The research is shaped around the question: How can the implicit structures that make up contemporary scenario techniques be adapted to the architectural design process? The aim is to adapt the question sets that play role in development of scenario techniques to the architectural design process and to discuss the results theoretically and evaluate suitability for architecture. In the works of Rabiger, Truby, McKay and Snyder, the essence of the relationship between sequences and space has been discussed. The originality was ensured by defining a sequence-based intersection between narrative and architecture. As findings, it was seen that the concept pools obtained by adapting the question sets that mediate the development of scenario techniques to the architectural design processes by changing subject and target, overlap with approaches that argue that design processes can be advanced by development of question series in scenario processes. The reinterpretation of subjects, objects and actions made visible through the fragmentation of architectural design with series of strategies is important in terms of integrating user-focused themes into architectural design steps. As a result, implicit structure of contemporary scenario techniques can be adapted to architectural design processes and thus the user experience can be improved.
Arora, V., Putcha, S. (2014). Scenarios for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Case for Chemical Industry (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.,52–71.
Bernstein, C. (1996). Experiments. Boundary 2, 23(3), 67–72.
Brook, P. (1968). “The Empty Space.” New York: Atheneum, 111-112.
Brown, A.G.P. (2001). Architectural critique through digital scenario-building. In: de Vries, B., van Leeuwen, J., Achten, H. (eds) Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001. Springer, Dordrecht., 8-14.
Buday, R. (2017). The Art of Architectural Storytelling, or How to Present a Building. Common Edge., 1-9.
Bürger, P., Shaw, M., Schulte-Sasse, J. (2016). Theory of the avant-garde. University of Minnesota Press., 14-27.
Calvino, I. (1979). “Invisible Cities.” Translated by William Weaver. London: Pan, 15-17.
Carroll J. M. (1999). Five reasons for scenario-based design. Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – 1999, Maui, HI, USA. DOI: HICSS.1999.772890.,4-11.
Haynes, S., Purao, S., Skattebo, A. (2009). Scenario-Based Methods for Evaluating Collaborative Systems. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 18. 331-356. 10.1007/s10606-009-9095-x.
Carroll, J.M., (1995). Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development. John Wiley & Sons, New York., 7-10.
Chermack, T. (2011). Scenario Planning in Organizations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers., 1-288.
Clark, R., Mayer, R. (2012). Scenario-based e-Learning (1st ed.). Wiley., 36-65.
Eilouti, B. (2018). Scenario-Based Design: New Applications in Metamorphic Architecture. 7. 530-543. 10.1016/j.foar.2018.07.003., 530-543.
Esraz-Ul-Zannat, Md. (2014). A GIS based Approach (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-140.
Frey, J. N. (1994). How to write a damn good novel. St. Martin's Press, 101-103.
Gupta, H., Singh, L. (2012). Rural Energy Scenario In India (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-60.
Harvey, D. (1973). Social Processes and Spatial Form: (1) The Conceptual Problems of Urban Planning. In Social Justice and the City (REV-Revised, pp. 22–49). University of Georgia Press.
Harvey, D. (1973). Urbanism and the City—An Interpretive Essay. In Social Justice and the City (REV-Revised, University of Georgia Press. 195–284.
Hoa, N. T. (2015). How to develop a low carbon scenario for a country?A study in Vietnam (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1–172.
Libeskind, D. (2004). Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture. John Murray, London, 221-222.
Lyu, F. (2019). Architecture as spatial storytelling: Mediating human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture. Frontiers of Architectural Research. 8. 10.1016/j.foar.2019.05.002. 275-283.
McKay, M. (2011). The cambridge introduction to the novel. Cambridge University Press. 11-35.
Mamun, Md. M.A., Islam, Md. N., Mondol, Md. S. (2012). The Renewable Energy Scenario in Bangladesh Perspectives (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1–88.
Martelli, A. (2014). Models of Scenario Building and Planning. Mitchell, W. (2003). Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 8-11.
Pattazhy, S. (2018). Future Scenario of Communication towers and Impacts on Wildlife (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-96.
Psarra, S. (2009). Architecture and Narrative: The Formation of Space and Cultural Meaning (1st ed.). Routledge., 241.
Rabiger, M. (2017). Developing story ideas: The power and purpose of storytelling. Routledge, 120-122.
Ruijter, P.D. (2014). Scenario Based Strategy: Navigate the Future (1st ed.). Routledge., 1-200.
Schoemaker, P. (2022). Advanced Introduction to Scenario Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing.,152-190.
Simeone, D., Toldo, I., Cursi, S. (2014). Operational Scenarios Simulation to Support Building Design: A Hospital Design Case Study. In: Hodicky, J. (eds) Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. MESAS 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8906. Springer, Cham., 1-14.
Snyder, B. (2005). Save the cat!: The last book on screenwriting you'll ever need. Michael Wiese Productions, 46-47.
Truby, J. (2008). The anatomy of story: 22 steps to becoming a master storyteller. Faber & Faber, 40-41.
Tupe, N. (2013). Scenario Based Learning (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ,1-156.
Van der Linden, V., Dong, H., Heylighen, A. (2019). Populating architectural design: Introducing scenario-based design in residential care projects. International Journal of Design. 13, 21-36.
Vesely, D. (2004). Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation: The Question of Creativity in the Shadow of Production. The MIT Press, Cambridge and London., 24-36.
Whorf, B. L. (1956). “Language, Thought, and Reality.” Edited by John B. Carroll. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M.I.T. Press, 1-278.
Wigley, M., Graham, J., Allais, L. (2015). 2000+ The urgencies of architectural theory: A symposium. GSAPP Books, 210-235.
Araştırma temel bir soru etrafında şekillenir: Çağdaş senaryo tekniklerini oluşturan örtük yapılar, mimari tasarım sürecine nasıl uyarlanabilir? Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı, çağdaş senaryo tekniklerinin geliştirilmesinde rol oynayan soru setlerinin mimari tasarım sürecine uyarlanması ve sonuçların teorik açıdan tartışılarak mimariye uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesidir. Bu nedenle, ardışık sekansların incelenmesi ve senaryo tekniklerine odaklanan figürlerin açıklamaları literatür taraması yoluyla tartışılmaktadır. Rabiger, Truby, McKay, Snyder ve Kirsch gibi figürlerin eserlerinde kurgu tekniklerinin mekânsal bağlamına dair özler bulunması bu doğrultuda ele alınmıştır. Anlatı alanı ile mimari alan arasında sekans tabanlı bir kesişme alanı tanımlanarak araştırmanın özgünlüğü sağlanmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları olarak, çağdaş senaryo tekniklerinin gelişimine aracılık eden soru setlerinin, özne ve hedef nesne değiştirilerek mimari tasarım süreçlerine uyarlanmasıyla elde edilen kavram havuzlarının, senaryo süreçlerindeki soru dizilerinin gelişimini dikkate alarak mimari tasarım süreçlerinin ilerletilebileceğini savunan figürlerin yaklaşımlarıyla örtüştüğü görülmüştür. Mimari tasarım sürecinin parçalara ayrılması yoluyla görünür kılınan özneler, nesneler ve eylemlerin, senaryo tabanlı stratejiler yoluyla yeniden yorumlanması, kullanıcı deneyimi odaklı temaların mimari tasarım adımlarına entegre edilebilmesi açısından önemlidir. Sonuç olarak, çağdaş senaryo tekniklerinin örtük iskeletinin mimari tasarım süreçlerine uyarlanabileceği ve bu sayede kullanıcı deneyiminin iyileştirilebileceği anlaşılmaktadır.
Arora, V., Putcha, S. (2014). Scenarios for Sustainable Supply Chains: A Case for Chemical Industry (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.,52–71.
Bernstein, C. (1996). Experiments. Boundary 2, 23(3), 67–72.
Brook, P. (1968). “The Empty Space.” New York: Atheneum, 111-112.
Brown, A.G.P. (2001). Architectural critique through digital scenario-building. In: de Vries, B., van Leeuwen, J., Achten, H. (eds) Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001. Springer, Dordrecht., 8-14.
Buday, R. (2017). The Art of Architectural Storytelling, or How to Present a Building. Common Edge., 1-9.
Bürger, P., Shaw, M., Schulte-Sasse, J. (2016). Theory of the avant-garde. University of Minnesota Press., 14-27.
Calvino, I. (1979). “Invisible Cities.” Translated by William Weaver. London: Pan, 15-17.
Carroll J. M. (1999). Five reasons for scenario-based design. Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences – 1999, Maui, HI, USA. DOI: HICSS.1999.772890.,4-11.
Haynes, S., Purao, S., Skattebo, A. (2009). Scenario-Based Methods for Evaluating Collaborative Systems. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 18. 331-356. 10.1007/s10606-009-9095-x.
Carroll, J.M., (1995). Scenario-Based Design: Envisioning Work and Technology in System Development. John Wiley & Sons, New York., 7-10.
Chermack, T. (2011). Scenario Planning in Organizations. Berrett-Koehler Publishers., 1-288.
Clark, R., Mayer, R. (2012). Scenario-based e-Learning (1st ed.). Wiley., 36-65.
Eilouti, B. (2018). Scenario-Based Design: New Applications in Metamorphic Architecture. 7. 530-543. 10.1016/j.foar.2018.07.003., 530-543.
Esraz-Ul-Zannat, Md. (2014). A GIS based Approach (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-140.
Frey, J. N. (1994). How to write a damn good novel. St. Martin's Press, 101-103.
Gupta, H., Singh, L. (2012). Rural Energy Scenario In India (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-60.
Harvey, D. (1973). Social Processes and Spatial Form: (1) The Conceptual Problems of Urban Planning. In Social Justice and the City (REV-Revised, pp. 22–49). University of Georgia Press.
Harvey, D. (1973). Urbanism and the City—An Interpretive Essay. In Social Justice and the City (REV-Revised, University of Georgia Press. 195–284.
Hoa, N. T. (2015). How to develop a low carbon scenario for a country?A study in Vietnam (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1–172.
Libeskind, D. (2004). Breaking Ground: Adventures in Life and Architecture. John Murray, London, 221-222.
Lyu, F. (2019). Architecture as spatial storytelling: Mediating human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture. Frontiers of Architectural Research. 8. 10.1016/j.foar.2019.05.002. 275-283.
McKay, M. (2011). The cambridge introduction to the novel. Cambridge University Press. 11-35.
Mamun, Md. M.A., Islam, Md. N., Mondol, Md. S. (2012). The Renewable Energy Scenario in Bangladesh Perspectives (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1–88.
Martelli, A. (2014). Models of Scenario Building and Planning. Mitchell, W. (2003). Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 8-11.
Pattazhy, S. (2018). Future Scenario of Communication towers and Impacts on Wildlife (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing., 1-96.
Psarra, S. (2009). Architecture and Narrative: The Formation of Space and Cultural Meaning (1st ed.). Routledge., 241.
Rabiger, M. (2017). Developing story ideas: The power and purpose of storytelling. Routledge, 120-122.
Ruijter, P.D. (2014). Scenario Based Strategy: Navigate the Future (1st ed.). Routledge., 1-200.
Schoemaker, P. (2022). Advanced Introduction to Scenario Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing.,152-190.
Simeone, D., Toldo, I., Cursi, S. (2014). Operational Scenarios Simulation to Support Building Design: A Hospital Design Case Study. In: Hodicky, J. (eds) Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. MESAS 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8906. Springer, Cham., 1-14.
Snyder, B. (2005). Save the cat!: The last book on screenwriting you'll ever need. Michael Wiese Productions, 46-47.
Truby, J. (2008). The anatomy of story: 22 steps to becoming a master storyteller. Faber & Faber, 40-41.
Tupe, N. (2013). Scenario Based Learning (1st ed.). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ,1-156.
Van der Linden, V., Dong, H., Heylighen, A. (2019). Populating architectural design: Introducing scenario-based design in residential care projects. International Journal of Design. 13, 21-36.
Vesely, D. (2004). Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation: The Question of Creativity in the Shadow of Production. The MIT Press, Cambridge and London., 24-36.
Whorf, B. L. (1956). “Language, Thought, and Reality.” Edited by John B. Carroll. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The M.I.T. Press, 1-278.
Wigley, M., Graham, J., Allais, L. (2015). 2000+ The urgencies of architectural theory: A symposium. GSAPP Books, 210-235.
Cubuk, G. (2023). Spatial Integrity Through Sequences: Contemporary Scenario Planning Techniques for Architectural Design. Mimarlık Ve Yaşam, 8(2), 239-255.