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Küreselleşme Çağında Sosyal Bilgiler Müfredatını Vatandaşlık Eğitimi Bağlamında Yeniden Değerlendirme

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 49 - 61, 30.06.2024


21. Yüzyıl ile beraber insanlığın hayatında yer edinmeye başlayan küreselleşme olgusu, eğitim, siyaset, ekonomi, teknoloji, kültür, gibi pek çok alanda bir dönüşüm başlatmıştır. Bu dönüşüm özellikle Eğitim ve eğitimin sosyo-kültürel boyutunda yer alan Sosyal Bilgiler eğitimi üzerinde yoğun bir etki bırakmıştır. Küreselleşmenin bıraktığı etkiden dolayı, küreselleşme karşısında Sosyal Bilgiler eğitimi artık geleneksel yapısını sürdüremez olmuş ve yeni yaklaşımların oluşturulmasını zorunlu kılmıştır. Oluşturulan yaklaşımların en önemli amaçlarından birisi de ‘küresel vatandaş’ yetiştirmektir. Bu amaçların gerçekleştirilmesinde en büyük pay Sosyal Bilgiler eğitimine düşmektedir. Çünkü Sosyal Bilgiler eğitiminin görevi ‘vatandaş’ yetiştirmektir. Yetiştirilmek istenen vatandaşlığın tipolojisi (yerel, ulusal ve evrensel) müfredatın yapısı ile ilgilidir. Yaşadığımız çağın gerektirdiği vatandaş tipolojisi de, evrensel/küresel vatandaşlıktır. Sosyal Bilgiler müfredatının, küresel vatandaşlığı yaygınlaştırmasının önemli yollarından birisi de UNESCO’nun belirlediği öğrenme boyutlarıdır. Her ne kadar bu öğrenme boyutları öğretim sırasında etkili olsa da, öğrencilerin ve bireylerin küresel vatandaşlığa karşı olumsuz algıları bulunmaktadır. Bu olumsuz algıların başında, küresel vatandaşlık eğitiminin bireyi kendi öz benliği ve ulusal kimliğinden uzaklaştırdığına işaret edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırmanın amacı ise, küresel vatandaşlığın bireyin ulusal kimliğini reddetmesini değil, ulusal kimlik anlayışını daha geniş bir bağlamda derinleştirmeyi ve bireyin küresel kimliğiyle ilişkisini güçlendirmeyi içerdiğini ileri sürmektir. Özellikle bir konunun yerel, ulusal ve küresel boyutları arasındaki ilişkilere ilişkin farkındalık yaratmak, insanlığın ve küresel vatandaşlık eğitiminin temel bir bileşenidir: “Yerel hareket edin, ulusal analiz yapın ve küresel düşünün.” Yapılan araştırmada ise, Nitel araştırma tekniklerinden olan, Döküman inceleme ve Betimsel analiz yöntemleri kullanılmıştır.


Prof. Dr. Nihat ŞİMŞEK ve Doç. Dr. Turan KAÇAR değerli hocalarıma sevgi saygılarla.


  • Akar, H., Yılmaz N, E., Ayan Civak, R. ve Kandemir, A. (2023). Küresel vatandaşları eğitmek için müfredat politikası değişikliği yoluyla yüksek öğrenim ortamlarının dijitalleştirilmesi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Geliştirme ve Değişim Dergisi, 15(2), 1–14.
  • Alazmi, H. S. (2022). Leveraging international experts’ perspectives to reframe citizenship in social studies curriculum during the globalisation era: Shifting to a global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 20(3), 291–309. doi: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1932434
  • Ayers, W., Kumashiro, K., Meiners, E., Quinn, T., & Stovall, D. (2010). Teaching toward democracy: educators as agents of Change (1st ed.). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315631691
  • Arnett, J. J. (2002). The psychology of globalization. American Psychologist, 57(10), 774–783. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.57.10.774
  • Banks, J. A. (2017). Citizenship education and global migration: Implications for theory, research, and teaching, 572p.
  • Bates, R. (2012). Is global citizenship possible, and can international schools provide it? Journal of Research in International Education, 11(3), 262-274. doi: 10.1177/1475240912461884
  • Bavinck, M., Pellegrini, L., & Mostert, E. (Eds.). (2014). Conflicts over natural resources in the global south: conceptual approaches. CRC.
  • Berman, S. (1990). Educating for Social responsibility. Service Learning, 43, 75-80.
  • Bowen, G, A, (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method, Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40. doi: 10.3316/QRJ0902027
  • Brown, E. J., ve Morgan, W. J. (2008). A culture of peace via global citizenship education. Peace Review, 20(3), 283–291. doi: 10.1080/10402650802330089
  • Brunell, L. A. (2013). Building global citizenship: engaging global issues, practicing civic skills. Journal of Political Science Education, 9(1), 16–33. doi:10.1080/15512169.2013.747833
  • Cho, H. (2018). Crafting a third space: Integrative strategies for implementing critical citizenship education in a standards-based classroom. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 42(3), 273-285. doi.10.1016/j.jssr.2017.07.001
  • Dague, C. T., ve Abela, J. K. (2020). Fostering democratic citizenship through discussion pedagogy. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 56(1), 42–46. doi: 10.1080/00228958.2020.1696096
  • Davies, L. (2006). Global citizenship: abstraction or framework for action? Educational Review, 58(1), 5–25. doi:10.1080/00131910500352523
  • Eidoo, S., Ingram, L. A., MacDonald, A., Nabavi, M., Pashby, K., ve Stille, S. (2011). "Through the kaleidoscope”: Intersections between theoretical perspectives and classroom implications in critical global citizenship education. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 34(4), 59-85.
  • Fanghanel, J., ve Cousin, G. (2012). ‘Worldly’ pedagogy: A way of conceptualising teaching towards global citizenship. Teaching in Higher Education, 17(1), 39–50. doi:10.1080/13562517.2011.590973
  • Faour, M. (2013). A review of citizenship education in Arab nations (Vol. 20). Washington, DC: Carnegie
  • Endowment for International Peace. Girard, B., ve Harris, L. M. (2013). Considering World history as a space for developing global citizenship competencies. The Educational Forum, 77(4), 438–449. doi:10.1080/00131725.2013.822042
  • Hahn, C. L. (2001). Democratic understanding: cross-national perspectives. Theory Into Practice, 40(1), 14–22. doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4001_3
  • Harshman, J. (2016). Critical global competence and the C3 in social studies education. The Social Studies, 107(5), 160–164. doi:10.1080/00377996.2016.1190915
  • Hermans, H. J. M., ve Dimaggio, G. (2007). Self, identity, and globalization in times of uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of General Psychology, 11(1), 31-61. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.11.1.31
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel.
  • Kahne, J., Rodriguez, M., Smith, B., ve Thiede, K. (2000). Developing citizens for democracy? Assessing opportunities to learn in Chicago's social studies classrooms. Theory & Research in Social Education, 28(3), 311–338. doi:10.1080/00933104.2000.10505911
  • Karlberg, M. (2008). Discourse, identity, and global citizenship. Peace Review, 20(3), 310–320. doi:10.1080/10402650802330139 Kürkçü, D. D. (2013). Küreselleşme kavramı ve küreselleşmeye yönelik yaklaşımlar. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 3(2), 1-11.
  • Knowles, R. T., ve Castro, A. J. (2019). The implications of ideology on teachers’ beliefs regarding civic education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 226-239. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2018.10.009
  • Law, W. W. (2004). Globalization and citizenship education in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Comparative Education Review, 48(3), 253-27 doi:10.1177/18681026221145406
  • Leahey, C. (2014). Creating authentic spaces for democratic social studies education. The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities, 51-70.
  • Leming, J., Ellington, L., ve Porter, K. (2003). Where did social studies go wrong? Routledge.
  • Lin, A. (2015). Citizenship education in American schools and its role in developing civic engagement: a review of the research. Educational Review, 67(1), 35–63. doi:10.1080/00131911.2013.813440
  • Maddox, L. E., Howell, J. B., ve Saye, J. W. (2018). Designing geographic inquiry: Preparing secondary students for citizenship. Journal of Geography, 117(6), 254–268. doi:10.1080/00221341.2018.1495249
  • Marri, A.R., Michael-Luna, S., Cormier, M.S. (2014). Urban pre-service K-6 teachers’ conceptions of citizenship and civic education: Weighing the risks and rewards. Urban Rev 46(7), 63–85. doi:10.1007/s11256-013-0248-3
  • Martin, A. (2012). Young people and politics: Political engagement in the Anglo-American democracies.
  • Routledge. Myers, J. P. (2006). Rethinking the social studies curriculum in the context of globalization: education for global citizenship in the U.S. Theory & Research in Social Education, 34(3), 370–394. doi:10.1080/00933104.2006.10473313
  • NCSS [National Council for the Social Studies]. (1993). A vision of powerful teaching and learning in the social studies: building social understanding and civic efficacy. Social Education, 57(5), 213–223.
  • Rapoport, A. (2009). A forgotten concept: Global citizenship education and state social studies standards. Journal of Social Studies Research, 33(1), 91-112.
  • Rapoport, A. (2010). We cannot teach what we don’t know: Indiana teachers talk about global citizenship education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(3), 179-190. doi:10.1177/1746197910382256
  • Rist, G. (2014). The history of development: from western origins to global faith.
  • Bloomsbury. Saavedra, C., ve Camicia, S. (2009). A new childhood social studies curriculum for a new generation of citizenship. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 17(3), 501-517.
  • Sim, J. B. Y., Chua, S., & Krishnasamy, M. (2017). “Riding the citizenship wagon”: Citizenship conceptions of social studies teachers in Singapore. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63(8), 92-102. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.12.002
  • Şan, S., Dedebali, N. C., ve Dasdemir, I. (2019). Opinions of social studies candidate teachers on''democracy and citizenship". International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 96-107.
  • Tawil, S., Education for global citizenship: a framework for discussion, UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. France.
  • Thieman, G., ve Hart, D. (2007). Creating effective citizens. The Social Studies Professional, 202(3), 5. Tichnor-Wagner, A. (2017). Inspiring global citizens. Educational Leadership, 75(3), 69-73.
  • Tikly, L. (2007). Globalization and education in the postcolonial world: Towards a conceptual framework. In Changing educational contexts, issues and identities, 291-317. Routledge.
  • UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], (2014). Global citizenship education: Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century. Paris: UNESCO.
  • UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], (2015). Global citizenship education: topics and learning objectives. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • Veugelers, W., ve de Groot, I. (2019). Theory and practice of citizenship education. In education for democratic intercultural citizenship, 15(2), 14-41. Routledge
  • Yearley, S. (2007). Globalization and the environment. In The Blackwell companion to globalization, 239-253. Routledge.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (11 baskı). Pegem.

Re-evaluating The Social Studies Curriculum in the Context of Citizenship Education in the Age of Globalization

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 49 - 61, 30.06.2024


The phenomenon of globalization, which started to gain a place in the lives of humanity with the 21st century, has initiated a transformation in many areas such as education, politics, economy, technology, culture. This transformation has had an intense impact especially on education and Social Studies education, which is located in the socio-cultural dimension of education. Due to the impact of globalization, Social Studies education can no longer maintain its traditional structure in the face of globalization and necessitates the creation of new approaches. One of the most important aims of the approaches created is to raise 'global citizens'. The biggest share in achieving these goals falls on Social Studies education. Because the duty of Social Studies education is to raise 'citizens'. The typology of the citizenship desired to be cultivated (local, national and universal) is related to the structure of the curriculum. The citizen typology required by the age we live in is universal/global citizenship. One of the important ways that the Social Studies curriculum popularizes global citizenship is the learning dimensions determined by UNESCO. Although these learning dimensions are effective during teaching, students and individuals have negative perceptions towards global citizenship. At the top of these negative perceptions, it has been pointed out that global citizenship education alienates the individual from his or her own self and national identity. The purpose of the research is to argue that global citizenship does not involve rejecting one's national identity, but rather deepening the understanding of national identity in a broader context and strengthening one's relationship with one's global identity. Raising awareness, particularly of the relationships between the local, national, and global dimensions of an issue, is an essential component of human and global citizenship education: “Act locally, analyze nationally, and think globally.”


  • Akar, H., Yılmaz N, E., Ayan Civak, R. ve Kandemir, A. (2023). Küresel vatandaşları eğitmek için müfredat politikası değişikliği yoluyla yüksek öğrenim ortamlarının dijitalleştirilmesi. Eğitim Teknolojisi Geliştirme ve Değişim Dergisi, 15(2), 1–14.
  • Alazmi, H. S. (2022). Leveraging international experts’ perspectives to reframe citizenship in social studies curriculum during the globalisation era: Shifting to a global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 20(3), 291–309. doi: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1932434
  • Ayers, W., Kumashiro, K., Meiners, E., Quinn, T., & Stovall, D. (2010). Teaching toward democracy: educators as agents of Change (1st ed.). Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315631691
  • Arnett, J. J. (2002). The psychology of globalization. American Psychologist, 57(10), 774–783. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.57.10.774
  • Banks, J. A. (2017). Citizenship education and global migration: Implications for theory, research, and teaching, 572p.
  • Bates, R. (2012). Is global citizenship possible, and can international schools provide it? Journal of Research in International Education, 11(3), 262-274. doi: 10.1177/1475240912461884
  • Bavinck, M., Pellegrini, L., & Mostert, E. (Eds.). (2014). Conflicts over natural resources in the global south: conceptual approaches. CRC.
  • Berman, S. (1990). Educating for Social responsibility. Service Learning, 43, 75-80.
  • Bowen, G, A, (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method, Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40. doi: 10.3316/QRJ0902027
  • Brown, E. J., ve Morgan, W. J. (2008). A culture of peace via global citizenship education. Peace Review, 20(3), 283–291. doi: 10.1080/10402650802330089
  • Brunell, L. A. (2013). Building global citizenship: engaging global issues, practicing civic skills. Journal of Political Science Education, 9(1), 16–33. doi:10.1080/15512169.2013.747833
  • Cho, H. (2018). Crafting a third space: Integrative strategies for implementing critical citizenship education in a standards-based classroom. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 42(3), 273-285. doi.10.1016/j.jssr.2017.07.001
  • Dague, C. T., ve Abela, J. K. (2020). Fostering democratic citizenship through discussion pedagogy. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 56(1), 42–46. doi: 10.1080/00228958.2020.1696096
  • Davies, L. (2006). Global citizenship: abstraction or framework for action? Educational Review, 58(1), 5–25. doi:10.1080/00131910500352523
  • Eidoo, S., Ingram, L. A., MacDonald, A., Nabavi, M., Pashby, K., ve Stille, S. (2011). "Through the kaleidoscope”: Intersections between theoretical perspectives and classroom implications in critical global citizenship education. Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 34(4), 59-85.
  • Fanghanel, J., ve Cousin, G. (2012). ‘Worldly’ pedagogy: A way of conceptualising teaching towards global citizenship. Teaching in Higher Education, 17(1), 39–50. doi:10.1080/13562517.2011.590973
  • Faour, M. (2013). A review of citizenship education in Arab nations (Vol. 20). Washington, DC: Carnegie
  • Endowment for International Peace. Girard, B., ve Harris, L. M. (2013). Considering World history as a space for developing global citizenship competencies. The Educational Forum, 77(4), 438–449. doi:10.1080/00131725.2013.822042
  • Hahn, C. L. (2001). Democratic understanding: cross-national perspectives. Theory Into Practice, 40(1), 14–22. doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4001_3
  • Harshman, J. (2016). Critical global competence and the C3 in social studies education. The Social Studies, 107(5), 160–164. doi:10.1080/00377996.2016.1190915
  • Hermans, H. J. M., ve Dimaggio, G. (2007). Self, identity, and globalization in times of uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of General Psychology, 11(1), 31-61. doi:10.1037/1089-2680.11.1.31
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel.
  • Kahne, J., Rodriguez, M., Smith, B., ve Thiede, K. (2000). Developing citizens for democracy? Assessing opportunities to learn in Chicago's social studies classrooms. Theory & Research in Social Education, 28(3), 311–338. doi:10.1080/00933104.2000.10505911
  • Karlberg, M. (2008). Discourse, identity, and global citizenship. Peace Review, 20(3), 310–320. doi:10.1080/10402650802330139 Kürkçü, D. D. (2013). Küreselleşme kavramı ve küreselleşmeye yönelik yaklaşımlar. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication, 3(2), 1-11.
  • Knowles, R. T., ve Castro, A. J. (2019). The implications of ideology on teachers’ beliefs regarding civic education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 226-239. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2018.10.009
  • Law, W. W. (2004). Globalization and citizenship education in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Comparative Education Review, 48(3), 253-27 doi:10.1177/18681026221145406
  • Leahey, C. (2014). Creating authentic spaces for democratic social studies education. The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, and possibilities, 51-70.
  • Leming, J., Ellington, L., ve Porter, K. (2003). Where did social studies go wrong? Routledge.
  • Lin, A. (2015). Citizenship education in American schools and its role in developing civic engagement: a review of the research. Educational Review, 67(1), 35–63. doi:10.1080/00131911.2013.813440
  • Maddox, L. E., Howell, J. B., ve Saye, J. W. (2018). Designing geographic inquiry: Preparing secondary students for citizenship. Journal of Geography, 117(6), 254–268. doi:10.1080/00221341.2018.1495249
  • Marri, A.R., Michael-Luna, S., Cormier, M.S. (2014). Urban pre-service K-6 teachers’ conceptions of citizenship and civic education: Weighing the risks and rewards. Urban Rev 46(7), 63–85. doi:10.1007/s11256-013-0248-3
  • Martin, A. (2012). Young people and politics: Political engagement in the Anglo-American democracies.
  • Routledge. Myers, J. P. (2006). Rethinking the social studies curriculum in the context of globalization: education for global citizenship in the U.S. Theory & Research in Social Education, 34(3), 370–394. doi:10.1080/00933104.2006.10473313
  • NCSS [National Council for the Social Studies]. (1993). A vision of powerful teaching and learning in the social studies: building social understanding and civic efficacy. Social Education, 57(5), 213–223.
  • Rapoport, A. (2009). A forgotten concept: Global citizenship education and state social studies standards. Journal of Social Studies Research, 33(1), 91-112.
  • Rapoport, A. (2010). We cannot teach what we don’t know: Indiana teachers talk about global citizenship education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(3), 179-190. doi:10.1177/1746197910382256
  • Rist, G. (2014). The history of development: from western origins to global faith.
  • Bloomsbury. Saavedra, C., ve Camicia, S. (2009). A new childhood social studies curriculum for a new generation of citizenship. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 17(3), 501-517.
  • Sim, J. B. Y., Chua, S., & Krishnasamy, M. (2017). “Riding the citizenship wagon”: Citizenship conceptions of social studies teachers in Singapore. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63(8), 92-102. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.12.002
  • Şan, S., Dedebali, N. C., ve Dasdemir, I. (2019). Opinions of social studies candidate teachers on''democracy and citizenship". International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 96-107.
  • Tawil, S., Education for global citizenship: a framework for discussion, UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. France.
  • Thieman, G., ve Hart, D. (2007). Creating effective citizens. The Social Studies Professional, 202(3), 5. Tichnor-Wagner, A. (2017). Inspiring global citizens. Educational Leadership, 75(3), 69-73.
  • Tikly, L. (2007). Globalization and education in the postcolonial world: Towards a conceptual framework. In Changing educational contexts, issues and identities, 291-317. Routledge.
  • UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], (2014). Global citizenship education: Preparing learners for the challenges of the 21st century. Paris: UNESCO.
  • UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization], (2015). Global citizenship education: topics and learning objectives. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  • Veugelers, W., ve de Groot, I. (2019). Theory and practice of citizenship education. In education for democratic intercultural citizenship, 15(2), 14-41. Routledge
  • Yearley, S. (2007). Globalization and the environment. In The Blackwell companion to globalization, 239-253. Routledge.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (11 baskı). Pegem.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Çok Kültürlü Eğitim, Karşılaştırmalı ve Kültürlerarası Eğitim, Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Adil Çeriz 0009-0002-6436-1879

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 29 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çeriz, A. (2024). Küreselleşme Çağında Sosyal Bilgiler Müfredatını Vatandaşlık Eğitimi Bağlamında Yeniden Değerlendirme. Nizip Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 49-61.