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The Organizational Accidents in Aviation: An Investigation of B-737 Max Aircraft Accidents from the Engineering Perspective

Yıl 2020, , 241 - 261, 31.12.2020


Aviation accidents mostly occur due to more than one reason. In other words, aviation accidents occur as a result of a combination of many effects. Examples of these effects include production processes, maintenance activities, human factors, meteorological conditions, certification controls, and runway condition. On the other hand, consecutive crashes of the same aircraft type are naturally conspicuous. The B-737 Max commercial passenger aircraft crashes that occurred in Indonesia on October 29, 2018, and Ethiopia on March 10, 2019, are examples of these consecutive accidents. In this study, these accidents are discussed from the pilotage and engineering perspective, in terms of certification processes.


  • Sgobba, T. 2019. “B-737 MAX and the Crach of the Regulatory System”. Journal of Safety Engineering. 6, 4, 299-303.
  • Aksoy, C., Dursun, Ö. O. 2018. “A General Overview Of The Development Of The Civil Aviation Sector in Turkey”. Electronic Journal Of Social Sciences. 17, 7, 1060-1076.
  • Doucet, G. 2019. “Outer space SARPs: A Mechanism for Implementation of Space Safety.” The Journal of Space Safety Engineering. 6, 2, 145-149.
  • Nancy, L., Wilkinson, C., Fleming, C., Thomas, J., Tracy, I. 2014. A Comparison of STPA and the ARP 4761 Safety Assesment Process. MIT PSAS Technical Report, Rev.1, MIT, Massachusetts.
  • ICAO. 2018. “News and Developments From The International Civil Aviation Organization”. Strengthening Regional Safety Oversight. 3, 2, 11.
  • Kenaroğlu, Y. 2010. “Hava Araçlarının Uçuşa Elverişlilik Sertifikasyonu”. Mühendis ve Makina. 52, 614, 16-28.
  • Saracyakupoglu, T. 2020. “The Adverse Effects of Implementation of the Novel Systems in the Aviation Industry in Pursuit of Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS)”. Journal of Critical Reviews. 7, 11, 2530-2538.
  • FAA. 2017. Type Certification. U.S. Department of Transportation, Order 8110.4C Chg 6. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • Han S.M., Lee S.M., Yim H.B., Seong P.H. 2017. “Development of Nuclear Safety Culture Evaluation Method for an Operation Team Based on the Probabilistic Approach”. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 111, 317-328.
  • Campbell, R., Bagshaw, M. 2002. Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation. ISBN 0-632-05965-6, Blackwell Science, Oxford.
  • ICAO. 2019. State of Global Aviation Safety. Safety Report. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • ICAO. 2001. International Standards And Recommended Practices - Annex 13, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • Saraçyakupoğlu, T. 2020. Emniyet İrtifasından Bilgiler: Genel Havacılık, Üretim ve Bakım Süreçleri. ISBN: 978-625-402-030-8, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Çetingüç, M. 2018. Havacılık ve Uzay Psikolojisi. ISBN: 978-605-320-495-4, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Wendel, W. B. 2019. “Technological Solutions to Human Error and How They Can Kill You: Understanding the Boeing 737-Max Products Liability Litigation”. Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 84,3, 1-43.
  • KNKT. 2019. Aircraft Accident Investigation Report. Final Report. KNKT. Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi. Indonesia.
  • ECAA. 2019. Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau Interim Report. Interim Investigation Report. AI-01/16. Ministry of Transport. Ethiopia. Bye, G. 2017. “Cheaper, Lighter, Quieter: The Electrification of Flight Is at Hand”,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Hill, M. L. 2002. Boeing 737. ISBN: 1 86126 404 6, The Crowood Press, Wiltshire.
  • Zang, B. 2019. “Here’s how much Boeing is estimated to make on each 737 Max 8 plane”,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • IATA. 2019. Airline Maintenance Cost Executive Commentary Report., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Mazarenau, E. 2019. Number of jets added to the global aircraft fleet from 1998 to 2018, by manufacturer, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • NASA. 2020. “Inclination of Lift”,son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • FAA. 2004. Airplane Flying Handbook: FAA-H-8083-3B, Chapter 4: Maintaining Aircraft Control:Upset Prevention and Recovery Training., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Palmer, C. 2019. “The Boeing 737 Max Saga: Automating Failure”. Engineering, 6, 1, 2-3.
  • Josefson, A., Browne J.C., Sinderson K.M., Hollander A.D., Fee J.M. 2020. “In Re: Boeing Company Aircraft Securities Litigation”, Consolidated Class Action Complaint”. Case No. 1:19-cv-02394, Bernstein Litowitz Berger and Grossman LLP, Chicago.
  • Scott, A., Foo , W., M. Johnson, E. 2019. Change to 737 MAX controls may have imperiled planes, experts say,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Arandas, I., Bogdane, R., Gorbacovs, O., Sestakovs, V. 2018. “Development of a model for assessing the level of flight safety in an airline using concept of risk”. Procedia Computer Science. 149, 365-374.
  • Levin, B. 2019. “Boeing Trained 737 Max Pilots on iPads to Save Cash”. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • FAA. 2017. Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Handbook. Report No: 8110. 37 F. Federal Aviation Administration. Washington D.C.
  • Florio, F. 2016. Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification and Operations, ISBN: 978-0-08-100888-1, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, Oxford.
  • Borfitz, M. 2020. “What FAA Delegation Does—How And Why?”, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Kun, Y., Cunxi, L. 2011. “Comparison on the Ways of Airworthiness Management of Civil Aircraft Design Organization”. Procedia Engineering, 17, 388-395.
  • Leveson, G. N. 2018. “Safety Analysis in Early Concept Development and Requirements Generation”. 28th annual INCOSE International Symposium .07-12 July 2018, Washington D.C.
  • Narayanan, S., Balasubramanian, S., M. Swaminathan, J., Zhang, Y. 2019. “Managing uncertain tasks in technology-intensive project environments: A multi-method study of task closure and capacity management decisions”, Journal of Operations Management. 66,1, 260-280.
  • Airbus. 2020. Aircraft Characteristics Airport and Maintenance Planning., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Airbus. 2018. A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Crew Operating Manual. Toulouse.
  • Yanlei, G., Yanpei, Z. 2011. “Airworthiness Management of CFM56 Products in FAA and EASA”. Procedia Engineering. 17, 588-594.

Havacılıkta Organizasyonel Kazalar: B-737 Max Uçak Kazalarının Mühendislik Perspektifinden İncelenmesi

Yıl 2020, , 241 - 261, 31.12.2020


Havacılık kazalarının oluşumu çoğunlukla birden fazla nedenden kaynaklanmaktadır. Diğer bir ifade ile havacılık kazaları birçok etkinin birleşiminin bir sonucu olarak meydana gelmektedir. Bu etkilere, üretim süreçleri, bakım faaliyetleri, beşeri unsurlar, meteorolojik şartlar, sertifikasyon kontrolleri ve pist durumu gibi hususlar örnek olarak verilebilir. Diğer taraftan aynı uçak tipindeki ardışık kazalar, doğal olarak dikkat çekicidir. 29 Ekim 2018’de Endonezya’da ve 10 Mart 2019’da Etiyopya’da meydana gelen B-737 Max ticari yolcu uçağı kazaları bu ardışık kazalara örnektir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu kazalar pilotaj ve mühendislik perspektifinden, sertifikasyon süreçleri açısından ele alınmaktadır.


  • Sgobba, T. 2019. “B-737 MAX and the Crach of the Regulatory System”. Journal of Safety Engineering. 6, 4, 299-303.
  • Aksoy, C., Dursun, Ö. O. 2018. “A General Overview Of The Development Of The Civil Aviation Sector in Turkey”. Electronic Journal Of Social Sciences. 17, 7, 1060-1076.
  • Doucet, G. 2019. “Outer space SARPs: A Mechanism for Implementation of Space Safety.” The Journal of Space Safety Engineering. 6, 2, 145-149.
  • Nancy, L., Wilkinson, C., Fleming, C., Thomas, J., Tracy, I. 2014. A Comparison of STPA and the ARP 4761 Safety Assesment Process. MIT PSAS Technical Report, Rev.1, MIT, Massachusetts.
  • ICAO. 2018. “News and Developments From The International Civil Aviation Organization”. Strengthening Regional Safety Oversight. 3, 2, 11.
  • Kenaroğlu, Y. 2010. “Hava Araçlarının Uçuşa Elverişlilik Sertifikasyonu”. Mühendis ve Makina. 52, 614, 16-28.
  • Saracyakupoglu, T. 2020. “The Adverse Effects of Implementation of the Novel Systems in the Aviation Industry in Pursuit of Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS)”. Journal of Critical Reviews. 7, 11, 2530-2538.
  • FAA. 2017. Type Certification. U.S. Department of Transportation, Order 8110.4C Chg 6. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • Han S.M., Lee S.M., Yim H.B., Seong P.H. 2017. “Development of Nuclear Safety Culture Evaluation Method for an Operation Team Based on the Probabilistic Approach”. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 111, 317-328.
  • Campbell, R., Bagshaw, M. 2002. Human Performance and Limitations in Aviation. ISBN 0-632-05965-6, Blackwell Science, Oxford.
  • ICAO. 2019. State of Global Aviation Safety. Safety Report. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • ICAO. 2001. International Standards And Recommended Practices - Annex 13, Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • Saraçyakupoğlu, T. 2020. Emniyet İrtifasından Bilgiler: Genel Havacılık, Üretim ve Bakım Süreçleri. ISBN: 978-625-402-030-8, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Çetingüç, M. 2018. Havacılık ve Uzay Psikolojisi. ISBN: 978-605-320-495-4, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Wendel, W. B. 2019. “Technological Solutions to Human Error and How They Can Kill You: Understanding the Boeing 737-Max Products Liability Litigation”. Journal of Air Law and Commerce. 84,3, 1-43.
  • KNKT. 2019. Aircraft Accident Investigation Report. Final Report. KNKT. Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi. Indonesia.
  • ECAA. 2019. Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau Interim Report. Interim Investigation Report. AI-01/16. Ministry of Transport. Ethiopia. Bye, G. 2017. “Cheaper, Lighter, Quieter: The Electrification of Flight Is at Hand”,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Hill, M. L. 2002. Boeing 737. ISBN: 1 86126 404 6, The Crowood Press, Wiltshire.
  • Zang, B. 2019. “Here’s how much Boeing is estimated to make on each 737 Max 8 plane”,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • IATA. 2019. Airline Maintenance Cost Executive Commentary Report., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Mazarenau, E. 2019. Number of jets added to the global aircraft fleet from 1998 to 2018, by manufacturer, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • NASA. 2020. “Inclination of Lift”,son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • FAA. 2004. Airplane Flying Handbook: FAA-H-8083-3B, Chapter 4: Maintaining Aircraft Control:Upset Prevention and Recovery Training., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Palmer, C. 2019. “The Boeing 737 Max Saga: Automating Failure”. Engineering, 6, 1, 2-3.
  • Josefson, A., Browne J.C., Sinderson K.M., Hollander A.D., Fee J.M. 2020. “In Re: Boeing Company Aircraft Securities Litigation”, Consolidated Class Action Complaint”. Case No. 1:19-cv-02394, Bernstein Litowitz Berger and Grossman LLP, Chicago.
  • Scott, A., Foo , W., M. Johnson, E. 2019. Change to 737 MAX controls may have imperiled planes, experts say,, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Arandas, I., Bogdane, R., Gorbacovs, O., Sestakovs, V. 2018. “Development of a model for assessing the level of flight safety in an airline using concept of risk”. Procedia Computer Science. 149, 365-374.
  • Levin, B. 2019. “Boeing Trained 737 Max Pilots on iPads to Save Cash”. (İnternet Erişimi 14.08.2020).
  • FAA. 2017. Designated Engineering Representative (DER) Handbook. Report No: 8110. 37 F. Federal Aviation Administration. Washington D.C.
  • Florio, F. 2016. Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification and Operations, ISBN: 978-0-08-100888-1, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, Oxford.
  • Borfitz, M. 2020. “What FAA Delegation Does—How And Why?”, son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Kun, Y., Cunxi, L. 2011. “Comparison on the Ways of Airworthiness Management of Civil Aircraft Design Organization”. Procedia Engineering, 17, 388-395.
  • Leveson, G. N. 2018. “Safety Analysis in Early Concept Development and Requirements Generation”. 28th annual INCOSE International Symposium .07-12 July 2018, Washington D.C.
  • Narayanan, S., Balasubramanian, S., M. Swaminathan, J., Zhang, Y. 2019. “Managing uncertain tasks in technology-intensive project environments: A multi-method study of task closure and capacity management decisions”, Journal of Operations Management. 66,1, 260-280.
  • Airbus. 2020. Aircraft Characteristics Airport and Maintenance Planning., son erişim tarihi: 14.08.2020.
  • Airbus. 2018. A318/A319/A320/A321 Flight Crew Operating Manual. Toulouse.
  • Yanlei, G., Yanpei, Z. 2011. “Airworthiness Management of CFM56 Products in FAA and EASA”. Procedia Engineering. 17, 588-594.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm icindekiler-sunuş

Tamer Saraçyakupoğlu 0000-0001-5338-726X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Mayıs 2020
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Saraçyakupoğlu, T. (2020). Havacılıkta Organizasyonel Kazalar: B-737 Max Uçak Kazalarının Mühendislik Perspektifinden İncelenmesi. Mühendis Ve Makina, 61(701), 241-261.

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