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A Few Thoughts on the Cambridge Mosque

Yıl 2020, , 193 - 214, 30.06.2020


In an architectural critique piece appearing in the Guardian in 2002, Patrick Glancey commented on British mosques failing to demonstrate any architectural merit, “often being no more than brick boxes with minarets and domes applied like afterthoughts”. He asked, “Why are there no great British mosques?” (Glancey, 2002). David Marks and Julia Barfield of Marks Barfield Architects, who designed the London Eye as well as several other large-scale urban projects, have now created a beautiful, approachable and eco-friendly mosque in Cambridge in collaboration with Prof. Timothy Winter, also known as Abdul Hakim Murad, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Cambridge Mosque Committee. In this article, I examine the building’s design philosophy from the perspective of its architects and its patron. Inaugurated on March 15, 2020 in Cambridge, United Kingdom, the mosque attracted a great attention in print and online media. Reviewing its architectural characteristics and sustainable features, this piece builds on those interpretations by contextualizing the architectural, cultural and historical environment in which it was built.

Destekleyen Kurum

University of Cambridge

Proje Numarası

European Research Council Grant/ERC Advanced Grant Agreement n693418


  • Allen, James, W. “The Transmission of Decorated Wooden Ceilings in the Early Islamic World”, Learning, Language and Invention: Essays presented to Francis Maddison, Willem D. Hackmann and Anthony J. Turner, (der.), Aldershot, Variorum 1994, s. 1-31.
  • Altınışık, Burak, “Kelime ve Şey: Öz ve Sancaklar Cami”, Mimarlık ve Mit, Özen Eyüce (der.) Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul 2018, s. 147-167.
  • Ansari, Humayun, The Infidel Within: The History of Muslims in Britain, 1800 to the Present. London: Hurst & Co 2004.
  • Avcıoğlu, Nebahat, Turquerie ve Temsil Politikası, 1728- 1826 (Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014).
  • Avcıoğlu, Nebahat, “Identity-as-Form: The Mosque in the West”, Cultural Analysis, 6 (2007), s. 91-112.
  • Ayyad, Essam S., “ The ‘House Of The Prophet’ Or The ‘Mosque Of The Prophet’?” Journal Of Islamic Studies 24.3 (2013), s. 273-334.
  • Cesari, Joycelyne, “Mosque conflicts in European cities: Introduction”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31.6 (2005), s. 1015-1024.
  • Chainey, Graham, “The East End of King's College Chapel”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 83 (1994), s.141-168.
  • Fehervari, Geza, “Faith in Tradition”, Building Design Magazine, 940 (June 9, 1989), s. 26.
  • Glancey, Jonathan, “Why Are There No Great British Mosques?”, The Guardian, 17 June 2002.
  • Harvey, David, “The Right to the City”, New Left Review 53 (2008), s. 23-40.
  • Huntington, Samuel, P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking the World Order, Penguin Books, India 1997.
  • Ijeh, Ike, “Projects: Cambridge Mosque”, İnternet edisyonu. 13 Mart 2019’da yayımlandı.
  • Johns, Jeremy, “ ‘The House of the Prophet’ and the Concept of the Mosque”, Bayt al-Maqdis: Jerusalem and Early Islam. Jeremy Johns, (der.). Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, Oxford, Oxford University, Press 1999, Cilt 9.2., s. 59-112.
  • Kalmar, Ivan, “The Israelite Temple of Florence”, Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives, Oskar Verkaaik (der.), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013, s. 171-184.
  • Kister, Meir Jacob, “A ‘Booth Like the Booth of Moses’ A Study of an Early Ḥadīth”, Bulletin of the Society of Oriental and African Studies, 25 (1962), s. 150-155.
  • Kuran, Aptullah, “Anadolu’da Ahşap Sütunlu Selçuklu Mimarisi”, Malazgirt Armağanı, Türk Tarihi Kurumu, Ankara, 1972, s. 179-186.
  • Metcalf, Barbara, Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, Berkeley, UCLA 1996.
  • Murad, Abdul Hakim, “Praying for the Mosque”, Emel Magazine, 53 (2009), 32-34.
  • Nye Jr., Joseph, “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, 80 (1990), ss. 153-171.
  • Pearson, Andrew, “Cambridge Central Mosque”, CIBSE Journal (Chartered Institution of Building Journal) İnternet edisyonu, Haziran 2019’da yayımlandı.
  • Rabbat, Nasser, “Response”, Cultural Analysis, 6 (2007), s. 110-112.
  • Said, Edward, Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient, ilk basım,1978 ve yeniden basım 1995.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “Ecological, Ethical Cambridge Mosque Ties West and East”, The RIBA Journal, İnternet edisyonu, 4 Haziran 2019.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “Building and Becoming: The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London”, Visualising a Sacred City: London, Art and Religion, Aaron Rosen ve diğerleri (der.), I.B. Tauris, London 2017, s. 205-217.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “The Mosque in Britain Finding Its Place”, Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives, Oskar Verkaaik (der.), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013, s. 185-204.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “A History of Mosques in Britain”, Architects’ Journal, İnternet edisyonu, 19 Nisan 2012’de yayımlandı.
  • Tokyay, Zeynep, “Grand and ‘Green’ Cambridge Mosque Highlights Architectural Revolution”, Arab News, İnternet edisyonu, 16 Mart 2017’de yayımlandı.
  • Valéry, Paul, Dialogues, Pantheon Books, New York 1956.
  • Verkaaik, Oskar, “Designing the ‘Anti-Mosque’: Identity, Religion and Affect in Contemporary European Mosque Design”, Social Anthropology, 20.2 (2012), s. 161-178.
  • Yüksel, Heval, Z. “İnanç ve Mekan İlişkisi Bağlamında Cami Mimarisi Üzerine Söyleşi”, İstanbul Art News, Mimarlık Eki, 2014 (10), s. 58-59.

Cambridge Camisi’nin Düşündürdükleri

Yıl 2020, , 193 - 214, 30.06.2020


Guardian Gazetesi’ne mimari eleştiri yazıları yazan Patrick Glancey, 2002 yılında yazdığı bir yazısında İngiltere’deki camilerin özensiz, çekicilikten uzak, “minareden ve kubbeden oluşan ve ince düşünülmemiş özelliklerle dolu olduğunu” ifade ederek İngiltere’de neden çekici ve çarpıcı cami tasarımları görülmediğini sorgulamıştır (Glancey, 2002). İngiltere’nin Cambridge şehrinde 15 Mart 2020 yılında hizmete açılan Cambridge Camisi, ilgi çekici tasarım kurgusu ve çevre dostu uygulamasıyla medyada yoğun bir biçimde yer almıştır. Bu makelenin amacı, aralarında London Eye’ın bulunduğu sayısız tasarıma imza atan Marks Barfield Architects’in kurucu mimarları, David Marks ve Julia Barfield tarafından tasarlanan caminin tasarım kurgusunu eleştirel bir çerçeveden incelemektir. Ayrıca, Cambridge Cami Komitesi’nin Başkanı Prof. Timothy Winter, nam-ı diğer Abdülhakim Murad’ın da önerileri doğrultusunda ortaya çıkan tasarım sürecininin mimari, kültürel ve tarihsel bağlamı içerisinde ele alınması hedeflenmektedir.

Proje Numarası

European Research Council Grant/ERC Advanced Grant Agreement n693418


  • Allen, James, W. “The Transmission of Decorated Wooden Ceilings in the Early Islamic World”, Learning, Language and Invention: Essays presented to Francis Maddison, Willem D. Hackmann and Anthony J. Turner, (der.), Aldershot, Variorum 1994, s. 1-31.
  • Altınışık, Burak, “Kelime ve Şey: Öz ve Sancaklar Cami”, Mimarlık ve Mit, Özen Eyüce (der.) Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul 2018, s. 147-167.
  • Ansari, Humayun, The Infidel Within: The History of Muslims in Britain, 1800 to the Present. London: Hurst & Co 2004.
  • Avcıoğlu, Nebahat, Turquerie ve Temsil Politikası, 1728- 1826 (Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014).
  • Avcıoğlu, Nebahat, “Identity-as-Form: The Mosque in the West”, Cultural Analysis, 6 (2007), s. 91-112.
  • Ayyad, Essam S., “ The ‘House Of The Prophet’ Or The ‘Mosque Of The Prophet’?” Journal Of Islamic Studies 24.3 (2013), s. 273-334.
  • Cesari, Joycelyne, “Mosque conflicts in European cities: Introduction”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 31.6 (2005), s. 1015-1024.
  • Chainey, Graham, “The East End of King's College Chapel”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 83 (1994), s.141-168.
  • Fehervari, Geza, “Faith in Tradition”, Building Design Magazine, 940 (June 9, 1989), s. 26.
  • Glancey, Jonathan, “Why Are There No Great British Mosques?”, The Guardian, 17 June 2002.
  • Harvey, David, “The Right to the City”, New Left Review 53 (2008), s. 23-40.
  • Huntington, Samuel, P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking the World Order, Penguin Books, India 1997.
  • Ijeh, Ike, “Projects: Cambridge Mosque”, İnternet edisyonu. 13 Mart 2019’da yayımlandı.
  • Johns, Jeremy, “ ‘The House of the Prophet’ and the Concept of the Mosque”, Bayt al-Maqdis: Jerusalem and Early Islam. Jeremy Johns, (der.). Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, Oxford, Oxford University, Press 1999, Cilt 9.2., s. 59-112.
  • Kalmar, Ivan, “The Israelite Temple of Florence”, Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives, Oskar Verkaaik (der.), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013, s. 171-184.
  • Kister, Meir Jacob, “A ‘Booth Like the Booth of Moses’ A Study of an Early Ḥadīth”, Bulletin of the Society of Oriental and African Studies, 25 (1962), s. 150-155.
  • Kuran, Aptullah, “Anadolu’da Ahşap Sütunlu Selçuklu Mimarisi”, Malazgirt Armağanı, Türk Tarihi Kurumu, Ankara, 1972, s. 179-186.
  • Metcalf, Barbara, Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe, Berkeley, UCLA 1996.
  • Murad, Abdul Hakim, “Praying for the Mosque”, Emel Magazine, 53 (2009), 32-34.
  • Nye Jr., Joseph, “Soft Power”, Foreign Policy, 80 (1990), ss. 153-171.
  • Pearson, Andrew, “Cambridge Central Mosque”, CIBSE Journal (Chartered Institution of Building Journal) İnternet edisyonu, Haziran 2019’da yayımlandı.
  • Rabbat, Nasser, “Response”, Cultural Analysis, 6 (2007), s. 110-112.
  • Said, Edward, Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient, ilk basım,1978 ve yeniden basım 1995.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “Ecological, Ethical Cambridge Mosque Ties West and East”, The RIBA Journal, İnternet edisyonu, 4 Haziran 2019.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “Building and Becoming: The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London”, Visualising a Sacred City: London, Art and Religion, Aaron Rosen ve diğerleri (der.), I.B. Tauris, London 2017, s. 205-217.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “The Mosque in Britain Finding Its Place”, Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives, Oskar Verkaaik (der.), Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013, s. 185-204.
  • Saleem, Shahed, “A History of Mosques in Britain”, Architects’ Journal, İnternet edisyonu, 19 Nisan 2012’de yayımlandı.
  • Tokyay, Zeynep, “Grand and ‘Green’ Cambridge Mosque Highlights Architectural Revolution”, Arab News, İnternet edisyonu, 16 Mart 2017’de yayımlandı.
  • Valéry, Paul, Dialogues, Pantheon Books, New York 1956.
  • Verkaaik, Oskar, “Designing the ‘Anti-Mosque’: Identity, Religion and Affect in Contemporary European Mosque Design”, Social Anthropology, 20.2 (2012), s. 161-178.
  • Yüksel, Heval, Z. “İnanç ve Mekan İlişkisi Bağlamında Cami Mimarisi Üzerine Söyleşi”, İstanbul Art News, Mimarlık Eki, 2014 (10), s. 58-59.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mimarlık
Bölüm Makaleler

Suna Çağaptay 0000-0002-4362-4134

Proje Numarası European Research Council Grant/ERC Advanced Grant Agreement n693418
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Çağaptay, S. (2020). Cambridge Camisi’nin Düşündürdükleri. Mimarlık Ve Yaşam, 5(1), 193-214.

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