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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 157 - 173, 01.12.2013


In the present paper using the random phase approximation (QRPA) method we carried out more complete and accurate calculations for the collective excitations in nuclei. The self-consistent determination of the effective interactions for all collective modes is performed more precisely on the basis translational, rotational and Galilean invariance requirements. The calculations of Ml transitions to excitations with IπK = 1+1;10 and their contribution to the sum rules indicate the existence of a spin-flip Ml resonance in the region of energies 8-10 MeV in rare-earth and 6-9 MeV in actinide nuclei. In well deformed nuclei the calculations predict electric dipole and quadrupole giant resonances between 11 and 16 MeV energy. The region of localization of the isoscalar E2 (K=1) resonance corresponds to the energy ∼70 A-1/3 MeV, which agrees with experimental data (Ex∼65 A-1/3 MeV). The theory predicts 1- giant dipole resonance splitting into two components with K=0 and K=1 at energy around 12 MeV and 16 MeV, respectively. Rather collective states arise in PDR region below nucleon threshold energy. The charge-exchange Fermi and GT resonances in odd-odd nuclei are analyzed and their calculated β-decay quantities compared with other predictions


  • Baldwin, G.C. and Klaiber G.S., Phys. Rev., 71, 3, 1947.
  • Goldhaber, M. Teller, E., Phys. Rev., 74, 1046, 1948.
  • Mottelsson, B., Int. Conf. Nucl. Struct., Canada, 525, 1960.
  • Goldenberg t et al., Phys. Rev B, 134, 1022, 1964.
  • Gabrakov, S., kulliev, A.A. and PyatovN.I., “States Iπ=1+ in even-even deformed nuclei.” Sov. Journal of Nucl. Phys., 12, 82, 1970.
  • Gabrakov, S.I., Kuliev A.A., Pyatov N.I., Salamov D.I. and Schulz H., “Collective 1+-states in double even deformed nuclei”, Nucl. Phys. A, 182, 625, 1972.
  • Dietrich, K., Humbert, F., Richter A., Brown A., Kuliev A. and Scholten O., “Magnetic dipole strength distribution at high excitation energies in deformed nuclei”, Phys. Lett. B, 220, 351, 1989.
  • Kuliev, A. and Pyatov, N., “K π =1+ States and their contribution to the isoscalar E2-resonance “ , Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 20, 297, 1974.
  • Richter, A., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 34, 261, 1995.
  • Bohr, A., Mat. Fyz. Modd. Dan. Vid. Selsk., 26, 14, 1952.
  • Bohr, A. and Mottelson B. “Nuclear Structure”, Vol.2, Benjamin W.A. INC, New York, Amsterdam, 1974.
  • Soloviev, V. G., “Theory of the complex nuclei”, Pergamon, 1976.
  • Kuliev, A. and Pyatov N.I. “Effect of spin-quadrupole forces on the rate of β-decay to collective states of even deformed nuclei”, Nucl. Phys. A, 106, 689- 696, 1968.
  • Bes, D. R., Federman P., Maqueda E. And Zuker A., Nucl. Phys., 65, 1, 1965.
  • Lonsjo, O. and Hagemann G. B., Nucl. Phys., 88, 624, 1966.
  • Vrzal, J. et al., Izv. AN SSSR (Ser. Fiz.), 31, 604, 1967.
  • Nielsen H. L., Wilsky K., Jylicz J. And Serensen G., Nucl. Phys. A, 93, 385, 1967.
  • Yakut, H., Guliyev E., Guner M., Tabar E., Zenginerler Z., “QPNM calculation for the ground state magnetic moments of odd-mass deformed nuclei: 157–167Er isotopes’’, Nucl. Phys. A, 888, 23-33, 2012.
  • Gabrakov, S.I., Kuliev A.A., “The effect of the spin force on the rate of allowed GT β-decay in deformed nuclei”, Communication of the JINR, P4-5003, 1-10, Dubna, 1970.
  • Pyatov, N. and Salamov D. , “Conservation laws and collective excitations in nuclei’’, Nucleonica, 22, 127, 1977.
  • Thouless, D. “ Vibrational states of nuclei in random phase approximation’’, Nucl. Phys., 22, 78-95, 1961.
  • Kuliev, A. A., Akkaya R., Ilhan M., Guliyev E., Selam C.I. and Selvi S., “Rotational-
  • invariant model of the states with K=1+ and their contribution to the scissors mode”, Int. Journal of Modern Physics E, 9, 249, 2000.
  • Kuliev, A. A., Faessler A., Güner M. And Rodin V , “Fully renormalized quasi-particle random phase approximation, spurious states and ground state’’, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 30, 1253-1267, 2004.
  • Guliyev, E., Kuliev A.A. and Ertuğral F.,“Low lying magnetic and electric dipole strength distribution in 176Hf nucleus’’, Eur. Phys. J. A, 39, 323–333, 2009.
  • Lo Iudice, N. and Palumbo F., “New isovector collective modes in deformed nuclei’’, Phys. Rev. Lett., 41, 1532, 1978.
  • Bohle, D. et al., “New magnetic dipole excitation mode studied in the heavy deformed
  • nucleus 156Gd by inelastic electron scattering’’, Phys. Lett. B,137, 27, 1984.
  • Kneissl U., Pitz H.H., Zilges A., “ Investigation of nuclear structure by resonance fluorescence scattering”, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 37, 349, 1996.
  • Guliyev E., Ertugral F., KulievA.A., “Low lying magnetic dipole strength distribution
  • in the γ-soft even-even 130-136Ba”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 27, 313–320, 2006.
  • Kuliev A.A., Guliyev E., Ertugral F., Özkan S., “The low energy dipole structure of 232Th, 236U and 238U actinide nuclei”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 43, 313-321, 2010.
  • Guliyev E. Kuliev A., Ertugral F., “Systematic investigation of the low-energy dipole excitations in 176,178,180Hf within rotational, translational and Galilean invariant quasiparticle RPA’’ Nucl. Phys. A, 915, 78–89, 2013.
  • Pietralla N.,et al., “The scissors mode and other magnetic and electric dipole excitations
  • in the transitional nuclei 178,180Hf”, Nucl. Phys. A, 618, 141, 1997.
  • Scheck M.,et al., “Photon scattering experiments of 176Hf the systematics of
  • low-lying dipole modes in the stable even-even 176-180 Hf isotopes’’ Phys. Rev. C, 67, 064313, 2003.
  • Heil al., “Systematics of low-lying dipole excitations in the deformed eveneven nuclei 232Th and 236,238U”, Nucl. Phys. A, 476, 39, 1988.
  • Margraf J. et al., “Deformation dependence of low lying M1 strengths in even
  • 232Th and 238U nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C, 42, 771, 1990.
  • Von Neumann-Cosel P. et al., “Relation between the scissors mode and the interacting boson model deformation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 4178, 1995.
  • J. Enders et al., “Comprehensive analysis of the scissors mode in heavy even-even nuclei’’ Phys. Rev. C, 59,R1851, 1999.
  • Zenginerler Z., Guliyev E., Kuliev A., Yakut, H.and G. Soluk., “Systematic investigation of the low-lying dipole excitations in even-even 124−136Ba isotopes”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 49, 107-109, 2013.
  • Guliyev E., Kuliev A.A., Von Neumann- Cosel, P., Richter, A., “Nature of the scissors mode in nuclei near shell closure: the tellurium isotope chain”, Phys. Lett. B, 532,173-178, 2002.
  • Linnemann, A. et al., “Change of the dipole strength distributions between the neighbouring γ-soft nuclei 194Pt and 196Pt”, Phys. Lett. B, 554, 15-20, 2003.
  • Speth J. and Zawischa D., “Magnetic dipole resonances in nuclei’’ Phys.Lett. B, 211, 247, 1988.
  • Laszewski R.M., et al., “ M1 excitations in 140Ce”, Phys. Rev. C, 34, 2013, 1986.
  • Guliyev E., Kuliev A. A., Von Neumann- Cosel P., Yavas O., “Magnetic Dipole Strength Distribution and Photon Interaction Cross Section in 140Ce”, Nucl., Phys. A, 690, 255-258, 2001.
  • Cakmak N. , Unlü S. and Selam C., “Gamow- Teller 1+ states in 112-124Sb isotopes’’,
  • Pramana Journal of Physics, 75, 649-663, 2010.
  • Cakmak N., Manisa K., Ünlü S. and Selam C., “The investigation of 0+→0- β-decay in some spherical nuclei”, Pramana Journal of Physic, 74, 541-553, 2010.
  • Gabrakov S.I., Kuliev A.A. and Pyatov N.I., “0+ and1+ unlike particle-hole states in deformed odd-odd nuclei and β-strength functions”, Phys. Lett. B, 36, 275-277, 1971.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 157 - 173, 01.12.2013


Bu çalışmada çekirdekteki kolektif uyarılmaların tam ve daha doğru hesaplamaları Kuaziparçacık Serbest Faz Yaklaşımı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Öteleme, dönme ve Galilean değişmezlik gereksinimleri temel alınarak efektif etkileşmeler tüm kolektif modlar için öz uyumlu olarak belirlenmiştir. IπK = 1+1;1+0 uyarılmaları için hesaplanan M1 geçişleri ve bunların toplam kurallarına katkıları nadir toprak bölgesinde 8-10MeV ve aktinid bölgesinde 6-9MeV enerjilerinde spin-flip M1 rezonansın varlığını ortaya koymaktadır. Hesaplamalar iyi deforme çekirdekler için 11 ve 16 MeV enerji aralığında dev elektrik dipol ve kuadrupol rezonanasları öngörmektedir. İzoskaler E2 (K=1) rezonansının yerleştiği bölge deneysel veri (Ex∼65 A-1/3 MeV) ile uyumlu olarak ∼70 A-1/3 MeV enerjisine karşılık gelmektedir. Teori sırası ile 12 MeV ve 16 MeV enerjilerinde K=0 VE K=1 olarak iki yarılmış 1- dev rezonansını öngörmektedir. Daha kolektif seviyeler nükleon eşik enerjisinin altındaki PDR bölgesinde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Tek-tek çekirdeklerde yük değişimli Fermi ve GT analiz edilerek hesaplanan β-bozunum nicelikleri diğer çalışmaların öngörüleri ile kıyaslanmıştır.


  • Baldwin, G.C. and Klaiber G.S., Phys. Rev., 71, 3, 1947.
  • Goldhaber, M. Teller, E., Phys. Rev., 74, 1046, 1948.
  • Mottelsson, B., Int. Conf. Nucl. Struct., Canada, 525, 1960.
  • Goldenberg t et al., Phys. Rev B, 134, 1022, 1964.
  • Gabrakov, S., kulliev, A.A. and PyatovN.I., “States Iπ=1+ in even-even deformed nuclei.” Sov. Journal of Nucl. Phys., 12, 82, 1970.
  • Gabrakov, S.I., Kuliev A.A., Pyatov N.I., Salamov D.I. and Schulz H., “Collective 1+-states in double even deformed nuclei”, Nucl. Phys. A, 182, 625, 1972.
  • Dietrich, K., Humbert, F., Richter A., Brown A., Kuliev A. and Scholten O., “Magnetic dipole strength distribution at high excitation energies in deformed nuclei”, Phys. Lett. B, 220, 351, 1989.
  • Kuliev, A. and Pyatov, N., “K π =1+ States and their contribution to the isoscalar E2-resonance “ , Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 20, 297, 1974.
  • Richter, A., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 34, 261, 1995.
  • Bohr, A., Mat. Fyz. Modd. Dan. Vid. Selsk., 26, 14, 1952.
  • Bohr, A. and Mottelson B. “Nuclear Structure”, Vol.2, Benjamin W.A. INC, New York, Amsterdam, 1974.
  • Soloviev, V. G., “Theory of the complex nuclei”, Pergamon, 1976.
  • Kuliev, A. and Pyatov N.I. “Effect of spin-quadrupole forces on the rate of β-decay to collective states of even deformed nuclei”, Nucl. Phys. A, 106, 689- 696, 1968.
  • Bes, D. R., Federman P., Maqueda E. And Zuker A., Nucl. Phys., 65, 1, 1965.
  • Lonsjo, O. and Hagemann G. B., Nucl. Phys., 88, 624, 1966.
  • Vrzal, J. et al., Izv. AN SSSR (Ser. Fiz.), 31, 604, 1967.
  • Nielsen H. L., Wilsky K., Jylicz J. And Serensen G., Nucl. Phys. A, 93, 385, 1967.
  • Yakut, H., Guliyev E., Guner M., Tabar E., Zenginerler Z., “QPNM calculation for the ground state magnetic moments of odd-mass deformed nuclei: 157–167Er isotopes’’, Nucl. Phys. A, 888, 23-33, 2012.
  • Gabrakov, S.I., Kuliev A.A., “The effect of the spin force on the rate of allowed GT β-decay in deformed nuclei”, Communication of the JINR, P4-5003, 1-10, Dubna, 1970.
  • Pyatov, N. and Salamov D. , “Conservation laws and collective excitations in nuclei’’, Nucleonica, 22, 127, 1977.
  • Thouless, D. “ Vibrational states of nuclei in random phase approximation’’, Nucl. Phys., 22, 78-95, 1961.
  • Kuliev, A. A., Akkaya R., Ilhan M., Guliyev E., Selam C.I. and Selvi S., “Rotational-
  • invariant model of the states with K=1+ and their contribution to the scissors mode”, Int. Journal of Modern Physics E, 9, 249, 2000.
  • Kuliev, A. A., Faessler A., Güner M. And Rodin V , “Fully renormalized quasi-particle random phase approximation, spurious states and ground state’’, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., 30, 1253-1267, 2004.
  • Guliyev, E., Kuliev A.A. and Ertuğral F.,“Low lying magnetic and electric dipole strength distribution in 176Hf nucleus’’, Eur. Phys. J. A, 39, 323–333, 2009.
  • Lo Iudice, N. and Palumbo F., “New isovector collective modes in deformed nuclei’’, Phys. Rev. Lett., 41, 1532, 1978.
  • Bohle, D. et al., “New magnetic dipole excitation mode studied in the heavy deformed
  • nucleus 156Gd by inelastic electron scattering’’, Phys. Lett. B,137, 27, 1984.
  • Kneissl U., Pitz H.H., Zilges A., “ Investigation of nuclear structure by resonance fluorescence scattering”, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys., 37, 349, 1996.
  • Guliyev E., Ertugral F., KulievA.A., “Low lying magnetic dipole strength distribution
  • in the γ-soft even-even 130-136Ba”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 27, 313–320, 2006.
  • Kuliev A.A., Guliyev E., Ertugral F., Özkan S., “The low energy dipole structure of 232Th, 236U and 238U actinide nuclei”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 43, 313-321, 2010.
  • Guliyev E. Kuliev A., Ertugral F., “Systematic investigation of the low-energy dipole excitations in 176,178,180Hf within rotational, translational and Galilean invariant quasiparticle RPA’’ Nucl. Phys. A, 915, 78–89, 2013.
  • Pietralla N.,et al., “The scissors mode and other magnetic and electric dipole excitations
  • in the transitional nuclei 178,180Hf”, Nucl. Phys. A, 618, 141, 1997.
  • Scheck M.,et al., “Photon scattering experiments of 176Hf the systematics of
  • low-lying dipole modes in the stable even-even 176-180 Hf isotopes’’ Phys. Rev. C, 67, 064313, 2003.
  • Heil al., “Systematics of low-lying dipole excitations in the deformed eveneven nuclei 232Th and 236,238U”, Nucl. Phys. A, 476, 39, 1988.
  • Margraf J. et al., “Deformation dependence of low lying M1 strengths in even
  • 232Th and 238U nuclei”, Phys. Rev. C, 42, 771, 1990.
  • Von Neumann-Cosel P. et al., “Relation between the scissors mode and the interacting boson model deformation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 4178, 1995.
  • J. Enders et al., “Comprehensive analysis of the scissors mode in heavy even-even nuclei’’ Phys. Rev. C, 59,R1851, 1999.
  • Zenginerler Z., Guliyev E., Kuliev A., Yakut, H.and G. Soluk., “Systematic investigation of the low-lying dipole excitations in even-even 124−136Ba isotopes”, Eur. Phys. J. A, 49, 107-109, 2013.
  • Guliyev E., Kuliev A.A., Von Neumann- Cosel, P., Richter, A., “Nature of the scissors mode in nuclei near shell closure: the tellurium isotope chain”, Phys. Lett. B, 532,173-178, 2002.
  • Linnemann, A. et al., “Change of the dipole strength distributions between the neighbouring γ-soft nuclei 194Pt and 196Pt”, Phys. Lett. B, 554, 15-20, 2003.
  • Speth J. and Zawischa D., “Magnetic dipole resonances in nuclei’’ Phys.Lett. B, 211, 247, 1988.
  • Laszewski R.M., et al., “ M1 excitations in 140Ce”, Phys. Rev. C, 34, 2013, 1986.
  • Guliyev E., Kuliev A. A., Von Neumann- Cosel P., Yavas O., “Magnetic Dipole Strength Distribution and Photon Interaction Cross Section in 140Ce”, Nucl., Phys. A, 690, 255-258, 2001.
  • Cakmak N. , Unlü S. and Selam C., “Gamow- Teller 1+ states in 112-124Sb isotopes’’,
  • Pramana Journal of Physics, 75, 649-663, 2010.
  • Cakmak N., Manisa K., Ünlü S. and Selam C., “The investigation of 0+→0- β-decay in some spherical nuclei”, Pramana Journal of Physic, 74, 541-553, 2010.
  • Gabrakov S.I., Kuliev A.A. and Pyatov N.I., “0+ and1+ unlike particle-hole states in deformed odd-odd nuclei and β-strength functions”, Phys. Lett. B, 36, 275-277, 1971.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ali Kulıev Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kulıev, A. (2013). THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, 1(2), 157-173.
AMA Kulıev A. THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI. MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi. Aralık 2013;1(2):157-173. doi:10.18586/msufbd.73703
Chicago Kulıev, Ali. “THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 1, sy. 2 (Aralık 2013): 157-73.
EndNote Kulıev A (01 Aralık 2013) THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 1 2 157–173.
IEEE A. Kulıev, “THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI”, MAUN Fen Bil. Dergi., c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 157–173, 2013, doi: 10.18586/msufbd.73703.
ISNAD Kulıev, Ali. “THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science 1/2 (Aralık 2013), 157-173.
MLA Kulıev, Ali. “THE COLLECTIVE EXCITATIONS AND RESONANCES IN ATOMIC NUCLEI”. Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science, c. 1, sy. 2, 2013, ss. 157-73, doi:10.18586/msufbd.73703.