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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 734 - 754, 31.03.2023


Byzantine empire was an agricultural society, the basis of the economy being the soil. Methods of production and agricultural crops depended on a range of precursors, such as climate, quality of the land, availability of water for irrigation, individual and communal wealth, land tenure relationships, and local cultural traditions, to name only a few. No doubt, it is important to read together archaeological evidence, historical changes and written documents in order to understand Byzantine agricultural activity. Cappadocia the distant province of Byzantine has numerous agrarian installations such as wine presses, dovecotes, apiaries, mills. However, sadly, very little that approaches agrarian facility has been attempted for the Byzantine period in the region. Many rock cut complexes include some spaces with utilitarian or agricultural purpose, such as kitchens, ovens, mills, dovecotes, or areas for wine production. Moreover, many remarkable rock cut apiaries with their original components and dovecotes are located in the valleys.
This article explores agriculture and agricultural installations during the Byzantine period in Cappadocia, focusing on written sources, archaeological data including wine presses, dovecotes, mills, apiaries, ovens, irrigation systems and crops.


  • Balta, E. (2008). The underground rock-cut wine-presses of Cappadocia, Journal of Turkish Studies, 32/1. (In memoriam Şinasi Tekin, III), 61-88.
  • Basileios, (1934). St. Basil the Letters. vol. IV. (R.J. Deferrari, M. R. P. McGuire, Çev.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Basileios, (1950). Homélies sur l’Hexaéméron. (S. Giet, Çev.). Paris
  • Bixio, R., Germanidou, S. (2019). Rock-cut Apiaries and Shelters Göreme, Opera Ipogea, 2, 23-34.
  • Bixio, R., De Pascale, A. (2013). A new Type of Rock-cut works: The Apiaries, Opera Ipogea, 1, 62-66.
  • Bixio, A., Bixio, R., De Pascale, A., Maifredi, A. ve Traverso, M. (2017). Rock-cut hydraulics in Cappadocia: the tunnel-cisterns of Göreme. in M. Parise, C. Galeazzi (Ed.), Cappadocia-Hypogea 2017 Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities (151-164). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Burchard (1896). Description of the Holy Land, (A. Stewart Çev.). London: Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society. Cooper, E. J., Decker M. J. (2012). Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dalby, A. (2014). Bizans’ın Damak Tadı, Efsanevi Bir İmparatorluğun Mutfağı. (A. Özdamar, Çev.) İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • Decker, M. (2009). Tilling the hateful earth: agricultural production and trade in the late antique East. Oxford University Press.
  • Demenge, G. (1995). Pigeonniers et ruchers byzantins de Cappadoce. Archéologia, 311, 42-51.
  • England, A., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, C. N., Turner, R., Haldon, J. F. (2008) Historical Landscape Change in Cappadocia (Central Turkey): a palaeoecological investigation of annually laminated sediments from Nar lake, The Holocene 18, 8, 1229-1245.
  • Ertuğ, F. (2000). Linseed oil and oil mills in central Turkey Flax/Linum and Eruca, important oil plants of Anatolia. Anatolian Studies 50,171-185.
  • Eustathios, (2010). Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) (J. Stallbaum, Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ CBO9780511711329.
  • Geoponika, (2011). Geoponika farm work: a modern translation of the Roman and Byzantine farming handbook, (A. Dalby, A. Ed.). Blackawton: Prospect Books.
  • Gerarde, J. (1597). The Herball or General Historie of Plantes, London: Temple Rare Books.
  • Germanidou, S. (2013). Μαρτυρίες ιστορικών πηγών και αρχαιολογικών ευρημάτων για μια μορφή βιολογικού πολέμου με τη χρήση των μελισσών στο Βυζάντιο. Byzantina Symmeikta, 23, 91-104.
  • Gregorios. (1968). Funeral Orations. (L. P. McCauley, J. J. Sullivan, M. R. P. McGuire, R. J. Deferrari, Çev.) Washington: The Catholic University of America Press.
  • Gregorios. (2006). Gregory of Nyssa: The Letters. (A. M. Silvas, Ed.). Leiden, Brill.
  • Haldon, J., Roberts, N. vd. (2014). The climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeology’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLV (2), 113-161.
  • Hendy, F. M. (1985). Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy, c.300–1450, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Homeros, (2008). Odysseia, (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Çev.) İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • İbn Battuta. (2004). İbn Battuta Seyahatnamesi. ( A. S. Aykut, Çev.). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayıncılık.
  • Kalas, V. (2009a). Middle Byzantine Art and Architecture in Cappadocia, The Ala Kilise in Belisırma in the Peristrema Valley. in J. Alchermes, H. Evans, and T. Thomas (Eds.), Anathemata Eortika: Studies in Honor of Thomas F. Mathews, (pp. 184-194).Mainz: P. Von Zabern.
  • Kalas, V. (2009b). The Byzantine Kitchen in the Domestic Complexes of Cappadocia. in T. Vorderstrasse, J. Roodenberg (Eds.), The Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia., (pp.109-27). Leiden: Nederlands Institııt Voor Het Nabhe Oosten.
  • Karakaya, N. (2008). Erdemli’de ekmek ve şarap, Anadolu ve Çevresinde OrtaÇağ, II, 33-52.
  • Kekaumenos,. (2013). Consilia et Narrationes (Advice and Anecdotes), (C. Roueche, English translation and commentary). SAWS Dynamic Library of Wisdom Literatures,
  • Kingsley, S. (2001). The economic impact of Palestinian wine trade in late antiquity. in S. Kingsley and M. Decker (eds), Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean During Late Antiquity, (pp. 44-68). Proceedings of a Conference at Somerville College Oxford.
  • Lemaigre Demesnil, N. (2010). Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siècle). UK: BAR International Series 2093.
  • Maraşlı, S. (2018). Nevşehir kalesi yamaç yerleşim alanında bulunan bezirhaneler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 157(157), 163-174.
  • Martialis. (1975). Seçme Şiirler. (T. Uzel-Tunga, Çev.). İstanbul: Öteki Yayınevi.
  • Mélikoff, I. (1960). La geste de Melik Dānişmend: étude critique du Dānişmendnāme (I-II ). Paris: A. Maisonneuve.
  • Mustawfi, H. (1919). The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat-al-Qulub in 740 (1340), ( G. Le Strange. Çev) Leiden: Brill.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2005). A Byzantine Settlement in Cappadocia. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2017). Visualizing Community: Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia. USA: Dumbarton Oaks Studies.
  • Öztürk, F. G. (2012). The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: An Enigma of Architectural History, METU, Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 29, 153-169.
  • Patrologia Graeca, (1857). J. P. Migne (Ed.). Paris.
  • Peker, N. (2020). Agricultural production and installations in Byzantine Cappadocia: a case study focusing on Mavrucandere. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 44(1), 40-61.
  • Peker, N. (2022) Bizans Kapadokyası’nda Bağcılık: Yazılı Kaynaklar Işığında Yeni Arkeolojik Kanıtların Okunması, B. Tekkök Karaöz (ed.) Antik Çağlardan Günümüze Kent Alanı ve Peyzaj Kültürü Sempozyumu, 112-129, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Peker, N, Uyar, T. (2012). Güzelöz-Başköy Bizans Yerleşimleri 2010. 29. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 2. Cilt, 251-266.
  • Plinius. (1961). Natural History. (H. Rackman, Çev.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Roussel, G. (2006). Decouverte de vieux ruchers en Cappadoce. Cahiers d’apistoria, 5, 39- 46.
  • Roussel, G. (2008). Ruchers de Turquie, Cahiers d’apistoria, 7, 37-44.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010). A Synopsis of Byzantine History. (Ed. J. Wortley). UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Strabon. (1987). Coğrafya. (A. Pekman, Çev.). İstanbul: Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları.
  • Tchernia, A. (1986). Le vin de l'Italie romaine. Essai d'histoire économique d'après les amphores, Vol. 261, No. 1. Ecole Française de Rome.
  • The Taktika of Leo VI, (2014). (Ed. E. Dennis). Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Texts.
  • Thierry, N., Thierry, M. (1963). Nouvelles églises rupestres de Cappadoce, région du Hasan Dagi: new rock-cut churches of Cappadocia. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck.
  • Turan, O. (1947). Selçuklu devri vakfiyeleri I. Şemseddin Altun-Aba Vakfiyyesi ve Hayatı. Belleten, 42, 197-221.
  • Vryonis, S. (1971). The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor: and the process of Islamization from the Eleventh Through the Fifteenth Century, Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 734 - 754, 31.03.2023



  • Balta, E. (2008). The underground rock-cut wine-presses of Cappadocia, Journal of Turkish Studies, 32/1. (In memoriam Şinasi Tekin, III), 61-88.
  • Basileios, (1934). St. Basil the Letters. vol. IV. (R.J. Deferrari, M. R. P. McGuire, Çev.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Basileios, (1950). Homélies sur l’Hexaéméron. (S. Giet, Çev.). Paris
  • Bixio, R., Germanidou, S. (2019). Rock-cut Apiaries and Shelters Göreme, Opera Ipogea, 2, 23-34.
  • Bixio, R., De Pascale, A. (2013). A new Type of Rock-cut works: The Apiaries, Opera Ipogea, 1, 62-66.
  • Bixio, A., Bixio, R., De Pascale, A., Maifredi, A. ve Traverso, M. (2017). Rock-cut hydraulics in Cappadocia: the tunnel-cisterns of Göreme. in M. Parise, C. Galeazzi (Ed.), Cappadocia-Hypogea 2017 Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities (151-164). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Burchard (1896). Description of the Holy Land, (A. Stewart Çev.). London: Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society. Cooper, E. J., Decker M. J. (2012). Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dalby, A. (2014). Bizans’ın Damak Tadı, Efsanevi Bir İmparatorluğun Mutfağı. (A. Özdamar, Çev.) İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • Decker, M. (2009). Tilling the hateful earth: agricultural production and trade in the late antique East. Oxford University Press.
  • Demenge, G. (1995). Pigeonniers et ruchers byzantins de Cappadoce. Archéologia, 311, 42-51.
  • England, A., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, C. N., Turner, R., Haldon, J. F. (2008) Historical Landscape Change in Cappadocia (Central Turkey): a palaeoecological investigation of annually laminated sediments from Nar lake, The Holocene 18, 8, 1229-1245.
  • Ertuğ, F. (2000). Linseed oil and oil mills in central Turkey Flax/Linum and Eruca, important oil plants of Anatolia. Anatolian Studies 50,171-185.
  • Eustathios, (2010). Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) (J. Stallbaum, Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ CBO9780511711329.
  • Geoponika, (2011). Geoponika farm work: a modern translation of the Roman and Byzantine farming handbook, (A. Dalby, A. Ed.). Blackawton: Prospect Books.
  • Gerarde, J. (1597). The Herball or General Historie of Plantes, London: Temple Rare Books.
  • Germanidou, S. (2013). Μαρτυρίες ιστορικών πηγών και αρχαιολογικών ευρημάτων για μια μορφή βιολογικού πολέμου με τη χρήση των μελισσών στο Βυζάντιο. Byzantina Symmeikta, 23, 91-104.
  • Gregorios. (1968). Funeral Orations. (L. P. McCauley, J. J. Sullivan, M. R. P. McGuire, R. J. Deferrari, Çev.) Washington: The Catholic University of America Press.
  • Gregorios. (2006). Gregory of Nyssa: The Letters. (A. M. Silvas, Ed.). Leiden, Brill.
  • Haldon, J., Roberts, N. vd. (2014). The climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeology’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLV (2), 113-161.
  • Hendy, F. M. (1985). Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy, c.300–1450, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Homeros, (2008). Odysseia, (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Çev.) İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • İbn Battuta. (2004). İbn Battuta Seyahatnamesi. ( A. S. Aykut, Çev.). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayıncılık.
  • Kalas, V. (2009a). Middle Byzantine Art and Architecture in Cappadocia, The Ala Kilise in Belisırma in the Peristrema Valley. in J. Alchermes, H. Evans, and T. Thomas (Eds.), Anathemata Eortika: Studies in Honor of Thomas F. Mathews, (pp. 184-194).Mainz: P. Von Zabern.
  • Kalas, V. (2009b). The Byzantine Kitchen in the Domestic Complexes of Cappadocia. in T. Vorderstrasse, J. Roodenberg (Eds.), The Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia., (pp.109-27). Leiden: Nederlands Institııt Voor Het Nabhe Oosten.
  • Karakaya, N. (2008). Erdemli’de ekmek ve şarap, Anadolu ve Çevresinde OrtaÇağ, II, 33-52.
  • Kekaumenos,. (2013). Consilia et Narrationes (Advice and Anecdotes), (C. Roueche, English translation and commentary). SAWS Dynamic Library of Wisdom Literatures,
  • Kingsley, S. (2001). The economic impact of Palestinian wine trade in late antiquity. in S. Kingsley and M. Decker (eds), Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean During Late Antiquity, (pp. 44-68). Proceedings of a Conference at Somerville College Oxford.
  • Lemaigre Demesnil, N. (2010). Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siècle). UK: BAR International Series 2093.
  • Maraşlı, S. (2018). Nevşehir kalesi yamaç yerleşim alanında bulunan bezirhaneler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 157(157), 163-174.
  • Martialis. (1975). Seçme Şiirler. (T. Uzel-Tunga, Çev.). İstanbul: Öteki Yayınevi.
  • Mélikoff, I. (1960). La geste de Melik Dānişmend: étude critique du Dānişmendnāme (I-II ). Paris: A. Maisonneuve.
  • Mustawfi, H. (1919). The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat-al-Qulub in 740 (1340), ( G. Le Strange. Çev) Leiden: Brill.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2005). A Byzantine Settlement in Cappadocia. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2017). Visualizing Community: Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia. USA: Dumbarton Oaks Studies.
  • Öztürk, F. G. (2012). The Unusual Separation of Cappadocian Refectories and Kitchens: An Enigma of Architectural History, METU, Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 29, 153-169.
  • Patrologia Graeca, (1857). J. P. Migne (Ed.). Paris.
  • Peker, N. (2020). Agricultural production and installations in Byzantine Cappadocia: a case study focusing on Mavrucandere. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 44(1), 40-61.
  • Peker, N. (2022) Bizans Kapadokyası’nda Bağcılık: Yazılı Kaynaklar Işığında Yeni Arkeolojik Kanıtların Okunması, B. Tekkök Karaöz (ed.) Antik Çağlardan Günümüze Kent Alanı ve Peyzaj Kültürü Sempozyumu, 112-129, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Peker, N, Uyar, T. (2012). Güzelöz-Başköy Bizans Yerleşimleri 2010. 29. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı, 2. Cilt, 251-266.
  • Plinius. (1961). Natural History. (H. Rackman, Çev.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Roussel, G. (2006). Decouverte de vieux ruchers en Cappadoce. Cahiers d’apistoria, 5, 39- 46.
  • Roussel, G. (2008). Ruchers de Turquie, Cahiers d’apistoria, 7, 37-44.
  • Skylitzes, J. (2010). A Synopsis of Byzantine History. (Ed. J. Wortley). UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Strabon. (1987). Coğrafya. (A. Pekman, Çev.). İstanbul: Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları.
  • Tchernia, A. (1986). Le vin de l'Italie romaine. Essai d'histoire économique d'après les amphores, Vol. 261, No. 1. Ecole Française de Rome.
  • The Taktika of Leo VI, (2014). (Ed. E. Dennis). Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Texts.
  • Thierry, N., Thierry, M. (1963). Nouvelles églises rupestres de Cappadoce, région du Hasan Dagi: new rock-cut churches of Cappadocia. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck.
  • Turan, O. (1947). Selçuklu devri vakfiyeleri I. Şemseddin Altun-Aba Vakfiyyesi ve Hayatı. Belleten, 42, 197-221.
  • Vryonis, S. (1971). The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor: and the process of Islamization from the Eleventh Through the Fifteenth Century, Los Angeles: University of California Press.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 734 - 754, 31.03.2023


Bizans imparatorluğu, ekonomisinin temelleri toprağa dayalı tarımsal bir toplumdu. Tarımsal ürünler ve üretim yöntemleri, iklim, toprağın kalitesi, sulama suyunun mevcudiyeti, bireysel ve toplumsal zenginlik, toprak mülkiyeti ilişkileri ve yerel kültürel gelenekler gibi bir dizi öncül faktöre bağlıydı. Şüphesiz Bizans tarımsal aktivitesini anlamak için arkeolojik kanıtlar, tarihsel değişimler ve yazılı belgelerin birlikte okunması önemlidir. Bizans’ın uzak taşrası olan Kapadokya bölgesi şarap işlikleri, güvercinlikler, arılıklar, değirmenler gibi pek çok zirai tesise sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, ne yazık ki Kapadokya bölgesinde Bizans dönemine ilişkin tarımsal tesisler konusuna eğilen çok az araştırma girişimi vardır. Çoğu kayadan oyma yapı kompleksleri mutfaklar, fırınlar, değirmenler, güvercinlikler ya da şarap üretim mekanları gibi işlevsel ya da tarımsal amaçlı alanları içinde barındırır. Dahası vadilerde özgün mimari elemanlarıyla duran pek çok dikkate değer arılık ve güvercinlik bulunur.
Bu makale yazılı kaynaklara, şarap işlikleri, güvercinlikler, değirmenler, arılıklar, fırınlar ve sulama sistemlerinden oluşan arkeolojik verilere ve yanı sıra zirai ürünlere odaklanarak Kapadokya’da Bizans dönemi boyunca tarım ve tarımsal tesisleri ele almaktadır.


  • Balta, E. (2008). The underground rock-cut wine-presses of Cappadocia, Journal of Turkish Studies, 32/1. (In memoriam Şinasi Tekin, III), 61-88.
  • Basileios, (1934). St. Basil the Letters. vol. IV. (R.J. Deferrari, M. R. P. McGuire, Çev.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Basileios, (1950). Homélies sur l’Hexaéméron. (S. Giet, Çev.). Paris
  • Bixio, R., Germanidou, S. (2019). Rock-cut Apiaries and Shelters Göreme, Opera Ipogea, 2, 23-34.
  • Bixio, R., De Pascale, A. (2013). A new Type of Rock-cut works: The Apiaries, Opera Ipogea, 1, 62-66.
  • Bixio, A., Bixio, R., De Pascale, A., Maifredi, A. ve Traverso, M. (2017). Rock-cut hydraulics in Cappadocia: the tunnel-cisterns of Göreme. in M. Parise, C. Galeazzi (Ed.), Cappadocia-Hypogea 2017 Proceedings of International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities (151-164). İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Burchard (1896). Description of the Holy Land, (A. Stewart Çev.). London: Palestine Pilgrims’ Text Society. Cooper, E. J., Decker M. J. (2012). Life and Society in Byzantine Cappadocia. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dalby, A. (2014). Bizans’ın Damak Tadı, Efsanevi Bir İmparatorluğun Mutfağı. (A. Özdamar, Çev.) İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • Decker, M. (2009). Tilling the hateful earth: agricultural production and trade in the late antique East. Oxford University Press.
  • Demenge, G. (1995). Pigeonniers et ruchers byzantins de Cappadoce. Archéologia, 311, 42-51.
  • England, A., Eastwood, W. J., Roberts, C. N., Turner, R., Haldon, J. F. (2008) Historical Landscape Change in Cappadocia (Central Turkey): a palaeoecological investigation of annually laminated sediments from Nar lake, The Holocene 18, 8, 1229-1245.
  • Ertuğ, F. (2000). Linseed oil and oil mills in central Turkey Flax/Linum and Eruca, important oil plants of Anatolia. Anatolian Studies 50,171-185.
  • Eustathios, (2010). Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis Commentarii ad Homeri Odysseam (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics) (J. Stallbaum, Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/ CBO9780511711329.
  • Geoponika, (2011). Geoponika farm work: a modern translation of the Roman and Byzantine farming handbook, (A. Dalby, A. Ed.). Blackawton: Prospect Books.
  • Gerarde, J. (1597). The Herball or General Historie of Plantes, London: Temple Rare Books.
  • Germanidou, S. (2013). Μαρτυρίες ιστορικών πηγών και αρχαιολογικών ευρημάτων για μια μορφή βιολογικού πολέμου με τη χρήση των μελισσών στο Βυζάντιο. Byzantina Symmeikta, 23, 91-104.
  • Gregorios. (1968). Funeral Orations. (L. P. McCauley, J. J. Sullivan, M. R. P. McGuire, R. J. Deferrari, Çev.) Washington: The Catholic University of America Press.
  • Gregorios. (2006). Gregory of Nyssa: The Letters. (A. M. Silvas, Ed.). Leiden, Brill.
  • Haldon, J., Roberts, N. vd. (2014). The climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeology’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLV (2), 113-161.
  • Hendy, F. M. (1985). Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy, c.300–1450, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Homeros, (2008). Odysseia, (A. Erhat, A. Kadir, Çev.) İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • İbn Battuta. (2004). İbn Battuta Seyahatnamesi. ( A. S. Aykut, Çev.). İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayıncılık.
  • Kalas, V. (2009a). Middle Byzantine Art and Architecture in Cappadocia, The Ala Kilise in Belisırma in the Peristrema Valley. in J. Alchermes, H. Evans, and T. Thomas (Eds.), Anathemata Eortika: Studies in Honor of Thomas F. Mathews, (pp. 184-194).Mainz: P. Von Zabern.
  • Kalas, V. (2009b). The Byzantine Kitchen in the Domestic Complexes of Cappadocia. in T. Vorderstrasse, J. Roodenberg (Eds.), The Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia., (pp.109-27). Leiden: Nederlands Institııt Voor Het Nabhe Oosten.
  • Karakaya, N. (2008). Erdemli’de ekmek ve şarap, Anadolu ve Çevresinde OrtaÇağ, II, 33-52.
  • Kekaumenos,. (2013). Consilia et Narrationes (Advice and Anecdotes), (C. Roueche, English translation and commentary). SAWS Dynamic Library of Wisdom Literatures,
  • Kingsley, S. (2001). The economic impact of Palestinian wine trade in late antiquity. in S. Kingsley and M. Decker (eds), Economy and Exchange in the East Mediterranean During Late Antiquity, (pp. 44-68). Proceedings of a Conference at Somerville College Oxford.
  • Lemaigre Demesnil, N. (2010). Architecture rupestre et décor sculpté en Cappadoce (Ve-IXe siècle). UK: BAR International Series 2093.
  • Maraşlı, S. (2018). Nevşehir kalesi yamaç yerleşim alanında bulunan bezirhaneler. Arkeoloji ve Sanat, 157(157), 163-174.
  • Martialis. (1975). Seçme Şiirler. (T. Uzel-Tunga, Çev.). İstanbul: Öteki Yayınevi.
  • Mélikoff, I. (1960). La geste de Melik Dānişmend: étude critique du Dānişmendnāme (I-II ). Paris: A. Maisonneuve.
  • Mustawfi, H. (1919). The Geographical Part of the Nuzhat-al-Qulub in 740 (1340), ( G. Le Strange. Çev) Leiden: Brill.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2005). A Byzantine Settlement in Cappadocia. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Ousterhout, R. G. (2017). Visualizing Community: Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia. USA: Dumbarton Oaks Studies.
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Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Nilüfer Peker 0000-0001-8192-363X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 28 Mart 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

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