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Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 88 - 110, 31.12.2023


The compilation and design of materials and products targeted towards children, such as maps, symbols, and atlases, necessitate meticulous attention and a high level of responsibility. The central emphasis and primary concern in this endeavor should revolve around the cognitive development of children, their educational level, their mode and level of perception of various geographical phenomena, and the objects that encompass the localities in which they reside. This research was undertaken as part of a project aimed at compiling and designing an atlas specifically tailored for primary school pupils in the Republic of North Macedonia, known as the "Atlas of North Macedonia for Primary School". Within the framework of this project, appropriate symbols have been meticulously compiled and designed to cater to the cognitive needs and developmental stage of pupils ranging from 6 to 10 years of age. A total of 567 pupils, aged between 6 and 10 years old, from four distinct municipal primary schools were included in the administration of the test designed for the symbols. The overall results derived from the test indicate a positive outcome. Nevertheless, certain symbols were erroneously interpreted by the pupils, resulting in varied and divergent naming conventions. For this purpose, the symbols that exhibited lower performance among pupils and those that elicited suboptimal responses have been subjected to modifications and enhancements.


  • J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, The childs conception of space. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956.
  • J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, A. Szeminska, Child's conception of geometry, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
  • P. Wiegand, Learning and Teaching with Maps New York: Routledge, Psychology Press, 2006.
  • M. Myridis, A. Christodoulou, E. Kalyva, N. Karanikolas, P. Lafazani, Cartography and children: Designing a multimedia educational tool, 23rd International Cartographic Conference, Moscow, Russia, 4th–10th August, 2007.
  • I. Bugdayci, An Evaluation About Map Use in Elementary Schools, PhD Doctorate thesis, Selcuk University, Available at:, Konya, 2012.
  • M. Eckert, Die Kartenwissenschaft: Forschungen und Grundlagen zu einer Kartographie als Wissenschaft Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1921.
  • A. H. Robinson, J. L. Morrison, P.C. Muehrcke, Elements of Cartography (6th ed.), New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
  • I. O. Bildirici, Cartography Konya: Atlas Academic Press, 2018.
  • T. Bandrova, A. Deleva, Contemporary cartography for children in Bulgaria, Joint Seminar on Maps for Special Users Wroclaw, Poland, 2nd–4th June, 1998.
  • T. Bandrova, A. Deleva, A cartographic atlas created for and with the help of children, Discovering Basic Concepts Conference Montreal, Canada, 10th–12th August, 1999.
  • T. Bandrova, C. Dinev, The new cartographic products in Bulgaria – modern school atlases, 22nd International Cartographic Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 9th–16th July, 2005.
  • A. H. Robinson, The Looks of Maps: An Examination of Cartographic Design, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1952.
  • G. Jenks, D. Knos, The Use of Shading Patterns in Graded Series, Annals - Association of American Geographers. 51(3) (1961), 316-334.
  • P. Crawford, Perception of Grey-Tone Symbols, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 61(4) (1971), 721-735.
  • J. Kimerling, Color Specification in Cartography, American Cartographer. 7(2) (1980), 139-153..
  • J. Olson, Spectrally Encoded Two-Variable Maps, Annals - Association of American Geographers, 71(2) (1981) 259-276.
  • E. Imhof, Cartographic Relief Presentation, New York: De Gruyter, 1982.
  • A. M. MacEachren, How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization and Design, New York: Guilford, 1995.
  • B. Dent, Thematic Map Design, Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
  • C. A. Brewer, G. Hatchard, and M. A. Harrower, ColorBrewer in Print: A Catalog of Color Schemes for Maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 30(1) (2003a), 5-32.
  • C. A. Brewer, The development of process-printed Munsell charts for selecting map colors, American Cartographer. 16(4) (1989), 269-278.
  • C. A. Brewer, Review of colour terms and simultaneous contrast research for cartography, Cartographica. 29(3-4) (1992), 20-30.
  • C. A. Brewer, Guidelines for Use of the Perceptual Dimensions of Color for Mapping and Visualization, Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts III, Proceedings 2171, 1994, 54-63, 1994.
  • C. A. Brewer, Guideline for Selecting Colors for Diverging Schemes on Maps, The Cartographic Journal. 33(2) (1996) 79-86.
  • C. A. Brewer, Spectral Color Schemes: Controversial Color Use on Maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 24(4) (1997a), 203-220.
  • C. A. Brewer, A.M. MacEachren, L. W. Pickle, and D. Herrmann, Mapping mortality: evaluating color schemes for choropleth maps, Annals - Association of American Geographers. 87(3)(1997) 411-438.
  • C. A. Brewer, Evaluation of a Model for Predicting Simultaneous Contrast on Color Maps, Professional Geographer, 49(3) (1997b) 280-94.
  • A. M. MacEachren, C. A. Brewer, L. W. Pickle, Visualizing georeferenced data: representing reliability of health statistics, Environment and Planning A. 30(9) (1998), 1547-1561.
  • C. A. Brewer, A transition in improving maps: The ColorBrewer example, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 30(2) (2004), 159-162.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford International Primary Atlas (2nd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford School Atlas (3rd ed.) Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2012a.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford Student Atlas (4th ed.) Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2012b.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford International Student’s Skills Workbook (3rd ed.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2012c.
  • N. J. J. Reyes, M. Juliarena, E. Cristina, E. Gallé, A. M. Garra, C. A. Rey, C. Alves, V. María, A. S. DiBiase, Resuming an international project: Map use in Argentine and Hungarian schools, II. International Conference on Cartography & GIS Borovets, Bulgaria: 21st–24th January, 2008.
  • S. K. Gandy, Mapping Skills and Activities with Children’s Literature, Journal of Geography. 105(6) (2006), 267–271. doi: 10.1080/00221340608978696.
  • H. Doug, R. Kay, Assessing Young children’s Freehand Sketch Maps of the World, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. 10(1) (2021), 20–45. doi: 10.1080/10382040108667422
  • O. Kristien, M. Philippe De, D. Lien, V. D. V. Nina, V. D. W. Nico, and V. Stephanie, Education in cartography: What is the status of young people’s Map-reading skills?, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 43(2) (2016),134–153. doi:10.1080/15230406.2015.1021713
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, Ortaokul Çocuklarının Harita Becerilerini Ölçme ve Deşerlendirme Yönelik Bir Vaka Çalışması, Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi. 5(3) (2020), 157-174.
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, İlkokul çocuklarının harita çizimi ve okuma becerilerini ölçme ve değerlendirmeye yönelik bir vaka çalışması. Geomatik. 7(1) (2022), 71-79.
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, A Case Study on Map Activities with Children of Kindergarten Age, 2018.
  • H. İ. Şenol, Çocuklarda harita becerilerinin ölçülmesi ve değerlendirmesi.[Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2018.
  • M. Ayuldeş, Y. Akbaş, Oryantiring Uygulamalarının 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Akademik Başarı ve Harita Okuryazarlık Düzeylerine Etkisi, Eğitim ve Bilim. 48(213), 2023.
  • F. G. Uzuner, İlkokul öğrencilerinin matematiksel problem çözme becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde oryantiringin etkisinin incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Trabzon Üniversitesi, 2019.
  • I. Bugdayci, H. Z. Selvi, Do Maps Contribute to Pupils’ Learning Skills in Primary Schools?, The Cartographic Journal. 58(2) (2021), 135-149.
  • B. B. Petchenik, Fundamental considerations about atlases for children. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. 24(1) (1987), 16-23.
  • A. Şahin, B. N. Turan, R. A. Özkan, İlkokul Öğrencilerine Yönelik Mahremiyet Bilinci Ölçeği Geliştirme Çalışması, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 4(2), 199-209, 2022.
  • H. Telli, Osmanlı Vakfiyelerinde Hz. Muhammed’i (sav) ve Konumunu Tavsif Eden İfade Formları (Makedonya Örneği). İSTEM. 36(2020), 417-438.
  • E. Jonuzi, S. S. Durduran, T. Alkan, North Macedonian Cadastre Towards Cadastre 2034. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 4(2) (2022), 26-44.
  • B. Stojanovska, B. Lazareska, N. Slezelkova-Nikovska, Natural Sciences – For the Fourth Grade, Book from social sciences, for the fourth (4) grades, of primary schools of nine-year primary education, Republic of North Macedonia, Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

İşaretler Aracılığıyla Harita Anlama Yeteneğini Artırma: Çocukların Bilişsel Gelişimine Dayalı Tematik Haritalar İçin İşaretler Geliştirme

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 88 - 110, 31.12.2023


Çocuklara yönelik haritalar, işaretler ve atlaslar gibi malzemelerin derlenmesi ve tasarlanması titizlik dikkat ve yüksek düzeyde sorumluluk gerektiren bir süreçtir. Bu çaba içerisinde merkezi vurgu ve birincil endişe çocukların bilişsel gelişimi, eğitim seviyeleri, çeşitli coğrafi olguları algılama şekilleri ve düzeyleri, ikamet ettikleri bölgeleri kapsayan nesneler etrafında şekillenmelidir. Bu araştırma, Kuzey Makedonya Cumhuriyeti'nde ilkokul öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanmış olan "İlkokul Öğrencileri için Kuzey Makedonya Atlası" adlı bir atlasın derlenmesi ve tasarlanması amacıyla bir proje kapsamında yürütülmüştür. Bu proje çerçevesinde, 6 ila 10 yaş arasındaki öğrencilerin bilişsel ihtiyaçlarına ve gelişim aşamasına uygun işaretler titizlikle derlenmiş ve tasarlanmıştır. Dört farklı devlet ilkokulundan toplamda 567 öğrenci, tasarlanan işaretlerin algılanmasını ölçen bir teste tabi tutulmuştur. Testten elde edilen genel sonuçlar olumlu bir sonuç göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, bazı işaretler öğrenciler tarafından yanlış yorumlanmış ve farklı isimlendirme standartları ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu nedenle, öğrenciler arasında düşük performans gösteren ve yetersiz yanıtlar alan işaretler değişikliklere ve geliştirmelere tabi tutulmuştur.


  • J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, The childs conception of space. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956.
  • J. Piaget, B. Inhelder, A. Szeminska, Child's conception of geometry, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1960.
  • P. Wiegand, Learning and Teaching with Maps New York: Routledge, Psychology Press, 2006.
  • M. Myridis, A. Christodoulou, E. Kalyva, N. Karanikolas, P. Lafazani, Cartography and children: Designing a multimedia educational tool, 23rd International Cartographic Conference, Moscow, Russia, 4th–10th August, 2007.
  • I. Bugdayci, An Evaluation About Map Use in Elementary Schools, PhD Doctorate thesis, Selcuk University, Available at:, Konya, 2012.
  • M. Eckert, Die Kartenwissenschaft: Forschungen und Grundlagen zu einer Kartographie als Wissenschaft Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1921.
  • A. H. Robinson, J. L. Morrison, P.C. Muehrcke, Elements of Cartography (6th ed.), New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
  • I. O. Bildirici, Cartography Konya: Atlas Academic Press, 2018.
  • T. Bandrova, A. Deleva, Contemporary cartography for children in Bulgaria, Joint Seminar on Maps for Special Users Wroclaw, Poland, 2nd–4th June, 1998.
  • T. Bandrova, A. Deleva, A cartographic atlas created for and with the help of children, Discovering Basic Concepts Conference Montreal, Canada, 10th–12th August, 1999.
  • T. Bandrova, C. Dinev, The new cartographic products in Bulgaria – modern school atlases, 22nd International Cartographic Conference, A Coruña, Spain, 9th–16th July, 2005.
  • A. H. Robinson, The Looks of Maps: An Examination of Cartographic Design, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1952.
  • G. Jenks, D. Knos, The Use of Shading Patterns in Graded Series, Annals - Association of American Geographers. 51(3) (1961), 316-334.
  • P. Crawford, Perception of Grey-Tone Symbols, Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 61(4) (1971), 721-735.
  • J. Kimerling, Color Specification in Cartography, American Cartographer. 7(2) (1980), 139-153..
  • J. Olson, Spectrally Encoded Two-Variable Maps, Annals - Association of American Geographers, 71(2) (1981) 259-276.
  • E. Imhof, Cartographic Relief Presentation, New York: De Gruyter, 1982.
  • A. M. MacEachren, How Maps Work: Representation, Visualization and Design, New York: Guilford, 1995.
  • B. Dent, Thematic Map Design, Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999.
  • C. A. Brewer, G. Hatchard, and M. A. Harrower, ColorBrewer in Print: A Catalog of Color Schemes for Maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 30(1) (2003a), 5-32.
  • C. A. Brewer, The development of process-printed Munsell charts for selecting map colors, American Cartographer. 16(4) (1989), 269-278.
  • C. A. Brewer, Review of colour terms and simultaneous contrast research for cartography, Cartographica. 29(3-4) (1992), 20-30.
  • C. A. Brewer, Guidelines for Use of the Perceptual Dimensions of Color for Mapping and Visualization, Color Hard Copy and Graphic Arts III, Proceedings 2171, 1994, 54-63, 1994.
  • C. A. Brewer, Guideline for Selecting Colors for Diverging Schemes on Maps, The Cartographic Journal. 33(2) (1996) 79-86.
  • C. A. Brewer, Spectral Color Schemes: Controversial Color Use on Maps, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 24(4) (1997a), 203-220.
  • C. A. Brewer, A.M. MacEachren, L. W. Pickle, and D. Herrmann, Mapping mortality: evaluating color schemes for choropleth maps, Annals - Association of American Geographers. 87(3)(1997) 411-438.
  • C. A. Brewer, Evaluation of a Model for Predicting Simultaneous Contrast on Color Maps, Professional Geographer, 49(3) (1997b) 280-94.
  • A. M. MacEachren, C. A. Brewer, L. W. Pickle, Visualizing georeferenced data: representing reliability of health statistics, Environment and Planning A. 30(9) (1998), 1547-1561.
  • C. A. Brewer, A transition in improving maps: The ColorBrewer example, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 30(2) (2004), 159-162.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford International Primary Atlas (2nd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford School Atlas (3rd ed.) Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2012a.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford Student Atlas (4th ed.) Singapore: Oxford University Press, 2012b.
  • P. Wiegand, Oxford International Student’s Skills Workbook (3rd ed.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2012c.
  • N. J. J. Reyes, M. Juliarena, E. Cristina, E. Gallé, A. M. Garra, C. A. Rey, C. Alves, V. María, A. S. DiBiase, Resuming an international project: Map use in Argentine and Hungarian schools, II. International Conference on Cartography & GIS Borovets, Bulgaria: 21st–24th January, 2008.
  • S. K. Gandy, Mapping Skills and Activities with Children’s Literature, Journal of Geography. 105(6) (2006), 267–271. doi: 10.1080/00221340608978696.
  • H. Doug, R. Kay, Assessing Young children’s Freehand Sketch Maps of the World, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. 10(1) (2021), 20–45. doi: 10.1080/10382040108667422
  • O. Kristien, M. Philippe De, D. Lien, V. D. V. Nina, V. D. W. Nico, and V. Stephanie, Education in cartography: What is the status of young people’s Map-reading skills?, Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 43(2) (2016),134–153. doi:10.1080/15230406.2015.1021713
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, Ortaokul Çocuklarının Harita Becerilerini Ölçme ve Deşerlendirme Yönelik Bir Vaka Çalışması, Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi. 5(3) (2020), 157-174.
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, İlkokul çocuklarının harita çizimi ve okuma becerilerini ölçme ve değerlendirmeye yönelik bir vaka çalışması. Geomatik. 7(1) (2022), 71-79.
  • H. İ. Şenol, T. Gökgöz, A Case Study on Map Activities with Children of Kindergarten Age, 2018.
  • H. İ. Şenol, Çocuklarda harita becerilerinin ölçülmesi ve değerlendirmesi.[Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2018.
  • M. Ayuldeş, Y. Akbaş, Oryantiring Uygulamalarının 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Akademik Başarı ve Harita Okuryazarlık Düzeylerine Etkisi, Eğitim ve Bilim. 48(213), 2023.
  • F. G. Uzuner, İlkokul öğrencilerinin matematiksel problem çözme becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde oryantiringin etkisinin incelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Trabzon Üniversitesi, 2019.
  • I. Bugdayci, H. Z. Selvi, Do Maps Contribute to Pupils’ Learning Skills in Primary Schools?, The Cartographic Journal. 58(2) (2021), 135-149.
  • B. B. Petchenik, Fundamental considerations about atlases for children. Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization. 24(1) (1987), 16-23.
  • A. Şahin, B. N. Turan, R. A. Özkan, İlkokul Öğrencilerine Yönelik Mahremiyet Bilinci Ölçeği Geliştirme Çalışması, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 4(2), 199-209, 2022.
  • H. Telli, Osmanlı Vakfiyelerinde Hz. Muhammed’i (sav) ve Konumunu Tavsif Eden İfade Formları (Makedonya Örneği). İSTEM. 36(2020), 417-438.
  • E. Jonuzi, S. S. Durduran, T. Alkan, North Macedonian Cadastre Towards Cadastre 2034. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 4(2) (2022), 26-44.
  • B. Stojanovska, B. Lazareska, N. Slezelkova-Nikovska, Natural Sciences – For the Fourth Grade, Book from social sciences, for the fourth (4) grades, of primary schools of nine-year primary education, Republic of North Macedonia, Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kartografya ve Sayısal Haritalama
Bölüm Makaleler

Edmond Jonuzi 0000-0002-0388-9242

Hüseyin Zahit Selvi 0000-0001-7486-0992

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 6 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Jonuzi, E., & Selvi, H. Z. (2023). Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 88-110.
AMA Jonuzi E, Selvi HZ. Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development. NEU Fen Muh Bil Der. Aralık 2023;5(2):88-110. doi:10.47112/neufmbd.2023.12
Chicago Jonuzi, Edmond, ve Hüseyin Zahit Selvi. “Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development”. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 88-110.
EndNote Jonuzi E, Selvi HZ (01 Aralık 2023) Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 5 2 88–110.
IEEE E. Jonuzi ve H. Z. Selvi, “Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development”, NEU Fen Muh Bil Der, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 88–110, 2023, doi: 10.47112/neufmbd.2023.12.
ISNAD Jonuzi, Edmond - Selvi, Hüseyin Zahit. “Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development”. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 5/2 (Aralık 2023), 88-110.
JAMA Jonuzi E, Selvi HZ. Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development. NEU Fen Muh Bil Der. 2023;5:88–110.
MLA Jonuzi, Edmond ve Hüseyin Zahit Selvi. “Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development”. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 88-110, doi:10.47112/neufmbd.2023.12.
Vancouver Jonuzi E, Selvi HZ. Enhancing Map Comprehension Via Symbols: Developing Symbols For Thematic Maps Based On Children’s Cognitive Development. NEU Fen Muh Bil Der. 2023;5(2):88-110.

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