İşgal’in Tarihsel Arkaplanı Afyon Savaşları sonra 1842 Nanjing Anlaşması’yla Britanya’ya verilen Hong Kong Çin hanedanlığının Batı sömürgeciliğine ilk toprak kaybıdır. Tekrar önem kazanışı, 1949 Çin Devrimi sonrası Soğuk Savaş güç dengeleri içinde olmuştur. Bu dönemde, Tayvan’la birlikte Batı dünyası için ‘kaybedilmemesi’ gereken stratejik bir coğrafya haline geldiği için ekonomisi uluslararası yatırım ve yardımla desteklendi. Böylece Hong Kong tekstil sanayisiyle en erken Asya Kaplanlarından biri olma yoluna 1950’lerde girdi. Ne var ki, adanın ekonomisindeki bu genel büyüme gelir dağılımına 1960’ların sonuna kadar yansımadı
BBC (11/06/2014). China Media: White Paper on Hong Kong, http://www.bbc.com/ news/world-asia-china-27790302. Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Cheung G (2010). Hong Kong’s Watershed: The 1967 Riots. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Davis M (2015). After Occupy: Divided Over Strategies; Polarization; The Breaking Up of The Hk Federation of Students on Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Blog. https:// victoriatbhui.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/post-occupy-divided-over-strategies-and- tactics-though-united-over-genuine-universal-suffrage. Son erişim tarihi, 28/05/2015.
Dirlik A (2014). Minik Fare Kükredi: Hong Kong’un Demokrasi Hareketi, Agos, 6 Haziran. http://www.agos.com.tr/tr/yazi/8174/minik-fare-kukredi-hong-kongun-demokrasi- hareketi. Son erişim tarihi: 5/31/2015.
Fong B (2014). The Partnership Between the Chinese Government and Hong Kong’s
Capitalist Class: Implications for HKSAR Governance, 1997–2012, The China Quarterly, 217, 195-220.
Hatay M (2008). The Problem of Pigeons: Orientalism, Xenophobia, and A Rhetoric of the ‘Local’ in North Cyprus, The Cyprus Review, Vol 20(2), 145-172.
Hughes R (1968). Hong Kong: Borrowed Place, Borrowed Time. Deutsch Press
Hui V T (2015). The Protests and Beyond, Journal of Democracy, 26 (2).
Lee J (1994). Affordability, Home Ownership and the Middle Class Housing Crisis in
Hong Kong. Policy & Politics, 22 (3), 179. Merrifield A (2011). Crowd Politics, Or, ‘Here Comes Everybuddy’.New Left Review, 71, 103
Merrifield A (2013). The Politics of the Encounter: Urban Theory and Protest under
Planetary Urbanization. University of Georgia Press. Nao (2014), Black vs Yellow: Class Antagonism and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, http://www.ultra-com.org/project/black-versus-yellow.03.10.2014. Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Pepper S (2014). Managing Retrat, http://chinaelectionsblog.net/hkfocus/
(10/10/2014). Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Hong Kong Housing Society (2014). Sandwich Class Housing Scheme. http://www.hkhs. com/eng/business/sandwich.asp. Son erişim tarihi, 12.17.2014.
Tsang E, Sung T ve Chan S (2014). Split Within Occupy Deepens as Splinter Group
Challenges Leadership, South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong- kong/article/1645521/split-within-occupy-deepens-splinter-group-plans-challenge- against?page=all. 21 Kasım. Son erişim tarihi, 31/05/2015.
Yu E (2014). The Original Anarchists of the Occupy Central. http://www.newyorker. com/news/news-desk/original-anarchists-occupy-central. 12 Eylül. Son erişim tarihi, 31/05/2015
BBC (11/06/2014). China Media: White Paper on Hong Kong, http://www.bbc.com/ news/world-asia-china-27790302. Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Cheung G (2010). Hong Kong’s Watershed: The 1967 Riots. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Davis M (2015). After Occupy: Divided Over Strategies; Polarization; The Breaking Up of The Hk Federation of Students on Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Blog. https:// victoriatbhui.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/post-occupy-divided-over-strategies-and- tactics-though-united-over-genuine-universal-suffrage. Son erişim tarihi, 28/05/2015.
Dirlik A (2014). Minik Fare Kükredi: Hong Kong’un Demokrasi Hareketi, Agos, 6 Haziran. http://www.agos.com.tr/tr/yazi/8174/minik-fare-kukredi-hong-kongun-demokrasi- hareketi. Son erişim tarihi: 5/31/2015.
Fong B (2014). The Partnership Between the Chinese Government and Hong Kong’s
Capitalist Class: Implications for HKSAR Governance, 1997–2012, The China Quarterly, 217, 195-220.
Hatay M (2008). The Problem of Pigeons: Orientalism, Xenophobia, and A Rhetoric of the ‘Local’ in North Cyprus, The Cyprus Review, Vol 20(2), 145-172.
Hughes R (1968). Hong Kong: Borrowed Place, Borrowed Time. Deutsch Press
Hui V T (2015). The Protests and Beyond, Journal of Democracy, 26 (2).
Lee J (1994). Affordability, Home Ownership and the Middle Class Housing Crisis in
Hong Kong. Policy & Politics, 22 (3), 179. Merrifield A (2011). Crowd Politics, Or, ‘Here Comes Everybuddy’.New Left Review, 71, 103
Merrifield A (2013). The Politics of the Encounter: Urban Theory and Protest under
Planetary Urbanization. University of Georgia Press. Nao (2014), Black vs Yellow: Class Antagonism and Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, http://www.ultra-com.org/project/black-versus-yellow.03.10.2014. Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Pepper S (2014). Managing Retrat, http://chinaelectionsblog.net/hkfocus/
(10/10/2014). Son erişim tarihi, 31/5/2015.
Hong Kong Housing Society (2014). Sandwich Class Housing Scheme. http://www.hkhs. com/eng/business/sandwich.asp. Son erişim tarihi, 12.17.2014.
Tsang E, Sung T ve Chan S (2014). Split Within Occupy Deepens as Splinter Group
Challenges Leadership, South China Morning Post. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong- kong/article/1645521/split-within-occupy-deepens-splinter-group-plans-challenge- against?page=all. 21 Kasım. Son erişim tarihi, 31/05/2015.
Yu E (2014). The Original Anarchists of the Occupy Central. http://www.newyorker. com/news/news-desk/original-anarchists-occupy-central. 12 Eylül. Son erişim tarihi, 31/05/2015
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