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İlhanlı Sarayında Budizm

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 485 - 506, 18.12.2020


Budizm MÖ III. asırdan itibaren Hindistan dışında yayılmaya başlar. İslam öncesi dönemde İran’ın doğu bölgelerinde etkili hale gelir. MS II. yüzyıla doğru çökmeye başlar. Moğol istilası ile İran coğrafyasındaki İlhanlı sarayında tekrar canlanır. Bu dönemde önceki dönemden farklı bir statüye ulaşır. Çeşitli sebepler ve süreçler; Uygur, Çin, Tangut ve Tibet Budizmi gibi İlhanlı Budizmi’ni de şekillendirmiştir. Budizm, Gazan Han ve halefi Olcaytu’nun İslam’ı seçmesinden sonra İran’da ortadan kalkmış ve yalnızca İranlı sanatçıların eserlerinde ve İranlı yazarların yazılarında temsil edilen bilim ve sanat formunda yaşamaya devam etmiştir. İlhanlı dönemi İran’ında gelişme gösteren Budizm ile ilgili tarihi çalışmalarda Moğollar arasındaki çeşitli Budist okullarının; Budizm ile aile kurumu, siyaset, ahlak, bilim, sanat, ekonomi, gibi sosyal kurumlar arasındaki ilişkilerin ve ayrıca bir yandan Budistler ve Müslümanlar arasındaki teorik etkileşimleri, diğer yandan Budistler ve diğer dini ve mezhebi azınlıkların arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya konması gerekmektedir. Bunların tamamının bu makale kapsamına ortaya konmasının mümkün olmadığı açıktır. Bu sebeple bu makalede sadece Moğollardaki Budist okulları ve İlhanlı sarayındaki Budizm’in varlığı ve buradan yola çıkarak kısmen siyaset üzerindeki etkisinden bahsedilecektir.


  • Musavi, Mustafa, “Ilkhanian”, Dayeratü’l-Maarif-i Bozorg-ı İslamî, ed. Kazem Musavi Bocnurdi, Tahran 1380.
  • Nasirüddin Münşi-i Kirmani, Nesaimü’l-Esmar men Letaemü’l-Ahbar, ed. Mir Celaleddin Hüseyni-yi Urmevi (Muhaddis), Tahran 1337.
  • Reşidüddin Fazlullah Hemedani, Câmiü’t-Tevârih, ed. Muhammed Rövşen – Mustafa Musavi, Tahran 1373, 1384.
  • _____, Tarih-i Mübarek-i Gazani, ed. Karl Yahn, Hertford 1940.
  • Sa’di-i Şirazi, Muslihiddin, Külliyat-ı Sadi, ed. Muhammed Ali Furugi, Tahran 1386.
  • Sarafrazi, Abbas, “Gerayeşha-yı Siyasi, Mezhebi-yi İlhanan Ber Esas-ı Maskukât İlhani 651-756”, Pazuheşhâ-yı Tarihi, V, (1389).
  • Suka’i, Fazlullah İbn Ebu El-Fahr, Tali Ketab Fevayatü’l-A’yan, ed. Jackuline Sublette, Şam 1974.
  • Şehristani, Muhammed İbn Abdülkerim, El-Milel Ve’n-Nihal, ed. Emir Ali Mahna – Ali Hasan Fa’ur, Beyrut 1414.
  • Torabi Tabataba’i, Seyyid Cemaleddin, “Resmü’l-Hatt-ı Uyguri ve seyri der Sikke Şinasi”, Nasgeiye-i Müze-i Azerbeycan, VI, (1351).
  • Varcavand, Perviz, Kavuş-ı Rasad Hane-i Meraga, Tahran 1366.
  • Vassafü’l-Hazra, Fazlullah İbn Abdullah-ı Şirazi, Tecziyatü’l-Emsar ve Tecziyatü’l-A’sar, ed. Muhammed Mehdi İsfahani, Bombay 1362.
  • Yusuf El-Hadi, A’idat Kitabatü’t-Tarih, Tahran 1433.
  • Zerrinkub, Abdülhüseyin, Donbale-i Cüstücu Der Tasavvuf-ı İran, Tahran 1376.
  • Zeryab, Abbas, “İbn-i Teymiyye”, Dayerat Al-Ma’arif-i Bozorg-ı İslami, ed. Kazım Musavi-i Bojnourdi, Tahran 1369.
  • Aigle, Denise, “The Mongol Invasions of Bilâd al-shâm by Ghâzân Khân and Ibn Taymiyah’s Three ‘Anti- Mongols Fatwas’”, Mamluk Studies Review, XI (2), (2007), s. 89-120.
  • Allsen, Tomas T., “The Yuan Dynasty and the Uighur of Turfan in the 13th century”, China Among Equals: The Middle Kingdom and its Neighbors, ed. Morris Rossabi, University of California Press, Berkeley 1983.
  • Azad, Arezou, “Three Rock-cut Cave Sites in Iran and Their Ilkhanid Buddhist Aspects Reconsideration”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 209-231.
  • Ball, Warwick, “Two Aspects of Iranian Buddhism”, Bulletin of the Asian Institute of Pahlavi University, I, (1976), s. 103-163.
  • _____, “The Imamzadeh ma’sum at Vardjovi. A Rock-cut Ilkhanid complex near Maraghe”, Archäologische Mittelungen aus Iran, XII, (1979), s. 329-340.
  • Barthold, Wilhelm, Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, Luzac Publication, London 1986.
  • Bausani, A, “Religion under the Mongols”, The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. J. A. Boyle, New York 1968, s. 538-549.
  • _____, The Persians: from the Earliest Days to the Twentieth Century, Translated from Italian by J. Donne, London 1971.
  • Bira, Sh., “Qubilai Qa’an and Phags-Pa Bla-Ma”, The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy, ed. Reuven Amitai and David O. Morgan, Leiden 2000, s. 240-249.
  • Blair, Sheila, “The Religious Art of the Ilkhanids”, The Legacy of Genghis Khan, ed. Linda Komaroff and Stefano Carboni, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Haven 2002, s. 104-133.
  • Boyle, J. A, “Dynastic and Political History of the II-kans”, The Cambridge Hisrory of Iran, Ed. by J. A. Boyle, New York 1968, s. 303-421.
  • Broce, Michael. C, “Uyghur Technologist of Writing and Literacy in Mongol China”, T’oung pao, XCI, (2005), s. 396-435.
  • Buell, D. Poul, “Tibetans, Mongols and the Fusion of Eurasian Cultures”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 189-209.
  • Canby, Sheila R., “Depictions of Buddha Sakyamuni in the Jami’ al-Tavarikh and the Majma’ al-Tavarikh”, Muqarnas, X, (1993), s. 299-310.
  • Crone, Patricia, “Buddhism as Ancient Iranian Paganism”, Late Antiquity: Eastern Perspective, ed. Teresa Bernheimer and Adam Silverstein, London 2012, s. 212-232
  • Daftari, Farhad, The Ismailis: their History and Doctrines, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1995.
  • Doerfer, Gerhard, Türkische und Mongolische Element im Neupersischen, Wiesbaden 1965.
  • Elverskog, Yohan, Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2010.
  • _____, Uygur Buddhist Literature, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 1997.
  • Emmerik, R. E., “Buddhism (In Pre-Islamic Times)”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, 41, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, London and New York 1990, s. 492-496.
  • Foltz, Richard, Religions of the Silk Road, St. Martin’s Press, London 1999.
  • _____, Spirituality in the land of the Noble, Oneworld Publications, London 2004.
  • Franke, Otto, Geschichte des Chinesischen Riches. Eine Darstellung Seiner Entstehung, Seines Wesens und Seiner Entwicklung bis zur Neuesten Zeit, De Gruyter Publication, Berlin 1948.
  • Grousset, Rehé, L’empire des steppes: Attila, Gengis-khan, Tamerlan, Payot Publication, Paris 1969.
  • Gruber, Christian J, The Timurid ‘book of Ascension’, (Mi’rajname): A Study of Text and Image in a Pan- Asian Context, Patrimonio Ediciones in collaboration with the Bibliothèque nationale de France Publication, Valencia 2008.
  • Hillenbrand, Robert, “The Arts of the Book in Ilkhanid Iran”, The legecy of Genghis khan, ed. Linda Komaroff and Stefano Carboni, New Haven 2002, s. 134-167. Howorth, Sir Henry, History of the Mongols, London 1888.
  • Hsüan-tsang, Si-Yo-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, trans. Samuel Beel, London 1884.
  • Hüttel, Hans-Georg, “Der Palast des Ögedei-khan-Die Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts im Palastbezirk von karakorum”, Dschingis khan und Seine Erben, Hirmer Verlag Publication, Munich 2005, s. 140-146.
  • Jackson, Peter, “Bakšı”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. III, Fasc. V, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, (London and New York 1985), s. 535-536.
  • Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim, Die Seidenstraße, Handelsweg und kulturbrüke Zwischen Morgen-und Abendland, DuMont Buchverlag, Köln 1988.
  • Lambton, Ann. K. S., Continuity and Change in Medieval Persia, Suny Press, London 1988.
  • Lane Poole, Stanley, Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, London 1881.
  • Lewisohn, Leonard, Beyond Faith and Infidelity: The Sufi Poetry and Teachings of Mahmud Shabestari, Richmond 1995.
  • Melville, Charles, “Padishah-i Islam: the Conversion of Sultan Mahmud Ghâzân Khan”, Pembroke I: Persian and Islamic Studies in Honour of P. W. Avery, ed. Charles Melville, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, s. 159-177.
  • Petrushevsky, I. P, “Rashid al-din’s Conceptions of the State”, Central Asiatic Journal, XIV, (1970), s. 148-162.
  • Prazniak, Roxann, “Ilkhanid Buddhism: Traces of a Passage in Eurasian History”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, LII/3, (2014), s. 650-680.
  • Röhrborn, Klaus, “Die Islamische weltgeschichte des Rasiduddin als Quelle für den Zentralasiatischen Buddhismus?”, Journal of Turkish Studies, XIII, (1989), s. 129-133.
  • Sagaster, Klaus, “The History of Buddhism Among the Mongol”, The Spread of Buddhism, ed. Denis Sinor and Nikola Di Cosmo, Brill Publication, Leiden – Boston 2007, s. 379-432.
  • Scarcia, Gianroberto, “The “Vihar” of Qongor-Olong-Preliminary Reports”, East and West, XXV/3-4, (1975), s. 99-104.
  • Schopen, Gregory, “Hinayana Texts in a 14th Century Persian Chronicle”, Central Asiatic Journal, XXVI/314, (1982), s. 225-235.
  • Shimin, Geng, “The Uighurs, the Kyrgiz and the Tangut (Eight to the Thirteenth Century)”, History of Civilization of Central Asia, ed. M. S. Asimov and E. Bosworth, Unesco 1998.
  • Shogaito, Masahiro, “On Uighur Elements in Buddhist Mongolian Texts”, Memories of the Research Department of the Toyo Banko, XLIX, (1991), s. 27-49.
  • Snellgrove, David, “The Notion of Divine Kingdom in Tantaric Buddhism”, La Regalita Sacra-contributi al Tema dell’VIII congresso Internazionale de storia delle Religioni, Leiden 1959, s. 204-218.
  • Sperling, Elliot, “Hülegü and Tibet”, Acta Orientalia Academia Sceintiarum Hungarca, XLIV, (1990), s. 145-157.
  • Spüler, Bertold, Die Mongolen in Iran, Brill Publication, Leiden 1985.
  • _____, “Bakhshi” Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. II, Brill Publication, Leiden 1986, s. 953.
  • _____, “Baydü”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. III, Fasc. VIII, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, (London and New York 1985), s. 887-888.
  • Van der Kuijp, Leonard, “Jayänanda: A Twelfth Century Guoshi from Kashmir Among the Tangut”, Central Asiatic Journal, XXXVII/3-4, (1993), s. 188-197.
  • Van Ess, Josef, Theologie und Gesellschaft in 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra, De Gruyter Publication, Berlin – New York 1992.
  • Varjavand, Parviz, “The Imamzade Ma’sum Varjovi near Maragheh”, East and Wwest, XXVII/3-4, (1975), s. 435-438.
  • _____, Kavosh-e Rasad Khane-ye Maraghe, Tehran 1366.
  • Vaziri, Mostafa, Buddhism in Iran, Palgrave Macmillan Publication, New York 2012.
  • Waardenburg, Jacques, Muslim and Other: Relations in Context, , De Gruyter Publication, Berlin – New York 2003.
  • Yahn, Karl, “Kamalashraī – Rashaid Al-Din’s Life And Teaching of Buddha”, Central Asiatic Journal, 2/3, (1956), s. 81-128.
  • _____, “Rashid Al-Din And Chinese Culture”, Central Asiatic Journal, XIV/1-3, (1970), s. 134-147.
  • Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit, “Islam and Tibet: Cultural Interactions-An Introduction”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 1-16.
  • Zieme, Peter, “Notes on the Religions in the Mongol Empire”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 177-189.

Buddhism in Ilkhanid Court

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 485 - 506, 18.12.2020


Buddhism began to spread outside India since the 3rd century BC. It became effective in the pre-Islamic period in the eastern regions of Iran. It started to collapse 2nd century AD. With the Mongol invasion, Buddhism revived in the Ilkhanid court in Iran. It has reached a different status in this period than the previous. Various causes and processes have shaped Ilkhanian Buddhism, such as Uighur, Chinese, Tangut and Tibetan Buddhism. Buddhism disappeared in Iran after Gazan Khan and his successor has chosen Islam and continued to live only in the form of science and art, represented in the works of Iranian artists and the writings of Iranian authors.
Studying the history of Buddhism in Iran in the Ilkhanid era requires an investigation of various Buddhist Schools among Mongols, interactions between this religion and social institutions, such as family, politics, religion and ethics, science and technology, art and economics as well as transactions and theoretical and practical interaction between Buddhists and Muslims on the one hand and Buddhists and other religious minorities on the other hand. It is obvious that studying all aspects of this subject is beyond the scope of an article; thus we will solely discuss a report on branches of Buddhism among Mongols and the presence of this religion in the Ilkhanid Court and in this way we will partially speak of its impact on politics.


  • Musavi, Mustafa, “Ilkhanian”, Dayeratü’l-Maarif-i Bozorg-ı İslamî, ed. Kazem Musavi Bocnurdi, Tahran 1380.
  • Nasirüddin Münşi-i Kirmani, Nesaimü’l-Esmar men Letaemü’l-Ahbar, ed. Mir Celaleddin Hüseyni-yi Urmevi (Muhaddis), Tahran 1337.
  • Reşidüddin Fazlullah Hemedani, Câmiü’t-Tevârih, ed. Muhammed Rövşen – Mustafa Musavi, Tahran 1373, 1384.
  • _____, Tarih-i Mübarek-i Gazani, ed. Karl Yahn, Hertford 1940.
  • Sa’di-i Şirazi, Muslihiddin, Külliyat-ı Sadi, ed. Muhammed Ali Furugi, Tahran 1386.
  • Sarafrazi, Abbas, “Gerayeşha-yı Siyasi, Mezhebi-yi İlhanan Ber Esas-ı Maskukât İlhani 651-756”, Pazuheşhâ-yı Tarihi, V, (1389).
  • Suka’i, Fazlullah İbn Ebu El-Fahr, Tali Ketab Fevayatü’l-A’yan, ed. Jackuline Sublette, Şam 1974.
  • Şehristani, Muhammed İbn Abdülkerim, El-Milel Ve’n-Nihal, ed. Emir Ali Mahna – Ali Hasan Fa’ur, Beyrut 1414.
  • Torabi Tabataba’i, Seyyid Cemaleddin, “Resmü’l-Hatt-ı Uyguri ve seyri der Sikke Şinasi”, Nasgeiye-i Müze-i Azerbeycan, VI, (1351).
  • Varcavand, Perviz, Kavuş-ı Rasad Hane-i Meraga, Tahran 1366.
  • Vassafü’l-Hazra, Fazlullah İbn Abdullah-ı Şirazi, Tecziyatü’l-Emsar ve Tecziyatü’l-A’sar, ed. Muhammed Mehdi İsfahani, Bombay 1362.
  • Yusuf El-Hadi, A’idat Kitabatü’t-Tarih, Tahran 1433.
  • Zerrinkub, Abdülhüseyin, Donbale-i Cüstücu Der Tasavvuf-ı İran, Tahran 1376.
  • Zeryab, Abbas, “İbn-i Teymiyye”, Dayerat Al-Ma’arif-i Bozorg-ı İslami, ed. Kazım Musavi-i Bojnourdi, Tahran 1369.
  • Aigle, Denise, “The Mongol Invasions of Bilâd al-shâm by Ghâzân Khân and Ibn Taymiyah’s Three ‘Anti- Mongols Fatwas’”, Mamluk Studies Review, XI (2), (2007), s. 89-120.
  • Allsen, Tomas T., “The Yuan Dynasty and the Uighur of Turfan in the 13th century”, China Among Equals: The Middle Kingdom and its Neighbors, ed. Morris Rossabi, University of California Press, Berkeley 1983.
  • Azad, Arezou, “Three Rock-cut Cave Sites in Iran and Their Ilkhanid Buddhist Aspects Reconsideration”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 209-231.
  • Ball, Warwick, “Two Aspects of Iranian Buddhism”, Bulletin of the Asian Institute of Pahlavi University, I, (1976), s. 103-163.
  • _____, “The Imamzadeh ma’sum at Vardjovi. A Rock-cut Ilkhanid complex near Maraghe”, Archäologische Mittelungen aus Iran, XII, (1979), s. 329-340.
  • Barthold, Wilhelm, Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasion, Luzac Publication, London 1986.
  • Bausani, A, “Religion under the Mongols”, The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. J. A. Boyle, New York 1968, s. 538-549.
  • _____, The Persians: from the Earliest Days to the Twentieth Century, Translated from Italian by J. Donne, London 1971.
  • Bira, Sh., “Qubilai Qa’an and Phags-Pa Bla-Ma”, The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy, ed. Reuven Amitai and David O. Morgan, Leiden 2000, s. 240-249.
  • Blair, Sheila, “The Religious Art of the Ilkhanids”, The Legacy of Genghis Khan, ed. Linda Komaroff and Stefano Carboni, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Haven 2002, s. 104-133.
  • Boyle, J. A, “Dynastic and Political History of the II-kans”, The Cambridge Hisrory of Iran, Ed. by J. A. Boyle, New York 1968, s. 303-421.
  • Broce, Michael. C, “Uyghur Technologist of Writing and Literacy in Mongol China”, T’oung pao, XCI, (2005), s. 396-435.
  • Buell, D. Poul, “Tibetans, Mongols and the Fusion of Eurasian Cultures”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 189-209.
  • Canby, Sheila R., “Depictions of Buddha Sakyamuni in the Jami’ al-Tavarikh and the Majma’ al-Tavarikh”, Muqarnas, X, (1993), s. 299-310.
  • Crone, Patricia, “Buddhism as Ancient Iranian Paganism”, Late Antiquity: Eastern Perspective, ed. Teresa Bernheimer and Adam Silverstein, London 2012, s. 212-232
  • Daftari, Farhad, The Ismailis: their History and Doctrines, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1995.
  • Doerfer, Gerhard, Türkische und Mongolische Element im Neupersischen, Wiesbaden 1965.
  • Elverskog, Yohan, Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 2010.
  • _____, Uygur Buddhist Literature, Brepols Publishers, Turnhout 1997.
  • Emmerik, R. E., “Buddhism (In Pre-Islamic Times)”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, 41, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, London and New York 1990, s. 492-496.
  • Foltz, Richard, Religions of the Silk Road, St. Martin’s Press, London 1999.
  • _____, Spirituality in the land of the Noble, Oneworld Publications, London 2004.
  • Franke, Otto, Geschichte des Chinesischen Riches. Eine Darstellung Seiner Entstehung, Seines Wesens und Seiner Entwicklung bis zur Neuesten Zeit, De Gruyter Publication, Berlin 1948.
  • Grousset, Rehé, L’empire des steppes: Attila, Gengis-khan, Tamerlan, Payot Publication, Paris 1969.
  • Gruber, Christian J, The Timurid ‘book of Ascension’, (Mi’rajname): A Study of Text and Image in a Pan- Asian Context, Patrimonio Ediciones in collaboration with the Bibliothèque nationale de France Publication, Valencia 2008.
  • Hillenbrand, Robert, “The Arts of the Book in Ilkhanid Iran”, The legecy of Genghis khan, ed. Linda Komaroff and Stefano Carboni, New Haven 2002, s. 134-167. Howorth, Sir Henry, History of the Mongols, London 1888.
  • Hsüan-tsang, Si-Yo-Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World, trans. Samuel Beel, London 1884.
  • Hüttel, Hans-Georg, “Der Palast des Ögedei-khan-Die Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts im Palastbezirk von karakorum”, Dschingis khan und Seine Erben, Hirmer Verlag Publication, Munich 2005, s. 140-146.
  • Jackson, Peter, “Bakšı”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. III, Fasc. V, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, (London and New York 1985), s. 535-536.
  • Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim, Die Seidenstraße, Handelsweg und kulturbrüke Zwischen Morgen-und Abendland, DuMont Buchverlag, Köln 1988.
  • Lambton, Ann. K. S., Continuity and Change in Medieval Persia, Suny Press, London 1988.
  • Lane Poole, Stanley, Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum, London 1881.
  • Lewisohn, Leonard, Beyond Faith and Infidelity: The Sufi Poetry and Teachings of Mahmud Shabestari, Richmond 1995.
  • Melville, Charles, “Padishah-i Islam: the Conversion of Sultan Mahmud Ghâzân Khan”, Pembroke I: Persian and Islamic Studies in Honour of P. W. Avery, ed. Charles Melville, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990, s. 159-177.
  • Petrushevsky, I. P, “Rashid al-din’s Conceptions of the State”, Central Asiatic Journal, XIV, (1970), s. 148-162.
  • Prazniak, Roxann, “Ilkhanid Buddhism: Traces of a Passage in Eurasian History”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, LII/3, (2014), s. 650-680.
  • Röhrborn, Klaus, “Die Islamische weltgeschichte des Rasiduddin als Quelle für den Zentralasiatischen Buddhismus?”, Journal of Turkish Studies, XIII, (1989), s. 129-133.
  • Sagaster, Klaus, “The History of Buddhism Among the Mongol”, The Spread of Buddhism, ed. Denis Sinor and Nikola Di Cosmo, Brill Publication, Leiden – Boston 2007, s. 379-432.
  • Scarcia, Gianroberto, “The “Vihar” of Qongor-Olong-Preliminary Reports”, East and West, XXV/3-4, (1975), s. 99-104.
  • Schopen, Gregory, “Hinayana Texts in a 14th Century Persian Chronicle”, Central Asiatic Journal, XXVI/314, (1982), s. 225-235.
  • Shimin, Geng, “The Uighurs, the Kyrgiz and the Tangut (Eight to the Thirteenth Century)”, History of Civilization of Central Asia, ed. M. S. Asimov and E. Bosworth, Unesco 1998.
  • Shogaito, Masahiro, “On Uighur Elements in Buddhist Mongolian Texts”, Memories of the Research Department of the Toyo Banko, XLIX, (1991), s. 27-49.
  • Snellgrove, David, “The Notion of Divine Kingdom in Tantaric Buddhism”, La Regalita Sacra-contributi al Tema dell’VIII congresso Internazionale de storia delle Religioni, Leiden 1959, s. 204-218.
  • Sperling, Elliot, “Hülegü and Tibet”, Acta Orientalia Academia Sceintiarum Hungarca, XLIV, (1990), s. 145-157.
  • Spüler, Bertold, Die Mongolen in Iran, Brill Publication, Leiden 1985.
  • _____, “Bakhshi” Encyclopedia of Islam, Vol. II, Brill Publication, Leiden 1986, s. 953.
  • _____, “Baydü”, Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. III, Fasc. VIII, ed. Ehsan Yarshater, (London and New York 1985), s. 887-888.
  • Van der Kuijp, Leonard, “Jayänanda: A Twelfth Century Guoshi from Kashmir Among the Tangut”, Central Asiatic Journal, XXXVII/3-4, (1993), s. 188-197.
  • Van Ess, Josef, Theologie und Gesellschaft in 2. und 3. Jahrhundert Hidschra, De Gruyter Publication, Berlin – New York 1992.
  • Varjavand, Parviz, “The Imamzade Ma’sum Varjovi near Maragheh”, East and Wwest, XXVII/3-4, (1975), s. 435-438.
  • _____, Kavosh-e Rasad Khane-ye Maraghe, Tehran 1366.
  • Vaziri, Mostafa, Buddhism in Iran, Palgrave Macmillan Publication, New York 2012.
  • Waardenburg, Jacques, Muslim and Other: Relations in Context, , De Gruyter Publication, Berlin – New York 2003.
  • Yahn, Karl, “Kamalashraī – Rashaid Al-Din’s Life And Teaching of Buddha”, Central Asiatic Journal, 2/3, (1956), s. 81-128.
  • _____, “Rashid Al-Din And Chinese Culture”, Central Asiatic Journal, XIV/1-3, (1970), s. 134-147.
  • Yoeli-Tlalim, Ronit, “Islam and Tibet: Cultural Interactions-An Introduction”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 1-16.
  • Zieme, Peter, “Notes on the Religions in the Mongol Empire”, Islam and Tibet Interactions Along the Musk Routes, ed. Anna Akasoy, Charles Burnett and Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham 2011, s. 177-189.
Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Aralık 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Derin, Serkan, çev. “İlhanlı Sarayında Budizm”. Marmara Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2020): 485-506. https://doi.org/10.16985/mtad.840720.


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