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Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenitally Permanent Tooth Agenesis Among Pediatric Patients in the Subregion of Antalya

Yıl 2024, , 250 - 259, 30.12.2024


Aim: This research aimed to ascertain the prevalence of congenitally permanent teeth agenesis, excluding third molars, among children residing in the subregion of Antalya, Turkey.
Material and Methods: A retrospective evaluation of panoramic radiographs from 3234 children (1567 females, 1667 males) aged 6 to 12 years was conducted. Participants with systemic illnesses, extracted teeth, ongoing orthodontic interventions, and congenital abnormalities were excluded. Chi-square test and One Sample Chi-square test were employed for comparing qualitative data.
Results: The study cohort exhibited a mean age of 9.02±1.99 years. The prevalence of congenitally permanent teeth agenesis was determined to be 1.9%, with a distribution of 2.3% among females and 1.6% among males, although no statistically significant disparity was observed between genders (p>0.05). Notably, a statistically significant difference in the occurrence of tooth agenesis was noted among the jaws (p<0.05), with a notably higher incidence observed in the mandibular region compared to the maxillary region (p<0.05). Mandibular second premolars represented the most frequently absent teeth, accounting for 77.9% of cases, a finding deemed statistically significant (p<0.05). Additionally, maxillary second premolars exhibited a notable prevalence of 15%, a proportion significantly higher than that observed for maxillary lateral incisors, mandibular lateral incisors, mandibular central incisors, and left mandibular first premolars (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of congenitally teeth agenesis varies across populations. Timely and accurate diagnosis of agenesis of permanent teeth is essential to facilitate the development of a comprehensive long-term treatment strategy and improve prognostic outcomes in affected individuals.
Keywords: Congenitally tooth agenesis, Prevalence, Panoramic radiograph, Pediatric patients


  • Kiziltan Eliacik B, Atas C, Guven Polat G. Prevalence and patterns of tooth agenesis among patients aged 12–22 years: A retrospective study. Korean J Orthod. 2021;51:355-62.
  • Rakhshan V, Rakhshan A. Systematic review and meta-analysis of congenitally missing permanent dentition: Sex dimorphism, occurrence patterns, associated factors and biasing factors. Int Orthod. 2016;14:273-94.
  • De Coster PJ, Marks LA, Martens LC, Huysseune A. Dental agenesis: Genetic and clinical perspectives. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38:1-17.
  • Bayraktar C, Kirzioglu Z. Oligodontinin Geneti̇k Temeli̇. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2021;31:124-9.
  • Al-Ani AH, Antoun JS, Thomson WM, Merriman TR, Farella M. Hypodontia: An Update on Its Etiology, Classification, and Clinical Management. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:9378325.
  • Rakhshan V. Congenitally missing teeth (hypodontia): A review of the literature concerning the etiology, prevalence, risk factors, patterns and treatment. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2015;12:1-13.
  • Galluccio G, Pilotto A. Genetics of dental agenesis: anterior and posterior area of the arch. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2008;9:41-5.
  • Ezirganlı Ş, Köşger H, Özer K, Kirtay M, Un E. Konjenital Olarak Eksik Olan İkinci Küçük Azıların Prevalansı. Cumhuriyet Dent J. 2010;13:48-51.
  • Medina AC, Del Pozo R, De Cedres LB. Radiographic assessment of dental maturation in children with dental agenesis. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;40:227-34.
  • Polder BJ, Van't Hof MA, Van der Linden FP, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM. A meta-analysis of the prevalence of dental agenesis of permanent teeth. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2004;32:217-26.
  • Egil E. PremolarAgenesi̇s Prevalence and Patterns in a Sample of Turkish Children. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2021;1:809-14.
  • Soğukpınar Önsüren A, Arıkan V. Konjenital Diş Eksikliğinde Güncel Tedavi Seçenekleri. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8:238-44.
  • Jurek A, Gozdowski D, Czochrowska EM, Zadurska M. Effect of Tooth Agenesis on Mandibular Morphology and Position. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:11876.
  • Ersin NK, Candan U, Alpoz AR. Infraocclusion of primary molars: A review and report of cases. Balk J Stom. 2008;12:138-42.
  • Palaska PK, Antonarakis GS. Prevalence and patterns of permanent tooth agenesis in individuals with Down syndrome: a meta-analysis. Eur J Oral Sci. 2016;124:317-28.
  • Lakshmanan L, Gurunathan D. Prevalence of congenitally missing second premolar teeth in the Dravidian population. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2019;11:103.
  • Lebbe A, Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M, Thevissen P, Verdonck A, Fieuws S, Willems G. Dental development in patients with agenesis. Int J Legal Med. 2017;131:537-46.
  • Sisman Y, Uysal T, Gelgor IE. Hypodontia. Does the prevalence and distribution pattern differ in orthodontic patients?. Eur J Dent. 2007;1:167–73.
  • Aren G, Guven Y, Guney Tolgay C, Ozcan I, Bayar OF, Kose TE, Koyuncuoglu G, Ak G. The prevalence of dental anomalies in a turkish population. J Istanb Univ Fac Dent. 2015;49:23-8.
  • Cantekin K, Dane A, Miloglu O, Kazanci F, Bayrakdar S, Celikoglu M. Prevalence and intra-oral distribution of agenesis of permanent teeth among Eastern Turkish children. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2012;13:53-6.
  • Altug-Atac AT, Erdem D. Prevalence and distribution of dental anomalies in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2007;131:510-14.
  • Bayraktar C, Kırzıoğlu Z. Bir grup Türk çocuk popülasyonunda sendroma bağlı olmayan oligodonti prevalansı. Acta Odontol Turc. 2021;38:8-13.
  • Nyström ME, Ranta HM, Peltola JS, Kataja JM. Timing of developmental stages in permanent mandibular teeth of Finns from birth to age 25. Acta Odontol Scand. 2007;65:36-43.
  • Bäckman B, Wahlin YB. Variations in number and morphology of permanent teeth in 7-year-old Swedish children. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2001;11:11-7.
  • Ayrancı F. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi Çocuklarında Konjenital Daimi Diş Eksikliği Prevalansının Değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;10:137-40.
  • Varela M, Arrieta P, Ventureira C. Non-syndromic concomitant hypodontia and supernumerary teeth in an orthodontic population. Eur J Orthod. 2009;31:632-7.
  • Aktan A, Kara I, Şener İ, Bereket C, Ay S, Çiftçi M. Radiographic study of tooth agenesis in the Turkish population. Oral Radiol. 2010;26:95–100.
  • González-Allo A, Campoy MD, Moreira J, Ustrell J, Pinho T. Tooth agenesis in a Portuguese population. Int Orthod. 2012;10:198-210.
  • Gkantidis N, Katib H, Oeschger E, Karamolegkou M, Topouzelis N, Kanavakis G. Patterns of non-syndromic permanent tooth agenesis in a large orthodontic population. Arch Oral Biol. 2017;79:42-7.
  • RØlling S, Poulsen S. Agenesis of permanent teeth in 8138 Danish schoolchildren: Prevalence and intra-oral distribution according to gender. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2009;19:172-5.
  • Souza-Silva BN, Vieira WA, Bernardino ÍM, Batista MJ, Bittencourt MAV, Paranhos LR. Non-syndromic tooth agenesis patterns and their association with other dental anomalies: A retrospective study. Arch Oral Biol. 2018;96:26-32.
  • Küchler EC, Risso PA, Costa Mde C, Modesto A, Vieira AR. Studies of dental anomalies in a large group of school children. Arch Oral Biol. 2008;53:941-6.
  • De Coster PJ, Marks LA, Martens LC, Huysseune A. Dental agenesis: genetic and clinical perspectives. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38:1-17.
  • Endo T, Sanpei S, Komatsuzaki A, Endo S, Takakuwa A, Oka K. Patterns of tooth agenesis in Japanese subjects with bilateral agenesis of mandibular second premolars. Odontology. 2013;101:216-21.
  • Goya HA, Tanaka S, Maeda T, Akimoto Y. An orthopantomographic study of hypodontia in permanent teeth of Japanese pediatric patients. J Oral Sci. 2008;50:143-50. Garib DG, Peck S, Gomes SC. Increased occurrence of dental anomalies associated with second-premolar agenesis. Angle Orthod. 2009;79:436-41. Marra PM, Iorio B, Itro A, Santoro R, Itro A. Association of tooth agenesis with dental anomalies in young subjects. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021;25:35-9.

Antalya İlindeki Çocuk Hastalarda Görülen Konjenital Sürekli Diş Eksikliği Prevalansı’nın Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, , 250 - 259, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Antalya ilinde yaşayan çocuklarda, üçüncü azı dişleri hariç, konjenital sürekli diş eksikliğinin yaygınlığını belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 6-12 yaş arasındaki 3234 çocuğun (1567 kız, 1667 erkek) panoramik radyografileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Sistemik hastalığı olan, dişi çekilmiş, ortodontik tedavi gören ve konjenital anormallikleri olan katılımcılar çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Nitel verilerin karşılaştırılmasında ki-kare testi ve tek örneklem ki-kare testi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun ortalama yaşı 9,02±1,99 yıl olarak belirlendi. Doğuştan kalıcı diş eksikliği prevalansı % 1,9 olarak saptandı; bu oran kızlarda % 2,3, erkeklerde ise % 1,6 idi, ancak cinsiyetler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark gözlenmedi (p>0,05). Çeneler arasında diş eksikliği görülme sıklığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark belirlendi (p<0,05); mandibular bölgede, maksiller bölgeye göre daha yüksek bir insidans gözlendi (p<0,05). Mandibular ikinci küçük azı dişleri, vakaların % 77,9'unu oluşturacak şekilde en sık eksik olan dişler olarak tespit edildi ve bu bulgu istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0,05). Ayrıca, maksiller ikinci küçük azı dişleri % 15'lik belirgin bir prevalans gösterdi ve bu oran, maksiller lateral kesici dişler, mandibular lateral kesici dişler, mandibular santral kesici dişler ve sol mandibular birinci küçük azı dişlerine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p<0,05).
Sonuç: Konjenital diş eksikliği prevalansı, popülasyonlar arasında değişiklik göstermektedir.
Sürekli diş eksikliğinin zamanında ve doğru teşhisi, kapsamlı, uzun vadeli tedavi stratejisinin geliştirilmesini sağlamak ve etkilenen bireylerde prognostik sonuçları iyileştirmek için esastır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Konjenital diş eksikliği, prevelans, panoramik radyografi, çocuk hastalar


  • Kiziltan Eliacik B, Atas C, Guven Polat G. Prevalence and patterns of tooth agenesis among patients aged 12–22 years: A retrospective study. Korean J Orthod. 2021;51:355-62.
  • Rakhshan V, Rakhshan A. Systematic review and meta-analysis of congenitally missing permanent dentition: Sex dimorphism, occurrence patterns, associated factors and biasing factors. Int Orthod. 2016;14:273-94.
  • De Coster PJ, Marks LA, Martens LC, Huysseune A. Dental agenesis: Genetic and clinical perspectives. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38:1-17.
  • Bayraktar C, Kirzioglu Z. Oligodontinin Geneti̇k Temeli̇. Ata Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2021;31:124-9.
  • Al-Ani AH, Antoun JS, Thomson WM, Merriman TR, Farella M. Hypodontia: An Update on Its Etiology, Classification, and Clinical Management. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:9378325.
  • Rakhshan V. Congenitally missing teeth (hypodontia): A review of the literature concerning the etiology, prevalence, risk factors, patterns and treatment. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2015;12:1-13.
  • Galluccio G, Pilotto A. Genetics of dental agenesis: anterior and posterior area of the arch. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2008;9:41-5.
  • Ezirganlı Ş, Köşger H, Özer K, Kirtay M, Un E. Konjenital Olarak Eksik Olan İkinci Küçük Azıların Prevalansı. Cumhuriyet Dent J. 2010;13:48-51.
  • Medina AC, Del Pozo R, De Cedres LB. Radiographic assessment of dental maturation in children with dental agenesis. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016;40:227-34.
  • Polder BJ, Van't Hof MA, Van der Linden FP, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM. A meta-analysis of the prevalence of dental agenesis of permanent teeth. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2004;32:217-26.
  • Egil E. PremolarAgenesi̇s Prevalence and Patterns in a Sample of Turkish Children. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2021;1:809-14.
  • Soğukpınar Önsüren A, Arıkan V. Konjenital Diş Eksikliğinde Güncel Tedavi Seçenekleri. Selcuk Dent J. 2021;8:238-44.
  • Jurek A, Gozdowski D, Czochrowska EM, Zadurska M. Effect of Tooth Agenesis on Mandibular Morphology and Position. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:11876.
  • Ersin NK, Candan U, Alpoz AR. Infraocclusion of primary molars: A review and report of cases. Balk J Stom. 2008;12:138-42.
  • Palaska PK, Antonarakis GS. Prevalence and patterns of permanent tooth agenesis in individuals with Down syndrome: a meta-analysis. Eur J Oral Sci. 2016;124:317-28.
  • Lakshmanan L, Gurunathan D. Prevalence of congenitally missing second premolar teeth in the Dravidian population. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2019;11:103.
  • Lebbe A, Cadenas de Llano-Pérula M, Thevissen P, Verdonck A, Fieuws S, Willems G. Dental development in patients with agenesis. Int J Legal Med. 2017;131:537-46.
  • Sisman Y, Uysal T, Gelgor IE. Hypodontia. Does the prevalence and distribution pattern differ in orthodontic patients?. Eur J Dent. 2007;1:167–73.
  • Aren G, Guven Y, Guney Tolgay C, Ozcan I, Bayar OF, Kose TE, Koyuncuoglu G, Ak G. The prevalence of dental anomalies in a turkish population. J Istanb Univ Fac Dent. 2015;49:23-8.
  • Cantekin K, Dane A, Miloglu O, Kazanci F, Bayrakdar S, Celikoglu M. Prevalence and intra-oral distribution of agenesis of permanent teeth among Eastern Turkish children. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2012;13:53-6.
  • Altug-Atac AT, Erdem D. Prevalence and distribution of dental anomalies in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2007;131:510-14.
  • Bayraktar C, Kırzıoğlu Z. Bir grup Türk çocuk popülasyonunda sendroma bağlı olmayan oligodonti prevalansı. Acta Odontol Turc. 2021;38:8-13.
  • Nyström ME, Ranta HM, Peltola JS, Kataja JM. Timing of developmental stages in permanent mandibular teeth of Finns from birth to age 25. Acta Odontol Scand. 2007;65:36-43.
  • Bäckman B, Wahlin YB. Variations in number and morphology of permanent teeth in 7-year-old Swedish children. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2001;11:11-7.
  • Ayrancı F. Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi Çocuklarında Konjenital Daimi Diş Eksikliği Prevalansının Değerlendirilmesi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;10:137-40.
  • Varela M, Arrieta P, Ventureira C. Non-syndromic concomitant hypodontia and supernumerary teeth in an orthodontic population. Eur J Orthod. 2009;31:632-7.
  • Aktan A, Kara I, Şener İ, Bereket C, Ay S, Çiftçi M. Radiographic study of tooth agenesis in the Turkish population. Oral Radiol. 2010;26:95–100.
  • González-Allo A, Campoy MD, Moreira J, Ustrell J, Pinho T. Tooth agenesis in a Portuguese population. Int Orthod. 2012;10:198-210.
  • Gkantidis N, Katib H, Oeschger E, Karamolegkou M, Topouzelis N, Kanavakis G. Patterns of non-syndromic permanent tooth agenesis in a large orthodontic population. Arch Oral Biol. 2017;79:42-7.
  • RØlling S, Poulsen S. Agenesis of permanent teeth in 8138 Danish schoolchildren: Prevalence and intra-oral distribution according to gender. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2009;19:172-5.
  • Souza-Silva BN, Vieira WA, Bernardino ÍM, Batista MJ, Bittencourt MAV, Paranhos LR. Non-syndromic tooth agenesis patterns and their association with other dental anomalies: A retrospective study. Arch Oral Biol. 2018;96:26-32.
  • Küchler EC, Risso PA, Costa Mde C, Modesto A, Vieira AR. Studies of dental anomalies in a large group of school children. Arch Oral Biol. 2008;53:941-6.
  • De Coster PJ, Marks LA, Martens LC, Huysseune A. Dental agenesis: genetic and clinical perspectives. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38:1-17.
  • Endo T, Sanpei S, Komatsuzaki A, Endo S, Takakuwa A, Oka K. Patterns of tooth agenesis in Japanese subjects with bilateral agenesis of mandibular second premolars. Odontology. 2013;101:216-21.
  • Goya HA, Tanaka S, Maeda T, Akimoto Y. An orthopantomographic study of hypodontia in permanent teeth of Japanese pediatric patients. J Oral Sci. 2008;50:143-50. Garib DG, Peck S, Gomes SC. Increased occurrence of dental anomalies associated with second-premolar agenesis. Angle Orthod. 2009;79:436-41. Marra PM, Iorio B, Itro A, Santoro R, Itro A. Association of tooth agenesis with dental anomalies in young subjects. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021;25:35-9.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Çocuk Diş Hekimliği

Beyza Ballı Akgöl 0000-0003-0454-9044

Rukiye Gözde Kırzıoğlu Ercan 0000-0001-8482-8371

Merve Bayram 0000-0002-8440-367X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ballı Akgöl B, Kırzıoğlu Ercan RG, Bayram M. Evaluation of the Prevalence of Congenitally Permanent Tooth Agenesis Among Pediatric Patients in the Subregion of Antalya. NEU Dent J. 2024;6(3):250-9.