • Kecmanovic, M. (2013). The short-run effects of the Croatian war on education, employment, and earnings. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 57(6), 991-1010.
  • Kellner, D. (2008). War correspondents, the military, and propaganda: Some critical reflections. International Journal of Communication, 2 (34), 297-330.
  • Kepplinger, H. M., & Weißbecker, H. (1991). Negativität als Nachrichtenideologie. Publizistik, 36(3), 330-342.
  • LeBlanc, A. (2013). Embedded Journalism and American Media Coverage of Civilian Casualties in Iraq (Master's thesis, Universiteteti Tromsø).
  • Levy, B. S., & Sidel, V. W. (Eds.). (2007). War and public health. Oxford University Press.
  • Luhmann, N. (1992). What is communication? Communication theory, 2(3), 251-259. Lutz, C., & Collins, J. (1991). The photograph as an intersection of gazes: The example of National Geographic. Visual Anthropology Review, 7(1), 134-149.
  • Manor, I., & Crilley, R. (2018). Visually framing the Gaza War of 2014: The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter. Media, War & Conflict, 11(4), 369-391.
  • Mathews, J.J. (1957). Reporting the Wars, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
  • Modell, J., & Haggerty, T. (1991). The social impact of war. Annual Review of Sociology, 17(1), 205-224.
  • Moeller, S. D. (2002). Compassion fatigue: How the media sell disease, famine, war and death, Routledge.
  • Mughan, A., & Gunther, R. (2000). The media in democratic and nondemocratic regimes: A multilevel perspective. In R. Gunther & A. Mughan (Eds.). Democracy and the media: A comparative perspective (pp. 1-27). Cambridge University Press.
  • Nordhaus, W. D. (2002). The economic consequences of a war in Iraq (No. w9361). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Östgaard, E. (1965). Factors influencing the flow of news. Journal of Peace Research, 2(1), 39-63.
  • Perlmutter, D. D (1995). Opening up Photojournalism, News Photographer, 50 (4), 9-11. Poyraz, B. (2002). Haber ve haber programlarında ideoloji ve gerçeklik. Ankara: Ütopya Publishing.
  • Risso, L. (2017). Reporting from the front: First-hand experiences, dilemmas and open questions. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 59-68.
  • Rose, G. (2016). Visual methodologies: An introduction to researching with visual materials. Sage.
  • Roseman, M. (2000). ‚War and the People the Social Impact of Total War‛ (p. 281-301). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Saul, N. (1968). William Howard Russell, Russell’s Despatches from the Crimea 1854-1856, (Ed.) Bentley Nicolas, New York: Hill and Wang. Scharre, P. (2018). Army of none: Autonomous weapons and the future of war. WW Norton & Company.
  • Schechter, D. (2003). Embedded: Weapons of mass deception: How the media failed to cover the war on Iraq. New York: Prometheus Books.
  • Schudson, M. (2010). Autonomy from what? In R. Benson & E. Neveu (Eds.). Bourdieu and the journalistic field (pp. 49-63). Cambridge: Polity.
  • Somerville, K. (2017). Framing conflict–the Cold War and after: Reflections from an old hack. Media, War & Conflict, 10(1), 48-58.
  • Sontag, S. (1977). On Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
  • Stein, A. A., & Russett, B. M. (1980). Evaluating war: Outcomes and consequences. Handbook of political conflict: theory and research, 399-422.
  • Tapp, C., Burkle, F. M., Wilson, K., Takaro, T., Guyatt, G. H., Amad, H., & Mills, E. J. (2008). Iraq War mortality estimates: a systematic review. Conflict and health, 2(1), 1.
  • TBMM Göç ve Uyum Raporu. (2018) (Linked: ru.pdf)
  • Teerawichitchainan, B., & Korinek, K. (2012). The long-term impact of war on health and wellbeing in Northern Vietnam: Some glimpses from a recent survey. Social science & medicine, 74(12), 1995-2004.
  • Therenty, M-E and Pillet, E .(2012). Presse, chanson et culture au XIXe siècle: La parole vive au défi de l’ère médiatique. Paris: Nouveau Monde. (468)
  • Tibi, B. (1989). Konfliktregion Naher Osten. Regionale Eigendynamik.
  • Townshend, C. (2000). 'Introduction: The Shape of Modern War‛ (3-19). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978). Making news: A study in the construction of reality. London: Collier MacMillian Publication.
  • Ugalde, A., Richards, P., & Zwi, A. (1999). Health consequences of war and political violence. Encyclopedia of violence, peace and conflict, 2, 103-121.
  • van Creveld, M. (2000). ‚Technology and War I: to 1945‛ (p. 201-223). The Oxford history of modern war (Ed. Charles Townshend). New York: Oxford University Press.
  • van der Dennen, J. M. G. (1995). The origin of war: The evolution of a male-coalitional reproductive strategy, Vols. 1 & 2. Origin Press.
  • von Clausewitz, C. 1984. On War. Edited and translated by Michael Eliot Howard and Peter Paret. Princeton University Press, Princeton: New Jersey.
  • Yıldız, İ. (2012). 20. Yüzyılda tanıklık olarak savaş fotoğrafları ve resim ilişkisi üzerine bir inceleme, VI. International Young Art Historians Symposium, 27-29 November 2012, Turkey.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


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