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Agirê ‘Işqê di Perspektîfa Mela de

Yıl 2017, , 77 - 92, 30.12.2017


Fire has been treated in the
most complicated terms of the classic Kurdish poems in which the lovers find
life. Besides, longing and missing for the sweet has been narrated by means of
it. This longing turns into a node; winds the soul and body of the lover, and
hand the lover in the fire. Hence, love is compared with fire.

Love is an all-purpose term
so that it has interference to fire, candle, daylight, oil-lamp and so moving
substances. Love is a reflection in the body of the lover that has a relation with
the present, pre-eternity and post-eternity. The tie between love and fire has
become close relatives in the poems of Melayê Cizîrî. As well, Mela has
treated fire by love; he has used it in some other forms, too. Among the terms
such as mirage of fire, cinder, fire of Tur, fire worshipping to the
manifestation of light, breath of fire, metaphoric fire etc., fire of love has
been used as the most related notion in the love poems. In this study, the
thought of Mela about the fire of love will be researched. Mela, in his poems,
handles fire, flame and glow all of which are synonyms. Hereby, he discourses
the terms such as burning, glowing, smoke, cauterizing and some other terms
that have similar functions like fire. To express the love, notions such as affection,
passion and ambition have been used; however, love has expressed the intention
of Mela more.


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Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

M. Zahir Ertekin

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertekin, M. Z. (2017). Agirê ‘Işqê di Perspektîfa Mela de. Mukaddime, 8(3), 77-92.