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Okullarda Kapsayıcı Liderlik Uygulamaları: Bir Karma Yöntem Çalışması

Yıl 2023, , 70 - 84, 01.05.2023


Son yıllarda sınıflarda ve okullarda öğretmen ve yöneticiler artan çeşitlilikle birlikte birçok zorlukla karşı karşıyadırlar. Bu çalışma ile okullarda okul müdürlerinin sergilediği kapsayıcı liderlik uygulamalarının gerçekleşip gerçekleşmediğini ve ne ölçüde gerçekleştiği vurgulamak istenmiştir. Buradan yola çıkarak araştırmada gelişmekte ve yakın geçmişte yoğun mülteci akınıyla karşı karşıya kalan bir ülke olarak Türkiye’de okullarda okul müdürlerinin sergilediği kapsayıcı liderlik uygulamalarını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada karma yöntem desenlerinden yakınsayan desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel boyutu betimsel araştırma yöntemlerinden tarama çalışması deseni ile nitel boyutu ise nitel araştırma desenlerinden fenomenoloji deseni ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini 2021-2022 eğitim-öğretim yılında Şanlıurfa ili merkez ilçelerinde mülteci öğrencisi olan ilkokul, ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapmakta olan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada kapsayıcı liderlikle ilgili olarak öğretmenlerin görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Nicel boyutta veri toplamak üzere Hollander (2008) tarafından geliştirilen, Okçu ve Deviren (2020) tarafından Türk kültürüne uyarlanan Kapsayıcı Liderlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nitel boyutundaki veriler toplanırken görüşme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Görüşmelerde yarı yapılandırılmış yaklaşım benimsenmiştir. Veri toplama sürecine başlamadan önce etik kurul onayı alınmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel boyutunun verileri SPSS 26.0 programı kullanılarak, nitel boyutunda elde edilen veriler ise betimsel analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen bulgular genel manada dikkate alındığında yoğun göçle ani bir şekilde karşı karşıya kalan bir ülke olarak Türkiye’de yine yoğun göçle karşı karşıya kalan Şanlıurfa ilindeki okullarda görev yapmakta olan okul müdürlerinin kapsayıcı liderlik uygulamalarını başarılı bir şekilde sergilediklerini söylemek mümkündür. Bu sonuç her iki toplumun tarihi, kültürel ve inanç yakınlıklarının bulunması ile ilişkilendirilebilir.


  • Agerwala, T. (2020). Inclusive Leadership: A technology perspective. (Eds. S. Bodhananda, T. Agerwala & S. Menon). Inclusive Leadership Perspectives from Tradition and Modernity in. (pp:147-174). Routledge.
  • Anthony, K. I. (2017). Igwebuike as an Igbo-African philosophy of inclusive leadership. Igwebuike: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 3(7), 165-183.
  • Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. & Kuipers, B. (2020). The role of inclusive leadership in supporting an inclusive climate in diverse public sector teams. Review of Public Personnel Administration.41(3), 497-519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734371X19899722.
  • Bennett, J. M. (2014). Intercultural competence: Vital perspectives for diversity and inclusion (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:177-202). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Booysen, L. (2014). The development of inclusive leadership practice and processes (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:296-329). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Bortini, P., Paci, A., Rise, A. & Rojnik, I. (2016). Inclusive leadership–Theoretical framework. European Commission. Carmeli, A., Reiter-Palmon, R. & Ziv, E. (2010). Inclusive leadership and employee involvement in creative tasks in the workplace: The mediating role of psychological safety. Creativity Research Journal, 22(3), 250-260.
  • Creswell, J. (2017). Araştırma Yaklaşımının Seçimi, Araştırma Deseni (4. baskıdan çeviri). S. B. Demir (Çev. Ed.), M. Bütün (Çev.). Nicel, Nitel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (ss. 1-22). Eğiten Kitap.
  • DeMatthews, D. E., Serafini, A., & Watson, T. N. (2021). Leading inclusive schools: Principal perceptions, practices, and challenges to meaningful change. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(1), 3-48.
  • Dorczak, R. (2011). School organisational culture and inclusive educational leadership. Contemporary Management Quarterly/Wspólczesne Zarzadzanie, 2, 45-55.
  • Echols, S. (2009). Transformational/servant leadership: A potential synergism for an inclusive leadership style. Journal of Religious Leadership, 8(2), 85-116.
  • Ferdman, B. M. (2014). The practice of inclusion in diverse organizations toward a systemic and inclusive framework (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:3-54). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Garrison-Wade, D., Sobel, D., & Fulmer, C. L. (2007). Inclusive leadership: Preparing principals for the role that awaits them. Educational leadership and administration: Teaching and program development, 19, 117-132.
  • Gliner, J. A., Morgan, G. A & Leech, N. L. (2015). Araştırmanın tanımları, amaçları ve boyutları (2. Baskıdan çeviri). S. Turan (Çev. Ed.), S. Turan ve S. Aylin Bayar (Çev.). Uygulamada araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analizi bütünleştiren yaklaşım (ss. 3-17). Nobel.
  • Guo, Y., Zhu, Y. & Zhang, L. (2020). Inclusive leadership, leader identification and employee voice behavior: The moderating role of power distance. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00647-x
  • Hannum, K. M., McFeeters, B. B. & Booysen, L. (2010). Mapping your social identities. In K. M. Hannum, B. B. McFeeters & L. Booysen (Eds.). Leading across differences: Cases and perspectives (pp. 183–192). Pfeiffer.
  • Hollander, E. (2012). Inclusive leadership: The essential leader-follower relationship. Abingdon-on-Thames. Routledge. Jacobsen, C. B., & Bøgh Andersen, L. (2015). Is leadership in the eye of the beholder? A study of intended and perceived leadership practices and organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 75(6), 829-841.
  • Javed, B., Naqvi, S. M. M. R., Khan, A. K., Arjoon, S., & Tayyeb, H. H. (2019). Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: The role of psychological safety. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(1), 117-136.
  • Jin, M., Lee, J. & Lee, M. (2017). Does leadership matter in diversity management? Assessing the relative impact of diversity policy and inclusive leadership in the public sector. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(2), 303-319.
  • MEB (2021). http://sanliurfa.meb.gov.tr/
  • Keyes, M. W., Hanley-Maxwell, C., & Capper, C. A. (1999). Spirituality? It’s the core of my leadership: Empowering leadership in an inclusive elementary school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 35(2), 203-237.
  • Kugelmass, J. & Ainscow, M. (2004). Leadership for inclusion: A comparison of international practices. Journal of research in special educational needs, 4(3), 133-141.
  • Nembhard, I. M. & Edmondson, A. C. (2006). Making it safe: The effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(7), 941-966.
  • Okçu, V., & Deviren, İ. (2020). Kapsayıcı liderlik ölçeğinin eğitim örgütleri için Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [MSKU Journal of Education], 7(2), 180-192. http://10.21666/muefd.770115
  • Okilwa, N. S., Cordova, A. J. & Haupert, K. (2021). Learning in a New Land: School Leadership in Support of Refugee Students, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 1-13.https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2020.1843061
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Nitel araştırma ve değerlendirme yöntemleri (1. Baskı). M. Bütün ve S. B. Şirin (Çev Ed.), E. Bukova Güzel ve H. Demircioğlu (Çev.). Nitel araştırmada çeşitlilik: Kuramsal yönelimler. Pegem.
  • Qi, L. & Liu, B. (2017). Effects of inclusive leadership on employee voice behavior and team performance: The mediating role of caring ethical climate. Frontiers in Communication, 2(8), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2017.00008
  • Ryan, J. (1999). Inclusive leadership for ethnically diverse schools: Initiating and sustaining dialogue. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltex
  • Ryan, J (2006a) Inclusive Leadership and Social Justice for Schools, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 5(1), 3-17, https://doi.org/10.1080/15700760500483995
  • Ryan, J. (2006b). Inclusive leadership: A review. Jossey Bass.
  • Sandoval, M., Muñoz, Y., & Márquez, C. (2021). Supporting schools in their journey to inclusive education: Review of guides and tools. Support for Learning, 36(1), 20-42.
  • Shore, L. M., Randel, A. E., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A., Holcombe Ehrhart, K., & Singh, G. (2011). Inclusion and diversity in work groups: A review and model for future research. Journal of management, 37(4), 1262-1289.
  • Steve Rayner (2009) Educational diversity and learning leadership: A proposition, some principles and a model of inclusive leadership?, Educational Review, 61(4), 433-447, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131910903404004
  • Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson.
  • Van Knippenberg, D., & Van Ginkel, W. P. (2021). A diversity mindset perspective on inclusive leadership. Group & Organization Management, 0(0),1-19 http://doi.org.//10.1177/1059601121997229
  • Wuffli, P. A. (2016). Inclusive leadership: A framework for the global era. Springer.

Inclusive Leadership Practices in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study

Yıl 2023, , 70 - 84, 01.05.2023


With the increasing diversity in classrooms and schools in recent years, teachers and administrators face many challenges. With this study, it is aimed to emphasize whether and to what extent the inclusive leadership practices exhibited by school administrators are realized or not. From this point of view, in this research, it is aimed to reveal the inclusive leadership practices exhibited by school administrators in Turkey as a developing country and recently faced with an intense refugee influx. Convergent design, one of the mixed method designs, was used in the research. The quantitative dimension of the research was carried out with a survey design, one of the descriptive research methods. The qualitative dimension of the research was carried out with the phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research designs. The population of the research consists of teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools where there are refugee students in the central districts of Şanlıurfa in the 2021-2022 academic year. In the research, the opinions of the teachers about inclusive leadership were consulted. The Inclusive Leadership Scale, developed by Hollander (2008) and adapted to Turkish culture by Okçu and Deviren (2020), was used to collect quantitative data. The interview method was used while collecting the data in the qualitative dimension of the research. A semi-structured approach was adopted in the interviews. Ethics committee approval was obtained for the research before starting the data collection process. The data of the quantitative dimension of the research were analysed using the SPSS 26.0 program. The data obtained in the qualitative dimension of the research were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. When the findings obtained within the scope of the research are taken into account in general terms, it is possible to say that the school administrators working in schools in Şanlıurfa province that is suddenly faced with intense migration in Turkey as a country that is suddenly faced with intense migration, successfully exhibit inclusive leadership practices.


  • Agerwala, T. (2020). Inclusive Leadership: A technology perspective. (Eds. S. Bodhananda, T. Agerwala & S. Menon). Inclusive Leadership Perspectives from Tradition and Modernity in. (pp:147-174). Routledge.
  • Anthony, K. I. (2017). Igwebuike as an Igbo-African philosophy of inclusive leadership. Igwebuike: An African Journal of Arts and Humanities, 3(7), 165-183.
  • Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. & Kuipers, B. (2020). The role of inclusive leadership in supporting an inclusive climate in diverse public sector teams. Review of Public Personnel Administration.41(3), 497-519. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734371X19899722.
  • Bennett, J. M. (2014). Intercultural competence: Vital perspectives for diversity and inclusion (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:177-202). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Booysen, L. (2014). The development of inclusive leadership practice and processes (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:296-329). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Bortini, P., Paci, A., Rise, A. & Rojnik, I. (2016). Inclusive leadership–Theoretical framework. European Commission. Carmeli, A., Reiter-Palmon, R. & Ziv, E. (2010). Inclusive leadership and employee involvement in creative tasks in the workplace: The mediating role of psychological safety. Creativity Research Journal, 22(3), 250-260.
  • Creswell, J. (2017). Araştırma Yaklaşımının Seçimi, Araştırma Deseni (4. baskıdan çeviri). S. B. Demir (Çev. Ed.), M. Bütün (Çev.). Nicel, Nitel ve karma yöntem yaklaşımları (ss. 1-22). Eğiten Kitap.
  • DeMatthews, D. E., Serafini, A., & Watson, T. N. (2021). Leading inclusive schools: Principal perceptions, practices, and challenges to meaningful change. Educational Administration Quarterly, 57(1), 3-48.
  • Dorczak, R. (2011). School organisational culture and inclusive educational leadership. Contemporary Management Quarterly/Wspólczesne Zarzadzanie, 2, 45-55.
  • Echols, S. (2009). Transformational/servant leadership: A potential synergism for an inclusive leadership style. Journal of Religious Leadership, 8(2), 85-116.
  • Ferdman, B. M. (2014). The practice of inclusion in diverse organizations toward a systemic and inclusive framework (Eds. B. M. Ferdman & B. R. Deane). Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion in (pp:3-54). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand, ISBN 978-1-118-41782-9 (pdf)
  • Garrison-Wade, D., Sobel, D., & Fulmer, C. L. (2007). Inclusive leadership: Preparing principals for the role that awaits them. Educational leadership and administration: Teaching and program development, 19, 117-132.
  • Gliner, J. A., Morgan, G. A & Leech, N. L. (2015). Araştırmanın tanımları, amaçları ve boyutları (2. Baskıdan çeviri). S. Turan (Çev. Ed.), S. Turan ve S. Aylin Bayar (Çev.). Uygulamada araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analizi bütünleştiren yaklaşım (ss. 3-17). Nobel.
  • Guo, Y., Zhu, Y. & Zhang, L. (2020). Inclusive leadership, leader identification and employee voice behavior: The moderating role of power distance. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00647-x
  • Hannum, K. M., McFeeters, B. B. & Booysen, L. (2010). Mapping your social identities. In K. M. Hannum, B. B. McFeeters & L. Booysen (Eds.). Leading across differences: Cases and perspectives (pp. 183–192). Pfeiffer.
  • Hollander, E. (2012). Inclusive leadership: The essential leader-follower relationship. Abingdon-on-Thames. Routledge. Jacobsen, C. B., & Bøgh Andersen, L. (2015). Is leadership in the eye of the beholder? A study of intended and perceived leadership practices and organizational performance. Public Administration Review, 75(6), 829-841.
  • Javed, B., Naqvi, S. M. M. R., Khan, A. K., Arjoon, S., & Tayyeb, H. H. (2019). Impact of inclusive leadership on innovative work behavior: The role of psychological safety. Journal of Management & Organization, 25(1), 117-136.
  • Jin, M., Lee, J. & Lee, M. (2017). Does leadership matter in diversity management? Assessing the relative impact of diversity policy and inclusive leadership in the public sector. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(2), 303-319.
  • MEB (2021). http://sanliurfa.meb.gov.tr/
  • Keyes, M. W., Hanley-Maxwell, C., & Capper, C. A. (1999). Spirituality? It’s the core of my leadership: Empowering leadership in an inclusive elementary school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 35(2), 203-237.
  • Kugelmass, J. & Ainscow, M. (2004). Leadership for inclusion: A comparison of international practices. Journal of research in special educational needs, 4(3), 133-141.
  • Nembhard, I. M. & Edmondson, A. C. (2006). Making it safe: The effects of leader inclusiveness and professional status on psychological safety and improvement efforts in health care teams. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(7), 941-966.
  • Okçu, V., & Deviren, İ. (2020). Kapsayıcı liderlik ölçeğinin eğitim örgütleri için Türkçeye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [MSKU Journal of Education], 7(2), 180-192. http://10.21666/muefd.770115
  • Okilwa, N. S., Cordova, A. J. & Haupert, K. (2021). Learning in a New Land: School Leadership in Support of Refugee Students, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 1-13.https://doi.org/10.1080/15700763.2020.1843061
  • Patton, M. Q. (2014). Nitel araştırma ve değerlendirme yöntemleri (1. Baskı). M. Bütün ve S. B. Şirin (Çev Ed.), E. Bukova Güzel ve H. Demircioğlu (Çev.). Nitel araştırmada çeşitlilik: Kuramsal yönelimler. Pegem.
  • Qi, L. & Liu, B. (2017). Effects of inclusive leadership on employee voice behavior and team performance: The mediating role of caring ethical climate. Frontiers in Communication, 2(8), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2017.00008
  • Ryan, J. (1999). Inclusive leadership for ethnically diverse schools: Initiating and sustaining dialogue. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltex
  • Ryan, J (2006a) Inclusive Leadership and Social Justice for Schools, Leadership and Policy in Schools, 5(1), 3-17, https://doi.org/10.1080/15700760500483995
  • Ryan, J. (2006b). Inclusive leadership: A review. Jossey Bass.
  • Sandoval, M., Muñoz, Y., & Márquez, C. (2021). Supporting schools in their journey to inclusive education: Review of guides and tools. Support for Learning, 36(1), 20-42.
  • Shore, L. M., Randel, A. E., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A., Holcombe Ehrhart, K., & Singh, G. (2011). Inclusion and diversity in work groups: A review and model for future research. Journal of management, 37(4), 1262-1289.
  • Steve Rayner (2009) Educational diversity and learning leadership: A proposition, some principles and a model of inclusive leadership?, Educational Review, 61(4), 433-447, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131910903404004
  • Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics. Pearson.
  • Van Knippenberg, D., & Van Ginkel, W. P. (2021). A diversity mindset perspective on inclusive leadership. Group & Organization Management, 0(0),1-19 http://doi.org.//10.1177/1059601121997229
  • Wuffli, P. A. (2016). Inclusive leadership: A framework for the global era. Springer.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler - Articles

Ali Cülha 0000-0002-5215-0823

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Cülha, A. (2023). Okullarda Kapsayıcı Liderlik Uygulamaları: Bir Karma Yöntem Çalışması. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1), 70-84. https://doi.org/10.21666/muefd.1059027