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Yıl 2018, , 193 - 215, 01.01.2018



  • Abor, J. (2007), “Corporate Governance and Financing Decisions of Ghanaian Listed Firms”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 7(1), pp.83-92.
  • Akkaya, G. C. - Güler, S. (2008), “Capital Structure, Assets and Profitability: An Application on Manufacturing Firms”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 23(263), pp.41-52.
  • Akyüz, K.C. - Akyüz, İ. - Serin, H. - Cindik, H. (2006), “The Financing Preferences and Capital Structure of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Firm Owners in Forest Products Industry in Turkey”, Forest Policy and Economics, 8(3), pp.301-311.
  • Amihud, Y. - Mendelson, H. (1986), “Asset Pricing and the Bid-Ask Spread”, Journal of Financial Economics, 17(2), pp.223-249.
  • Andreou, P. C. – Louca C. - Panayides P.M. (2014), “Corporate Governance, Financial Management Decisions and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Maritime Industry”, Transportation Research Part E, 63, pp.59-78.
  • Arvanitis, S. - Tzigkounaki, I.S. - Stamatopoulos, T.V. – Thalassinos E.I. (2012), “Dynamic Approach of Capital Structure of European Shipping Companies” International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, 5(3), pp.33-63.
  • Asarkaya, Y. - Özcan, S. (2007), “Determinants of Capital Structure in Financial Institutions: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Banking and Financial Markets, 1(1), pp.91-109.
  • Backx, M. - Carney, M.- Gedajlovic, E. (2002), “Public, Private and Mixed Ownership and the Performance of International Airlines” Journal of Air Transport Management, 8(4), pp. 213-220.
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  • Berger, P.G. - Ofek, E. - Yermack D.L. (1997), “Managerial Entrenchment and Capital Structure Decisions”, The Journal of Finance, 52(4), pp.1411-1438.
  • Booth, L. - Aivazian, V. - Demirguc-Kunt, A. - Maksimovic V. (2001), “Capital Structures in Developing Countries”, The Journal of Finance., 56(1), pp. 87-130.
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  • Brealey, R.A. - Myers, S.C. - Allen, F. (2011), Principles of Corporate Finance, New York : McGraw-Hill.
  • Capobianco, H.M.P. - Fernandes, E. (2004), “Capital Structure in the World Airline Industry”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38(6), pp.421-434.
  • Chen, C.C. (2004), “Determinants of Capital Structure of Chinese-Listed Companies”, Journal of Business Research, 57(12), pp.1341-1351.
  • Chang, YK. - Chou, R.K. - Huang TH. (2014), “Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Structure: A New Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 48, pp.374-385.
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  • Chung, Y.P. - Na, H.S. - Smith R. (2013), “How Important is Capital Structure Policy to Firm Survival?”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 22, pp.83-103.
  • Çağlayan, E. (2006), “Sermaye Yapısı Bileşenleri: Kantil Regresyon Modeli”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 21(248), ss.66-76.
  • Dammon, R.M. - Senbet, L.W. (1988), “The Effect of Taxes and Depreciation on Corporate Investment and Financial Leverage”, The Journal of Finance, 43(2), pp.357-353.
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  • Delcoure, N. (2007), “The Determinants of Capital Structure in Transitional Economies. International Review of Economics & Finance, 16(3), pp.400-415.
  • Deloitte (2013), “The Logistics Industry in Turkey", , (15.07.2014)
  • Doğukanlı, H. - Acaravcı, S. (2004), “Türkiye’de Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin İmalat Sanayinde Sınanması”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 19(225), pp.43-57.
  • Drobetz, W. - Fix, R. (2003), “What are the Determinants of Capital Structure? Some Evidence for Switzerland”, , (15.02.2014)
  • Drobetz, W. - Gounopoulos, D. - Merikas, A. - Schröder, H. (2013), “Capital Structure Decisions of Globally-Listed Shipping Companies”, Transportation Research Part E, 52, pp.49-76.
  • Fama, E. F. - French, K. R. (2002), “Testing Trade-Off and Pecking Order Predictions About Dividends and Debt”, Review of Financial Studies, 15(1), pp.1-33.
  • Fan, J.P.H. - Titman, S. - Twite, G. (2012), “An International Comparison of Capital Structure and Debt Maturity Choices”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 47(1), pp:23-56.
  • Ferri, M.G. - Jones, W.H. (1979), “Determinants of Financial Structure: A New Methodological Approach”, The Journal of Finance, 34(3), pp.631-644.
  • Frank, M.Z. - Goyal, V.K. (2009), “Capital Structure Decisions: Which Factors Are Reliably Important?”, Financial Management, 38(1), pp.1-37.
  • Friend, I. - Lang, L.H.P. (1988), “An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self-Interest on Corporate Capital Structure”, The Journal of Finance, 43(2), pp.271-281.
  • Gitman, L.J. - Zutter, C.J. (2012), Principles of Managerial Finance, Boston, MA, The Princeton Hall.
  • Givoly, D. - Hayn C. - Ofer, A.R. - Sarig, O. (1992), “Taxes and Capital Structure: Evidence from Firms' Response to the Tax Reform Act of 1986”, The Review of Financial Studies, 5(2), pp,331-355.
  • Gong, S.X. - Ye, HQ. - Zeng, Y.Y. (2013), “Impacts of the Recent Financial Crisis on Ship Financing in Hong Kong: A Research Note”, Maritime Policy and Management: The Flagship Journal of International Shipping and Port Research, 40(1), pp.1-9.
  • Gönenç, H. (2003), “Capital Structure Decisions Under Micro Institutional Settings: The Case of Turkey, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 2(1), pp.57-82.
  • Graham, J.G. - Leary, M.T. (2011), “A Review of Empirical Capital Structure Research and Directions for the Future”, Annual Review of Financial Economics, 3, pp.309–345.
  • Grammenos, C. - Alizadeh, A.H. - Papapostolou, N.C. (2007), “Factors Affecting the Dynamics of Yield Premia on Shipping Seasoned High Yield Bonds”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 43, pp.549–564.
  • Gritta, R.D. (1979), “Bankruptcy Risks Facing the Major U.S. Airlines”, Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 48, pp.89-108.
  • Hall, G.C. - Hutchinson, P.J. - Michaelas, N. (2004), “Determinants of Capital Structures of European SMEs”, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 31(5-6), pp.711-728.
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Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama

Yıl 2018, , 193 - 215, 01.01.2018


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren ulaştırma işletmelerinin sermaye yapısı kararlarını etkileyen faktörler incelenmektedir. Borsa Istanbul Ulaştırma Endeksinde işlem gören 11 adet ulaştırma işletmesi, 2002-2013 yıllarını kapsayacak şekilde panel veri analizi ile incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, “Varlık Yapısı” ve “İşletme Büyüklüğü” ile “Uzun Vadeli Borçlanma Oranı” arasında anlamlı ve pozitif bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Bu sonuç “Dengeleme Teorisini” desteklemektedir. Ayrıca elde edilen sonuçlar, kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarının, özellikle yönetim kurulu büyüklüğü, yönetim kurulu bağımsız üye sayısı ve kurumsal sahiplik oranının sermaye yapısı kararlarında anlamlı bir etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Abor, J. (2007), “Corporate Governance and Financing Decisions of Ghanaian Listed Firms”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 7(1), pp.83-92.
  • Akkaya, G. C. - Güler, S. (2008), “Capital Structure, Assets and Profitability: An Application on Manufacturing Firms”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 23(263), pp.41-52.
  • Akyüz, K.C. - Akyüz, İ. - Serin, H. - Cindik, H. (2006), “The Financing Preferences and Capital Structure of Micro, Small and Medium Sized Firm Owners in Forest Products Industry in Turkey”, Forest Policy and Economics, 8(3), pp.301-311.
  • Amihud, Y. - Mendelson, H. (1986), “Asset Pricing and the Bid-Ask Spread”, Journal of Financial Economics, 17(2), pp.223-249.
  • Andreou, P. C. – Louca C. - Panayides P.M. (2014), “Corporate Governance, Financial Management Decisions and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Maritime Industry”, Transportation Research Part E, 63, pp.59-78.
  • Arvanitis, S. - Tzigkounaki, I.S. - Stamatopoulos, T.V. – Thalassinos E.I. (2012), “Dynamic Approach of Capital Structure of European Shipping Companies” International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, 5(3), pp.33-63.
  • Asarkaya, Y. - Özcan, S. (2007), “Determinants of Capital Structure in Financial Institutions: The Case of Turkey”, Journal of Banking and Financial Markets, 1(1), pp.91-109.
  • Backx, M. - Carney, M.- Gedajlovic, E. (2002), “Public, Private and Mixed Ownership and the Performance of International Airlines” Journal of Air Transport Management, 8(4), pp. 213-220.
  • Baron, D.P. (1975), “Firm Valuation, Corporate Taxes, and Default Risk”. The Journal of Finance, 30(5), pp.1251-1264.
  • Baskin, J. (1989), “An Empirical Investigation of the Pecking Order Hypothesis”, Financial Management, 18(1), pp. 26-35.
  • Berger, P.G. - Ofek, E. - Yermack D.L. (1997), “Managerial Entrenchment and Capital Structure Decisions”, The Journal of Finance, 52(4), pp.1411-1438.
  • Booth, L. - Aivazian, V. - Demirguc-Kunt, A. - Maksimovic V. (2001), “Capital Structures in Developing Countries”, The Journal of Finance., 56(1), pp. 87-130.
  • Bowen, R.M. - Daley, L.A. - Huber J.J. (1982), “Evidence on the Existence and Determinants of Inter-Industry Differences in Leverage”, Financial Management, 11(4), pp.10-20.
  • Bradley, M. - Jarrell, G.A. - Kim, E.H. (1984), “On the Existence of an Optimal Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence”, The Journal of Finance, 39(3), pp.857-878.
  • Brauner, A. (1994), “Shipping Finance: A Current View of the Availability of Finance and Financiers Requirements for Vessel Quality”, International Conference on Maritime Safety, Istanbul: Chamber of Shipping Publications, 1994, pp.109-143.
  • Brealey, R.A. - Myers, S.C. - Allen, F. (2011), Principles of Corporate Finance, New York : McGraw-Hill.
  • Capobianco, H.M.P. - Fernandes, E. (2004), “Capital Structure in the World Airline Industry”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38(6), pp.421-434.
  • Chen, C.C. (2004), “Determinants of Capital Structure of Chinese-Listed Companies”, Journal of Business Research, 57(12), pp.1341-1351.
  • Chang, YK. - Chou, R.K. - Huang TH. (2014), “Corporate Governance and the Dynamics of Capital Structure: A New Evidence”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 48, pp.374-385.
  • Chittenden, F. - Hall, G. - Hutchinson, P. (1996), “Small Firm Growth, Access to Capital Markets and Financial Structure: Review of Issues and Empirical Investigation”, Small Business Economics, 8(1), pp.59-67.
  • Chung, Y.P. - Na, H.S. - Smith R. (2013), “How Important is Capital Structure Policy to Firm Survival?”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 22, pp.83-103.
  • Çağlayan, E. (2006), “Sermaye Yapısı Bileşenleri: Kantil Regresyon Modeli”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 21(248), ss.66-76.
  • Dammon, R.M. - Senbet, L.W. (1988), “The Effect of Taxes and Depreciation on Corporate Investment and Financial Leverage”, The Journal of Finance, 43(2), pp.357-353.
  • De Angelo, H. - Masulis, R.W. (1980), “Optimal Capital Structure Under Corporate and Personal Taxation”, Journal of Financial Economics, 8(1), pp.3-29.
  • Delcoure, N. (2007), “The Determinants of Capital Structure in Transitional Economies. International Review of Economics & Finance, 16(3), pp.400-415.
  • Deloitte (2013), “The Logistics Industry in Turkey", , (15.07.2014)
  • Doğukanlı, H. - Acaravcı, S. (2004), “Türkiye’de Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörlerin İmalat Sanayinde Sınanması”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 19(225), pp.43-57.
  • Drobetz, W. - Fix, R. (2003), “What are the Determinants of Capital Structure? Some Evidence for Switzerland”, , (15.02.2014)
  • Drobetz, W. - Gounopoulos, D. - Merikas, A. - Schröder, H. (2013), “Capital Structure Decisions of Globally-Listed Shipping Companies”, Transportation Research Part E, 52, pp.49-76.
  • Fama, E. F. - French, K. R. (2002), “Testing Trade-Off and Pecking Order Predictions About Dividends and Debt”, Review of Financial Studies, 15(1), pp.1-33.
  • Fan, J.P.H. - Titman, S. - Twite, G. (2012), “An International Comparison of Capital Structure and Debt Maturity Choices”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 47(1), pp:23-56.
  • Ferri, M.G. - Jones, W.H. (1979), “Determinants of Financial Structure: A New Methodological Approach”, The Journal of Finance, 34(3), pp.631-644.
  • Frank, M.Z. - Goyal, V.K. (2009), “Capital Structure Decisions: Which Factors Are Reliably Important?”, Financial Management, 38(1), pp.1-37.
  • Friend, I. - Lang, L.H.P. (1988), “An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self-Interest on Corporate Capital Structure”, The Journal of Finance, 43(2), pp.271-281.
  • Gitman, L.J. - Zutter, C.J. (2012), Principles of Managerial Finance, Boston, MA, The Princeton Hall.
  • Givoly, D. - Hayn C. - Ofer, A.R. - Sarig, O. (1992), “Taxes and Capital Structure: Evidence from Firms' Response to the Tax Reform Act of 1986”, The Review of Financial Studies, 5(2), pp,331-355.
  • Gong, S.X. - Ye, HQ. - Zeng, Y.Y. (2013), “Impacts of the Recent Financial Crisis on Ship Financing in Hong Kong: A Research Note”, Maritime Policy and Management: The Flagship Journal of International Shipping and Port Research, 40(1), pp.1-9.
  • Gönenç, H. (2003), “Capital Structure Decisions Under Micro Institutional Settings: The Case of Turkey, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 2(1), pp.57-82.
  • Graham, J.G. - Leary, M.T. (2011), “A Review of Empirical Capital Structure Research and Directions for the Future”, Annual Review of Financial Economics, 3, pp.309–345.
  • Grammenos, C. - Alizadeh, A.H. - Papapostolou, N.C. (2007), “Factors Affecting the Dynamics of Yield Premia on Shipping Seasoned High Yield Bonds”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 43, pp.549–564.
  • Gritta, R.D. (1979), “Bankruptcy Risks Facing the Major U.S. Airlines”, Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 48, pp.89-108.
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Toplam 99 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ersin Fırat Akgül Bu kişi benim

Seçil Sigali

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgül, E. F., & Sigali, S. (2018). Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama. The Journal of Accounting and Finance(77), 193-215.
AMA Akgül EF, Sigali S. Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. Ocak 2018;(77):193-215. doi:10.25095/mufad.401506
Chicago Akgül, Ersin Fırat, ve Seçil Sigali. “Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, sy. 77 (Ocak 2018): 193-215.
EndNote Akgül EF, Sigali S (01 Ocak 2018) Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 77 193–215.
IEEE E. F. Akgül ve S. Sigali, “Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”, The Journal of Accounting and Finance, sy. 77, ss. 193–215, Ocak 2018, doi: 10.25095/mufad.401506.
ISNAD Akgül, Ersin Fırat - Sigali, Seçil. “Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance 77 (Ocak 2018), 193-215.
JAMA Akgül EF, Sigali S. Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2018;:193–215.
MLA Akgül, Ersin Fırat ve Seçil Sigali. “Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama”. The Journal of Accounting and Finance, sy. 77, 2018, ss. 193-15, doi:10.25095/mufad.401506.
Vancouver Akgül EF, Sigali S. Sermaye Yapısını Etkileyen Faktörler: BIST Ulaştırma Endeksinde Bir Uygulama. The Journal of Accounting and Finance. 2018(77):193-215.