Yıl 2010,
Sayı: 13, 164 - 175, 30.08.2010
Cenk Aygül
Yazı Hannes Lacher ve Ellen Meiksins Wood arasında ulus- devletlerin kökeni hakkında ikibinli yılların başlarında yapılan bir tartışmaya katkı sunmak amacıyla yazılmıştır. Bu tartışmada Lacher ulus-devlet biçiminin kapitalizme içkin bir nedenselliği yoktur derken, Wood kapitalizmin neden yayıldığı her yerde ulus- devlet formunu da taşıdığının araştırılması gerektiğini söyler. Bu makalede devlet kuramının uzamsallaştırılması ve bu tartışmaya bir katkı olarak ‘seçici geçirgenlik’ kavramı önerilmektedir. Ulus- devletler emek ve sermaye hareketlerini düzenlerlerken her zaman sermayeye daha fazla hareketlilik sağlayacak düzenlemeler getirmişlerdir. Devlet tartışmalarında kapitalizmin uzamsal örgütlenmesinin daha fazla tartışılması gerekmektedir.
- Aygül, Cenk, “Bölgeler Üzerine Tezler,” Memleket SiyasetYönetim, Sayı 11,
2009, s. 68-87.
- Albo Greg ve Jane Jenson, “A Contested Concept: The Relative Autonomy of
the State,” The New Canadian Political Economy, (Ed. Wallace Clement
ve Glen Williams), McGill-Queen’s University Press, Kingston, 1989.
- Brenner, Neil, New State Spaces, Urban Governance and Rescaling of
Statehood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.
- Faist, Thomas, The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and
Transnational Social Spaces, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000.
- Hay, Colin, “Marxism and the State,” Marxism and Social Science, (Ed.
Andrew Gamble, David Marsh ve Tony Tant), University of Illinois Press,
Urbana, 1999, s. 152-74.
- Held, David ve Anthony McGrew, Küresel Dönüşümler, Phoenix Yayınları,
Ankara, 2008.
- Hirst, Paul ve Grahame Thompson, Globalization in Question: The
International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance, Polity Press,
Cambridge, 1996.
- Jessop, Bob, The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods, Basil
Blackwell, Oxford, 1982.
- Jessop, Bob, State Theory: Putting the Capitalist State in its Place, Polity
Press, Londra, 1990.
- Koffman, Eleonore, “Contemporary European Migrations, Civic
Stratification and Citizenship,” Political Geography, 21:8, 2002, s.1035-
- Lacher, Hannes, “Making Sense of the International System: The Promises
and Pitfalls of Contemporary Marxist Theories of International
Relations,” Historical Materialism and Globalization, (Ed. Mark Rupert
ve Hazel Smith), Routledge, Londra, 2002, s.146-64.
- Lacher, Hannes, “International Transformation and the New Persistence of
Territoriality: Toward a New Political Geography of Capitalism,” Review
of International Political Economy, 12:1, 2005, s. 26-52.
- Larrain, Jorge, Marxism and Ideology, MacMillan, Londra, 1983.
Massey, Doreen, Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the
Geography of Production, Second edition, Routledge, New York, 1995.
- Panitch, Leo, “The Impoverishment of State Theory,” State Theory
Reconsidered: Paradigm Lost, (Ed. Stanley Aronowitz ve Peter Bratsis),
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2002, s. 89-104.
- Poulantzas, Nicos, Politische Macht und Gesellschaftliche Klassen,
Athenaum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1968.
- Poulantzas, Nicos, Classes in Contemporary Capitalism, NLB, Londra, 1974.
- Salter, Mark B., Rights of Passage: The Passport in International Relations,
- Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 2003.
- Teschke, Benno, “Theorizing the Westphalian System of States: International
Relations from Absolutism to Capitalism,” European Journal of
International Relations, 8:1, 2002, s. 5-48.
- Torpey, John, “States and the Regulation of Migration in the Twentieth –
Century North Atlantic World,” The Wall around the West: State Borders
and Immigration Controls in North America and Europe, (Ed. Peter
Andreas ve Timothy Snyder), Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 2000, s.
- Torpey, John, The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and
the State, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
- Van, Houtum H. ve M. van der Velde. eds, Borders, Regions and People,
Pion, Londra, 2002.
- Wood, Ellen Meiksins, “Global Capital, National Scales,” Historical
Materialism and Globalization, (Ed. Mark Rupert ve Hazel Smith),
Routledge, Londra, 2002, s. 17-39.
Yıl 2010,
Sayı: 13, 164 - 175, 30.08.2010
Cenk Aygül
- Aygül, Cenk, “Bölgeler Üzerine Tezler,” Memleket SiyasetYönetim, Sayı 11,
2009, s. 68-87.
- Albo Greg ve Jane Jenson, “A Contested Concept: The Relative Autonomy of
the State,” The New Canadian Political Economy, (Ed. Wallace Clement
ve Glen Williams), McGill-Queen’s University Press, Kingston, 1989.
- Brenner, Neil, New State Spaces, Urban Governance and Rescaling of
Statehood, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004.
- Faist, Thomas, The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and
Transnational Social Spaces, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000.
- Hay, Colin, “Marxism and the State,” Marxism and Social Science, (Ed.
Andrew Gamble, David Marsh ve Tony Tant), University of Illinois Press,
Urbana, 1999, s. 152-74.
- Held, David ve Anthony McGrew, Küresel Dönüşümler, Phoenix Yayınları,
Ankara, 2008.
- Hirst, Paul ve Grahame Thompson, Globalization in Question: The
International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance, Polity Press,
Cambridge, 1996.
- Jessop, Bob, The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods, Basil
Blackwell, Oxford, 1982.
- Jessop, Bob, State Theory: Putting the Capitalist State in its Place, Polity
Press, Londra, 1990.
- Koffman, Eleonore, “Contemporary European Migrations, Civic
Stratification and Citizenship,” Political Geography, 21:8, 2002, s.1035-
- Lacher, Hannes, “Making Sense of the International System: The Promises
and Pitfalls of Contemporary Marxist Theories of International
Relations,” Historical Materialism and Globalization, (Ed. Mark Rupert
ve Hazel Smith), Routledge, Londra, 2002, s.146-64.
- Lacher, Hannes, “International Transformation and the New Persistence of
Territoriality: Toward a New Political Geography of Capitalism,” Review
of International Political Economy, 12:1, 2005, s. 26-52.
- Larrain, Jorge, Marxism and Ideology, MacMillan, Londra, 1983.
Massey, Doreen, Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the
Geography of Production, Second edition, Routledge, New York, 1995.
- Panitch, Leo, “The Impoverishment of State Theory,” State Theory
Reconsidered: Paradigm Lost, (Ed. Stanley Aronowitz ve Peter Bratsis),
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2002, s. 89-104.
- Poulantzas, Nicos, Politische Macht und Gesellschaftliche Klassen,
Athenaum Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1968.
- Poulantzas, Nicos, Classes in Contemporary Capitalism, NLB, Londra, 1974.
- Salter, Mark B., Rights of Passage: The Passport in International Relations,
- Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 2003.
- Teschke, Benno, “Theorizing the Westphalian System of States: International
Relations from Absolutism to Capitalism,” European Journal of
International Relations, 8:1, 2002, s. 5-48.
- Torpey, John, “States and the Regulation of Migration in the Twentieth –
Century North Atlantic World,” The Wall around the West: State Borders
and Immigration Controls in North America and Europe, (Ed. Peter
Andreas ve Timothy Snyder), Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 2000, s.
- Torpey, John, The Invention of the Passport: Surveillance, Citizenship and
the State, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
- Van, Houtum H. ve M. van der Velde. eds, Borders, Regions and People,
Pion, Londra, 2002.
- Wood, Ellen Meiksins, “Global Capital, National Scales,” Historical
Materialism and Globalization, (Ed. Mark Rupert ve Hazel Smith),
Routledge, Londra, 2002, s. 17-39.